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Who is Benz driver who fled fatal accident scene?


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Absolutely concur Suradit. I am sick and tired of the ludicrous Thai bashing I read on this website. I simply wonder what sort of world or environment these brainless idiots inhabit. Obviously nothing that resembles any sort of normality or reason. I do wish the controllers on here, or whatever they're called, could block them from writing such drivel with its racist overtones. Surely this goes beyond 'free speech' and in any other jurisdiction would be banned because of its blatant racism and indeed, if aimed at named individuals, would be deemed libellous.

It would be interesting if someone would do a study on the subject .

Some people seem to have a similar attitude towards Thais as prisoners have about prison officers


So it seems studies have been done - with the unsurprising findings that those who spend frequent large daily amounts of time online making numerous posts on forums - such as the faction of retired, curmudgeonly and bigoted posters on this forum with thousands of posts to their names, are most likely just trolls possessed of narcissistic and sadistic personalties, along with possible psychopathic disorders.

There are three ways of dealing with them - other posters should simply ignore them, report them, or forum moderators should close their accounts. Of course in the final case it is only too easy for the troll to create a new email account and rejoin. But it does seem to be the case on this forum that rules regarding posting seem to be overlooked when it comes to anti-Thai rhetoric, whereas poking a bit of harmless 'tongue in cheek fun' at western nationalities will earn you a suspension - quite likely as this post will for even daring to mention moderation. However to be fair I have found that in all cases of posts that I have bothered to report as being in breach of rule 11, moderators have acted quickly in removing the offending post. So if you are getting sick and tired of the endless Thai bashing then just take a few moments to click the report button - and don't forget to include the post # number as the report only links the mod to the entire page.

The fourth way of dealing with it is to find another forum, one where everyone agrees with your viewpoint.

I am not a Thai basher, but I will criticise someone in a thread, whatever race, if I think they are in the wrong.

Example, 'Ladyboy steals from Indian man at 3.00am, on Beach Road'.

Now, the action of the ladyboy is a common occurrence, and this type of thing is reported several times a week on TV.

So I make a comment criticising the ladyboy, in your eyes, I am a Thai basher, so that, quite appropriate comment, should be reported, and I should get a ban ?

On the other hand, I criticise the Indian, because, in my opinion, walking on Beach Road at that hour is dangerous, and choosing to engage with a ladyboy, makes matters worse. So now, in your eyes, I am racist, should be reported, and I should get a ban ?

I cannot believe your post, most people's opinion would be 'Thaivisa is not compulsory', if all the comments are not to your liking, log off, find one that agrees with all your viewpoints, it can't be difficult.

I would also think, judging by the time of your post, that you probably don't even live here full time ?


I agree with you on the basis of what I recall of your posts generally, that you are not one of the Thai bashing trolls on this forum. In fact I believe it is the case that I have often agreed with your posts to the extent that I will give them a 'like'.

So I find it surprising that you have made some spectacularly incorrect assumptions of my views.

In your example you say that if you wrote a comment criticising the ladyboy I would see you as a Thai basher and report your post. Not the case at all, however if as many do, you wrote a post stating (as a result of one ladyboy's actions) that "ladyboys are 'freaks of nature' and thieving scum and should all be shot at dawn", then yes I would regard that as an inflamatory, transphobic comment and quite likely report it.

I would also not regard your expressing your opinion that the Indian gentleman's actions were not wise as being 'racist' - if on the other hand you had said "Indians are stupid people and deserve what they get", then yes that would be a completely different matter. I would regard that as racist and report it.

I fail to see anything in my post where I make any generalisation that 'any' criticism at all is deserving of being reported. I would have thought it was fairly obvious that my post in response to the previous posters, is a reflection on the faction here whose posts are in no way reasonable criticism, but rather sweeping generalisations often made in a derogatory and inflammatory manner. I suspect in your heart of hearts you probably recognise that.

I would not expect to find any forum where everyone's viewpoints were the same as mine, and neither would I wish to spend time on such a forum. There are some very good contributors on this forum, with differing views to mine, but sadly I do not get to read so much from them due to me losing interest in often having to wade through so much tripe in the process of finding them.

In answer to your final question, not that it really has any relevance or is any of your business, my time for the past 8 years has been split between Korat and the UK roughly 70\30 - I am a way off retirement age and still need to maintain an income in the UK.

I'm sorry if the fact that I only spend 8-9 months p\a in Korat is of some concern to you, but I wasn't aware that it precluded me from posting here when I am in the UK...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't know if the feature is available on cars in Thailand yet, but the trend in USA now is for cars to be able to stop on their own before hitting something or someone. Sensors relay to the brakes that something is in the path and automatically stop the car.

No that self-stopping future is not available on cars in Thailand. It has been around for a few years now and should be on every car rolling off the assembly line, but it isn't. Maybe certain people involved in world overpopulation are in the way because it would cut down on people being killed in car accidents and so reduce overpopulation. There is also available an electronic device to stop tailgating by momentarily shutting off the fuel to the engine. Also a device that Must be on every vehicle sold in Thailand, but isn't.

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Who says its not available ? I have it on both of my cars . Okay so it's not available on every car in production but that would also be the case In the u.k and I'm pretty sure in the u.s also.

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  • 5 months later...

Is this going to end up as just another cold case?  Two local women were killed in the hit and run in C.M .


They found a passport in the car belonging to this guy ; 



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On Monday, November 21, 2016 at 9:21 PM, balo said:

Is this going to end up as just another cold case?  Two local women were killed in the hit and run in C.M .


They found a passport in the car belonging to this guy ; 




Been a while now.

The gutless coeard still hasnt shown up.

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On Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 0:17 PM, ezzra said:

So a foreigner drivers learned from the Thais how to do a runner fleeing the scenes of a fatal accident,

it seems that this story has a lot more into it than meet the eye, what ever the outcome are,

the driver should face the music and take full responsibly.....

I think this bloke has outdone the Thais here.

at least the thai who killed two became a monk and showed up to court.

This fella has dissapeared completely.

Someone is helping him hide.

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