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Pig farmers warned not to use Beta-agonist or face imprisonment


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Pig farmers warned not to use Beta-agonist or face imprisonment


BANGKOK: Pig raisers are warned to not use Beta-agonist to feed their pigs otherwise they may face imprisonment.

Livestock department chief Mr Soravit Thaneeto said that the department’s inspectors had conducted random urine tests of live pigs at slaughter houses during last December 1 and May 10 this year and found out that pigs from 59 pig farms were fed with Beta-agonist, a hazardous chemical that makes meat turn red.

Of the 59 pig farms that used Agonist compounds in animal feeds, he said that the department had taken 22 of them to court and two of them were found guilty by the court with the owner of one pig farm given jailterm.

Investigation is under way for the 37 other pig farms, said Mr Soravit, adding that the department has tighten up control of slaughter houses to prevent illegal activities.

99 illegal slaughter houses have been charged during the six-month period from last October to March this year and, of these, verdicts have been delivered for 37 slaughter houses.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/164108

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-21

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Beta agonists break down fat to produce more protein. The farmers want their pigs to grow fast and big. Pink color is less important. Happens all over the world. Some beta agonists are legal in the USA, in most other countries all are forbidden in food production. Consumer health is of little interest to many meat producers. Good that authorities act on this.

Edited by EricBerg
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Ah the irony.

Pigs are fattened up and chemically altered to make their meat more desirable. This then results in the endangerment of those who eat the animal slaughtered for said meat.

Some might see that as justice of some sort, mind you they are all pigs.

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wow 2 out of 22 guilty thats some great track record

And that's after they tested positive.

Not very intimidating to think you have a 1 in 22 (or even a 1 in 59 so far) chance of going to jail even if you do get caught out.

Makes me wonder who the one guy that actually did get a jail term pissed off.

Edited by impulse
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wow 2 out of 22 guilty thats some great track record

And that's after they tested positive.

Not very intimidating to think you have a 1 in 22 (or even a 1 in 59 so far) chance of going to jail even if you do get caught out.

Makes me wonder who the one guy that actually did get a jail term pissed off.

Some pig breeders are rich ,some are not

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Ah the irony.

Pigs are fattened up and chemically altered to make their meat more desirable. This then results in the endangerment of those who eat the animal slaughtered for said meat.

Some might see that as justice of some sort, mind you they are all pigs.

Your logic is flawed.

The illegal use of the chemical is not a choice of the person eating the pork, its a choice of the farmer to increase his profits.

His profits over consumer health.

Your views on others being pigs are noted.

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Not knowing what a Beta Agonist is I looked it up in Wikipedia. The explaination they presented has nothing to do with agriculture or livestock raising. So what exactly is it that is being feed to these hogs that sopposedly is so dangerous to human consumption. Who did the research for this? Is this some more of this GMO nonsense.

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The slaughter houses got hit harder than those raising /feeding the porkers. Justice in this case certainly seems to have need of a new

eye exam and new glasses fitted. Justice appears to be blind but not in the way that many invision nor hope for.

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Not knowing what a Beta Agonist is I looked it up in Wikipedia. The explaination they presented has nothing to do with agriculture or livestock raising. So what exactly is it that is being feed to these hogs that sopposedly is so dangerous to human consumption. Who did the research for this? Is this some more of this GMO nonsense.

Add the word "pork" to your search and a whole different set of results come in....

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Ah the irony.

Pigs are fattened up and chemically altered to make their meat more desirable. This then results in the endangerment of those who eat the animal slaughtered for said meat.

Some might see that as justice of some sort, mind you they are all pigs.

Your logic is flawed.

The illegal use of the chemical is not a choice of the person eating the pork, its a choice of the farmer to increase his profits.

His profits over consumer health.

Your views on others being pigs are noted.

Hmm please explain your last sentence? I never said any such thing.

As for the rest of your post, what has any of that got to do with my post? I never said the consumers chose to chemically alter the pigs slaughtered for their consumption.

I nearly pointed out that the suffering inflicted upon these animals to meet consumer desires ultimately harms the consumer.

Hence my noting the irony of the situation.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Ah the irony.

Pigs are fattened up and chemically altered to make their meat more desirable. This then results in the endangerment of those who eat the animal slaughtered for said meat.

Some might see that as justice of some sort, mind you they are all pigs.

Your logic is flawed.

The illegal use of the chemical is not a choice of the person eating the pork, its a choice of the farmer to increase his profits.

His profits over consumer health.

Your views on others being pigs are noted.

Hmm please explain your last sentence? I never said any such thing.

As for the rest of your post, what has any of that got to do with my post? I never said the consumers chose to chemically alter the pigs slaughtered for their consumption.

I nearly pointed out that the suffering inflicted upon these animals to meet consumer desires ultimately harms the consumer.

Hence my noting the irony of the situation.

'Hmm please explain your last sentence? I never said any such thing.' Actually, you did.

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Ah the irony.

Pigs are fattened up and chemically altered to make their meat more desirable. This then results in the endangerment of those who eat the animal slaughtered for said meat.

Some might see that as justice of some sort, mind you they are all pigs.

Your logic is flawed.

The illegal use of the chemical is not a choice of the person eating the pork, its a choice of the farmer to increase his profits.

His profits over consumer health.

Your views on others being pigs are noted.

Hmm please explain your last sentence? I never said any such thing.

As for the rest of your post, what has any of that got to do with my post? I never said the consumers chose to chemically alter the pigs slaughtered for their consumption.

I nearly pointed out that the suffering inflicted upon these animals to meet consumer desires ultimately harms the consumer.

Hence my noting the irony of the situation.

'Hmm please explain your last sentence? I never said any such thing.' Actually, you did.
Actually I didn't.

Not at all.

So for the hard of thinking let me explain: the pigs, that is the animals being chemically altered and slaughtered for those who would eat them, are the creatures that may see some justice in those devouring their flesh being poisoned by it at the same time.



Edited by Bluespunk
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Your logic is flawed.

The illegal use of the chemical is not a choice of the person eating the pork, its a choice of the farmer to increase his profits.

His profits over consumer health.

Your views on others being pigs are noted.

Hmm please explain your last sentence? I never said any such thing.

As for the rest of your post, what has any of that got to do with my post? I never said the consumers chose to chemically alter the pigs slaughtered for their consumption.

I nearly pointed out that the suffering inflicted upon these animals to meet consumer desires ultimately harms the consumer.

Hence my noting the irony of the situation.

'Hmm please explain your last sentence? I never said any such thing.' Actually, you did.
Actually I didn't.

Not at all.

So for the hard of thinking let me explain: the pigs, that is the animals being chemically altered and slaughtered for those who would eat them, are the creatures that may see some justice in those devouring their flesh being poisoned by it at the same time.



Ha Ha Ha! Every now and then someone wakes up to your word play.....it's quite amusing to read what is written from time to time. Your use of the double entendre can be most subtle!
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Some days you wakes up and find the world is a fine place full of light and joy, every step is filled with pleasure, whimsy, joy and delight, all around you people have an aura of peace and contentment.

On others you wake up in the final day of a long weekend by the beach and find it's raining, the scum have won the FA Cup, breakfast is cold and looks suspiciously familiar to the previous day's and you have to explain the meaning of the word pig.

Guess which today is...




an omnivorous domesticated hoofed mammal with sparse bristly hair and a flat snout for rooting in the soil, kept for its meat.

synonyms: hog, boar, sow, porker, swine, piglet; children's word piggy

"a herd of pigs"

Still at least I learned that the collective noun for pigs is "herd" so the day's not a complete loss.

Edited by Bluespunk
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And that's why i only buy imported meat, preferably organic and grass fed.

The same goes for vegetables, organic only and cleaned with vinegar.

The shit they use on produce is just criminal and this being Thailand nothing will be done.

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