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Trump as nominee improves odds for parts of Obama's legacy


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-snip- lets not live in a FOX News fantasy world. OK?

I don't watch Fox News. I can't stand it. I read most of my news.

But congratulations on your fantastic imagination.

BTW we are still at war in Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan despite Obama's bullshit when running for office.


The Washington Times that you posted a link from is the newspaper equivalent of Fox News.

Do you know who owns it?

The paper was founded in 1982 by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church. A media group associated with the church, News World Communications, owned the paper until 2010. It is now owned by Operations Holdings Inc., a company connected to the Unification Church's founders.



So you don't like the source.

Please, tell us, what erroneous information is contained within the article?

Exactly what did you find that is untrue?

Help us out here a little.

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OK, I did your work for you but this will be the last time. If you doubt any of my figures in the future then go to a reputable site and look them up yourself.

And, no, I won't believe media matters, Hillary for President or any other such nonsensical site as proof.

All of this information was obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics site, which has been provided to you earlier.

1. Unemployment rate eight years ago - 5%

Now it is 5%

2. Non-participation in labor force eight years ago - 79,990,000

Now it is 94,104,468.

4. U-5 unemployment rate eight years ago - 9.2%

Now it is 9.7%.

So you tell me...is it better now than it was eight years ago?

Link to help you get out of your darkened cave:


WOW! We are not better off now than we were 8 years ago during the Bush Golden age?

Don't take it personal but you should get that head checked out.

Your buddy Trump says unemployment is really 42%.

Other Republican or Right Wing stats are based on the potential labor hours, if every American adult, ages 16 to 68, worked full time... or they want to count non-working wives, students, teenagers, parents, disabled, retirees, drifters, grifters, welfare cheats, criminals, bums and people between jobs, enrolled in training programs, on sabbaticals.

Fact is, unemployment rate is 4.9%.

Under the Obama Administration we have seen 74 months of continued job creation totaling 14.6 million jobs.

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OK, I did your work for you but this will be the last time. If you doubt any of my figures in the future then go to a reputable site and look them up yourself.

And, no, I won't believe media matters, Hillary for President or any other such nonsensical site as proof.

All of this information was obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics site, which has been provided to you earlier.

1. Unemployment rate eight years ago - 5%

Now it is 5%

2. Non-participation in labor force eight years ago - 79,990,000

Now it is 94,104,468.

4. U-5 unemployment rate eight years ago - 9.2%

Now it is 9.7%.

So you tell me...is it better now than it was eight years ago?

Link to help you get out of your darkened cave:


WOW! We are not better off now than we were 8 years ago during the Bush Golden age?

Don't take it personal but you should get that head checked out.

Your buddy Trump says unemployment is really 42%.

Other Republican or Right Wing stats are based on the potential labor hours, if every American adult, ages 16 to 68, worked full time... or they want to count non-working wives, students, teenagers, parents, disabled, retirees, drifters, grifters, welfare cheats, criminals, bums and people between jobs, enrolled in training programs, on sabbaticals.

Fact is, unemployment rate is 4.9%.

Under the Obama Administration we have seen 74 months of continued job creation totaling 14.6 million jobs.

Trump is not my buddy. Fact is a few months ago I said he would crash and burn. I simply try and defend him against these stupid attacks coming from you and others on that side of the aisle.

"Other Republican or Right Wing stats are based on the potential labor hours, if every American adult, ages 16 to 68, worked full time... or they want to count non-working wives, students, teenagers, parents, disabled, retirees, drifters, grifters, welfare cheats, criminals, bums and people between jobs, enrolled in training programs, on sabbaticals."

What are you saying? The paragraph makes no sense. Are you discussing those that have left the labor force, those that are unemployed, or...what?

Then you come up with this little beauty.

"Fact is, unemployment rate is 4.9%."

You are either intentionally lying or unintentionally obtuse.

Permit me to provide this from the BLS report for April 2016.

"Household Survey Data

In April, the unemployment rate held at 5.0 percent, and the number of unemployed persons was little changed at 7.9 million. Both measures have shown little movement since August. (See table A-1.)"


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Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.


Ended 2 wars.


Ran across this article today about a war that Obama allegedly ended..
Read the article. Sure sounds like a war to me.
Hopefully my link will provide the acid test you folks put on sources.
U.S. Role in Afghanistan Turns to Combat Again, With a Tragic Error
MAY 8, 2016
The Taliban attacked the Afghan police compound at first light, coming from all sides at the American Green Berets holed up inside. The insurgents fired assault rifles, heavy machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. They came in what a soldier called “human waves.”
Not even strafing runs by American F-16 fighters stopped the assault. The elite American soldiers — whose mission was only to train and advise Afghan troops — had never seen a firefight as intense.
Holding the compound, another soldier said, took an “Alamo defense.”

A horrible battle that ended tragically.

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-snip- lets not live in a FOX News fantasy world. OK?

I don't watch Fox News. I can't stand it. I read most of my news.

But congratulations on your fantastic imagination.

BTW we are still at war in Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan despite Obama's bullshit when running for office.


The Washington Times that you posted a link from is the newspaper equivalent of Fox News.

Do you know who owns it?

The paper was founded in 1982 by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church. A media group associated with the church, News World Communications, owned the paper until 2010. It is now owned by Operations Holdings Inc., a company connected to the Unification Church's founders.



So you don't like the source.

Please, tell us, what erroneous information is contained within the article?

Exactly what did you find that is untrue?

Help us out here a little.

I didn't say anything was untrue. Why would you put words in my mouth? All I did say was the Washinton Times has the same political leaning as Fox News, which you said you don't watch.

The AllSides Bias RatingTM is:

Lean RightBias: Lean Right

Confidence Level: Medium



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The Washington Times that you posted a link from is the newspaper equivalent of Fox News.

Do you know who owns it?

The paper was founded in 1982 by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church. A media group associated with the church, News World Communications, owned the paper until 2010. It is now owned by Operations Holdings Inc., a company connected to the Unification Church's founders.



So you don't like the source.

Please, tell us, what erroneous information is contained within the article?

Exactly what did you find that is untrue?

Help us out here a little.

I didn't say anything was untrue. Why would you put words in my mouth? All I did say was the Washinton Times has the same political leaning as Fox News, which you said you don't watch.

The AllSides Bias RatingTM is:

Lean RightBias: Lean Right

Confidence Level: Medium



You're right. My mistake and apologies.

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