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Trump as nominee improves odds for parts of Obama's legacy


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Obama has done an exceptional job.

Having an idiot and Cheney's flunky who damaged the country and the world for a predecessor has made him look even better.

If he is followed by an unqualified egotist like Trump, Obama will look even better.

If the country and the world can survive a Trump presidency!

Don't worry. The guys that launch the nuclear arsenal won't pay any attention to Trumpif he wins the presidency.

We survived Bush, we can survive Trump.

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Selecting judges for the bench to suit political ends destroys the divide between judiciary and politics. In a sound democracy this is absolutely wrong and is a step on the way to dictatorship.

Yeah, a Republican president would never do that, right? Lot of posters here should get their head out of their *** because they keep accusing Democrats of doing things "to suit political ends" and at the same time completely ignore the fact that Republicans do exactly the same things, and often a lot worse. Or maybe for these posters it's only OK if Republicans do it, who knows?

And I don't think Obama did such a bad job, at least not domestically. Compared to the absolute mess that Bush left him (if you want to talk bad presidents, there's a prime candidate) I think the economy is in a much better state.

You have to be JOKING of course. Destruction of the constitution ( continuation of boy Bush ) and then some, immigration <deleted>, LBGT HUH?, Vacations on your $ wth, on and on and on , U. S. citizen ( I use to think this was poppy cock ) not now. The Usa ( the real Usa ) has be totally taken over by the global elitists. This was (OBUMMER ) the final sword in the back of the American people. BAR NONE. The wolf in sheeps clothing. A thief in the night so to speak. Wake up and smell the hand cuffs. Or go to sleep and watch a football game or the Kardahians. Get a life folks America is DOA. GONE. NADA. READ my lips as mr. daddy cia cocain Bush used to say. Do some credible investigation on your own while you still can. It is empowering and very liberating. BTW no TROLLS allowed.

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Has anyone mentioned that Obama has doubled America's national debt? He has added as much to the national debt in just 7 years as all other presidents before him for 240 years.

Now THAT'S an accomplishment for a community organizer who's never run a business or created a job.

This is Obama's legacy - trying to make the economy look good by going into debt an additional 10 trillion dollars.

Hey, don't try that at home.

No WONDER Americans are pissed and want to throw the bums out. See ya libtards. Your time ran out.


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I certainly hope you are not teaching history to some unsuspecting young person.

Right Chuck. I missed one more. GW Bush signed that Iraq pullout agreement.

Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement. After that pullout date, US Troops would no longer have immunity to Iraq laws.

Obama failed to get a Status of Forces Agreement out of the Iraqi government. All he had to do was push harder.

"Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement."

ISIL had never been heard of in 2009.

But keep tilting at those windmills. You'll kill one before long. cheesy.gif

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I certainly hope you are not teaching history to some unsuspecting young person.

Right Chuck. I missed one more. GW Bush signed that Iraq pullout agreement.

Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement. After that pullout date, US Troops would no longer have immunity to Iraq laws.

Obama failed to get a Status of Forces Agreement out of the Iraqi government. All he had to do was push harder.


Not trying too hard should be part of the legacy

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" the terrible outrage, alienation, and division that is palpable from numerous millions of people."

FOX viewers are trained to be outraged, alienated and divided. It's Roger Ailes methodology.

Turn that crap off, I usually tell people that watch it.

Makes you stupid.

Maybe, but its not a rule if there is an exception. I do not watch fox news. It is rarely available on international stations. In fact, I have no TV and have not for 15 years. So, while the observation may have some truth in it, it is not True.

" ...the terrible outrage, alienation, and division that is palpable from numerous millions of people" contains further indelible Truth. The numbers suggested as "Fox news viewers" cannot account for the numbers seemingly supporting Trump. Furthermore, the significant population targeted is held by Republican and Democratic apologists alike to be center Americans, blue Democrats, and unaffiliated; a key bloc who Trump is targeting, and apparently pulling away from the Left (hardly Fox viewers). These numbers do not correspond with the suggestion of the ignorant who surrender intellectual sovereignty to "Fox News" opinion leaders. Fox News demographics do not widely target the very population that has energized the Republican Primary.

So, what we are left with, is the widespread liberal refuge of pejorative by association, ridicule, and repetition. The hackneyed "Fox News viewer" comment will always say more about the poster than the target.

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It is frequently asserted that all the millions expressing outrage are "racists." From Sanders to a near train of anti Trump supporters it is asserted that millions are "racist." If we accept this as true, then this equally impugns Obama. With Obama the age or racism should have been ended, or at least improved. If the anti Trump (constant refrains of "racism") crowd is correct then there are now more racists alive than at any other point in American history, the civil war, and combined. If its true, then this single truth, if conceded, abuses any gains its asserted Obama made. Certainly such rhetoric was not commonly applied to millions 8 years ago.

No matter how you slice it, Obama is a stain on the American polity and will be recalled in history much the way he is perceived now. And, since it is apparent people like Obama (Merkel, etc) give rise to a resurgent right, we can assume history will not be written by Obamaphiles.

Really, Sanders has been accused of being racist. I guess the USA is a big country so there are always a few loons out there, but I don't don't see it.

*Nor do I. If I misled, I apologize. It is Sanders and his camp and the entire Progressive bloc that are doing the labeling. I did not intend to imply Sanders is also charged with this. Sanders is among the most consistent candidate running (but a Socialist nonetheless).

In any event, these consistent charges against Trump/supporters necessarily highlight that Obama's legacy was intended to be a post-racial one. Grade? F-

*My own post edited for brevity.

It is without question that same hostage taking technique that are always employed by the left. Make people feel in their own skin as if they are somehow biased, possessing antiquated and inferior mores, and do it by the mechanism of peer pressure- public shaming. Screaming "race" as Warren, HRC, Sanders, and others do is designed tar and feather not Trump uniquely, but fracture those who support him.

Its not necessary its true. Its necessary that is is ridicule and constant. It is necessary that the mere act of rebutting the charge lends credence to the charge. Its inferior mentality extremis.

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Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.


We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

Read em and weep FOX viewers.

Shocking I know.

Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

Don't have to google most of them. Our new friend just doesn't know what he is talking about.

Let's look at just a select few of them since I don't have the inclination to google for the next half hour.

1. "Banking crisis over."

Bank bail out was under George Bush administration.

2. "Ended 2 wars."

Then why are we still fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Obama has screwed up the peace process.

3. "Dependency on foreign oil all time low.'

Obama had nothing to do with this. Drilling on government land is still on the black list. Fracking is getting the oil out of privately owned land.

4. "Strong dollar."

On 20 January 2009 the dollar to baht exchange rate for transfers was 34.68. This month it was 34.69. Not a terribly healthy dollar now as opposed to then.

5. "Deficit going down faster than projected."

Since the last Bush deficit had requested a deficit of $407 Billion yet Obama ran it up to $1.413 Trillion, I guess any number below that is a deficit reduction.

6. "Iran nuclear agreement."

What Iran nuclear agreement? Iran never has signed the agreement. Kerry made the agreement with himself at this point.

7. " Healthcare reform."

I presume yo are talking about the Affordable Care Act, where nearly all the insurers have dropped out of the program and all the coverage seems to be federally funded Medicaid?

8. "Saved auto industry."

​Uh...George Bush did this before Obama took office.

You really need to get out a little more and stop reading Media Matters. George Soros does that group proud.

Edit in, I forgot this little gem of yours.

9. "74 months of job growth."

​The labor force participation rate has dropped to it's lowest level since the Carter administration with 94,044,000 no longer seeking employment. In

April the Obama economy added 160,000 new jobs, yet 562,000 dropped out of the job seeking role. Hardly a robust job picture at all.

I may be getting to the other points you raised but this number of 94 million is not people who dropped out of job seeking. Utter nonsense. It includes teenagers, college-age kids and retirees among others. It may also include homemakers. . Where did you get this number from?, WesternJournalism.com. ? This is another example of the kind of weird closed misinformaton world the right wing lives in. Anyway, here's a link to Politifact, http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/feb/10/ted-cruz/ted-cruz-says-92-million-americans-arent-working/ And of course for this figure to convey any real meaning, it would have to be compared to the statistics for previous administrations. Have you done that? Did it even occur to you to do that?

As for the declining labor participation, here's a note from the Bureau of Labor statistics dated Nov 2006 Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2006: Every year after 2000, the rate declined gradually, from 66.8 percent in 2001 to 66.0 percent in 2004 and 2005. According to the BLS projections, the overall participation rate will continue its gradual decrease each decade and reach 60.4 percent in 2050.

I got that from Factcheck.org . here's a link: http://www.factcheck.org/2015/03/declining-labor-participation-rates/

You've got to try and break out of that bubble.

1. The total civilian non-institutional available work force in April 2016 was 252,969,000.

2. The civilian non-institutional participation rate totaled 158,924,000.

3. The civilian non-institutional participation rate was 62.8%

4. The civilian non-institutional non=participation rate was therefore 37.2%

5. Taking 37.2% of 252,969,000, one comes up with 94,104,468.

I must admit my error. My totals were some 60,000 less than the actual number.

I got mine from the Bureau of Labor Statistics...not Factcheck or even Politifact. How's the air in your own little bubble?

Link: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t01.htm

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Its not necessary its true. Its necessary that is is ridicule and constant. It is necessary that the mere act of rebutting the charge lends credence to the charge. Its inferior mentality extremis.

I appreciate Trump's frankness. The countries that Islam overtakes won't be defeated by force. They will be defeated by liberals who use labels for WMD's. They will be defeated because the general populace is intimidated against speaking up by constant labels like racist, bigot and Islamophobic.

The topic is Obama's legacy/Trump. Obama's legacy is that he refuses to call Islamic terrorism what it is. He refuses to protect his own people despite the Koran which forbids assimilation into our culture. There will be no long term assimilation because Islam is a political system and the laws in Islamic countries contradict ours. They absolutely contradict ours and the libtards will simply adjust to accommodate them. A prayer time at school? No problem even though the SC outlawed it long ago. No pork in school lunches? No problem. Never any problem just to get along.

Trump will be the best thing that's happened to America in a couple of generations if for no reason other than people could feel free to speak their minds instead of being silenced by the PC name callers.


Oh yeah, and for all of you brainwashed PC name callers. I won't slow down to accommodate your wacky thinking.


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I certainly hope you are not teaching history to some unsuspecting young person.

Right Chuck. I missed one more. GW Bush signed that Iraq pullout agreement.

Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement. After that pullout date, US Troops would no longer have immunity to Iraq laws.

Your notion of "History" is obvious what you want it to be. smile.png

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Has anyone mentioned that Obama has doubled America's national debt? He has added as much to the national debt in just 7 years as all other presidents before him for 240 years.

Now THAT'S an accomplishment for a community organizer who's never run a business or created a job.

This is Obama's legacy - trying to make the economy look good by going into debt an additional 10 trillion dollars.

Hey, don't try that at home.

No WONDER Americans are pissed and want to throw the bums out. See ya libtards. Your time ran out.



The above poster has a serious case of FOX on the brain.

The GWBush debt was $10.6 trillion in 2009.

Add $2 billion in interest.

Add the cost of the 2 ongoing GWBush wars.

Next add the cost to repair the GWBush financial crisis.

The true Obama debt is around $3.5 trillion. NOT $20 trillion like they say on FOX.

Now the "community organizer" line is pure FOX. Right Wing personal attack politics.

Misinformation and displays how dumb their viewers really are.

Obama was a lawyer, a law professor for over a decade, Illinois State Senator, US Senator and 2 term President of USA.

Not sure why being a community organizer is a bad thing. Please explain.

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Has anyone mentioned that Obama has doubled America's national debt? He has added as much to the national debt in just 7 years as all other presidents before him for 240 years.

Now THAT'S an accomplishment for a community organizer who's never run a business or created a job.

This is Obama's legacy - trying to make the economy look good by going into debt an additional 10 trillion dollars.

Hey, don't try that at home.

No WONDER Americans are pissed and want to throw the bums out. See ya libtards. Your time ran out.



The above poster has a serious case of FOX on the brain.

The GWBush debt was $10.6 trillion in 2009.

Add $2 billion in interest.

Add the cost of the 2 ongoing GWBush wars.

Next add the cost to repair the GWBush financial crisis.

The true Obama debt is around $3.5 trillion. NOT $20 trillion like they say on FOX.

The Washington Times:

"Obama presidency to end with 20 trillion dollars in debt: LINK

"When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011."
How many sources do you want?
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Has anyone mentioned that Obama has doubled America's national debt? He has added as much to the national debt in just 7 years as all other presidents before him for 240 years.

Now THAT'S an accomplishment for a community organizer who's never run a business or created a job.

This is Obama's legacy - trying to make the economy look good by going into debt an additional 10 trillion dollars.

Hey, don't try that at home.

No WONDER Americans are pissed and want to throw the bums out. See ya libtards. Your time ran out.



The above poster has a serious case of FOX on the brain.

The GWBush debt was $10.6 trillion in 2009.

Add $2 billion in interest.

Add the cost of the 2 ongoing GWBush wars.

Next add the cost to repair the GWBush financial crisis.

The true Obama debt is around $3.5 trillion. NOT $20 trillion like they say on FOX.

The Washington Times:

"Obama presidency to end with 20 trillion dollars in debt: LINK

"When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011."
How many sources do you want?

Please reread my post above. You seem to have missed the point. Most of that debt is assigned to previous presidents. But hey, who cares about facts......

Obamas real debt is around $3.5 trillion.

Now you know. Please correct your previous statements.

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I certainly hope you are not teaching history to some unsuspecting young person.

Right Chuck. I missed one more. GW Bush signed that Iraq pullout agreement.

Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement. After that pullout date, US Troops would no longer have immunity to Iraq laws.

Your notion of "History" is obvious what you want it to be. smile.png

Sorry, but you have it wrong. Let me help.

Republicans started the ill advised Iraq war by mistake. (Obama was against it, you do know that?)

George Bush signed the pullout agreement in 2008 and ISIL was born out of the ashes.

Obama is not perfect but lets not live in a FOX News fantasy world. OK?

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Blame it all on our roots
Americans showed up in boots
And ruined your progressive affair
The last one to know
The last one to show
Donald Trump was the last one
You thought you'd see there.

You fit the Trump demographic. Maybe he will pick one of your wrestling heros as VP. Say, Hulk Hogan?

See you at the Tractor Pull.

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-snip- lets not live in a FOX News fantasy world. OK?

I don't watch Fox News. I can't stand it. I read most of my news.

But congratulations on your fantastic imagination.

BTW we are still at war in Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan despite Obama's bullshit when running for office.


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Obama is not perfect but lets not live in a FOX News fantasy world. OK?

You keep banging on about Fox News after folks here have repeatedly informed you they don't watch it. blink.png

They don't watch FOX. What? Are they plugging the cable directly into their arteries I'm wondering.

Allot of them seem to be doing a pretty good Hannity impression.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Larry- You seem obsessed with Fox

No. Not obsessed.

Just pointing out that the people that watch that crap are getting a special version of the news that leave them with an appereance of being misinformed.

GOOGLE: "Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism"

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Larry- You seem obsessed with Fox

No. Not obsessed.

Just pointing out that the people that watch that crap are getting a special version of the news that leave them with an appereance of being misinformed.

GOOGLE: "Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism"

Larry, just for the record let me advise you I don't watch Fox News and haven't seen it since 2008.

I watch CNN (Clinton News Network) and BBC when I get really desperate for a laugh. I live in a small village in Isaan and have TrueVisions as my TV provider.

Now, how about fessing up? What is your nationality, what country do you live in and what is your major source of network news?

Also wondering if you and ilostmypassowrd also happened to run across my backup for the Labor Force Participation Rate?

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Larry- You seem obsessed with Fox

No. Not obsessed.

Just pointing out that the people that watch that crap are getting a special version of the news that leave them with an appereance of being misinformed.

GOOGLE: "Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism"

Larry, just for the record let me advise you I don't watch Fox News and haven't seen it since 2008.

I watch CNN (Clinton News Network) and BBC when I get really desperate for a laugh. I live in a small village in Isaan and have TrueVisions as my TV provider.

Now, how about fessing up? What is your nationality, what country do you live in and what is your major source of network news?

Also wondering if you and ilostmypassowrd also happened to run across my backup for the Labor Force Participation Rate?

Unemployment has gone from well over 10% down to 5%. 74 months of continued job growth = 14.6 million.

I know that's hard to take for the FOX viewers so they pull some figures out of thre air about labor participation rate.

I know, I know... I've heard it before.... All the jobs Obama created are low wage going to refugees.....or the numbers are fake.

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Larry- You seem obsessed with Fox

No. Not obsessed.

Just pointing out that the people that watch that crap are getting a special version of the news that leave them with an appereance of being misinformed.

GOOGLE: "Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism"

Larry, just for the record let me advise you I don't watch Fox News and haven't seen it since 2008.

I watch CNN (Clinton News Network) and BBC when I get really desperate for a laugh. I live in a small village in Isaan and have TrueVisions as my TV provider.

Now, how about fessing up? What is your nationality, what country do you live in and what is your major source of network news?

Also wondering if you and ilostmypassowrd also happened to run across my backup for the Labor Force Participation Rate?

Unemployment has gone from well over 10% down to 5%. 74 months of continued job growth = 14.6 million.

I know that's hard to take for the FOX viewers so they pull some figures out of thre air about labor participation rate.

I know, I know... I've heard it before.... All the jobs Obama created are low wage going to refugees.....or the numbers are fake.

You're not half as smart as you think you are.

I didn't pull any figures out of the air. I got them directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Since it is obvious you don't have a clue what the BLS is, let me provide a little information.

I suggest you get into their site and find out how the unemployment percentage is calculated. You might actually learn something useful.

Edit in" Check out the U-6 unemployment rate. It was 9.7% in April 2016. Surely you know what the U-6 unemployment rate is...


Bureau of Labor Statistics
Government Agency
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a unit of the United States Department of Labor. It is the principal fact-finding agency for the U.S. government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics ... Wikipedia
Founded: 1884
Annual budget: 618.2 million USD
Edited by chuckd
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Larry- You seem obsessed with Fox

No. Not obsessed.
Just pointing out that the people that watch that crap are getting a special version of the news that leave them with an appereance of being misinformed.

GOOGLE: "Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism"

Larry, just for the record let me advise you I don't watch Fox News and haven't seen it since 2008.

I watch CNN (Clinton News Network) and BBC when I get really desperate for a laugh. I live in a small village in Isaan and have TrueVisions as my TV provider.

Now, how about fessing up? What is your nationality, what country do you live in and what is your major source of network news?

Also wondering if you and ilostmypassowrd also happened to run across my backup for the Labor Force Participation Rate?

Unemployment has gone from well over 10% down to 5%. 74 months of continued job growth = 14.6 million.
I know that's hard to take for the FOX viewers so they pull some figures out of thre air about labor participation rate.

I know, I know... I've heard it before.... All the jobs Obama created are low wage going to refugees.....or the numbers are fake.

You're not half as smart as you think you are.

I didn't pull any figures out of the air. I got them directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Since it is obvious you don't have a clue what the BLS is, let me provide a little information.

I suggest you get into their site and find out how the unemployment percentage is calculated. You might actually learn something useful.

Edit in" Check out the U-6 unemployment rate. It was 9.7% in April 2016. Surely you know what the U-6 unemployment rate is...

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Government Agency


The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a unit of the United States Department of Labor. It is the principal fact-finding agency for the U.S. government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics ... Wikipedia

Jurisdiction: Federal government of the United States

Headquarters: Washington, D.C., United States

Founded: 1884

Annual budget: 618.2 million USD

Parent organization: United States Department of Lab

Uhuh. And how did your employment figures look 8 years ago during the Republican administration?

Are we better off now?
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-snip- lets not live in a FOX News fantasy world. OK?

I don't watch Fox News. I can't stand it. I read most of my news.

But congratulations on your fantastic imagination.

BTW we are still at war in Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan despite Obama's bullshit when running for office.


The Washington Times that you posted a link from is the newspaper equivalent of Fox News.

Do you know who owns it?

The paper was founded in 1982 by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church. A media group associated with the church, News World Communications, owned the paper until 2010. It is now owned by Operations Holdings Inc., a company connected to the Unification Church's founders.



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Larry, just for the record let me advise you I don't watch Fox News and haven't seen it since 2008.

I watch CNN (Clinton News Network) and BBC when I get really desperate for a laugh. I live in a small village in Isaan and have TrueVisions as my TV provider.

Now, how about fessing up? What is your nationality, what country do you live in and what is your major source of network news?

Also wondering if you and ilostmypassowrd also happened to run across my backup for the Labor Force Participation Rate?

Unemployment has gone from well over 10% down to 5%. 74 months of continued job growth = 14.6 million.

I know that's hard to take for the FOX viewers so they pull some figures out of thre air about labor participation rate.

I know, I know... I've heard it before.... All the jobs Obama created are low wage going to refugees.....or the numbers are fake.

You're not half as smart as you think you are.

I didn't pull any figures out of the air. I got them directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Since it is obvious you don't have a clue what the BLS is, let me provide a little information.

I suggest you get into their site and find out how the unemployment percentage is calculated. You might actually learn something useful.

Edit in" Check out the U-6 unemployment rate. It was 9.7% in April 2016. Surely you know what the U-6 unemployment rate is...


Bureau of Labor Statistics

Government Agency


The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a unit of the United States Department of Labor. It is the principal fact-finding agency for the U.S. government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics ... Wikipedia

Jurisdiction: Federal government of the United States

Headquarters: Washington, D.C., United States

Founded: 1884

Annual budget: 618.2 million USD

Parent organization: United States Department of Lab

Uhuh. And how did your employment figures look 8 years ago during the Republican administration?

Are we better off now?

OK, I did your work for you but this will be the last time. If you doubt any of my figures in the future then go to a reputable site and look them up yourself.

And, no, I won't believe media matters, Hillary for President or any other such nonsensical site as proof.

All of this information was obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics site, which has been provided to you earlier.

1. Unemployment rate eight years ago - 5%

Now it is 5%

2. Non-participation in labor force eight years ago - 79,990,000

Now it is 94,104,468.

4. U-5 unemployment rate eight years ago - 9.2%

Now it is 9.7%.

So you tell me...is it better now than it was eight years ago?

Link to help you get out of your darkened cave:


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