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London Mayor Sadiq Khan slams Donald Trump's 'ignorant' take on Islam


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Wow. That is some pretty serious stuff, in the way of allegations. One can only hope alot of it is not true. If it is true, the UK is in serious trouble. Here is a direct link:

It's what Muslims do...they make their women live their lives in bags for christ sake.

Perhaps you should take a look at pictures of his wife Saadiya Ahmed I don't think you will find she wears a bag in fact she looks like any other modern career woman. She also supports gay marriage unlike the leader of UKIP.

She should try this in the "homeland" of Islam, Saudi Arabia, and see how well it goes.
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Wow. That is some pretty serious stuff, in the way of allegations. One can only hope alot of it is not true. If it is true, the UK is in serious trouble. Here is a direct link:

Scary if this video is accurate. The Donald would be remiss if he did not add his name

to the US no fly list........... Again if this is accurate. Not really sure how he was elected

if it is. Very confusing as far as I am concerned. blink.png

The electorate of London is suffering a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome...unfortunately it won't save them.

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If only there was some way to harness the mass bluster of bigoted hot air generated by the London electorate choosing to democratically elect a Muslim. It could solve the energy crisis.

Try to treat this as a learning experience, chaps. This is what it's like to hold a minority opinion. Seems to sting a little for a few of you.

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All this from a Mayor who supported the actions of 9/11? This is being reported in several separate news links so I don't think it's a fluke. Someone needs to clean their own house before criticizing ours. This guy just pulled a fast over on the Brits just like Obamy did to us.

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All this from a Mayor who supported the actions of 9/11? This is being reported in several separate news links so I don't think it's a fluke. Someone needs to clean their own house before criticizing ours. This guy just pulled a fast over on the Brits just like Obamy did to us.

And the links are ?

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So whose take on Islam is the best..I'd like to hear it.

Like a 7 yr old's view of the world; everything for Trump is great or horrible. He loves Muslims if it's advantageous to him (if they spend millions on one of his properties, for example). He hates them for other reasons.

What are those other reasons that he "hates them"? Mass murder? I freakin' hope everyone hates those people.

"These people"

Are you seriously suggesting that all Muslims are extremists who want to cut your head off?

Maraym Namazie explained it best, Muslims are people who follow a religious faith, Islamists are extremists who want to politicize a religious faith.

Islamists are the KKK of the Muslim faith.

I have a Muslim friend who is a surgeon working with MSF, Red Cross and Emergency (An Italian aid agency). He is a decent caring human being, like the vast majority of Muslims, so I take exception when you suggest that he is the same as the extremists.

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So whose take on Islam is the best..I'd like to hear it.

Like a 7 yr old's view of the world; everything for Trump is great or horrible. He loves Muslims if it's advantageous to him (if they spend millions on one of his properties, for example). He hates them for other reasons.

What are those other reasons that he "hates them"? Mass murder? I freakin' hope everyone hates those people.

"These people"

Are you seriously suggesting that all Muslims are extremists who want to cut your head off?

Maraym Namazie explained it best, Muslims are people who follow a religious faith, Islamists are extremists who want to politicize a religious faith.

Islamists are the KKK of the Muslim faith.

I have a Muslim friend who is a surgeon working with MSF, Red Cross and Emergency (An Italian aid agency). He is a decent caring human being, like the vast majority of Muslims, so I take exception when you suggest that he is the same as the extremists.

I am sure there are many on here who are very familar with KKK, as well as playing banjos and farmed pigs

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I'm sure Trump will have the last laugh when he's President of the United States and having tea with the Queen, while Haji Sadiq is making sure the Tube is on time and London's sewers are in good repair laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

The Queen may put up with the rude Chinese but she would never take tea with scum like Trump

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I'm sure Trump will have the last laugh when he's President of the United States and having tea with the Queen, while Haji Sadiq is making sure the Tube is on time and London's sewers are in good repair laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

The Queen may put up with the rude Chinese but she would never take tea with scum like Trump

It will be more like "Philip...be a darling and go and talk to that idiot of a colonial chappie will you"...

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All this from a Mayor who supported the actions of 9/11? This is being reported in several separate news links so I don't think it's a fluke. Someone needs to clean their own house before criticizing ours. This guy just pulled a fast over on the Brits just like Obamy did to us.

And the links are ?

Probably Alex Jones or where Trump got his Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey from.

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All this from a Mayor who supported the actions of 9/11? This is being reported in several separate news links so I don't think it's a fluke. Someone needs to clean their own house before criticizing ours. This guy just pulled a fast over on the Brits just like Obamy did to us.

And the links are ?

Probably Alex Jones or where Trump got his Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey from.

From the little i have seen of Alex Jones, i would hardly call that a reputable news source and more like a paranoid conspriracy theorist at best

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UK is lost ! Shariah law already in place in many parts of the country.

Please show some proof of your statements, links to different newspapers or bbc.

You are the user on the net, so I'm sure you can find something.

Thank you.

Surely your request for proof is a joke dutchisaan?

If you think you are going to find ANYTHING that makes Islam/Muslims look bad via the BBC or mainstream broadsheets, you would find it easier nailing snow to your ceiling!!

You will find such material in many tabloids. But according to most middle/upper class know nothings, these papers are obviously racist so anything that is printed in them should be ignored or even reported (this is sarcasm). Good luck in finding those links

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So whose take on Islam is the best..I'd like to hear it.

Like a 7 yr old's view of the world; everything for Trump is great or horrible. He loves Muslims if it's advantageous to him (if they spend millions on one of his properties, for example). He hates them for other reasons.

What are those other reasons that he "hates them"? Mass murder? I freakin' hope everyone hates those people.

"These people"

Are you seriously suggesting that all Muslims are extremists who want to cut your head off?

Maraym Namazie explained it best, Muslims are people who follow a religious faith, Islamists are extremists who want to politicize a religious faith.

Islamists are the KKK of the Muslim faith.

I have a Muslim friend who is a surgeon working with MSF, Red Cross and Emergency (An Italian aid agency). He is a decent caring human being, like the vast majority of Muslims, so I take exception when you suggest that he is the same as the extremists.

I too believe there are many moderate Muslims out there. The majority, for sure. However, they are either not speaking out in a vociferous enough manner, against the extremist pigs who are attempting to steal their faith, or the media does not care to report it. There should be mass demonstrations in the streets of the Arab world, consisting of these moderate Muslims, against the gang rapist thugs. That is NOT happening, and it is leading a lot of level headed, reasonable people within the Western world to conclude that most are sympathetic, or in collusion with the piglet freaks. Also, the leaders and the clerics need to be speaking out more. If this does not start happening soon, we could be looking at a 4th Crusade, with the entire Western world, against the entire Muslim world. There is a lot of anger out there right now. The Muslim world needs to start speaking out, and they need to do it yesterday.

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The new Mayor of London is now threatening Donald Trump:

Let muslims in or they will attack America!

We guess this mayor hasn't been keeping up on recent history. They're already attacking America as well as the rest of the world...blink.png

Never heard of Doug Ross, but I liked this comment.

Trump sure has all the right enemies, doesn't he!

This is even more evidence that he'll be the best choice for President.

Now if the Old Corrupt Crone gets in instead, she'd probably put on a burka just to please this jerk in London. Or give him a "Behead" button to celebrate his insanity!

Nails it.

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Very intereseting reading, so thanks for the link.

I, like many others, accept that there are good and bad Muslims, and have seen and heard how the bad ones are killing members of the Musim faith as well as others who do not fit their ways.; If the media are not reporting what is happening then what is their agenda, to divide them and the west and to grow the hatred? I would say yes. We all know that not all Muslims are terrorists but the vast majority of terrorist are.

I think the media causes a majority of the problems, they fail to report or if they do it is only to create fear and hatred so they can have their five minutes of fame. They then go out of their way to bring out certain Muslims, who clearly have their own agendas and hatred of the west, and allow them to criticise and spew forth their bille, which, in turn, keeps the hatred flaring while making their own racist comments against anyone who dares speak out against them. I have yet to see them talk to anyone who crticises the Muslims extremists or the failure of the Muslims for failing to speak out, without bringing out a number of others to starting the name calling, which, in turn, is the start of their attempt top shut down the debate. Why is is that they are fearful of debate, maybe because any intelligent person will see them for what they are and that they actually have no legitimate argument to offer and have specific, ill informed agendas..

Funny how they are able to call us infidels, anything they want, say anything they like, without fear of favour and garner no crticism from those so called unbaised journalists. If one looks hard enough, especially on the BBC, CNN The Australian ABC and all those other well known leftist outlets, one will see how they gloat, smirk and downright insult anyone who has an opposing view, and actually stack the deck against normally one person,who actually has the fortitude to tell it how it is.

These so called Muslim leaders, backed up by like minded westerners who, for whatever reason, seen to hate the rest of the west, actually go out of their way to be racist and get away with it. They can say what they like but as soon as another, with opposing views, speaks out and they cannot respond, they close down the debate by name calling. We've seen them all, racist, bigot red necks, the list goes on.

The good Muslims rarely speak up against the stirrers or against the attacks pepetrated by the terrorists, the killings of members of their own faiths, the rapes of their women, or the attempted total genocide of certain ethnic minorities. I have heartt felt compassion and sympathy for those in genuine need but the western world can only do so much. Look at what is happening around the world, attacks and muders everyday, millions forced to flee but they west should be very careful, as their leaders are hiding behiind the PC brigade and will not admit that what they have done is starting to destroy the western civilisation as we know it. Prime examples, England and the rest of Europe have change forever and given what has been happening, I would say, is not good.

It's about time that all the good people, regardless of their faith, joined forces to rid the erath of these evil scum and put aside the fear and hatred that they use to prey on the many. Stop using using your faith as a prerequisite and call youself for what you are, that is, English, American, French, German, Australian, it goes on and on. Really, people would accept these good people more readilly if they started to integrate, learnt English, as many of us learn the language of the country where we choose to live, that is, if it's not English. It would also lessen the ill feelings that arise because people use it as an identifier, which, in turn, gives those calling themselves Muslim, the opportunity to play the racist card should any person outside the faith be ctricial of it.

I am really tired of people of certain ethnic origins being critical and racist, yet are never called out, can get away with a lot, whilst the westerner, saying one thing is called a racist and attacked, sometimes is a most vile way. They should just pull their head in and learn to live in harmony but they can't, can they, because how else can they stir the pot and use racism as a means to continue with their own hatreds and unleash the radicals not only from within but outside their faith. Unfortunately, I believe it will get worse before it gets better. And who can we thank for all this, the journlists and reporters who have leftist leanings, their own agendas which are clearly to keep people in fear and the great divide going and not wanting to see people living in harmoiny despite their faith or political leanings. Why, I wish someone could tell me?

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I'm wondering if the good mayor knows that Donald Trump, 320 million Americans and over 1 Billion Chinese couldn't care less what his opinion about anything is.

Count me on Trump's side on this one.

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The new Mayor of London is now threatening Donald Trump:

Let muslims in or they will attack America!

We guess this mayor hasn't been keeping up on recent history. They're already attacking America as well as the rest of the world...blink.png

Clueless Mayor...as well as the people there.

What were they thinking? Elect a man like this (we will attack anybody who does not agree with us) just to pacify other muslims?

What a horrible way to live.

The path is clear. We need people like Trump, who understand that lines must be drawn. We demand to know the background of people that come into the USA, especially when they do not police their own. No sense in opening up breeding grounds of terrorists, as in Europe, and now UK.

As people in the west are losing their religion, many countries are adding fuel to the fire, by allowing immigrants, who wish to follow their own laws, into their country. Now you have two sets of rules....Muslim, and "Others". If they could adapt and abide by our laws..then fine. However...they must prove that they are willing to do so.

I think the hornets nest has just been broken open. Too late for Europe and UK.

Edited by slipperylobster
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The new Mayor of London is now threatening Donald Trump:

Let muslims in or they will attack America!

We guess this mayor hasn't been keeping up on recent history. They're already attacking America as well as the rest of the world...blink.png

Clueless Mayor...as well as the people there.

What were they thinking? Elect a man like this (we will attack anybody who does not agree with us) just to pacify other muslims?

What a horrible way to live.

The path is clear. We need people like Trump, who understand that lines must be drawn. We demand to know the background of people that come into the USA, especially when they do not police their own. No sense in opening up breeding grounds of terrorists, as in Europe, and now UK.

As people in the west are losing their religion, many countries are adding fuel to the fire, by allowing immigrants, who wish to follow their own laws, into their country. Now you have two sets of rules....Muslim, and "Others". If they could adapt and abide by our laws..then fine. However...they must prove that they are willing to do so.

I think the hornets nest has just been broken open. Too late for Europe and UK.

forgot to add this..

crazy.gif goofy mayor interfering with international politics! Your leaders must be aghast.....lol

At least when we interfere, it comes from Obama...not from jimmy street-sweeper.

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I'm wondering if the good mayor knows that Donald Trump, 320 million Americans and over 1 Billion Chinese couldn't care less what his opinion about anything is.

Count me on Trump's side on this one.

The problem is, he believes they care about his views. You hype a guy up in the UK newspapers, about him being the most 'powerful' elected politician in the country and he gets carried away in his own mind. Bit like a man nearer home!

Like an earlier poster said, I wish he would concentrate on the problems of London, of which there are many, and leave the rest of the world to get on with it.

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The new Mayor of London is now threatening Donald Trump:

Let muslims in or they will attack America!

We guess this mayor hasn't been keeping up on recent history. They're already attacking America as well as the rest of the world...blink.png

Just such a pity that he never used those words but why let that bother you.

Well, according to this source he did whistling.gif


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The new Mayor of London is now threatening Donald Trump:

Let muslims in or they will attack America!

We guess this mayor hasn't been keeping up on recent history. They're already attacking America as well as the rest of the world...blink.png

Just such a pity that he never used those words but why let that bother you.

Well, according to this source he did whistling.gif


Nope they just altered what he said and you have gone along with it. However if you say it often enough people will believe it, now who was it said that?:

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So whose take on Islam is the best..I'd like to hear it.

Like a 7 yr old's view of the world; everything for Trump is great or horrible. He loves Muslims if it's advantageous to him (if they spend millions on one of his properties, for example). He hates them for other reasons.

What are those other reasons that he "hates them"? Mass murder? I freakin' hope everyone hates those people.

"These people"

Are you seriously suggesting that all Muslims are extremists who want to cut your head off?

Maraym Namazie explained it best, Muslims are people who follow a religious faith, Islamists are extremists who want to politicize a religious faith.

Islamists are the KKK of the Muslim faith.

I have a Muslim friend who is a surgeon working with MSF, Red Cross and Emergency (An Italian aid agency). He is a decent caring human being, like the vast majority of Muslims, so I take exception when you suggest that he is the same as the extremists.

I too believe there are many moderate Muslims out there. The majority, for sure. However, they are either not speaking out in a vociferous enough manner, against the extremist pigs who are attempting to steal their faith, or the media does not care to report it. There should be mass demonstrations in the streets of the Arab world, consisting of these moderate Muslims, against the gang rapist thugs. That is NOT happening, and it is leading a lot of level headed, reasonable people within the Western world to conclude that most are sympathetic, or in collusion with the piglet freaks. Also, the leaders and the clerics need to be speaking out more. If this does not start happening soon, we could be looking at a 4th Crusade, with the entire Western world, against the entire Muslim world. There is a lot of anger out there right now. The Muslim world needs to start speaking out, and they need to do it yesterday.

You only have to look at the culture to find the answer. These guys (the bad ones) are like alpha-males. They assert their will by force. Women are subserviant.
To speak against them, as you say, one would be labelled a bad Muslim and shunned.
Actually its the same as nationalism, or rabid nationalism, that keeps peoples mind in the middle ages.
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