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wishing to live in Thailand 8 months a year...best visa?

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Good morning.
I am from the uk and I used to live in Thailand a few years ago.
I would like to visit for 4 months next year and then 8 months a year thereafter.
Can anyone please tell me what is the best visa for this as Im well below retirement age and totally out of touch with what visa I might need.
Thank you so much for your help

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Thank you for your replies.What is the Thai authorities/immigration attitude to doing this annually as my children live in Thailand and concerned about not seeing them so basically wish to live in thailand 8 months a year and 4 months return to the uk to work 4 months to support this lifestyle.
Thank you

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Perhaps if you gave a bit more information you would get some better replies.

Are the Children Thai?

Are you the legal Father?

Yes to both

No one yet knows what the attitude of Thai Embassy's/Consulates will be toward the serial issue of METV's

Perhaps if you gave a bit more information you would get some better replies.

Are the Children Thai?

Are you the legal Father?

Yes to both

To be the legal Father of the children you must be or have been married to the mother or have gone through a legal process involving the Amphur/ Thai courts to be recognised as the legal father.

I say this because many believe having their name on a child's birth certificate makes the the 'legal' father which in Thailand is not the case.

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To be the legal Father of the children you must be or have been married to the mother or have gone through a legal process involving the Amphur/ Thai courts to be recognised as the legal father.

I say this because many believe having their name on a child's birth certificate makes the the 'legal' father which in Thailand is not the case.

It is, indeed, important to understand this.

That said, just being named on the birth certificate is sufficient in some cases. For instance, legalizing parenthood is unnecessary to get a multiple entry Non O to visit your children from the Penang consulate. Just the birth certificate, a few other documents, and showing a modest bank balance is sufficient.

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ok, so i just did this at the thai embasy in new zealand. i got a non im - o 1 year visa based on having my name on my daughters birth certificate. just need copies of the mums house book and ID. was very easy. just posted in copies of the documents with bank check for 250NZD.

i have never been married to the mother.

i havenot done the legalizing my child thing.

they were not even interested in seeing bank balances or income.

i did not need the mother to go to the embasy or be in nz to do it.

i suggest you call the thai embassy in london to see what they want. hopefully you will get this visa as easily as i got mine. i plan to do a trip home every xmas to get this visa as it is so easy and cheap.

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ok, so i just did this at the thai embasy in new zealand. i got a non im - o 1 year visa based on having my name on my daughters birth certificate. just need copies of the mums house book and ID. was very easy. just posted in copies of the documents with bank check for 250NZD.

i have never been married to the mother.

i havenot done the legalizing my child thing.

they were not even interested in seeing bank balances or income.

i did not need the mother to go to the embasy or be in nz to do it.

i suggest you call the thai embassy in london to see what they want. hopefully you will get this visa as easily as i got mine. i plan to do a trip home every xmas to get this visa as it is so easy and cheap.

Unfortunately, London has unusual rules around Non O visas. They will not issue multiple Non O to visit your Thai child under any circumstances.

If a Brit wants such a visa, Penang Malaysia is probably the most convenient place to get it.

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ok, so i just did this at the thai embasy in new zealand. i got a non im - o 1 year visa based on having my name on my daughters birth certificate. just need copies of the mums house book and ID. was very easy. just posted in copies of the documents with bank check for 250NZD.

i have never been married to the mother.

i havenot done the legalizing my child thing.

they were not even interested in seeing bank balances or income.

i did not need the mother to go to the embasy or be in nz to do it.

i suggest you call the thai embassy in london to see what they want. hopefully you will get this visa as easily as i got mine. i plan to do a trip home every xmas to get this visa as it is so easy and cheap.

Unfortunately, London has unusual rules around Non O visas. They will not issue multiple Non O to visit your Thai child under any circumstances.

If a Brit wants such a visa, Penang Malaysia is probably the most convenient place to get it.

well that is annoying. wonder why they dont all follow the same rules. i am a kiwi but lived in australia for a long time and use an aussie passport. i got the O visa in new zealand on my aussie passport so maybe using your brit passport in another country might be the way to do it as suggested in other posts.

was funny when i went to nz at xmas, me on an aussie passport, the mum on thai and out 2 kids on kiwi passports. few questions at immigration.

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ok, so i just did this at the thai embasy in new zealand. i got a non im - o 1 year visa based on having my name on my daughters birth certificate. just need copies of the mums house book and ID. was very easy. just posted in copies of the documents with bank check for 250NZD.

i have never been married to the mother.

i havenot done the legalizing my child thing.

they were not even interested in seeing bank balances or income.

i did not need the mother to go to the embasy or be in nz to do it.

i suggest you call the thai embassy in london to see what they want. hopefully you will get this visa as easily as i got mine. i plan to do a trip home every xmas to get this visa as it is so easy and cheap.

Unfortunately, London has unusual rules around Non O visas. They will not issue multiple Non O to visit your Thai child under any circumstances.

If a Brit wants such a visa, Penang Malaysia is probably the most convenient place to get it.

well that is annoying. wonder why they dont all follow the same rules. i am a kiwi but lived in australia for a long time and use an aussie passport. i got the O visa in new zealand on my aussie passport so maybe using your brit passport in another country might be the way to do it as suggested in other posts.

was funny when i went to nz at xmas, me on an aussie passport, the mum on thai and out 2 kids on kiwi passports. few questions at immigration.

The lack of uniformity, not only at consulates but also immigration offices, is infuriating. I think the specific reason for UK embassy/consulates having special rules goes back a few years to when the UK consulates were handing out one-year multiple entry to visit family and friends ("social visas") without requiring any backup documents. I guess the MFA got upset about it and there was a gross overreaction.

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Some are recommending Border Runs for 30 day Visa Exempt in and out's.....Are they available again or is it maybe you'll get one at the border or maybe you won't???....

It depends on the border used. To Myanmar, you usually cannot do it. The Southern border and Cambodia you have a good chance if you have not done it before. The border with Laos usually allows them. You can mostly get away with a few if done by air (unless flying in to Phuket). Yes, clear as mud.

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  • 4 months later...

Thank you for all your replies...I am very concerned about not being able to see my children as feel that eventually the authorities will not grant me a tourist visa...at the end of the day how long can you be a tourist for?
Im still not clear about the visa as living in the uk it seems very confusing.

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16 minutes ago, Clive said:

Thank you for all your replies...I am very concerned about not being able to see my children as feel that eventually the authorities will not grant me a tourist visa...at the end of the day how long can you be a tourist for?
Im still not clear about the visa as living in the uk it seems very confusing.


If you are planning on returning home for 4 months every year, stop worrying. You will be able to do this on tourist visas if you cannot find a better solution. The Thai authorities are not concerned about people spending much of the year here on tourist visas, only those actually living here full time. If there is a crackdown, you will not be affected. Do plan on getting visas, though, and not relying on visa exempt entries, except in an emergency.

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5 hours ago, Clive said:

Thank you for all your replies...I am very concerned about not being able to see my children as feel that eventually the authorities will not grant me a tourist visa...at the end of the day how long can you be a tourist for?
Im still not clear about the visa as living in the uk it seems very confusing.


5 hours ago, Clive said:

Sorry Just to add some info....both my children are Thai, I am on the birth certificate but I and my ex have been divorced for over 4 years now.
Thank you

Since you are the legal parent of a Thai you can get non-o visas and extensions of stay based upon that.

With your children's birth certificates ,  proof you were married to their mother when born and the divorce degree grant you at leas joint custody you could possibley get a multiple entry non-o visa at the embassy in London.

You can also get 60 day extensions to visit them for any type of entry. For example you could get a single entry non-o visa and extend the 90 day entry from it that would give you almost 5 months of stay without leaving the country.

You could even qualify for a one year extension of stay based upon being the parent of a Thai. You would need 400k baht in a Thai bank or proof of 40k baht income.

You certainly do not need to worry about getting tourist visas since you qualify for non-o visas.

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On 5/10/2016 at 3:32 AM, BritTim said:

It is, indeed, important to understand this.

That said, just being named on the birth certificate is sufficient in some cases. For instance, legalizing parenthood is unnecessary to get a multiple entry Non O to visit your children from the Penang consulate. Just the birth certificate, a few other documents, and showing a modest bank balance is sufficient.

that is correct. i got my O visa back in nz with birth cert and other docs. never did the legalizing thing. we easier to get than a multi entry visa as well.

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6 hours ago, BritTim said:


If you are planning on returning home for 4 months every year, stop worrying. You will be able to do this on tourist visas if you cannot find a better solution. The Thai authorities are not concerned about people spending much of the year here on tourist visas, only those actually living here full time. If there is a crackdown, you will not be affected. Do plan on getting visas, though, and not relying on visa exempt entries, except in an emergency.

from what i have heard getting the multi or singe entry visa are difficult. getting a non O might be easier.

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Thank you for all your replies...a great help...Im looking at going to Thailand with about 20k GBP and an annual income of approx 10k-15k GBP...I think that I should qualify but may I ask if this money has to be in a Thai or uk bank account and although I won't earn anything for 8 months a year the 4 months that Im in the uk I will earn approx 10k-15k GBP...Just wondering how the thai embassy would look at that as its not a monthly salary 40k the every month but would qualify if it were to be taken as an average throughout the year.
Thank you

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10 minutes ago, Clive said:

Thank you for all your replies...a great help...Im looking at going to Thailand with about 20k GBP and an annual income of approx 10k-15k GBP...I think that I should qualify but may I ask if this money has to be in a Thai or uk bank account and although I won't earn anything for 8 months a year the 4 months that Im in the uk I will earn approx 10k-15k GBP...Just wondering how the thai embassy would look at that as its not a monthly salary 40k the every month but would qualify if it were to be taken as an average throughout the year.
Thank you

The 10k GBP annual income would not meet the 480k baht (40k per month) requirement to get an extension. The minimum would be about 10.7 GBP at current exchange rates. If you can put 400k baht into a Thai  bank that might be the best option.

You may find it difficult to get a one year extension since immigration will expect your child to be living with you. 

In your case it might be best to get multiple entry non-o visa that would allow unlimited 90 day entries for a year from the date of issue. If you cannot get one from the embassy in London you could get one in Penang by showing 400k baht in the bank or proof of your income. 

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Thank you for your reply Ubonjoe
The plan is for my children to live with me 8 months a year whilst Im in Thailand so hopefully should qualify on those grounds...should I fall short on income Id check the exchange rates and stay in the uk an extra week or to earning a little more to qualify ....thank you

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12 minutes ago, Clive said:

Just to add how would I prove that my children are living with me?

What documents would be required?
Thank you


Your children will need to be with you when you apply for the extension.

You will need photos of them with you in and around your home attached to the application.

Immigration will also do a home visit for the first extension or witnesses to vouch they are living with you.

Best to check with the immigration office where you will be applying to find out what their requirements are.



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