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Thai medical agencies join hands to develop herbal medicines for cancer


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Absolute idiots. The whole point of modern medicine is that the chemicals are highly pure and delivered in standardised quantitative. This means that the drug has a narrow, targeted effect and reduces the chance of side effects. Giving a bunch of unknown chemicals in non-standardised quantities is just crazy.

What would make a lot more sense is to isolate and identify pharmaceutically active chemicals in Thai herbs.

Actually pharmacological research and the isolation and standardization of pharmacologically active compounds from traditional Thai herbs has been happening in Thailand for many years. Where did you read in this article that this isn't true??

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Not going to happen. There are several herbal cures for cancer already but pharmaceutical companies block the production of these herbal cures because they would lose billions a year on profits they are making with their non-working chemo therapies that actually make you more sick. It's all a big scam. Google it if you are unaware

Don't embarrass yourself with such nonsense. There are very many pharmaceutical products produced and available to all that are derived from plants. See my previous post for two examples of two very effective and readily available cancer drugs that are derived from herbs.

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Not going to happen. There are several herbal cures for cancer already but pharmaceutical companies block the production of these herbal cures because they would lose billions a year on profits they are making with their non-working chemo therapies that actually make you more sick. It's all a big scam. Google it if you are unaware

Do you know what you call alternative medicine that has been proved to work?

A. Medicine.

Aspirin is a natural product that is made from the bark of a willow tree.

The pharmaceutical companies tested it in clinical trials, found that it works.... so they now mass produce it, and profit from it.

You can bet your backside that they have tested many so called 'natural remedies' and if there was profit to be made from them, they would.

Sod google, it's full of conspiracy theories and lies..... mainly from those who think that homeopathy works.

Bottom line, if there is a buck to be made, the companies already geared up to make it will be doing so even if it means shelving a product they used to make with a new and improved one.

While salicin was first discovered in Willow Tree bark, modern aspirin is actually made from coal tar. Put an aspirin in a spoon and cook iit over a gas burner and you'll see the white aspirin turn into a black, plastic-like tar. .

Edited by HerbalEd
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This Thai initiative is to be highly commended. Conventional cancer therapies are crude, cruel, and becoming more and more discredited. Their whole approach is ILLOGICAL.

Current treatments are not crude or cruel. They extend life and often provide a complete cure. The approach is not illogical - it's based upon the logical approach of trying differentially to kill cancer cells.

1/They treat only the symptoms (the tumors), without addressing the underlying causes (which are complex)

The underlying causes are often environmental and genetic factors. Addressing these factors after the cancer arises does nothing to stop the progression of the already existing cancer.

2/Both Radiation and Chemotherapy actually cause new cancers. So does the damage caused by Mammography.

The incidence from cancer by such treatments is negligible. However, untreated most cancers will inevitably lead to death. It's a small price to pay for the chance of survival.

3/Radiation and Chemo also destroy the body's Immune System, which is the body's main defense mechanism against cancer. ALL CANCER VICTIMS HAVE IMPAIRED IMMUNE SYSTEMS ; Cancer rarely develops in people with strong Immune Systems.

Cancer cells are subverted normal body cells. They typically don't have characteristics which lets the body identify them as alien. The immune system is largely irrelevant.

4/There is increasing evidence that Chemo does not kill Cancer Mother Cells, which is why the disease returns with a vengeance, and spreads .

There is no such thing scientifically as a "cancer mother cell". Obviously the "increasing evidence" you refer to just does not exist.

5/Surgery is also highly undesirable , and often causes the disease to spread.

Not if it's done properly. And if surgery isn't undertaken, then the cancer is virtually guaranteed to spread.

6/ In many cases Chemo actually reduces life expectancy, and it's horrific side effects are worse than the primary Cancer.

Do you really believe that the side effects of chemotherapy are really worse than the almost inevitable end result of cancer, i.e. an often agonising death?

Alternative Holistic Treatments have a far superior track record (well documented), because they treat the underlying causes. Google my heading to find a wealth of information, superbly researched and presented.

There is not any such track record for "holistic" treatment with any scientific credibility or properly documented evidence for the effective treatment of any cancer whatsoever. And googling only brings up links to pseudoscientific quacks, charlatans and snake-oil salesmen who have obviously done a very good job on you.

Your last statement is scary and makes no sense whatsoever. I suggest, if you want to be taken seriously, that you do more research before posting such false statements. It is an insult to everyone who has successfully used alternative methods to rid themselves of the most brutal forms of cancer. Do not ask me how I know. Shame on you for doing your best to spread such disinformation.

I absolutely stand by my last statement. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that "holistic" treatments for cancer work. Perhaps you'd be so good as to provide even once single shred of credible evidence that what I wrote is a "false statement"? In the entire history of the planet nobody has ever used "alternative methods to rid themselves of the most brutal forms of cancer". And as for "Do not ask me how I know" that just shows that you're not competent to make any meaningful statement on the subject; anyone with solid scientific evidence would be prepared to share that evidence.

Re. your statement: "In the entire history of the planet nobody has ever used "alternative methods to rid themselves of the most brutal forms of cancer".

First of all: How could you possible know this? How could you know about the treatments and fates of millions and millions of cancer patients over hundreds-of-thousands of years?

There are no simple answers to successful cancer treatment ... natural/alternative or orthodox conventional. However, during my past forty years of extensive work with medicinal herbs I have personally know and consulted with many people who have been cured of cancer using such things as a whole foods diet, nutritional supplements, and especially herbs. I have also met many more who have told me their stories of being healed of cancer in this way. I also know many medical practitioners ... many of them MDs ... who have the same experiences.

No, these are not double-blind clinical trials. But that doesn't mean there are not true occurrences.

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There's a new product for export. Thai herbal cancer cure. Available in your local supermarket and drugstore. There will be enough people around the world willing to pay for anything that promises to save them... Whatever happened to the Thai ebola cure?

Last thing i heard about it was that the usa asked for the vaccin to test it....Why is there no conclusion wether it works or not?

Are you sure?

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Herbs to battle full onslaught of cancer, what folly when quite often chemo and latest science does not work.

Homeopathy is such fraud.

Got conclusive proof that it's a fraud and that's it's never helped anyone in its 200 plus year history, or were they all deluded and their return to good health just imaginary ? Have you used it or researched it yourself..or not...just curious as to the veracity of your opinion
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My Uncle had prostate cancer when he was 70 and passed away at 94 from old age. He never had the cancer treated and passed away peacefully in his sleep when his heart stopped beating.

Some cancers are indolent and although detectable in the pathology lab they do not cause problems or require treatment.

When you live with a cancer diagnosis as I do you learn that everyone is different. There is always that patient that runs several miles everyday and attributes their better health to exercise (and likes to boast about it). Then you have another acquaintance with a similar cancer who ran several miles every day and then dies less than a year after diagnosis. Both had nearly identical "can-do" attitudes but outcomes were opposites. I for one don't believe any actions an individual takes can ultimately affect the mutated cells other than taking drugs or other treatments that cause the mutated cells to die. I believe it is a matter of mere chance (random mutation) whether or when the cells mutate into an "aggressive" form of the disease that might metastasize (spread), or remain localized, or just remain indolent and you die at a ripe old age of old age. But despite the randomness, some cancers have higher probabilities than others as to which direction they will go. If anything else, living with cancer is living out a statistics problem from your college introductory statistics class. And that might be odds of a cure from a specific treatment or just progression free survival. Might as well be Nat Silver betting on baseball games. Welcome to my world, but I have always hated to watch baseball.

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Japanese scientists demonstrated that six Xanthones from the pericarps of Mangosteen all displayed growth inhibitory effects on human leukemia cell lines.

In a more recent study, the same group of Japanese scientists found that alpha-mangostin would be a good candidate for the prevention and treament of cancer.

In another study, Mangosteen researchers in Taiwan, Republic of China, found Xanthones as potential drugs for cancer after demonstrating them to be potent anti-tumor agents.

In Thailand, scientists also found that an extract from the pericarp or rind of the Mangosteen has potential for cancer chemo-prevention.

In Japan, scientists at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa found that alpha-mangostin, a major Xanthone derivative from the Mangosteen, has potent chemopreventive effects and suggested that longer exposure to alpha-mangostin might help suppress the development of tumors.

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Japanese scientists demonstrated that six Xanthones from the pericarps of Mangosteen all displayed growth inhibitory effects on human leukemia cell lines.

In a more recent study, the same group of Japanese scientists found that alpha-mangostin would be a good candidate for the prevention and treament of cancer.

In another study, Mangosteen researchers in Taiwan, Republic of China, found Xanthones as potential drugs for cancer after demonstrating them to be potent anti-tumor agents.

In Thailand, scientists also found that an extract from the pericarp or rind of the Mangosteen has potential for cancer chemo-prevention.

In Japan, scientists at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa found that alpha-mangostin, a major Xanthone derivative from the Mangosteen, has potent chemopreventive effects and suggested that longer exposure to alpha-mangostin might help suppress the development of tumors.

No references are provided for the research, so it's not possible to tell whether it has been published in a peer-reviewed journal, i.e. how reliable it is. Without the references one can't tell (1) whether any experiments have been performed in vivo. (I suspect they are all in vitro from the descriptions, meaning the results are inapplicable to humans), and (2) what dose was used. As such, this is utterly meaningless. A few points:

(1) Just because a substance is active in vitro does not mean it will be in vivo. It might be broken down too rapidly by the body to be effective or bound to some other substance.

(2) The effective in vitro dose may be toxic or poorly tolerated in vivo.

(3) The doses of any active ingredient in a mangosteen pill are going to be tiny. Almost certainly far less than the doses tested in vitro. This is why it's important for the pharmaceutical industry (and for us) to identify the active ingredient and then to synthesise it so it can be tested for in vivo effectiveness with the view to producing an effective drug.

(4) Finally, when you read anything of this ilk, remember that this is a commercial site trying to profit from selling you mangosteen products. It's not in their interest to be honest and impartial. They are relying upon the general public's ignorance of science and gullibility to make themselves wealthy, and I call that "fraud".

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And... http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jac/2013/621459/

They're not selling anything professor... ;)

Journal of Applied Chemistry
Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 621459, 9 pages

Review Article
Naturally Occurring Xanthones: Chemistry and Biology

1Herbal Analytical Laboratory, Herbal Research and Development Institute, Mandal, Gopeshwar, Uttarakhand 246401, India
2Department of Chemistry, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttarakhand 246174, India

Received 4 April 2013; Accepted 24 September 2013

Academic Editor: Ming-Jer Lee

Copyright © 2013 J. S. Negi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Xanthones are one of the biggest classes of compounds in natural product chemistry. A number of xanthones have been isolated from natural sources of higher plants, fungi, ferns, and lichens. They have gradually risen to great importance because of their medicinal properties. This review focuses on the types, isolation, characterization, biological applications, and biosynthesis of naturally occurring xanthones isolated so far. Different physicochemical and instrumental methods such as liquid-solid and liquid-liquid extraction, TLC, flash chromatography, column chromatography, IR, 1H NMR and13C NMR spectroscopy, GLC, HPLC, GC, and LCMS have been widely used for isolation and structural elucidation of xanthones. Hepatoprotective, anticarcinogenic, antileprosy, antimalarial, antioxidant, anticholinergic, mutagenicity, radioprotective, immunomodulatory, antibone resorption, antiparasitic, neuraminidase inhibitory, anticomplement, antibacterial, antifungal, algicidal, anti-HIV, cardioprotective, antitumoral, antidiabetes, antihyperlipidemic, antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, analgesic, antiasthmatic, antihistaminic, antiamoebic, diuretic, antidiarrheal, larvicidal, and ovicidal activities have been reported for natural occurring xanthones. To a certain extent, this review provides necessary foundation for further research and development of new medicines.

1. Introduction
Edited by joeyg
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Cancer treatment with radiation and chemo therapy hasn't changed in 50 years and even when I was in university I thought this was primitive and not logical. Radiation causes cancer. We learned that in primary school. It may eradicate a target tumor but it will still cause new cancer. Chemo destroys the immune system. Not logical. With the hundreds of billions of dollars donated and spent on cancer cure and research what have the magnificent men in their white lab coats given us? Nothing.

My Father had Prostate cancer for 17 years the men in white coats helped him live that long without any problems until the last 12 months

My Uncle had prostate cancer when he was 70 and passed away at 94 from old age. He never had the cancer treated and passed away peacefully in his sleep when his heart stopped beating.

Thats because as you probably know it can spread VERY VERY slowly or be incredibly rapid, so did it spread slowly, because once out of the prostate its bye bye

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In April, 2015 I woke up in the middle of the night coughing blood. Went to the emergency room - a large tumor in my right lung had started hemorrhaging. A surgical team was assembled and in a 6 hour operation removed 1/2 of the lung and 21 lymph nodes in the surrounding area. That saved me from certain death by drowning in my own blood. Diagnosis - stage IV adenocarcinoma that had spread to the liver. After recovering from the surgery, I had 4 cycles of platinum-doublet chemotherapy. Scans showed no presence of cancer in my lungs or chest and no additional spread to other organs, so I started maintenance chemotherapy.

After one year and 19 chemotherapy treatments, the tumors in my liver have completely disappeared. I have experienced virtually no side effects from the chemotherapy other than periods of fatigue after treatment and am able to work and lead a normal life. The latest scans show only one small nodule on my right adrenal gland that may be cancerous. If it starts to grow, it will be treated by non-invasive stereotaxic radiosurgery.

I owe my life to a skilled surgeon and a brilliant oncologist. I urge anyone who has cancer to seek medical advice - Thailand has internationally recognized experts in both curative and palliative treatment. Feel free to PM me if you want information about treatment in Thailand.

Are you sure you are a cancer survivor or somehow involved in Big Pharma/Medicine? Perhaps an oncologist? Your story sounds manufactured by a professional writer, no kidding. Very convincing story.

Of course there are people who survive cancer through very skilled surgeons and oncologists. I don't doubt that at all but please don't forget to mention how many people are just kept alive to keep them buying drugs that will never cure them. It would be good to see realistic figures on that. How many people die of cancer every year that have been on chemo therapy for years? It's millions. It's a cure for a small amount of people and I'm pretty sure that it all comes down to big money in the end.

There are other methods that work better and actually cure. I had a good friend who died last June after a long fight with cancer. She was diagnosed in 2001 with breast cancer and treated 'successfully'. Year after year during her check ups she was diagnosed cancer free until in 2010, when she went for her yearly check up her doctor told her that the cancer had spread throughout her body and nothing could be done anymore to save her but......here comes the good part; the doctor did recommend her to start on chemo asap though because that could perhaps add a few more 'meaningful' months to her life. That time she did the opposite and decided to do absolutely nothing, just one thing; she changed her diet and became a real health freak. No more meat, sugar, processed BS, etc, etc. She became a raw vegan who lived on smoothies, nuts, veggies and fruits and lived another 5 meaningful years while her doctor only gave her several months.

In the end we are all different physically, our digestive systems, how our metabolisms work, etc. What works good for someone may not work good for someone else. To recommend chemo to cancer sufferers because it worked for you is a bit opportunistic to be honest. It would be much better to remain objective and recommend a change of lifestyle and diet because that can't harm anyone, only show benefits.

Thank you for the complement on my writing skills. I am indeed a cancer survivor (for 13 months now).

I have no issues with using diet, natural supplements, etc. in the hope of preventing cancer. Nor am I recommending any particular form of treatment if you have cancer, as I am not qualified to do so.

All I'm saying is: if you have cancer, seek expert medical advice before you decide what to do. The range of treatment methodologies is continuously expanding and -- for certain types of cancer -- there are now targeted therapies and non-surgical procedures that are very effective.

I appreciate your story. A good friend and colleague at UCSD is an oncologist/hematologist/internal medicine. The real art in practicing medicine is knowing what to do when. I have seen chemo/radiation save lives. I've also seen then take lives.

The most successful Docs in San Diego at least are the ones that are open minded and visionary. And suscribe to Integrative Medicine. Like one troll said earlier I wouldn't treat a severed arm with herbs.

Glad you beat "it" man!!!

Troll eh

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They're not selling anything professor... wink.png

Journal of Applied Chemistry

Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 621459, 9 pages


Review Article
Naturally Occurring Xanthones: Chemistry and Biology

Whilst as a review article, it seems OK, though I do rather question the source, an Internet-only Egyptian journal where you have to pay to get published - not particularly reliable in my opinion.

Incidentally, there was a telling sentence in the article "The extracts of most of the Swertia species show mutagenic activity". In simpler words: they cause cancer. One very good reason for waiting for the biologically active compounds to be isolated and tested for mutagenicity.

BTW, thanks for the promotion, but I'm not a professor... yet, but merely a humble Ph.D..

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Herbs to battle full onslaught of cancer, what folly when quite often chemo and latest science does not work.

Homeopathy is such fraud.

Herbs are not homeopathy whatsoever. Apples and potatoes, not even apples and oranges...

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Cancer treatment with radiation and chemo therapy hasn't changed in 50 years and even when I was in university I thought this was primitive and not logical. Radiation causes cancer. We learned that in primary school. It may eradicate a target tumor but it will still cause new cancer. Chemo destroys the immune system. Not logical. With the hundreds of billions of dollars donated and spent on cancer cure and research what have the magnificent men in their white lab coats given us? Nothing.

You are clueless on this subject. Oncology has indeed changed and made tremendous strides in every decade. 50 years ago, cancer was a death sentence. In that time, tremendous advances have been made in treating multiple cancers. You may not believe that an additional 5-10 years of life for those with lung cancer is worth something, but it is. The kids who have survived Hodgkins lymphoma and that are alive 30 years later, think the treatment is worth something. Catch a melanoma, or breast cancer or colon cancer in time, and the patient can survive it. Many men are alive today because their prostate cancer was caught and treated in time. and on and on it goes. Yes radiation in high doses can disrupt cell reproduction. However, radiation when targeted and used appropriately, can destroy or retard the growth of tumors. Ask the people who have survived prostate cancer through the use of small dose radiation. Or ask the women who have survived breast cancer.

In any case the future of cancer treatment is in immunotherapy. Cancer is able to take control of the reproduction of cells because it is able to hide itself from the host's immune system. With the advances made using deactivated viruses, there is tremendous hope on the horizon. We can thank the HIV researchers who were some of the first researchers to consider the approach. The recent published research using deactivated polio virus if it continues to deliver on its initial success. will bring long term hope for millions.

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I really don't understand the fuss: I wish everyone with cancer or a family member, who has cancer, the best of luck!

And IF you believe, that prayer and meditation and hot sesame- oil does it for you: fine!

I really hope it does!

I even more hope so, it does it for your children, because other than you, they can not make their own informed choice, because they are IN YOUR CARE!

And IF all this holistic- stuff is BS and they die, because they did not receive the right care, their death is on you!

I have 2 of my grandparents, my mum and 2 friends lost to cancer and should I ever be diagnosed with it, I'd take my chances with all the radiation, pills and modern medicine- stuff they throw at me!

And except for prayer (because that one is real hogwash), I might try ADDITIONAL methods, because I WANT TO LIVE and everything is worth a try!

But I'd rather be in a hospital, with aircondition, clean sheets and trained doctors and nurses, than in the care of a shaman, who murmurs poems at me and sprinkles me with holy tea, thank you very much!

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I really don't understand the fuss: I wish everyone with cancer or a family member, who has cancer, the best of luck!

And IF you believe, that prayer and meditation and hot sesame- oil does it for you: fine!

I really hope it does!

I even more hope so, it does it for your children, because other than you, they can not make their own informed choice, because they are IN YOUR CARE!

And IF all this holistic- stuff is BS and they die, because they did not receive the right care, their death is on you!

I have 2 of my grandparents, my mum and 2 friends lost to cancer and should I ever be diagnosed with it, I'd take my chances with all the radiation, pills and modern medicine- stuff they throw at me!

And except for prayer (because that one is real hogwash), I might try ADDITIONAL methods, because I WANT TO LIVE and everything is worth a try!

But I'd rather be in a hospital, with aircondition, clean sheets and trained doctors and nurses, than in the care of a shaman, who murmurs poems at me and sprinkles me with holy tea, thank you very much!

“No one knows the total amount provided by drug companies to physicians, but I estimate from the annual reports of the top nine US drug companies that it comes to tens of billions of dollars a year. By such means, the pharmaceutical industry has gained enormous control over how doctors evaluate and use its own products. Its extensive ties to physicians, particularly senior faculty at prestigious medical schools, affect the results of research, the way medicine is practiced, and even the definition of what constitutes a disease.”

“The suppression of unfavorable research is the subject of Alison Bass’s engrossing book, Side Effects: A Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial. This is the story of how the British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline buried evidence that its top-selling antidepressant, Paxil, was ineffective and possibly harmful to children and adolescents. Bass, formerly a reporter for the Boston Globe, describes the involvement of three people—a skeptical academic psychiatrist, a morally outraged assistant administrator in Brown University’s department of psychiatry (whose chairman received in 1998 over $500,000 in consulting fees from drug companies, including GlaxoSmithKline), and an indefatigable New York assistant attorney general. They took on GlaxoSmithKline and part of the psychiatry establishment and eventually prevailed against the odds.”


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I really don't understand the fuss: I wish everyone with cancer or a family member, who has cancer, the best of luck!

And IF you believe, that prayer and meditation and hot sesame- oil does it for you: fine!

I really hope it does!

I even more hope so, it does it for your children, because other than you, they can not make their own informed choice, because they are IN YOUR CARE!

And IF all this holistic- stuff is BS and they die, because they did not receive the right care, their death is on you!

I have 2 of my grandparents, my mum and 2 friends lost to cancer and should I ever be diagnosed with it, I'd take my chances with all the radiation, pills and modern medicine- stuff they throw at me!

And except for prayer (because that one is real hogwash), I might try ADDITIONAL methods, because I WANT TO LIVE and everything is worth a try!

But I'd rather be in a hospital, with aircondition, clean sheets and trained doctors and nurses, than in the care of a shaman, who murmurs poems at me and sprinkles me with holy tea, thank you very much!

“No one knows the total amount provided by drug companies to physicians, but I estimate from the annual reports of the top nine US drug companies that it comes to tens of billions of dollars a year. By such means, the pharmaceutical industry has gained enormous control over how doctors evaluate and use its own products. Its extensive ties to physicians, particularly senior faculty at prestigious medical schools, affect the results of research, the way medicine is practiced, and even the definition of what constitutes a disease.”

“The suppression of unfavorable research is the subject of Alison Bass’s engrossing book, Side Effects: A Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial. This is the story of how the British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline buried evidence that its top-selling antidepressant, Paxil, was ineffective and possibly harmful to children and adolescents. Bass, formerly a reporter for the Boston Globe, describes the involvement of three people—a skeptical academic psychiatrist, a morally outraged assistant administrator in Brown University’s department of psychiatry (whose chairman received in 1998 over $500,000 in consulting fees from drug companies, including GlaxoSmithKline), and an indefatigable New York assistant attorney general. They took on GlaxoSmithKline and part of the psychiatry establishment and eventually prevailed against the odds.”


Aha...very interesting...and not new at all!

So the pharmaceutical industry makes money!

Sometimes their products are sh1t!

We all know that since the Cotagan- scandal, at least!

And so that means, that EVERYTHING is sh1t, that comes from pharmaceutical companies and we should go back to medicine- men, sacrificing cats and reading sickness from the intestines of a crow?

Because everybody on the holistic- side is pure as freshly fallen snow and no one EVER tried to make money off the gullible?


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“No one knows the total amount provided by drug companies to physicians, but I estimate from the annual reports of the top nine US drug companies that it comes to tens of billions of dollars a year. By such means, the pharmaceutical industry has gained enormous control over how doctors evaluate and use its own products. Its extensive ties to physicians, particularly senior faculty at prestigious medical schools, affect the results of research, the way medicine is practiced, and even the definition of what constitutes a disease.”

“The suppression of unfavorable research is the subject of Alison Bass’s engrossing book, Side Effects: A Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial. This is the story of how the British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline buried evidence that its top-selling antidepressant, Paxil, was ineffective and possibly harmful to children and adolescents. Bass, formerly a reporter for the Boston Globe, describes the involvement of three people—a skeptical academic psychiatrist, a morally outraged assistant administrator in Brown University’s department of psychiatry (whose chairman received in 1998 over $500,000 in consulting fees from drug companies, including GlaxoSmithKline), and an indefatigable New York assistant attorney general. They took on GlaxoSmithKline and part of the psychiatry establishment and eventually prevailed against the odds.”


You have the option of not using any drugs. Please follow through. I commend you for you intellectual acuity too. Society should apply your view and not provide insulin to diabetics. Let's stop providing epileptics with seizure prevention medication. Oh the money to be saved. Let's stop providing cardiac patients with basic meds like ACE inhibitors and beta blockers. No more drug coated stents for them. They can have heart atttacks and strokes and convulse where they drop. Oh the entertainment. No need for antibiotics when elderly patients contract pulmonary and respiratory infections. Let them drown in their phlegm. Their hacking will be music to the ears.

Yes, some pharma salesmen played the system. Yes, some marginal companies screwed around. They eventually get caught and they pay the price. The pricks who played around at Purdue had a comfy jail cell to contemplate their unethical behavior. You highlight the wrongs of humans, the same type of humans who drive dangerously, who dump toxic waste, who molest kids, who beat their wives, who serve tainted food, who sell crap over the internet or who work coding software for criminal gangs. Do we condemn everyone in software/IT because 1/2 of them are mentally ill? Do we condemn all the middle aged males in Pattaya because half of them are pathetic sexpats? Do we condemn every Thai kid, because a handful are sociopaths? Do we condemn every farang in Thailand because a few are screwups? No we do not. Why then apply your broad sweep of generalization to the millions of people who work hard making the world a better place and prolonging life and improving the quality of life because a small number of crooks misbehaved?

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Not going to happen. There are several herbal cures for cancer already but pharmaceutical companies block the production of these herbal cures because they would lose billions a year on profits they are making with their non-working chemo therapies that actually make you more sick. It's all a big scam. Google it if you are unaware

Don't embarrass yourself with such nonsense. There are very many pharmaceutical products produced and available to all that are derived from plants. See my previous post for two examples of two very effective and readily available cancer drugs that are derived from herbs.

Sorry for getting back to you so late! It's been a busy week.


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  • 1 month later...

In April, 2015 I woke up in the middle of the night coughing blood. Went to the emergency room - a large tumor in my right lung had started hemorrhaging. A surgical team was assembled and in a 6 hour operation removed 1/2 of the lung and 21 lymph nodes in the surrounding area. That saved me from certain death by drowning in my own blood. Diagnosis - stage IV adenocarcinoma that had spread to the liver. After recovering from the surgery, I had 4 cycles of platinum-doublet chemotherapy. Scans showed no presence of cancer in my lungs or chest and no additional spread to other organs, so I started maintenance chemotherapy.

After one year and 19 chemotherapy treatments, the tumors in my liver have completely disappeared. I have experienced virtually no side effects from the chemotherapy other than periods of fatigue after treatment and am able to work and lead a normal life. The latest scans show only one small nodule on my right adrenal gland that may be cancerous. If it starts to grow, it will be treated by non-invasive stereotaxic radiosurgery.

I owe my life to a skilled surgeon and a brilliant oncologist. I urge anyone who has cancer to seek medical advice - Thailand has internationally recognized experts in both curative and palliative treatment. Feel free to PM me if you want information about treatment in Thailand.

HaroldC Congratulations on your successful treatment. You and your family must be very relieved with your positive prognosis. I suspect some of it was due to your good Karma. Take care Mike
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Herbs to battle full onslaught of cancer, what folly when quite often chemo and latest science does not work.

Homeopathy is such fraud.

I haven't had time to read the whole thread. Firstly the use of herbal medicines is not Homeopathy, which is an entirely different thing and is as you say likely a fraud.

However, when it comes to cancer, the initiative by the Thais is both bold and might I add welcome. Chemotherapy and Radiation treatment is big big business. Every person diagnosed in the USA is another 250K USD windfall - minimum for Big Pharma. Big Pharma do not want any 'natural' or simple cures for cancer. That is why they pay people to run websites like 'Quackery' and 'Quackwatch' etc to discredit any type of alternative treatment. Chemo and Radiation simply is not effective and the chances are more people would survive if they took no treatment at all.

Now for those of you interested listen in and anyone not interested just move on. - Cancer cells are present in all of us however there is one basic process in our bodies that will kick it off and activate the cancer cells and that is making our bodies acidic. Cancer cells CANNOT survive/grow in an alkaline body. Our bodies are naturally alkaline, but processed foods, chemicals, soda's, alcohol, smoking etc etc all contribute to increasing the acidity of your body.One member mentioned above that lemons have been shown to counter cancer cells. That is true. At the cellular level there is an alkaline reaction from the ingestion of lemon juice/apple cider vinegar etc and that is enough to turn the tables in your favour. Every morning and every evening take a glass of room temp water, put in one level teaspoon of baking SODA (food grade) and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (organic with the 'mother' of vinegar in it). After a week at most you will alkalize your body. Buy some PH strips you can test PH of your spit. Research foods that naturally have an alkaline effect and eat them. Research foods/drinks that are very acidic - and avoid them or moderate at least. If you get cancer, do whatever your doctor tells you but straight away get into an 'alkaline' regime and the Doc will believe you have had a miraculous recovery. (by the way for those of you suffering from acid reflux, forget buying Gaviscon, take the drink I mention above and not only will relief come in a matter of 2 mins but if you take morning and evening you will banish acid reflux to a thing of the past - only two 8oz glasses per day for general all round health improvement - no more).

I have a friend in Thailand now with liver cancer, there is little hope normally. He stuck with the chemo regime as he was naturally scared not to. He has alkalised his body and after a month he is showing amazing signs of the disease going into remission. Research the health effects of alkalising your body, research the Geerson Therapy, research the work carried out by Doctor Tullio Simoncini (forget the big Pharma ridicule), the results of all of these are astounding. Big Pharma says "show us test results for the use of Sodium Bicarbonate (baking Soda) in treating cancer and there will never be any. In order to carry out full medical research on a drug as required by the authorities it normally can cost 50-100 Mill USD (thats why drugs are so expensive). Nobody will fund the medical research required on Sodium Bicarbonate because there is no money in it. You can literally self cure for 20 USD. Do the research look at ALL the sources and make up your own mind. I have seen alternative solutions using the Geerson Therapy and Alkalizing the body work on stage 4 cancers, one of those being a close family member. it's your choice, no need for ridicule or anything else. There are alternatives, and if you conduct your treatment as the Doctor wants you are not putting yourself at risk, but you CAN make a huge difference to the results by doing what your body needs. Cancer is a modern made disease and the cure, unsurprisingly is as old as mankind itself.

Some interesting links, I have made them links rather than autoplay videos because some people on here will start ranting and raving that only Chemo and radiation works and that anything else is irresponsible. Make up your own mind. A guy here with a tumour on his neck the size of a softball - gone in 3 weeks.


Also a very good 1hr 30 min documentary. 'The Beautiful Truth'.


Just google Dr Simoncini

Good luck with whatever decisions and choices you make.

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Now for those of you interested listen in and anyone not interested just move on. - Cancer cells are present in all of us however there is one basic process in our bodies that will kick it off and activate the cancer cells and that is making our bodies acidic. Cancer cells CANNOT survive/grow in an alkaline body. Our bodies are naturally alkaline, but processed foods, chemicals, soda's, alcohol, smoking etc etc all contribute to increasing the acidity of your body.One member mentioned above that lemons have been shown to counter cancer cells. That is true. At the cellular level there is an alkaline reaction from the ingestion of lemon juice/apple cider vinegar etc and that is enough to turn the tables in your favour. Every morning and every evening take a glass of room temp water, put in one level teaspoon of baking SODA (food grade) and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (organic with the 'mother' of vinegar in it). After a week at most you will alkalize your body.

A friend of mine in the UK developed bowel cancer and was undergoing the usual chemo first then surgery routine.

His Thai wife told him a few weeks ago to try the baking soda and lemon juice thing.

He called at the weekend and told me that the cancer had completely gone, no need for surgery.

My first thought was that the chemo had done its job, after some research I'm swaying.

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Now for those of you interested listen in and anyone not interested just move on. - Cancer cells are present in all of us however there is one basic process in our bodies that will kick it off and activate the cancer cells and that is making our bodies acidic. Cancer cells CANNOT survive/grow in an alkaline body. Our bodies are naturally alkaline, but processed foods, chemicals, soda's, alcohol, smoking etc etc all contribute to increasing the acidity of your body.One member mentioned above that lemons have been shown to counter cancer cells. That is true. At the cellular level there is an alkaline reaction from the ingestion of lemon juice/apple cider vinegar etc and that is enough to turn the tables in your favour. Every morning and every evening take a glass of room temp water, put in one level teaspoon of baking SODA (food grade) and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (organic with the 'mother' of vinegar in it). After a week at most you will alkalize your body.

A friend of mine in the UK developed bowel cancer and was undergoing the usual chemo first then surgery routine.

His Thai wife told him a few weeks ago to try the baking soda and lemon juice thing.

He called at the weekend and told me that the cancer had completely gone, no need for surgery.

My first thought was that the chemo had done its job, after some research I'm swaying.

Awesome to hear this news for your friend. The problem if I can term it that, is that it is almost this simple. Get the body back to an alkaline state and cancer cells cannot survive. There will never be any double blind tests or any other standard tests and results for efficacy etc etc as nobody will put the money in to it. You cannot patent sodium bicarbonate therefore you cannot charge 250K per patient to use the treatment. As a result big pharma will do or say anything to prevent such a simple inexpensive treatment becoming a common practice. I was sat talking once over a residential weekend with one of the main sales reps in the UK for drugs for Diabetes 2. He was telling me business is booming as more and more people in the UK are now coming down with the illness. He said in some years 1 in 3 people in the UK will have it. I mentioned how it can be completely reversed by diet and eating habits, he said he knew but his company would always deny that and ridicule it as they WANT 1 in 3 of the population to have diabetes 2 !! It is big big money.

Read/watch more on Dr Simoncini, he is an experienced Oncologist. What you can do on a personal level is to drink some bicarbonate of soda each day as I described in my earlier post as a preventative. It has other great health benefits. I take two glasses a day every day, if it has done nothing else it has completely stopped my acid reflux that was becoming an issue. My body is alkaline and you can buy a bag that will last two months in Top Supermarket for 35 baht. Job done.

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you can buy a bag that will last two months in Top Supermarket for 35 baht. Job done.

Got a 300g bag of McGarrett baking soda from my local little Tesco Lotus over the weekend, and a bottle of lemon juice.

Had a mate over here who used to suffer terribly with gout (yes, he's from the 17th Century) I already knew about using a soda solution to treat that (counteracts the build up of uric acid) and that works (if you keep taking it daily)

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