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Right eye needs to undergo surgery for a Epiretinal membrane removal and will also have a cataract removed and a lense installed. The doctor told me this eye is NOT an ideal candidate for a progressive lense. He is concerned I might not be happy with it. He told me he will install whatever I decide. He can make it so I can see distance and would require glasses to see up close.


He can make it so I can see close up and would require glasses to see distance.


Set it for something in-between

Currently both eyes require correction to see distance but I have excellent close up vision.

I also have a cataract in my left eye. It will need to be done at some point.

In fact I haven't discussed it with him yet but I'm going to try to get him to do it once i recover from this surgery. He did tell me that when he does the left eye at some point that it is a candidate for progressive lense if i wish.

What do you think? Which should I get for the right eye? For the left eventually?

I should have posted this sooner but I thought I would have figured it out by now.

Surgery is Thursday May 19 in the late afternoon.



I would discuss the surgery of the left eye before any surgery takes place to determine what needs done as this may conflict with your lens choice of the right eye. You don't want one eye nearsighted and the other farsighted.


I would discuss the surgery of the left eye before any surgery takes place to determine what needs done as this may conflict with your lens choice of the right eye. You don't want one eye nearsighted and the other farsighted.

Actually that is one of the strategies.

I have discussed the left eye. He told me I could have whatever I wished because that eye had no other issues.


Personally I only require glasses for reading which means I don't have to wear the glasses all of the time. I think would be your best option get the eye set to see distance and less time wearing the glasses for close up.


Personally I only require glasses for reading which means I don't have to wear the glasses all of the time. I think would be your best option get the eye set to see distance and less time wearing the glasses for close up.

That was my first thoughts as well. It would probably mean I wouldn't have to buy anymore expensive glasses for distance but could use something much less expensive for reading.

I'd be able to drive, watch TV etc. Without glasses. But I also spend a lot of time reading my phone and tablet and would have to carry around the reading glasses.

Thanks for your suggestions. I'm hoping someone that has done it or had knowledge of it also reply.


I had both eyes done last year and opted to have far vision only. This is the most reliable and also cheaper (which was not really the concern). As you have been advised against multi focus believe you should definitely have the far vision lens for this eye. Later you can decide on other. For me it was not an issue to have cheap reading glasses (but does take a bit of getting used to after a lifetime of being near-sighted - shaving and such are different when you can't see close as well as before).


Lop thanks for your reply. I'm leaning towards having this eye set to distance also. But as you say not having my near vision will be something completely new to me.


But you will have near vision with the other eye and no need for glasses. Then you can take your time to decide if you really want multi focus or both far and glasses for reading or second eye near and let your mind control (it works for most people). My choice was to use glasses for near as don't know how much longer will have good mind.whistling.gif


Yes, monovision (one eye farsighted one nearsighted) is an option

I have this s a result of lasik surgery and works well for me

  • 1 month later...

Update: The surgery went well. I can see distance well. I've had the left eye done with a multi-focal lens. I can see distance well and I'm learning how to read with my left eye and it's going well....it's mind over matter.


Great news, thanks for the feedback. In my experience the brain adapts to monovision and once it does it's automatic.

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