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Human Rights Thaksin Style


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The following is an excerpt from an article published in the perspective section of this weeks B.Post.



The rule of law is threatened today by ambitious individuals who seek to undermine the principles of due process and impose their own rule, writes SUPARA JANCHITFAH

In April of 2002, the Thaksin government declared Kalasin the first drug-free province in the nation, but little is known about the methods used to keep illegal drugs out of the province.

It is known that from early 2003 to late 2005 at least 22 young people were found dead or disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Eighteen were shot to death, three were found hanging by the neck and one went missing. Many of the killings took place in broad daylight. One boy was shot dead in front of his school, wearing his school uniform.

Under T.Visa rules and to protect copyright laws i would appreciate it if you would go to the Url to read the full article listing several distrubing cases.

As Toxin is grabbing the headlines with Pathetic attempts to keep in the public eye i would like to submit to members some of the real life situations that are credited to him.

As CEO and premier / puppet master he is responsible for all the actions taken by his fellow administration officers who act on his behalf / wishes.

Acountability is on the other hand is ALSO down to his puppets who have been a party to these criminal and inhuman actions.

There is no excuse whatever for any of them who carried out these atrocities on the victims and their families.

Out of respect for them PLEASE read the full article, there are of course many other such actions not listed in this article that we are all well aware of.

Let us all not forget these hideous crimes while he attempts to cause yet further chaos and confusion for the sake of his own selfish objectives which are to make these daily front pages ect. and keep his name in the headlines.

marshbags :o:D:D

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Equally worrying, civil servants do not change when a new administration takes power; they are still there enjoying the power they have wielded up to now with impunity. A very brave reporter indeed to ensure their act's ( reported acts ) are not forgotten. Ignore history and it will repeat itself.

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The horrendous Thai version of the "War On Drugs" was seen by many officials and cops as a "green light" to ramp up their illegal activities and just dismiss the dead bodies piling up as drug-dealing collateral damage. In the same way that the cover-all "Lese Majeste" is used to silence critics / dissenters.


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But, sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

There is certainly less drug related problems in Thailand nowadays. When I first come here in the late 90's it was like Amsterdam.

I'm not a Thaksin supporter. I'm neutral. But hey, running a country aint easy. Not only do you have to please all of your people all of the time but you have to please the PC do-gooder foreigners who come here wanting to change the place into their f#@cked up home countries.

Give this new mob in power now a few years and see what happens. More fun to come, I guarantee it.

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dgoz>> If you kill everyone between 16 and 25, youth-crime will sharply decline.

How far do you want to go?

I don't want to do anything.

I haven't got the intelligence or experience to make the necessary decisions to run a country and solve it's problems. Some of the punters on this forum certainly think they do. It seems these punters want Thailand to be run like Farangland. Please.

I'm trying to say there are always differing opinions on how to deal with problems, such as drugs, and sometimes, in other countries it will be dealt with differently than the PC west thinks it should.

But, your comment is typical. Because he killed a few scumbag drug dealers now you're saying he wants to kill everyone from 16-25 !?!?

The fact is he didn't kill everyone 16-25. Did he? Just got rid of a few bottom dwellers.

Of course, my opinions differ from that of the PC majority, and I'll get flamed for it. But remember,the great men of history have always challenged the status quo.

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dgoz>> You both managed to miss the point and create a strawman-argument. Good work.

Indiscriminating killing of anyone 'possibly' involved in something will have staggering results. Noone is doubting that. But perhaps, just perhaps, some people would prefere that only the ones actually guilty would be killed.

I can see now that you couldn't care less.

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But, sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

There is certainly less drug related problems in Thailand nowadays. When I first come here in the late 90's it was like Amsterdam.

I'm not a Thaksin supporter. I'm neutral. But hey, running a country aint easy. Not only do you have to please all of your people all of the time but you have to please the PC do-gooder foreigners who come here wanting to change the place into their f#@cked up home countries.

Give this new mob in power now a few years and see what happens. More fun to come, I guarantee it.

I think you are way off mark in your comments in both your posts.

You really think this is all about farang wanting to change Thailand, how sad your observations make me feel.

Among those killed / murdered many where innocent victims and of those guilty many where petty criminals working for the big boys and not all deserved the fate that they got.

A fair trial and punishment for those guilty, yes i would expect it and they in turn would deserve a penalty to fit the " alledged " crime, according to their involvement.

The majority where murdered to silence them and protect the barons / Puyai and that,s the only reason why.

If you truly want to clean up Thailands drug situ. the main dealers are surely the ones to target and yes, they DESERVE what the innocents got in my humble opinion.

For the record a question you should ask and truthfully answer yourself

How many people where killed / murdered by the authorities in Amsterdam when they cleaned up the liberal attitude to drugs ?

As for P.C correct, you should browse my post history to note my feelings on these people and the do gooders, along with my views on " Thailand being Thai and NOT farang country ".

The majority of T.Visa members accept this as fair comment also, i,m sure.

I,m sure many others also resent the PC / do gooders and what they have to answer for.

No further comment is deserving of your posts apart from the fact that you are entitled to comments

in debate but find yours this time to be insensitive and off the tone of the threads objective.

As TAWP says " You Couldn,t Care Less "

marshbags :D:D:o

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Of course, my opinions differ from that of the PC majority, and I'll get flamed for it.

It is my personal observation that people who resort labeling those with different opinions do so as a means to silence or negate debate.

Whenever I here someone calling someone else and their opinion 'PC' I minded to think the name caller is hiding weak arguments of his/her own.

Likewise when I hear the terms 'Misogynist/Homophobe/Nazi/Neo-con' oh yes and 'Feminist' too - It is invariably a smoke screen.

Now lets see through this particular smoke screen.

There is no need to go bleating about 'PC foreigners' coming over to Thailand and trying to dictate 'PC' interpretations of human rights to the Thais.

Very many Thais had and still have grave reservations with respect to the extrajudicial killings of Thaksin's war on drugs. The extrajudicial killings are offensive to them as they are to any people who desire to live in a just society governed for all under the rule of law.

The assertion that it is foreigners bringing a foreign perspective on what is justice under the law is an insult to the very many Thais who yearn for justice in their own country.

Moreover, denying that such Thais exist and stating that ideas of justice which abhors extrajudicial killings are foreign is the worst kind of racial slur.

Thais are quite capable of finding injustice abhorrent, many do, and those that do appreciate the support of non Thais who share the same belief in Justice.

Unless of course you are going to suggest that the likes of Burin Kantabutra need to be dictated to on what is and is not justice.

See through the smoke, its not a sudden urge to defend Thais from foreign influence at all, the roots are a bit deeper and more personal than that.

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Thank you for posting this item. I have been following it in the Post.

I have earlier mentioned on this forum how I was working in Ayuthaya during the 'war on drugs' and being gobsmacked at the nonchalant way educated Thais dismissed the enormous number of killings as justified. I find this very hard to understand particularly when the police are widely viewed as dishonest at best. Perhaps they didn't want to say anything in front of their colleagues.

My views then and now are that this terrible campaign spurred a feeling of impunity and a culture of murder among various sections of the police.

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dgoz>> If you kill everyone between 16 and 25, youth-crime will sharply decline.

How far do you want to go?

I don't want to do anything.

I haven't got the intelligence or experience to make the necessary decisions to run a country and solve it's problems. Some of the punters on this forum certainly think they do. It seems these punters want Thailand to be run like Farangland. Please.

I'm trying to say there are always differing opinions on how to deal with problems, such as drugs, and sometimes, in other countries it will be dealt with differently than the PC west thinks it should.

But, your comment is typical. Because he killed a few scumbag drug dealers now you're saying he wants to kill everyone from 16-25 !?!?

The fact is he didn't kill everyone 16-25. Did he? Just got rid of a few bottom dwellers.

Of course, my opinions differ from that of the PC majority, and I'll get flamed for it. But remember,the great men of history have always challenged the status quo.

Well dear Sir or Madame (not a mispelling, but insult intended),

As I do not want to run Thailand, could you please stop to want to run TV that is a farang opinion forum. If what the farangs said in a farang forum hurt your feelings, please fell free to post in some very serious site such as www.sanook.com.

THe article posted by the OP was inside Bangkok post (thai newspaper) 6 weeks ago (sunday edition). If not that one, it was a very similar. Before to incrimate the farags who call a black cat a black cat, please be sure your house is clean.

Anyway, that is a farang owned, tfarang related, opinion web forum. Each and everyone (including you dear Khun thai) can voice his/her own opinion, but certainly not silent others on the ground it's about thailand and nothing bad (even if real) can be said. It's called freedom of opinion and it's considered as a right, even in thailand.

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