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Thailand bomb suspect breaks down, tells media, 'I'm not an animal'


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Just curious....with the outstanding record of RTP , always getting the correct guilty party, is it possible these guys did not do what they are accused of?

Nobody has ever claimed responsibility for the bombing, if you look at the footage of the bomber putting his backpack down, it's obvious that there are two other young men involved, the one guy that vacated his seat for the bomber and the third guy he stood next to in an effort to shield the bomber from view, they all look as fit as butchers dogs and full of confidence, one could say untouchable. That was no ordinary bomb, judging by the carnage it caused, it was probably C4, semtex or something comparable, the explosion was carried out at Chinese shrine on a quiet day, no street traders, to minimise Thai casualties. There is only one group in Thailand who could have done that in such professional manner and coupled with the fact that nobody has ever claimed responsibility, points the finger in one direction.

Of course any bombing and the conspiracy theorists come out...

What do you mean "that was no ordinary bomb" what is an ordinary bomb? How can you tell what explosive was used by watching a video? To even be able to guess you would need to know how much explosive was in the bag, which nobody knows this so impossible to determine without forensics being used at the blast site.

A few other points, First it is not a Chinese shrine, have you ever seen the shrine? if so you would know right away it's not Chinese. The shine is a Hindu shrine, second it was not a quiet day it was Wednesday at 7pm just the right time when "Thais' are going to the temple on their way home from work. (as opposed to your idea that the timing was planned so Thais dont get hurt, which 6 Thais died and 121 of the 125 injured were Thais) There are always vendors there and they were there that night, several of the people hurt were vendors.

you guys are so funny, think about it and make some more stuff up.

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Why would a Thai kill their own people at the holy shrine ? In this case I do believe they arrested the guys responsible.

Edited by balo
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From the outset this case has had all the hallmarks of yet another false flag op directed by a self exiled fugitive in 'Do-Buy'.
Throughout the latest global downturn Thailand has had one stalwart growth sector - tourism, particularly Chinese tourists (and the prime contingent at Erawan Shrine). If one could disrupt the flow of Chinese tourists, Thailand would be faltering even more. Red watermelon police 'serve & protect' their utterly corrupt patriarch in 'Do-Buy' and the Uighurs were easily scripted patsy/scapegoats.
From the 2006 New Years eve bombs to present, countless lives and limbs have been lost (children included) all due to the insatiable greed, bent vendetta and megalomaniacal ego of one man. Anyone who defends the greedy physcopath is beneath contempt. Others are simply on the payroll and same.
And now with a referendum to stop and sis (family pocketbook) to protect, one is greatly concerned for what the increasingly desperate fugitive has planned next.

Squirrel !!!

The third paragraph in the initial post above probably rattled some dogs on masters leashes. Understandably

Edited by reasonablyspeaking
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They are entitled to a presumption of innocence and to the best legal representation. If the authorities are convinced of their guilt, as they have proclaimed, then there is nothing to fear in providing that representation.

I don't think under the Thai legal system, that there is such a right of presumption of innocence, is there?

For the rich and powerful there is !!!....in Thailand.

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"I'm not an animal," the shaven, shackled and barefoot Adem Karadag told a crowd of waiting reporters on Tuesday, as two guards led him into a military court in Bangkok's old town. "I'm human, I'm human."

"We're innocent, help us, help us, where are the human rights?" said a stony-faced Mieraili, as he emerged from a police car outside the court."

so they are going to a CIA black site for full interrogation after the trial, right?

huh ??? gemme a hit ....

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There has been some shady CCTV footage of someone who probably wasn't this guy.

There is genuine footage of several teenagers killing a disabled man with their swords.

Which one(s) are more than likely to be found guilty.

Another reason the RTP shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a case that needs real policing.

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To compare him and his obnoxious compatriots to an animal is an insult to animals....Export it back to China, they know what to do with them, and, if a choice were given, waterboarding would seem a pleasant option.....

yes he is a sorry excuse of a flesh bag but i feel you know not of what you speak , the practice of deporting all the Uighur's back to china started this mess ...... uighur's are hated by the Han even though they are Chinese they are 2nd and 3rd class people in their own Shingzang province . deportation means immediate death and family rounded up , stripped of all possessions and put back on the street , homes , jobs . education for children , food , money , all gone . the photo that TV showed of a jet full of Singzang people being deported was the last photo of these people when they were alive , they were excuted on arrival . .those deported committed border jumping and overstay crimes in Thailand . how many white or black tourists have done the same thing but are alive and well strapped to a bar stool and a cutie Thai girl ? at the time those in charge paid no attention to what their actions would result in . the horrible bombing was retaliation , it did not need to happen . hundreds have died because people were not aware of the ramification of a bad decision , kinda like you familyaffairs guy .

Edited by mikiea
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There is no <deleted> way the BIB got the right guys.

I am more and more disgusted by authority these days. We are all victimized by it, to differing degrees. As with much of life, it is a balancing act. But absolute authority corrupts absolutely. What incentive is there for authority to be just, when it does not serve their own motives?

I am not sure of your logic here. Pinning the bombing on "innocent" Chinese Uighur was NOT in the interest of the authorities, it was an embarrassment. They said - there was no way it was connected... that it was "The Reds" that were involved.... so having to admit it was not was a big embarrassment and not in the interest of authorities.

Why do you think they "pinned" it on the Uighurs?

aaah, don't let facts and logic ruin the beliefs of red-leaning underdog supporters.

everybody is innocent... the koh tao guys too! innocent because there is a doubt on the materiality of some of the evidence.

So... if everything has not been examined by Horatio Caine, CSI Miami Dade - and I'm choosing a TV character on purpose - everything has to be fabricated, right?


Right. Have you ever witnessed the art of evidence fabrication in real life and then been a subject of it until you don't know what's fact or fiction. Imagine that and being accused of something as heinous as he is and think about how you'd react if you didn't do it. That's why people are innocent until proven guilty and lawyers have to do the talking even if you're really innocent.

Good point though, although I always enjoyed figuring out who did it watching reruns of murder she wrote more than CSI Miami.

Evidence fabrication and wrongfully convicting the innocent was part of what I was talking about. Unfortunately I was also speaking to the idea that authority has no one to answer but themselves, in many different areas of our lives. I'm an American and I think in some areas our system is just as corrupt as the one here.

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Reason he is crying now and shouting out in English to the press is his lawyer has advised that there are a lot of soft touches out there who don't believe anyone could possibly be guilty unless it was a Thai and preferably related to some sort of conspiracy by the "elites". Otherwise every man and their dog are innocent as newborn babies.

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Just curious....with the outstanding record of RTP , always getting the correct guilty party, is it possible these guys did not do what they are accused of?

Seriously, why would you say that? You're a lawyer who has sat in on numerous trials, and have concluded that the RTP have got it wrong, frequently?

Thai Visa time cross examining the accused in your own mind, from an armchair at home, doesn't count, and unless you're qualified, and have attended trials, you are stabbing in the dark......as we all are, or would be.

It happens at home, wherever home is. Armchair detectives are positive the police have it wrong, based on no more than public opinion.

The RTP may not be Scotland Yard, but I'm sure they can access a lot more evidence that any TV member.

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I cannot determine if these guys are guilty or innocent, but I can tell you that

. the Red Bull heir is guilty (and never incarcerated, which is difficult when he is allowed to leave the country - I wonder why he didn't return)

. the young female who killed 9 on the Expressway is guilty (and never incarcerated, nor did she complete her ridiculous social service - too busy, too far from home)

. the Farang/Thai actress is guilty (and never incarcerated though the entry to the priesthood and the kissing of the feet looked good)

. the incinerator driver is guilty (and never incarcerated, but his entry for a 'day' to be a monk surely counts for something when killing 2 innocent kids))

Because of this I am confused, I would like to believe the RTP, but their reputation for honest, reliable, ethical investigation practices, leaves a lot to be desired.

The RTP are not responsible for what happens after a guilty verdict is handed down. You're confused if you think that's the case. The police put the accused and evidence before the court, and the judiciary sentences.

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It's sad all these innocent people were killed...but what about the 11 or so that were killed in the van by that young girl driving and hitting them. And the countless innocent people dying on the roads here. Many slaughtered by rich, never to be prosecuted, drivers...Are they accountable at all?

You bring up an interesting point of view, but in this case not a valid one.

For one thing, I don't think you will find too many young inexperienced drivers who get into their car and say to themselves that they are going to try and hit a van full of people today just to see how many people they can kill. Even when they are under the influence of alcohol it is not a planned action. It is an accident. In most cases it is only because they are over the legal limit of blood alcohol, or drugs, that makes there actions criminal. In most cases they are very remorseful for the people they have killed or injured.

Having said this, there probably isn't too many of us around who are over 50 years old, who have driven for a long time, who at least one time in there life never got behind the wheel of a car and drove, when they were over the legal limit of blood alcohol. In other words there was at least one time in our lives when we could have been involved in an accident like this to, while over the legal limit.

So most people over 50 years old can relate to this and understand how this can become a serious accident but not an act of terrorism. Especially from someone younger and inexperienced in this world. But you won't find many people over 50 years old who at one time in there life sat at home and made bombs, with the intent of killing a lot of innocent people.

A Terrorist who funds his way to another country, sits quietly in his rented room for hours making a home made bomb, carriers this said bomb to a busy tourist area, places it under a bench, then leaves and sets this bomb off later, is not an accident. It is a planned terrorist act with the objective being to kill and injure as many innocent men, women, and children, as he can. To bring attention to himself and his cause. In most cases showing no remorse at all for there actions and to the families of the people he killed or injured.

See a difference?

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They are entitled to a presumption of innocence and to the best legal representation. If the authorities are convinced of their guilt, as they have proclaimed, then there is nothing to fear in providing that representation.

Are you sure about that? 'Not being argumentative; but I'm genuinely not sure that either of those rights actually exist under Thai law. And in the case of the latter, even in the west, who assesses & assigns the "best legal representation"? In the west it certainly is a matter of finances, either your own or that of the advocacy group that takes your case. I honestly have no idea whether this individual is guilty or not, but I AM pretty sure that unless he has a rock-solid, unambiguous defense (i.e., that is, unless he can prove his innocence...), his legal prospects aren't worth a nickel.

Now ... this idea that if this IS related to the Uighur deportations, then it's NOT terrorism (hence the contrived need for a conviction here...). 'Honor graduates of the Barack Obama School of Advanced Dissimulation I see. Fortunately for the authorities, the Erawan dead aren't voicing any demands for an explanation of this absurd notion.

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Just curious....with the outstanding record of RTP , always getting the correct guilty party, is it possible these guys did not do what they are accused of?

This concerns me too... whoever panted the bomb that killed and maimed so many innocent people are savages.. but are these the guys who did it?

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It's sad all these innocent people were killed...but what about the 11 or so that were killed in the van by that young girl driving and hitting them. And the countless innocent people dying on the roads here. Many slaughtered by rich, never to be prosecuted, drivers...Are they accountable at all?

So anytime a rich person is involved in a fatal accident with a poor person it is the rich person's fault right?

Obviously Thailand is full of rich people as many of the 'countless' innocents are 'slaughtered' by the rich.

Someone's chip is looming large!

I'm no apologist for he unjust/corrupt justice system here, but let's get it in perspective eh? Some of the clips of accidents involving motorcycles that I've seen seem to lay at least part of the blame on the motorcycle rider and we've all seen the quantum of drunken idiots on ancient step-throughs just waiting to meet their Darwinian fate

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Odd how the murderer suddenly finds some emotion.

I guess the emotions come easy when he gets to thinking about it all and realises that somewhere on a shelf in a Bangkok prison sit the chemicals which will end his miserable life.

Shame for him he couldn't find some emotion before embarking on his slaughter.

I can't wait until they 'pin' something like this on a Westerner...I think the internet in Thailand will implode....


You have tried him already in the court of 'highground' have you?

You took the words from my lips lostmebike ...

It is rather extraordinary how the 'highgrounds' seemed to be particularly crowded on this Forum. How so many people are perfectly happy to assume that a man is guilty just because the authorities say so. And those same people will then furiously bash said authorities on some other thread for being incompetent, double faced and self serving ...

Oh, and I wish you find your bike.

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zero evidence these guys or anyone else did this because they ran a trafficking ring and were upset by the government, these guys may well have done it because they were paid or forced to do it but who ever organized it has been either covered up or too difficult for the cops to figure out

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It's sad all these innocent people were killed...but what about the 11 or so that were killed in the van by that young girl driving and hitting them. And the countless innocent people dying on the roads here. Many slaughtered by rich, never to be prosecuted, drivers...Are they accountable at all?

So anytime a rich person is involved in a fatal accident with a poor person it is the rich person's fault right?

Obviously Thailand is full of rich people as many of the 'countless' innocents are 'slaughtered' by the rich.

Someone's chip is looming large!

I'm no apologist for he unjust/corrupt justice system here, but let's get it in perspective eh? Some of the clips of accidents involving motorcycles that I've seen seem to lay at least part of the blame on the motorcycle rider and we've all seen the quantum of drunken idiots on ancient step-throughs just waiting to meet their Darwinian fate

Every road accident is someones fault but even when speeding or whatever they are doing wrong, it is not there intention to have an accident and kill someone. A little different when a guy plants a bomb that he wants to kill someone and is hoping to kill many.. You can't compare the two..

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I cannot determine if these guys are guilty or innocent, but I can tell you that

. the Red Bull heir is guilty (and never incarcerated, which is difficult when he is allowed to leave the country - I wonder why he didn't return)

. the young female who killed 9 on the Expressway is guilty (and never incarcerated, nor did she complete her ridiculous social service - too busy, too far from home)

. the Farang/Thai actress is guilty (and never incarcerated though the entry to the priesthood and the kissing of the feet looked good)

. the incinerator driver is guilty (and never incarcerated, but his entry for a 'day' to be a monk surely counts for something when killing 2 innocent kids))

Because of this I am confused, I would like to believe the RTP, but their reputation for honest, reliable, ethical investigation practices, leaves a lot to be desired.

all these accidents, sure it is terrible that they have gotten off any real punishment , a day or week becoming a monk doesn't count. but I am sure none of them were intended and planned... Not like planting a bomb, and one post says he has confessed and the evidence is overwhelming against him ? and he will get his day in court..

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zero evidence these guys or anyone else did this because they ran a trafficking ring and were upset by the government, these guys may well have done it because they were paid or forced to do it but who ever organized it has been either covered up or too difficult for the cops to figure out

Haha.... Someone did this !!!! bombs don't get made , planted and set off by themselves !!!

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Just curious....with the outstanding record of RTP , always getting the correct guilty party, is it possible these guys did not do what they are accused of?

This concerns me too... whoever panted the bomb that killed and maimed so many innocent people are savages.. but are these the guys who did it?

one post says there is overwhelming evidence he did this and he has confessed to it ? He will still get his day in court....

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Odd how the murderer suddenly finds some emotion.

I guess the emotions come easy when he gets to thinking about it all and realises that somewhere on a shelf in a Bangkok prison sit the chemicals which will end his miserable life.

Shame for him he couldn't find some emotion before embarking on his slaughter.

I can't wait until they 'pin' something like this on a Westerner...I think the internet in Thailand will implode....


You have tried him already in the court of 'highground' have you?

Well, the guy does look an awful lot like the one that, while sitting on one of the benches over there, slipped his back pack to the ground and walked away from the Erawan shrine minutes before the explosion...

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zero evidence these guys or anyone else did this because they ran a trafficking ring and were upset by the government, these guys may well have done it because they were paid or forced to do it but who ever organized it has been either covered up or too difficult for the cops to figure out

Haha.... Someone did this !!!! bombs don't get made , planted and set off by themselves !!!

I think these guys are accused of dropping off the bombs, but I dont think they are accused of organizing or financing it. the organizers are probably among the dozen or so wanted people that managed to leave the country after the bombing, or maybe not, we will probably never know

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Odd how the murderer suddenly finds some emotion.

I guess the emotions come easy when he gets to thinking about it all and realises that somewhere on a shelf in a Bangkok prison sit the chemicals which will end his miserable life.

Shame for him he couldn't find some emotion before embarking on his slaughter.

I can't wait until they 'pin' something like this on a Westerner...I think the internet in Thailand will implode....


You have tried him already in the court of 'highground' have you?

Well, the guy does look an awful lot like the one that, while sitting on one of the benches over there, slipped his back pack to the ground and walked away from the Erawan shrine minutes before the explosion...

Very interesting report by Channel News Asia about the accused, narrated, sorry defended by his Thai lawyer.

If I can find it, I'll post a link but in the report you can clearly see his body shape is definitely broader than the perp. Also taller too if memory serves me correct.

Just wondering ... do you think the Burmese 2 are guilty too?

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