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Trump unveils list of potential picks for Supreme Court seat


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Are you seriously contending that Obama. who was President of the Harvard Law review is not remembered there? Is this also from westernjournalism.com?

Care to point out where I said anything about Harvard Law?

I said "various colleges". He was in more than one, and nobody at either Occidental or Columbia has come forth that I know of.

How about you...or even Keemapoot, to whom my post was directed.

Give us some links so I can get a good night's sleep.

It took me all of 1 minute to find this.http://www.factcheck.org/2010/02/obama-at-columbia-university/

and this one, too http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/obama-at-occidental

You/ve got to start looking at other sources than westernjournalism.com

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I haven't looked at the list at all, but I'm guessing that every one of the candidates is someone highly acceptable to establishment Republicans. This would be one small way that Trump would try to bring some establishment credentials to his campaign.

And, it's a meaningless giveaway anyway for him. He doesn't even know what a Supreme Court Justice does.., nor does he care.

even some tv forum intellects know what the role of supreme court judges is. why wouldn't a university of pennsylvania wharton mba know ?

See post #4 of this thread or google it. You will see what an idiot the guy is. And, he is not a Wharton MBA, he supposedly did undergrad there, but nobody can remember him, neither students nor faculty. Investigative journalists I'm sure are looking into this now, and we should hear more. But, do you really want someone without even the most rudimentary knowledge of government to be President?


not mba. i stand corrected

university of pennsylvania is not a shoddy alma mater

Edited by atyclb
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...when other world leaders have to step out to condemn Trumps statements, that says a lot about this candidate

Other world leaders have been stepping out to condemn him because this is the 1st time in history a candidate for the highest office in the most powerful country in the world has stepped up and said "Enough already!", "We're tired of getting the short end of the stick. It's time we wielded the power we own in OUR favor and if you don't like it you can kiss my "big hands"!"

How is the US getting short end of the stick? Care to explain?

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"I'm going to pick Supreme Court Justices who will investigate Hilary Clinton's email scandal."


OMG, it's like he failed High School Civics class.

What you have to understand is that many of those that will vote from Trump will not know any different and the rest of those that will vote for Trump don't care anyway. No matter what he says or does or has said or done will not make the slightest difference.

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Trump's move here is actually a typical play out of the Republican handbook. Remember George Bush running against gay marriage but after the election pushing to privatize social security? Get the base riled up on emotional issues. But when it comes to substance, give it up to the wealthy and well connected. The potential justices listed here are all members of the Federalist society. Justices who are members of the Federalist society rule consistently in favor of big business and against labor. Whether it comes to increasing corporate rights because corporations are "persons" or cutting the pension rights of workers, or the rights of workers in general, this is what they do. But since they tend to rule in favor of conservative social positions, like ruling against gay marriage as a right. this will appeal to the Republican base. So the Republican base can look forward to the end of gay marriage as a right and also to becoming poorer and weaker as the wealthy and corporations strengthen their stranglehold on the system..

"The potential justices listed here are all members of the Federalist society."

I'm particularly interested to learn how you know this to be a fact.

I have checked out the Federalist Society and am unable to find a membership roll and have checked several individual profiles and they are not listing membership.

I'm certain you would not just pull something out of the air and expect us to believe it as fact so please provide some support for your allegation.

You're correct. I misread the article. Trump did say in the past that he was consulting with the Heritage Society and the Federalist Society in helping to choose the candidates. What are the odds that any of these judges will be anything but anti labor and pro big business?

"What are the odds that any of these judges will be anything but anti labor and pro big business?"

Sadly, I am not all knowing and omniscient so I cannot give you an answer. But, then, neither are you.

By the way it isn't the Heritage Society, it's the Heritage Foundation.

One of my granddaughters is serving a summer internship with them as we speak. At least one good conservative mind hasn't been destroyed by some liberal college professor.

Glad to hear she's studying at the place that came up with the basis for Obamacare.

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...when other world leaders have to step out to condemn Trumps statements, that says a lot about this candidate

Other world leaders have been stepping out to condemn him because this is the 1st time in history a candidate for the highest office in the most powerful country in the world has stepped up and said "Enough already!", "We're tired of getting the short end of the stick. It's time we wielded the power we own in OUR favor and if you don't like it you can kiss my "big hands"!"

In this remark you can see all the intellectual incoherence and anger that tuels Donald Trump. There is absolutely nothing of substance here and if you were to press mrwebb8825 what Trump would exactly do in this regard, you would just get more of the same.

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I haven't looked at the list at all, but I'm guessing that every one of the candidates is someone highly acceptable to establishment Republicans. This would be one small way that Trump would try to bring some establishment credentials to his campaign.

And, it's a meaningless giveaway anyway for him. He doesn't even know what a Supreme Court Justice does.., nor does he care.

even some tv forum intellects know what the role of supreme court judges is. why wouldn't a university of pennsylvania wharton mba know ?

See post #4 of this thread or google it. You will see what an idiot the guy is. And, he is not a Wharton MBA, he supposedly did undergrad there, but nobody can remember him, neither students nor faculty. Investigative journalists I'm sure are looking into this now, and we should hear more. But, do you really want someone without even the most rudimentary knowledge of government to be President?

"he supposedly did undergrad there, but nobody can remember him, neither students nor faculty. Investigative journalists I'm sure are looking into this now, and we should hear more.

Sort of reminds one of the Obama mystique at his various colleges.

Same, same but, somehow now, it is amazingly different.

Obama was elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review in the spring of 1990. No one remembers Trump at Wharton...at all!


Obama is a brilliant guy...then there is the low-info Trump. The two are amazingly different.

These choices Trump has put forward are the very reason he won't be elected. (That and all the rest of the baggage this pathetic excuse for a candidate brings.)

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Even if a person knew nothing about Trump's many failings as a person, a businessman, anti-science, anti-environment, prejudiced, superiority complex, habitual liar.....

Even if you knew nothing about those things, just taking a close look at his S.Court picks would show you he's in the Loony Right Camp. I've read up on the individual picks, have you? Trump as prez would (wittingly or unwittingly) damage America for decades. It takes a century to grow a forest, it just takes one season of bark beetles to destroy it.

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...when other world leaders have to step out to condemn Trumps statements, that says a lot about this candidate

Other world leaders have been stepping out to condemn him because this is the 1st time in history a candidate for the highest office in the most powerful country in the world has stepped up and said "Enough already!", "We're tired of getting the short end of the stick. It's time we wielded the power we own in OUR favor and if you don't like it you can kiss my "big hands"!"

In this remark you can see all the intellectual incoherence and anger that tuels Donald Trump. There is absolutely nothing of substance here and if you were to press mrwebb8825 what Trump would exactly do in this regard, you would just get more of the same.

still waiting for mrwebb to give some explanations on his statements, but seems like he can't.... you can put similarities between Trump being popular and why Fox News is the number 1 news channel in America.

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