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Foreign ladies sunbathing in undies not happy to have to cover up - but police say it was for their


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British Foreign Travel advice website does not say women should cover up when sunbathing in Thailand:
The Thailand Tourism website dosen't say it either:
Be sure to check both the 'top questions' FAQ and 'classified questions' FAQ.

Quote from story:
...public park near the historical ruins in Ayutthaya
NEAR??...was it within the enclosure?..If not, How NEAR was it?. So is the problem to do with the fact that they were sunbathing NEAR a historical site or because they had less cloths on than passers-by?
Second of all, we should all be thankful to the "do gooder with good intentions" who tell us to hop on a bullock cart, because travelling in a car is just too dangerous. wink.png
Quite a few popular posts (from jesus and the like..I usually skip right past) on here approving the policemans actions. Give yourself a pat on the back, popular = WRONG.
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British Foreign Travel advice website does not say women should cover up when sunbathing in Thailand:
The Thailand Tourism website dosen't say it either:
Be sure to check both the 'top questions' FAQ and 'classified questions' FAQ.

Quote from story:

...public park near the historical ruins in Ayutthaya
NEAR??...was it within the enclosure?..If not, How NEAR was it?. So is the problem to do with the fact that they were sunbathing NEAR a historical site or because they had less cloths on than passers-by?
Second of all, we should all be thankful to the "do gooder with good intentions" who tell us to hop on a bullock cart, because travelling in a car is just too dangerous. wink.png
Quite a few popular posts (from jesus and the like..I usually skip right past) on here approving the policemans actions. Give yourself a pat on the back, popular = WRONG.

again. you are just a guest here and should obey Thai law (Section 388 of Thailand's Criminal Code). if you don't like it - find another country. nobody here would cry if you just leave.

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I know for a fact that if you strip down to bra and panties in most if not all Canadian cities you will be charged.

The police have 2 choices in this sight the fact that it is against the law and get into that argument or use the easier for most people to understand and less argumentative that it could lead to them runing into trouble. Thee was no mention of Thai men causing harm it could be any of the many Male tourists that come over here get drunk and do what they want also.

Besides this is not Pattaya or Phuket this is what is considered a religious and historical city.

What would the response be if they did that on the lawn in hyde park.

But topless ok?


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Hey, the country of Thailand has high standards on decency. Did they not realize, when it comes to nudity (even partial) there is a zero tolerance. Really did these ladies think, that Thailand is an open minded country that condones sexual promiscuity that they can strip down and sunbath? If the authorities were to allow this, the next thing you know, the country would fall to having nude dancers in bars, street walkers soliciting, massage parlors offering sex, and who knows what?

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Oh, stop with the self-righteous cultural relativity. When I was on Samui in 1987, it was crawling with fully naked European girls all over the place. And topless ones on Phi Phi in 2001. Now the Thais are just engaging in a paroxysm of Dubai-like authoritarianism.

That is Samui and Phi Phi, somewhat different to the ancient city of Ayudthia, where behavioural standards are somewhat different. The comparisons are like snubbing topless along the Amalfi Coast and letting them hang loose in the Vatican.

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I took my Swedish Gf to the Russian River in Northern Ca. My family has a summer home there and I spent every summer there. We set up our towels and I went to buy some snacks....It was a busy weekend. On the way back hundreds of people were scrambling to the shore. I thought of a person either drowning or a heart attack. No.......it was her, naked with a police officer standing over her with a ticket book. Getting ready to issue her a citation for indecent exposure. The entire crowd booed. She got a warning. The warning worked for about an hour. Up until the point to where I had gotten the rental canoe into the current. All the other boats on the river beelined to ours.....

And ? Whats the moral of your story ?
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Maybe he just wanted a closer look?

But yeah... it's probably not a great idea for your own safety, in Thailand, or well anywhere actually... for some strange reason a bikini is different to underpants which says a lot about human psychology

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Oh, stop with the self-righteous cultural relativity. When I was on Samui in 1987, it was crawling with fully naked European girls all over the place. And topless ones on Phi Phi in 2001. Now the Thais are just engaging in a paroxysm of Dubai-like authoritarianism.

Ok ... Let me get this clear and strait .... You wanna see nude and topless girls again luring around the beaches here ... Right?
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You are mistaken. It's not that they didn't leave the house without underwear:

From what I gather they were wearing more than underwear.

By the way, only a bad host asks her/his guest to leave if they don't LIKE something.

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You are mistaken. It's not that they didn't leave the house without underwear:
From what I gather they were wearing more than underwear.
By the way, only a bad host asks her/his guest to leave if they don't LIKE something.

"From what I gather they were wearing more than underwear." do you have a proof of it?

"By the way, only a bad host asks her/his guest to leave if they don't LIKE something." any host would ask guest to leave if he/she can't/doesn't want to obey the law.

the law is for everybody (except those with diplomatic passports)

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Stop kidding yourself with this imaginary "breaking of the law".

If there was a law broken, the Police would have told the sunbathers.

What really happened was: One/two locals didn't like it, therefore the Policeman didn't like it. Thai brain!.

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I never normally agree with anything the RTB does,but on this occasion those girls were very lucky.They must be thick,brain dead or downright stupid to sunbathe in that fashion.Do they never hear about the amount of sexual assaults,with the would be rapist claiming that it was the girls fault because she made him sexually aroused.Their complaint will be dismissed out of hand by the cops due to it not being serious because the girls were not actually raped.And even if they were,the guy will get a slap on the wrist,and a good telling off.Do any of these idiots actually know what a rape kit test is,and what it entails?Because it isnt pretty.But its ok if you are ugly,you wont get touched,according to our leader.Rape is one of the most heinous crimes because it affects more than the victim and rapist,whole families suffer.And this is not just foreign girls,Thai girls too.I think these two morons should have been fined most heavily and had to spend a night in the monkey house to get a taste of Thai hospitality.Perhaps then,they wont be so stupid next time.

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you are just a guest here. the law of this country prohibits this kid of behavior. you can have two simple choices

1) obey the law

2) leave Thailand

as simple as that...

Drop this 'We are a guest in this country"

By no stretch of the imagination are we guests.

  • Guests are invited
  • Guests are welcomed
  • Guests are not subjected to dual pricing
  • Guests don't have to jump through hoops just to stay here
  • Guests don't get coerced into paying bribes
  • Guests are not subjected to rules made up to suit the authorities
  • Guests would not be kicked out of the country on a whim
  • Guests would not have to pay taxes and immigration fees etc.

Would you treat your guests in such a way?

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In Thailand it is perfectly acceptable for a dude to stop on the side of the road, flop out his dong and take a wiz.... but a girl can't sunbath in public... gotta love Thailand.. giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

No No no no


It's perfectly correct to hang out wear no shirt anywhere you go IF YOU ARE THAI

If you are a shirtless farang it's 100B and a visit to the police station.

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the law is for everybody (except those with diplomatic passports).

Again!, stop kidding yourself. for goodness sake. Open your eyes.

In thailand..law is not for everybody. Here is just one of many examples:

Unfortunately, any further close-minded replies (written from within a 'cave') will not be responded to. Have a nice day. wai.gif

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Some people just do not understand that what is acceptable in Europe is unacceptable here.

Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?

Fair comment except that they may have taken a trip down Nana or Patpong and assumed that it wasn't a serious issue here..... coffee1.gif

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I never normally agree with anything the RTB does,but on this occasion those girls were very lucky.They must be thick,brain dead or downright stupid to sunbathe in that fashion.Do they never hear about the amount of sexual assaults,with the would be rapist claiming that it was the girls fault because she made him sexually aroused.Their complaint will be dismissed out of hand by the cops due to it not being serious because the girls were not actually raped.And even if they were,the guy will get a slap on the wrist,and a good telling off.Do any of these idiots actually know what a rape kit test is,and what it entails?Because it isnt pretty.But its ok if you are ugly,you wont get touched,according to our leader.Rape is one of the most heinous crimes because it affects more than the victim and rapist,whole families suffer.And this is not just foreign girls,Thai girls too.I think these two morons should have been fined most heavily and had to spend a night in the monkey house to get a taste of Thai hospitality.Perhaps then,they wont be so stupid next time.

There are only sexual assaults because the police does not do its job and harass the victims instead of the criminals

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IMO, these young ladies were covered up MORE than if laying on a beach or walking the surf. From the photo how can you tell it is underwear? Was it lacy or frilly. Amazing to me these curmudgeons commenting in disgust. Seems to me some folks just like to bitch.

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you are just a guest here. the law of this country prohibits this kid of behavior. you can have two simple choices

1) obey the law

2) leave Thailand

as simple as that...

Do you watch THAI TV in the mornings with the Las Vegas song and dance shows all day. Sell sex on TV to become a STAR because you can't handle school, but tourist getting a tan on holiday?

ASEAN HUB cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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IMO, these young ladies were covered up MORE than if laying on a beach or walking the surf. From the photo how can you tell it is underwear? Was it lacy or frilly. Amazing to me these curmudgeons commenting in disgust. Seems to me some folks just like to bitch.

enough karoke bars to go around what's the problem for the cheap THAI drinkers. Or, was it my brakes that failed on my motorbike and came across those nasty tourist getting a tan.

I GUESS they never seen woman's breast that wasn't plastic injected or real blonde hair.

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And this is coming from a country with hundreds of thousand of half naked bar girls and street walkers...

did any one said double standards here?......

Yes ezzra I have to agree. I find it amazing that a cop came along. Here you could not find a cop to save your soul. Scarce as hen's teeth unless your in a bank grocery store or gold store.
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you are just a guest here. the law of this country prohibits this kid of behavior. you can have two simple choices

1) obey the law

2) leave Thailand

as simple as that...

Drop this 'We are a guest in this country"

By no stretch of the imagination are we guests.

  • Guests are invited
  • Guests are welcomed
  • Guests are not subjected to dual pricing
  • Guests don't have to jump through hoops just to stay here
  • Guests don't get coerced into paying bribes
  • Guests are not subjected to rules made up to suit the authorities
  • Guests would not be kicked out of the country on a whim
  • Guests would not have to pay taxes and immigration fees etc.

Would you treat your guests in such a way?

what an impudent post... you really made my day, man!

why should I drop the truth?

first of all guests should obey the law - either they like it or not.

"Guests are invited" not all. but those who obey rules. if you apply for a visa or stamp with a normal passport - you assume obligations to obey all laws of the country

"Guests are welcomed" again. not al - read the previous paragraph

"Guests are not subjected to dual pricing" who told you so? the host can set any price he wants. you either accept it or not

"Guests don't have to jump through hoops just to stay here" those "hoops" are rules. you either accept them or leave the country. nobody in Thailand needs your opinion about them. because the one an only goal of existence of Thai government is happiness of Thai citizen. not yours. you are allowed to be here not because you have any right to be here but as long as you benefit Thai society.

"Guests don't get coerced into paying bribes" foreigners pay bribes here to bypass the law. for example, if they want to have a work permit but can't afford real 4 Thai staff. so whats a problem - don't pay bribes. problem solved.

"Guests are not subjected to rules made up to suit the authorities" it's none of your business to suit whom these rules were "made up". it's a business of Thai people only. you either obey rules or leave the country for good.

"Guests would not be kicked out of the country on a whim" law violation by a foreigner is not an authorities "whim" at all

"Guests would not have to pay taxes and immigration fees etc." this is the best one! guest should and would pay every fee the host finds necessary. nobody in Thailand asks your opinion about this subject. you either accept it or go back to your wonderful homeland where you are not subjected to pay any fee.

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All other matters aside, what is the real risk of two girls together in a public place in broad daylight being molested or even raped?

It would have been more appropriate for the Policeman to say, "sorry, I have to ask you to put on your clothes, it is our culture to be modest in public"

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the law is for everybody (except those with diplomatic passports).
Again!, stop kidding yourself. for goodness sake. Open your eyes.
In thailand..law is not for everybody. Here is just one of many examples:
Unfortunately, any further close-minded replies (written from within a 'cave') will not be responded to. Have a nice day. wai.gif

"In thailand..law is not for everybody." its a system's defect. but it does not mean that everybody ha s a permission to break the law. if it's a Thai citizen - authorities has no other choice but to deal with a person/ but if it's a foreigner - just deport him and ban for life from entering the country. problem solved.

"Unfortunately, any further close-minded replies (written from within a 'cave') will not be responded" what I see! is it a self-justification for the fact that last word in a dispute will not be yours?

neurosis fuels your urge to be a winner in any dispute. funny

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