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Where To Buy Vitamins In Thailand?


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I'm used to these natural food stores in California that are supermarket sized, even the vitamin department of such stores are 2 - 3 times the size of a 7-Eleven. I know that such places are simply not available here, but I would like to find something a bit better than the local drug stores. Has anyone found a place with more varieties and options available in BKK or Pattaya, perhaps a gym or fitness center?


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Presumably you've tried Boots. What about the health place with initials GNV/Q something like that, certainly start with a G anyway. Also, on floor 2 of Central Bangna there is a chemist shop that has tubs of supplements for diets. ? for body builders I think.

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Presumably you've tried Boots. What about the health place with initials GNV/Q something like that, certainly start with a G anyway. Also, on floor 2 of Central Bangna there is a chemist shop that has tubs of supplements for diets. ? for body builders I think.

Here is a list of locations of GNC > http://www.gnc.com/corp/index.jsp?page=storeLocator just select Thailand.

Also a list from GNC Thailand > http://www.gnc.co.th/product/bycategory.html

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Some of the "beauty aids" shops that've popped up in malls like MBK also carry a range of supplements beyond ABC, but it's still fragmented and catch-as-catch-can.

GNC is way overpriced, but the only place to find most more exotic things (and it won't have anything like the selection back home). You can cut off 20% of the price of most things if you buy a member card and shop carefully.


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Wifie brings in Vitamins by the suitcase that she buys in Boots in UK,flogs them to her mates in LOS and makes @ 35% profit on her deals on the basis of buy 2 get the 3rd one FREE.

(on 3-4 hols visits a year )

They are all genunine and now she is trying to get some sort of franchaise with a Channel Island company to supply her directly in Bangkok on the basis that you simply cant buy them there.

(sorry dont know names but to me they seem expensive...health..summit....)

Thais (expecially females) seem to go mad over them and according to her the stuff available over there (in LOS) is all rubbish...Mai Co jai.. never touch the things.....Vitamins ..No thanks.....Huh :o

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Vitamins are sometimes useful in otherwise healthy adults.

For example; anyone who drinks more than 21 units (men) and 14 units (women) of alcohol per week should take vitamin B complex tablets on a daily basis.

Particularly when living in the tropics, alcohol strips the body of B vitamins, and nerve damage can develop quickly.

Taking vitamin B complex regularly can offset the dreaded Korsakoff's syndrome in regular drinkers and reduce nerve damage.

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I have purchased from GNC here, but agree prices are just plain silly. They have just now finally got approval (Rinrada; take notice...) to sell Megaman (he,he - cool name!) multivitamins as well as the female equivalant - the approval have been years in the process, as Thai "FDA" is rather strict when it comes to much stronger than recommended daily allowance - supplements. (Centrum strength is within range wherefore have approval). Might also be a tea money issue involved, but what do I know? :o Cheers!

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Thanks, all, for your replies. I've found nothing good (with regard to vitamins and suppliments in Thailand). I have grown up with GNC - they're head office is in my home town. Low quality and high prices - what an appealing combination! Chemical city!

I seriously considered starting a vitamin shop in Thailand, because of the complete lack of quality vitamins here, but I'm scared to go out on an untested limb. I could easily drop a hundred bucks and more in the US every month on vitamins, etc. What would a Thai think after the shipping and customs costs? Super expensive! Too chancy for me. I guess the best option is to just buy the bare essentials on-line, and get a shipment twice a year.



I'm used to these natural food stores in California that are supermarket sized, even the vitamin department of such stores are 2 - 3 times the size of a 7-Eleven. I know that such places are simply not available here, but I would like to find something a bit better than the local drug stores. Has anyone found a place with more varieties and options available in BKK or Pattaya, perhaps a gym or fitness center?


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As far as Vitamin C goes Boots in Pattaya (not in Phuket) seem to break up a big jar of 500mg chewable and sell them in plastic pack for 50 bht for 50, pretty good even by UK standards.

This is the only thing in this line of note I have seen :o

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Boots stock Blackmores range of vitamins and they are not too badly priced.

Blackmores have a good name but with vitamins it is always important to check what the active ingredients are.

I definitely think that there is scope for a good health food shop with vitamins and other products in areas like Pattaya and Bangkok and maybe Phuket.

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There is a chain store called InCome that sells a range of herbal products and vitamins. I've seen one of their branches in HuaHin. The business card, which i've since lost, had an address in BKK for the headquarters.

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  • 2 years later...

I needed to be taking some Vitamin B, so I've been shopping around BKK for that...

Went to the GNC store in Silom Road near the Saladaeng BTS station the other day, and found they carried their own store brand B -- bottle of 100 tab for 1250 baht or about 12 baht per pill. I'm not sure on all the details because I didn't stay to write it all down, but it seemed to have a broader composition that that listed below.

Separately, went to a local pharmacist in lower Sukhumvit where I often buy medications, and asked about Vitamin B. They produced 10-tablet blister packs of Vitamin B tab that they sell for 10 baht each, or 1 baht per bill. Their brand is labeled Medic Pharma SAMBEE and has 100 mg of B1, 5 mg of B6, and 65 mcg of B12.

Back in the U.S., a 100-tab bottle of Vitamin B would be easy to grab from any store for $3-$6... But GNC here in Thailand is asking $30 for the same thing.... Something doesn't sound quite right here...

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  • 3 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

My wife and I go back regularly to the US and whenever coming back to LOS we bring lots and lots of vitamins. We buy in the US at places like Costco, and can double our money or more selling to friends in Thailand. We supply my wife's mom with Calcium tablets in a couple of big jars, and she sells them by the pill to her neighbors and friends. For some reason vitamins in Thailand are scarce and expensive, and I would be really be up to starting a vitamin shop in Chiang Mai if I could get a good supplier and more info on what it costs to bring them into Thailand - duty wise. I am doing a little research, but would really like to get more info if anyone has it.

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Ive started to use HealthDesigns.com and Iherb.com (Use BID083 to save 5$) for pretty much everything I order.

Shipping is only 8$ on heathdesigns and 4$ on iherb, both have weight limits but their plenty most of the time.

In total wish shipping you can get 2lbs of protein shipped in for about 900b and ive never been hit with customs as it comes through local mail.

If vitamins is what your looking for cosco is crap as you will only absorb about 5% of the crap they put into them. Get some quality vitamins and you will feel the difference.

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Are you looking for vitamins or to profit from selling vitamins?

I have found that any pharmacy here carries every vitamin possible and also a very wide variety of Herbal and non pharmaceutical vitamins.

Also China Town (Yowarat) in Bkk has herbalists and sell a very wide variety of medicines etc.

Edited by Gone
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I have found that any pharmacy here carries every vitamin possible and also a very wide variety of Herbal and non pharmaceutical vitamins.

I disagree. Pharmacies here carry the bare necessities if that. I think this is intentional because they favour selling Thais these fancy boxed supplements where they pay 5 to 10 times what they are actually worth - because of the pretty boxes.

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