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Khmer Times/Chea Vannak

The Cambodia Chamber of Commerce has discussed the possibility of establishing arbitration and a mediator to solve commercial conflicts in Cambodia’s business community, where every conflict now ends up in the court system. Secretary General of the chamber Nang Sothy told Khmer Times last Friday after his team wrapped up discussions on establishing arbitration in the commercial sector, that it would be used to facilitate and mediate in small or big conflicts between its commercial members nationwide.

“Now every conflict [in commerce] is solved by the court system, which often takes a long time and costs a lot of money,” Mr. Sothy said, adding that establishing arbitration is also key because Cambodia does not yet have a commercial court, which many other countries already have. Mr. Sothy said that after the government establishes a national arbitration center it will help the chamber of commerce, which is the main association for commercial enterprise in the country.

He added that most businessmen prefer not to solve their conflicts in court, so this arbitration center will be established soon and will work in two ways. The first step will be to work as a mediator in conflicts and the second step will be to use internal regulations to solve conflicts. Law and commerce experts said solving commerce conflicts in Cambodia have been done at the levels of commune chiefs and police, and in most cases the parties prefer to take their cases to court which costs a lot of money and takes a long time.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/24705/another-commercial-arbitration-center-planned/

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