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Advice for UK fallang looking for Thai wife...?

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HI, this is my first post on the site so please dont turn this into a roasting, im simply here for some much needed advice. If this topic is in the wrong section im sorry.

Basically I need some advice on whether it is possible, not only immigration wise, but culturally, to bring a Thai girl/ woman to the UK to start a new life together. I know attitudes have changed a lot in Thailand with regards to fallang, marriage and relocation. What im stuck on is whether im going about things the right way and maybe a point in the right direction. I have met a lot of Thai girls but I dont know how to go about the whole relocation thing. I dont really know how Thai women think, so I suppose this is also where I am stuck.

Im in my 30's with an average job in UK (earning under 30k), I own my own (small) home and im reasonably attractive. I have visited Thailand 8 times now and im now looking for a more stable relationship, with marriage being the end game. I can speak some Thai but plan to speak fluent eventually. I have now reached a stage where i feel im ready to bring a Thai girlfriend to UK and marry her, or vice versa. Im no longer interrested in paying for sex (directly, at least) and I know enough to know that id like a Thai wife, I wont go into reasons as im sure you already know.

Any advice would be very much appreciated.

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Contact a Lawyer have a Pre-nup signed in Thailand AND UK

and still give her half of your next 30 years earning because a prenup is worthless at the end of a rope.

And the roast has started....Please you need to grow up still....what should I do Mama ?

George Best said it well...."I spent most of my money on Booze and women. The rest I wasted".


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Thanks for your reply.

I think id want a pre nup anyway but that wasnt the question. The question isnt how much will she cost me but is it possible in 2016 to being a thai girl to uk. I wont be marrying a thai girl that i dont trust 100%.

Why has the roast started? Because you enjoy critisizing people?

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A woman is about her personality not her nationality.

If your post is serious, and not a troll post, as I think it might be, I can only assume you have no communication skills.

Just go on a dating website, (the ultimate pits), you will get loads of offers. Just realise, her 'brother' might appear now and again.

But, she will tell you that he is a good man.

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To answer your question: yes, it is possible to bring a Thai girl to the UK, get married have kids and live happily ever after. Both culturally and adhering to UK immigration laws.

The much more difficult question to answer is; How do I find the right "one"? I've got no idea about that. Fate maybe?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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First find someone that you click with, are friends with, that you love and have aims and ambitions in common with.

Otherwise your shopping for a sex toy.

I know several successful UK based Thai/Uk marriages, Thais can and do adapt, but the relationship needs to be real.

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The OP is asking for massive generalizations about Thai women. Ok, here's a few:

Most "normal" Thai women living in Thailand:

--Prefers to have a relationship with a man that she can communicate with perfectly.

--Loves her family more than life, and therefore, would not want to relocate to another country.

--Prefers to live in Thailand where there is cultural and language familiarity.

Thai women who wouldn't mind relocating abroad:

--Comes from a dysfunctional family, so wouldn't mind getting away

--Speaks decent English...from dating several farangs before you.

--Poor with little to no prospects of changing social class.

--Single mother, somewhat desperate

--Could be none of the above, but older, 40+

Needless to say, I'd always recommend to my western friends to come live in Thailand for awhile if you want to find a decent Thai gal. Long distance relationships are almost never what they seem...especially with certain mercenary Thai women (i.e., mostly what you'll find if you are just visiting and/or doing this from afar).

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Why has the roast started? Because you enjoy critisizing people?

Irrespective of your ability to do basic things without guidance, wanting to take a Thai lady home, even though you admit you don't even know how they think, doesn't leave much to be polite with.

So, it's a rude awakening, or leave you to your fate by saying nothing if there's nothing good to say, the latter option supposedly being the 'nice' thing to do.

And because we enjoy criticising people. You shouldn't have been born a person, so that's your fault too.

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You might get a few jibes here but everyone will genuinely wish you well because the road you are embarking upon is well known. But given your starting in the OP and stated aspirations, the slow cooking will begin once she mentions the sin sod, you adjust, pay, and the burn, the slow roast will commence.. ...

The question is how long to cook all the way through.

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find a thai girl in gb. at least you'll know she might have some language skills and she will put up with your crappy weather and the intolerable food.

you take a thai girl out of thailand and you will rob her of everything she is.

don't do it!!!

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don't, it can't be done.

middle class women, without previous husbands/bf, no emotional baggage, can't adjust to the west, can't make her own career through hard work, according to thai visa gerbils,it is impossible.

give up, just come for a holiday, go to pattaya and find a bar with st george and your teams symbol,far easier.

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Importing a Thai wife to the UK is rather like importing a rare car into Thailand - you should be prepared for the very real possibility that you're going to lose it

You're obviously considering a personal import because you want the girl all the guys look at and lust after; the girl whose far above you in the attractiveness rankings.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that but it's worth remembering that the reasons you can't get a homegrown stunner are the same reasons why you run the risk of losing her.

If you're awkward or uneasy with women, if you're clingy, if you're one of those guys that, for fear of losing her, would try to control who she meets, who she socializes with and where she goes, there's thousands of richer, better-looking, cooler and more fun alternatives to you on the local high street alone.

At least in Thailand, there are fewer alternatives for her to trade you in for

You've been warned

Edited by Agent Sumo
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