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Pfizer says it's blocking use of drugs for lethal injections


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One more circuitous means of bypassing the will of a people, either local, state, or national level. Like taxing ammo, or making any declared item prohibitive, various drugs are being restricted to achieve a political end, like ammo taxed. Were Pfizer bakers and refused to do a gay cake they would be charged but because they parade "feelings" as activism and duty, they get a waiver and a free pass. Political machines should not be able to bypass legislative mechanisms as a way to inflict agenda on others. Pfizer is now no more than a tool of special interests.

Furthermore, by the very standard Pfizer employs they should equally be banned as far more deaths are tied to their products then their products tied to State executions.

We can rationalize that Pfizer saves lives, etc., but Pfizer also kills! Period. This cannot be proven wrong, only mitigated with argument. What good they do does not change that there are many deaths associated with their products. Pfizer is also immunized by law so it is effectively a political device of public policy. So, now couching politics in social activism makes Pfizer reprehensible, not praiseworthy.

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The death penalty should be abolished everywhere in the World. It is barbaric and does nothing to stop crime.

As for Pfizer- they could care less about human life. If they did care- they would reduce the price of their drugs so people everywhere could afford them. Medical care is a human right and no one should be making a profit off another person's pain. Drug companies are leaches sucking the lifeblood from the human race.

You, my friend have hit the nail on the head.

American pharma companies are in business for profit only.

Life saving and life maintaining drugs the sell to Americans can be purchased for a small fraction of the price they charge Americans in other countries.

Their lobbyist pay our lawmakers to protect their high profits.

Many Americans can not afford to purchase the drugs their doctors prescribe...or decide to reduce their dosage to save money..

Many Americans go bankrupt trying to pay their medical expenses.

Just like lawyers, drug companies make a fortune taking advantage of other people's misfortunes.

They are the vultures of society.


Watch those numbers change should TTIP get implemented.

The very reason Obama and Clinton are desperate for the UK to stay in the EU.

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