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Thai PM says Professor Wanchai's suicide "a lesson for Thai society"


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Outlaw guns, that'll solve the problem, you're crazy. Every second person here has a gun, or access to a gun, legal or not. Well, in the circles I move in, anyway. Knives are, of course, ubiquitous. And it ain't only the guys.

Here is something to ponder.

It is more or less argued that Americans, for example, buy guns and have them on hand for protection because there is so much crime out there they actually do need to buy a gun as one more form of personal protection.

Here in Thailand it turns out many people own guns legally and illegally as there seems to be a legal gun trade and illegal gun trade.

What I am wondering is: Here in Thailand, amongst the said to be law abiding citizens, what is the purpose of buying that gun and what is on their minds and the reasoning behind the purchase of a gun while how many of those gun owners by that gun with personal protection on their mind???

Besides the fact that guns are seen as generally interesting technological instruments that are fun to shoot and target practice with and believed to be fascinating and cool objects to own....more so by men than women

I have this feeling that the ownership of the gun is often based on having the upper hand on other people rather than self protection of life or property or family.

I have this feeling that many Thai people, mostly men of course, want to have a gun on hand so that they can win their argument, so to speak, and use it to intimidate others and have a form of power over others and or used for retribution when there is a loss of face or lose of significant amounts of money ( business gone bad ) or they feel the need to shoot someone if the circumstances are such that they feel the other person deserves to be shot and justified, in their minds.

I do not think ( but I could very well be wrong ) that people here in Thailand need to buy guns for self protection.......so what are the motives behind buying and owning and or carrying a gun and the reasons for owning one......other than the gun being a universally interesting object to own while always present to be marveled at its mechanical and technological aspects and some enjoyable target practice every so often.

I wonder, I wonder.... I do, I do


I think you're right, I suspect that most people in Thailand who buy a gun have a mental image in their mind of shooting some poor fellow. If they buy a gun legally, they have an image of shooting someone else legally. If they buy a gun illegally, they have an image of shooting someone else illegally and relying on force of self-defence argument to get away with it if called to account (which most of them never are, such is the incompetence of the Thai police force).

In any event, they have a mental picture of killing or injuring someone when they get a gun. That is the unhealthy reality, it isn't limited to Thailand, the Americans (for example) insist on misinterpreting their constitution to protest the legitimacy (in effect) of having such mental images, and acting on them when they think they will get away with it. Regrettably, Thais and Americans have both believed similar lies and fantasies about their own history. In the case of Americans it is the rootin' tootin' six-gun toting enforcer. In the Thai case, every Thai male is a little King Naruesan - at least in his own imagination. They do seem to have a rather odd view of what breing Thai says about them. Check out their national anthem for a good example of what every Thai thinks they are.

In both cases it boils down to an uncontrolled urge to be better than the next guy, in most cases, despite the inner conviction that he is exactly not that.

Sadly, all this results in a huge crime rate - particularly with guns - in both the USA and Thailand, In the USA, this is mitigated in part by law enforcement and penalty. In Thailand,. law enforcement lacks a certain something...


Edited by Winniedapu
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Training police forces in psychology to handle and minimize damages in such cases, is not about Thai society.

Society has been saying loud and clear that police forces are not up to scratch for a long time.

Perhaps they should have been telling him shoot yourself ,and do it quickly ,as its a lot cheaper on the Thai government and people .

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What lesson is there to learn? that you don't solve arguments with a gun?

You can only solve arguments with airplanes and you were a turban and a robe. This is the only way God will look past your violation of the 10 Commandments and get the Pakistani government to give you your own private compound.

Except it was iSRAEL DONE 7/11 ALONG WITH INSIDERS IN THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT ITSELF .Thought most people accepted that by now .


I'm going to need to find who's manufacturing these tin hats - 'sounds like a decent investment.

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