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Pentagon: Chinese jets fly close to US spy plane


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US should stay out of other countries cookie jars if they want to avoid confrontation. This is the same as the Russian flyover of USS Donald Cook in the Baltic sea, I wonder how US would react if Russia would park a Kirov class cruiser 70km from New York...

China doesn't own the international space, they think they own the entire area but they don't so the U.S don't need thier permission to fly in international space.
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"US go home" the new universal rallying cry

They will end up to provoke this third world war which nobody want in advanced nations.

And lose, as all wars they provoked for 50 years.

Good news though, follows other similar incidents Putin has decided to rearm. US against all the world shortly, it promises ...

Edited by happy Joe
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50ft is standard for air to air buzzing, Russians go that close too

Whole point is to send a msg, not just sit 1000ft away and be ignored

Who's standard is that? Please give us a reference source to include page, paragraph so we can verify "your standard". Thanks

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50ft is standard for air to air buzzing, Russians go that close too

Whole point is to send a msg, not just sit 1000ft away and be ignored

Even in pre-arranged formation flying with mutual consent and copious communication, 50' is crazy dangerous at those speeds.

A gust of wind or a little turbulence, and it's all over for one or more of the aircraft and their crew(s). Just like in 2001. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hainan_Island_incident

Though I suspect the PLA was pleased in 2001 with the trade of one obsolete jet and a pilot for the intelligence bonanza they got from the US aircraft when it made an emergency landing on their soil- plus the ridiculous letter of apology they demanded in return for the crew.

Edited by impulse
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Interesting decisions coming out of Vietnam due to Chinese aggression.


Vietnam’s government, pressed by an ever more powerful China, knows it cannot stand up to Beijing alone and is cautiously moving toward increased ties with the United States.

Despite their shared Communist ideology, Vietnam and China fought over islands in the South China Sea in the 1970s and ’80s. Two years ago, China sent an oil rig into disputed waters close to the Paracel Islands, which are claimed by both countries, leading to clashes at sea and anti-Chinese riots in Vietnamese cities.

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There are some regulations about how close you can get to another plane. This was intentional and breaks flight rules.

the Chinese air force should be subpoenaed to appear before a U.S. grand jury for breaking these rules.

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Perhaps Chinese pilots are better than assumed? In other unsettling military news for the US, China's new Dong Feng-21 anti-ship ballistic missile, now threatens to push the Navy back beyond the range of its carrier air wings. The missile is particularly challenging for the US Navy both because of its range and method of attack. The DF-21 strikes a target at hypersonic speed from a nearly vertical angle. It can also conduct defensive maneuvers that make the missile incredibly difficult to intercept.

Also isn't Russia also supplying the Chinese with their new (apparently very good) anti-air missile systems? Add to that the US will be eventually switching to the problematic F 35 fighter against the new Chinese J-20. According to Wikipedia in its 2011 Annual Report to Congress, the Pentagon described the J-20 as "a platform capable of long range, penetrating strikes into complex air defense environments." A 2012 report by the U.S.‐China Economic and Security Review Commission suggests that the United States may have underestimated the speed of development of the J-20 and several other Chinese military development projects.

The US hasn't actually fought a worthy opponent in a long time, Russia & China are a little more formidable than Iraq. There again peaceful resolutions don't equal profit.

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