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London Mayor Sadiq Khan slams Donald Trump's 'ignorant' take on Islam


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It is beyond me how this guy could become mayor.sad.png

I can enlighten you if I may?

because of the growing number of muslims in London, there is an increase in numbers who are allowed to vote once given citizenship is given.

Seeing as citizenship is being handed out free with every tube of Pringles bought, soon the number of muslims will outnumber other voters hence Sadiq Khan.

Take it further and in time, the PM will be someone of his ilk. A worrying thought.

In essence, if you have 100.000 people and 40.000 are muslims (either born in UK or Immigrant with Pringles) you can guarantee that the muslim voters will vote for the muslim representative at a general election.

The other 60.000 will be split between other parties so eventually, it is undeniable that we will have a muslim in Number 10.

I realise the do-gooders will be reading this and asking what is wrong with a muslim PM? Well take a look at Islam now and what is happening and ask those people to run the country and then you will see what is wrong with it

I wish we could all live in a happy skippy care free world holding hands and drinking lemonade where everyone gets along, but unfortunately, the world is not like that

The threat in life for me and my close friends and family is the worry of Islam rule. If I feel like I need to fight against something that I do not believe in, that makes me a man, not a racist.

Anti Islam - definitely

Anti religion - definitely


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It is not how they look...it is what they have been taught since childhood...and what they hide in their hearts...

What will the out-spoken Muslim mayor of London do after he receives a 2am visit by his Muslim hardliner brothers...threatening him and his family if he does not move the city toward Sharia Law?

The EU will never be the same...I predict it will become a battleground between Muslims bent on changing Europe to become a Middle-East ghetto..and those trying to maintain their freedoms and hold on to their heritage...

Sad to say...the US will be next if the liberal Democrats have their way...

This election is for heart and soul of America...

You go Trump!

Edited by ggt
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UK is lost ! Shariah law already in place in many parts of the country.

Please show some proof of your statements, links to different newspapers or bbc.

You are the user on the net, so I'm sure you can find something.

Thank you.

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I'm sure Trump will have the last laugh when he's President of the United States and having tea with the Queen, while Haji Sadiq is making sure the Tube is on time and London's sewers are in good repair laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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"I'm sure that Trump, who will be the President of The United States, is shaking in his boots about what some Muslim punk in some screwed up place called London thinks"

Quite right! why on earth would the USA be interested in anyone in the UK or what they thought. Special relationship? Not for some time now.

Will the UK end up with a Muslim as Prime Minister? Would a woman ever get to be Prime Minister............ er well actually. Would a black man ever be President of the USA...............er well actually. Given that Christianity is on the decline and has been for years and that Islam is a growing religion I would think that the odds are there will be Muslims leading many countries in the future. Will that be a good thing? No idea but if they are then that will be because more people vote for them than against them. It's called democracy, flawed it may be but until people wake up and change the system that is what you have!

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It is beyond me how this guy could become mayor.sad.png

Seeing as citizenship is being handed out free with every tube of Pringles bought, soon the number of muslims will outnumber other voters hence Sadiq Khan.

Take it further and in time, the PM will be someone of his ilk. A worrying thought.

Nailed it.

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Sorry, but Mr. Khan is brilliantly ignorant if he thinks that Islam is not a religion based on hate and intolerance...

for a far more detailed treatment of this topic, everyone should read Christopher Hitchens...he lays out the arguments and histories against religion so that even a 5 year old can be persuaded to Trump's position...

religion has no place in a civilized society that might treasure intelligence and rational thinking...

Trump calls himself religious.

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I'm sure that Trump, who will be the President of The United States, is shaking in his boots about what some Muslim punk in some screwed up place called London thinks.


Rather amusing considering Trump doesnt even hold an offical office, but yet the poster classes the mayor of London as a muslim punk...if the new mayor of London is classed as a punk then one can only suggest Trump is a demented right wing, racist halfwit...but one supposes the US with get the racist halwit is deserves..

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After watching that video, I hope Trump does win the election and does his best to restrict immigration by Muslims into the USA. If that makes be a bigot so be it. First off we don't need anymore people. Second, we don't need people who do not assimilate and accept our way of life. As far as I can see, Europe in allowing all these migrants to enter, will not in any way, shape, or form benefit the native inhabitants of Europe. They are f**ked.

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Scary! ohmy.png

Well spotted it is meant to look scary that is precisely why that frame was selected by the person who posted it.. It's called propaganda.

I was talking about the content of the video - not his scary face! laugh.png

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After watching that video, I hope Trump does win the election and does his best to restrict immigration by Muslims into the USA. If that makes be a bigot so be it. First off we don't need anymore people. Second, we don't need people who do not assimilate and accept our way of life. As far as I can see, Europe in allowing all these migrants to enter, will not in any way, shape, or form benefit the native inhabitants of Europe. They are f**ked.

And it seems the the Thailand chapter of the KKK and assorted hillybillys are out in force this evening

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I'm sure Trump will have the last laugh when he's President of the United States and having tea with the Queen, while Haji Sadiq is making sure the Tube is on time and London's sewers are in good repair laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Well lets look at what you have as candiates

A racist baffoon half wit

A lying cheating dyke

A communist

Hardly good examples of leadership

Edited by Koosdedooes
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We can't have it both ways. Just recently there was alleged 'outrage' among some in the UK about Obama commenting on UK affairs regarding the referendum.

I think any UK politician should equally steer clear of commenting on US potential presidential candidates.

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One by one, Trump is getting dumped on by foreign leaders. Mexico, the Pope, now the mayor of a major city. Trump is 0 for 3. Who will be next?

I think the reason Putin grins while saying non dismaying things about Trump is: If Trump wins, it's a downhill slide for the US. That's the sort of thing which would make Putin grin. ....ISIS likes it too. A Trump presidency would be a God-send for ISIS recruitment.

Good! Getting dumped on by foreign leaders is nearly as good as getting dumped on by Bush et al and RHINOs. Fewer things shovel coal into the engine that drives the Trump Train. The examples cited above are equally the examples that Trump supporters might cite for supporting Trump in the first place.

Regarding the examples offered:

The Pope is now a recipient of the Charlemagne Prize, that entirely secular prize awarded only for furthering a (corporeal) PanEurope by the massive movement of African/ME populations. See their own public documents. Population movement has long been decreed their means to replace the projected shrinking EU population. The Pope recieving an award for championing this has got to be one of the most remarkable pieces of information in generations. The Catholic Pontiff has moved the See from the Rock of Peter to the Throne/Rocks of Charlemagne.

Fox has now cussed like a street urchin and flipped his finger and called millions of American's lazy drunks. Always a double standard for the left. Fox could not resist evidencing his own baseness. Had he kept his deportment honorable he would have been very effective at injuring Trump, but he is just a thug.

Khan has accused Trump of "ignorance" but nowhere offered where this ignorance lies. To label Trump such but not specify that which he does not know, says nothing at all- nothing! The use of "ignorant" is then no more then device, like pejorative. Khan has said nothing; he has countered nothing but he chooses to enter the fray with Trump. Therefore, what he says and does not is fair game. What does Trump not know, Mr. Khan? What makes Trump ignorant? Be the bigger leader; how is Trump wrong? Silence implies the topic is only worthy of derision, not elaboration. Khan wants to beat Trump with PC, not actually prove him wrong.

A Trump presidency would wipe out DAESH in months. (There might be other consequences, but DAESH would be ruined ASAP because DAESH is actually no more than a DBA (doing business as) for US interests. NOTE: Regarding the example of the pope having a problem with Trump. Equal circumspection must apply. Since we are talking about the secular, what the pope then says or does becomes fair game. The pope is now wholly beyond the protective status of religion after last week's anointing of the Charlemagne Prize.


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So, rather than getting on with the business of being MAYOR of London, looking at what he has to do to make that city safer for all its inhabitants, he launches into defence of Islam. Kind of betrays his priorities. Big mistake London...


Does this look familiar?


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In the job 5 minutes and trying to make a name for himself. Like the others, maybe he should just butt out but he can't, can he? Just another Labor lefty with a big mouth. Why the press give him oxygen, oh I know, he's Muslim. Who really gives a toss about his opinion, I'm sure Trump doesn't. Why does someone have to be up to date on Islam, sounds like this turkey has an "Ignorant take on Christianity. But no one in power or the press will criticise him, will they? But no, it is not Politically Correct, and does not suit their leftist agendas to say anything else other then how dare you crtiicise Muslims. These jokers, together with the leftist reporters an journalists, have one agenda, to shut down debate, and do so by playing the racist card. As some on here do.

Typical Muslim, falls back on the old adage of anyone saying anything about Muslims are causing problems and trying to divide; are bigots and racists and whatever else they can get their tongues to. Poor little sook, doesn't have anything to say about what the murderous bastards do to their own kind, us Christian infidels, or what others have to say about us infidels. Who are killing Christians, Muslims and people of other religions, world wide? Why do Muslms have to associate themselves with their religion, who cares if one is a christian, muslim,buddhist or of some other faith? You don't hear christiams calling themselves, Christian Americans, Christian Australians, so what it with these people? Always place their so called peaceful religion before the citizenship of their adopted countries. Can't integrate, or don't want to, want to practice their barbaric Sharia law and enslave their women and subject them to ancient barbaric laws and other atrocities.

I won't be on this earth when these lot eventually take over by stealth but heaven help our grandchildren, their children and their children. Maybe Khan should have a long hard look a the islamic radicals and make comment about them instead of opening is mouth and spraying opinions that make he and his ilk the victims. I am really sick and tired of the PC Brigade and maybe one day those in power will wake up and realise. He praises how his family came to the west, he was able to rise to power despite being the son of a bus driver, takes advantage of everyting the west can offer, then goes on with this spray. I have two words for him, P.O.

Even if Trump has make some ridiculous comments, he is the only one with kahoonas who calls it like it is. Maybe that's why the Yanks who voted for him, did so, as they are sick and tired of their moddy coddling, mealy mouthed, suckhole politicians forgetting about them, the majority, and licking the backsides of the minorities. One day the west will wake up but by then it may be too late, like it appears it is now in Europe. Coiuntries world wide have the right to say who comes and who doens't and they must do so legally. But not with these lefties, let everyone in, papers or not, so says Obama and his lot. If I read things correctly, the majoroty of Yanks are fed up with his take and cannot wait until he is gone. Only took him 7 years to stuff America. Like Labor in Australia, who appear to read from the same hymn book.

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Scary! ohmy.png

Well spotted it is meant to look scary that is precisely why that frame was selected by the person who posted it.. It's called propaganda.

I was talking about the content of the video - not his scary face! laugh.png

Yeah he is a real extremist, he received death threats after voting in favor of gay rights as a Labour MP.

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Wow. That is some pretty serious stuff, in the way of allegations. One can only hope alot of it is not true. If it is true, the UK is in serious trouble. Here is a direct link:

It's what Muslims do...they make their women live their lives in bags for christ sake.
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Scary! ohmy.png

Well spotted it is meant to look scary that is precisely why that frame was selected by the person who posted it.. It's called propaganda.

I was talking about the content of the video - not his scary face! laugh.png

Yeah he is a real extremist, he received death threats after voting in favor of gay rights as a Labour MP.

From the "Islam is a religion of peace" crowd no doubt.

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Wow. That is some pretty serious stuff, in the way of allegations. One can only hope alot of it is not true. If it is true, the UK is in serious trouble. Here is a direct link:

It's what Muslims do...they make their women live their lives in bags for christ sake.

Perhaps you should take a look at pictures of his wife Saadiya Ahmed I don't think you will find she wears a bag in fact she looks like any other modern career woman. She also supports gay marriage unlike the leader of UKIP.

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Of course the 7/7 bombers were the result of UK foreign policy and social deprivation in the North of England. Holding Muslims accountable for anything whatsoever alienates them and risks more violence. Rinse, wash, repeat ad nauseum ad infinitum.


According to Trevor Philips Britain is sleepwalking to catastrophe due to mass immigration, Trump is absolutely correct in a desire to limit Muslim immigration.

Yes, agree about Trevor Phillips 100%. He is exposing the true face of Islam. Now get this - Sadiq Khan is a fraud! He is on record calling other Muslims who object and criticise Islamic extremists as "Uncle Toms" and he did this on national television in Iran some years ago. He is still the same extremist sympathiser - has been and always will be. Islam is only one bad atrocity away from throwing the last straw on the camel's back. For those of you who wish to believe the fairy tale about moderate Muslims - keep dreaming. If they believe the Koran then they are committed to their ideology. Limit immigration? Why not stop it all together? Khan has been in office less than a month and already he is stirring the shit. . . by doing the typical Muslim thing - complaining and whining ! Once their feelings are hurt they excel at that.

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Wow. That is some pretty serious stuff, in the way of allegations. One can only hope alot of it is not true. If it is true, the UK is in serious trouble. Here is a direct link:


Scary if this video is accurate. The Donald would be remiss if he did not add his name

to the US no fly list........... Again if this is accurate. Not really sure how he was elected

if it is. Very confusing as far as I am concerned. blink.png

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