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Muslims Slam Allegations of Plot to Destroy Buddhism


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There are too many points brought up by different posters for me to answer individually.

This isn't about having minarets in the neighbourhood.

It isn't about I know some Muslims and most of them are nice.

They were nice in the UK before they gained in numbers to become a force to be reckoned with. Some of them still are but they are still passively supporting Islam, and you can't be a Muslim without trying to follow the Koran to the letter.

A few quotes from the Koran:

A Muslim is not the friend of a kafir- 3:28 Believers should not take kafirs as friends in preference to other believers. Those who do this will have none of Allah’s protection and will only have themselves as guards. Allah warns you to fear Him for all will return to Him.

A kafir (That's you and me) is ignorant- 6:111 Even if We had sent down the angels to them [kafirs], the dead had spoken to them, and We had gathered all things before their eyes, they would not believe unless Allah had willed it, but most of them are ignorant.

There are other verses (plenty of them) stating that Jihad by any means (by the sword, using money, exploiting the laws of the countries they are in for example) should be continuing until the entire non -Muslim world is killed or enslaved. They keep on telling us that they are going to do this, and how they are going to do it.

Anyone who, like president Obama (supposedly) believes that this is a religion (religion! What a joke. It is a scheme of political conquest with lots of bits of the Abrahamic and other traditions mixed in)... of peace is completely ignorant of Islam.

If anybody per chance doesn't feel that he knows it all already may wish to watch a few links:

Edited by cooked
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It is a shame that Europe does not realise that they are giving in to the Muslim Religion instead of sticking up for Christianity or what ever the countries religion is, the general religion for the UK I believe used to be Christianity, personally I am Agnostic, therefore have no axe to grind for any religion, and believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow; I wish I could say the same for the Muslim religion, who's followers want everyone to become Muslim and adopt their beliefs; unfortunately to look good our politician are bending over backwards to keep the Muslim population happy instead of sticking up for their own citizens & their way of life.

so here's someone with no idea of separation of church and state then?

What I do know is the state & the church (in UK) for years have been battling for control of the people, to me religion is purely a way of controlling the people, I believe in evolution which is more believable than most of the alternatives, I take it you do not believe the Muslim followers do not want to enslave others into their way of beliefs - Can't win the all

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

But do Muslims hold the same views? I would say that the basic tenets of Islam suggest that no they don't!
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It is a shame that Europe does not realise that they are giving in to the Muslim Religion instead of sticking up for Christianity or what ever the countries religion is, the general religion for the UK I believe used to be Christianity, personally I am Agnostic, therefore have no axe to grind for any religion, and believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow; I wish I could say the same for the Muslim religion, who's followers want everyone to become Muslim and adopt their beliefs; unfortunately to look good our politician are bending over backwards to keep the Muslim population happy instead of sticking up for their own citizens & their way of life.

"believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow" - so let them and admit that your erroneous interpretations are based purely perceptions of race.

I didn't realise that religion was limited to race, I certainly did not say this anywhere, every country has multiple religions no matter what race, so your comment is baseless.

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There are too many points brought up by different posters for me to answer individually.

This isn't about having minarets in the neighbourhood.

It isn't about I know some Muslims and most of them are nice.

They were nice in the UK before they gained in numbers to become a force to be reckoned with. Some of them still are but they are still passively supporting Islam, and you can't be a Muslim without trying to follow the Koran to the letter.

A few quotes from the Koran:

A Muslim is not the friend of a kafir- 3:28 Believers should not take kafirs as friends in preference to other believers. Those who do this will have none of Allah’s protection and will only have themselves as guards. Allah warns you to fear Him for all will return to Him.

A kafir (That's you and me) is ignorant- 6:111 Even if We had sent down the angels to them [kafirs], the dead had spoken to them, and We had gathered all things before their eyes, they would not believe unless Allah had willed it, but most of them are ignorant.

There are other verses (plenty of them) stating that Jihad by any means (by the sword, using money, exploiting the laws of the countries they are in for example) should be continuing until the entire non -Muslim world is killed or enslaved. They keep on telling us that they are going to do this, and how they are going to do it.

Anyone who, like president Obama (supposedly) believes that this is a religion (religion! What a joke. It is a scheme of political conquest with lots of bits of the Abrahamic and other traditions mixed in)... of peace is completely ignorant of Islam.

If anybody per chance doesn't feel that he knows it all already may wish to watch a few links:

Yeah, right

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Muslim intolerance, Christian intolerance, Hindu intolerance, Buddhist intolerance.

Why is it so hard to realize that the problem is, first and foremost, intolerance, not religions themselves ?

This thread (and this Forum) is full of intolerance. Now some people here get angry and upset because a group of Muslims dare call themselves 'Muslims love Peace' ? What's wrong with that ? Do you guys want all Muslims to love only war, hatred and violence, ie to fit in with the image you have of them ? Do you realize that by carving and promoting such a distorted image you keep adding fuel onto the fire ?

How come people's memories are so selective and with such a short span ? How come those who now talk as if Islam was the only religion hijacked by fanatics forget so easily what so-called 'Christians' did to the rest of the world for centuries, after being persecuted themselves ?

How come people still be so blind as to keep accusing religions when the problem lies so obviously elsewhere, in the dark side of human nature ? If we refuse to see and understand where and what the problem really is, how can we even begin to solve it ?

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

But do Muslims hold the same views? I would say that the basic tenets of Islam suggest that no they don't!

Most Muslims are like the rest of us, just want to get on with their own lives.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

I agree with you, and they should also not expect other countries to change their way of life to suit them, as Muslims are inclined to do.

Lived in Muslim communities in the UK. They didnt expect anyone to change their way of life, just wanted theirs respected.

Muslim communities in the UK- unwilling to integrate, fgm, forced marriages, inbreeding with cousins, misogynist treatment of women, sharia 'courts' what is there to respect exactly?

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That's fine but keep it to themselves. There are others that don't want to see or hear from/of it. But continuously through out the years most 'non- believers " have to put up with some person of 'faith" bothering them in one way or another, trying to get them on board and believe in this propaganda.

You can liken it to someone who smokes cigarettes. Yes, it is legal to do so and is a personal choice. Yet a large portion of smokers don't give dame about non-smokers. And suck away on their ciggy profusely , blowing smoke in other peoples faces and not giving a damn about who they are bothering or their right to breath smoke free air.

Yep, just as those who spread their intolerance towards faiths should keep their prejudices to themselves.

Yep. There is a flip side to that coin. Those that spread "faith" [a preposterous word in itself] should kerb their obsessive regime of enforcing it upon those of us that don't want to know about it. Whether it be through trespassing during door knocking operations or blowing themselves and everybody around them up in a market place.

Just as those with faith may not wish to hear the shrill cries of non believers.

OK. Now you're being just plain silly. How many non believers go around trying to covert religious types into being an atheists ?

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I agree with you, and they should also not expect other countries to change their way of life to suit them, as Muslims are inclined to do.

Lived in Muslim communities in the UK. They didnt expect anyone to change their way of life, just wanted theirs respected.

Muslim communities in the UK- unwilling to integrate, fgm, forced marriages, inbreeding with cousins, misogynist treatment of women, sharia 'courts' what is there to respect exactly?

Not true of all and where some of those more vile practises occur those responsible should be gaoled.

None of them justify the hate thrown at all muslims simply because they are muslims and not because of their behaviour.

That is the behaviour of bigots.

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Yep, just as those who spread their intolerance towards faiths should keep their prejudices to themselves.

Yep. There is a flip side to that coin. Those that spread "faith" [a preposterous word in itself] should kerb their obsessive regime of enforcing it upon those of us that don't want to know about it. Whether it be through trespassing during door knocking operations or blowing themselves and everybody around them up in a market place.

Just as those with faith may not wish to hear the shrill cries of non believers.

OK. Now you're being just plain silly. How many non believers go around trying to covert religious types into being an atheists ?

Where did I say convert? Please be specific.

I just said they may not want to listen to groups such as the humanist society.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

And that is what muslims expect as the non muslim world is extremely weak with their idiotic laws. Muslims

want to control the world and they are slowly doing it as they breed like rabbits. They will form their own

political parties and eventually take over countries as the west doesn't want to offend someone's rights ! Already

a muslim mayor in London !! Who would vote for a muslim mayor..... muslims.

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Only the beginning. Look at Europe.coffee1.gif

I agree. The US as well. Irrational hatred and discrimination against Muslims is disgusting and reprehensible, practiced by brain-dead racist pieces of shit.

Take a trip to Iraq and see you on youtube.

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"Muslims are evil, violent an intolerant so we as kind and peaceful Christians/Jews/Buddhists/Atheists should expel them from our countries and bomb the shit out of them in their own countries indiscriminately."

No.... not bomb them indisciminately. Just carefully target and bomb ISIS/ISIL/IS/DAESH (or whatever acronym they are going by this week), and target the Taliban, and target Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram, Abu Sayaff and any other violent Islamic extremist killers... Bomb the shit out of them ! ! ! Wipe 'em out ! !

Leave the rest of the Muslims alone.

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One observation over the last few months in Thailand that I have noticed is that the Muslim women here are dressing far diffrently than before.

Before a simple headscarf covering their hair, now far more wering Burka style clothing.

As a non religious person I don't like to see this, and why any woman would want to cover herself up is completely beyond me, especialy in the name of religion.

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Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

It is another fallacy that Muslims in Thailand want to destroy Buddhism which seems to be propaganda put out by those (fascists?) who want to enshrine Buddhism as the country's state religion. There are a number of Muslim communities near where I live in Bangkok and they live in harmony with their Buddhist neighbours.

PS: Kudos to Bluespunk for tackling so much bigotry.

Edited by khunken
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Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

It is another fallacy that Muslims in Thailand want to destroy Buddhism which seems to be propaganda put out by those (fascists?) who want to enshrine Buddhism as the country's state religion. There are a number of Muslim communities near where I live in Bangkok and they live in harmony with their Buddhist neighbours.

PS: Kudos to Bluespunk for tackling so much bigotry.

Yes an by your own admission "no one has come up with any researched figures" SO therefore you yourself cannot call it lies because you yourself dont know.

There defo is a problem tho

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Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

It is another fallacy that Muslims in Thailand want to destroy Buddhism which seems to be propaganda put out by those (fascists?) who want to enshrine Buddhism as the country's state religion. There are a number of Muslim communities near where I live in Bangkok and they live in harmony with their Buddhist neighbours.

PS: Kudos to Bluespunk for tackling so much bigotry.

Yes an by your own admission "no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries" you also do not know ! therefore you cannot say its a lie

There is defo a problem tho

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Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

It is another fallacy that Muslims in Thailand want to destroy Buddhism which seems to be propaganda put out by those (fascists?) who want to enshrine Buddhism as the country's state religion. There are a number of Muslim communities near where I live in Bangkok and they live in harmony with their Buddhist neighbours.

PS: Kudos to Bluespunk for tackling so much bigotry.

Yes an by your own admission "no one has come up with any researched figures" SO therefore you yourself cannot call it lies because you yourself dont know.

There defo is a problem tho

What I found distasteful in the video is the Muslim asked a question of how can we fight an ideology. The response was just a tirade of vitriolic rhetoric about how a minority from every culture at some point in history inflicted terrible and horrendous atrocities. There was no answer given but a propaganda speech

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Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

It is another fallacy that Muslims in Thailand want to destroy Buddhism which seems to be propaganda put out by those (fascists?) who want to enshrine Buddhism as the country's state religion. There are a number of Muslim communities near where I live in Bangkok and they live in harmony with their Buddhist neighbours.

PS: Kudos to Bluespunk for tackling so much bigotry.

Yes an by your own admission "no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries" you also do not know ! therefore you cannot say its a lie

There is defo a problem tho

I have a much better idea than the liar in the video. You only need a working brain to know that 400m are not involved in extremist activities. I wonder if you believe her number?

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Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

I love this person. That is how it goes down. But still the apologist just won't want to get it.

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Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

It is another fallacy that Muslims in Thailand want to destroy Buddhism which seems to be propaganda put out by those (fascists?) who want to enshrine Buddhism as the country's state religion. There are a number of Muslim communities near where I live in Bangkok and they live in harmony with their Buddhist neighbours.

PS: Kudos to Bluespunk for tackling so much bigotry.

Yes an by your own admission "no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries" you also do not know ! therefore you cannot say its a lie

There is defo a problem tho

I have a much better idea than the liar in the video. You only need a working brain to know that 400m are not involved in extremist activities. I wonder if you believe her number?

Ive no idea if her numbers are correct but i do believe that it doesnt take those big numbers to cause so much death an start wars..... ie look at N ireland a very small population was bombed an 1000s killed an terrorised by only 100s of IRA and UVF terror gangs for 30 yrs ... how many countrys are at present fighting because of muslim shia -<deleted> again ?

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Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

What you seem to not understand is that not all extremists/radicals express themselves overtly. On the contrary. The 'coin collections " in mosques around the world. Where do you think that money goes ? To building orphanages in Iraq and Syria ? A large portion of it goes to terrorist activity. and these donors know exactly where their dollars are going. Like every time non Muslims living in apologist western countries, need buy food at the supermarket. These days it has to be Halal certified for the Muslim minority so as not to offend them. Which costs extra. Where do you think large portions of that cash goes to. Guess

It is a huge underground movement dude. Of the likes that most people [Mr and Mrs Joe Citizen ] have never and will never see or hear of. But out INT people have some idea on it. Albeit not as much as they would like to. Most people in the world didn't even know ISIS existed until they attacked and took over half of Iraq in a few weeks. How did that happen ? Through the personal finance, brains and bravery of the "10's of thousands " you are talking about ? NO!

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Of course not all Muslims are bad most are peaceful people BUT listen to this video an this answers the situation perfectly.......

When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

What you seem to not understand is that not all extremists/radicals express themselves overtly. On the contrary. The 'coin collections " in mosques around the world. Where do you think that money goes ? To building orphanages in Iraq and Syria ? A large portion of it goes to terrorist activity. and these donors know exactly where their dollars are going. Like every time non Muslims living in apologist western countries, need buy food at the supermarket. These days it has to be Halal certified for the Muslim minority so as not to offend them. Which costs extra. Where do you think large portions of that cash goes to. Guess

It is a huge underground movement dude. Of the likes that most people [Mr and Mrs Joe Citizen ] have never and will never see or hear of. But out INT people have some idea on it. Albeit not as much as they would like to. Most people in the world didn't even know ISIS existed until they attacked and took over half of Iraq in a few weeks. How did that happen ? Through the personal finance, brains and bravery of the "10's of thousands " you are talking about ? NO!


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When someone prefaces their answer with an outrageous exaggeration (basically a lie) of 25% 'radicals', the rest of the false argument is meaningless.

Even military spokespeople estimate the core of IS in the 10s of thousands and no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries.

It is another fallacy that Muslims in Thailand want to destroy Buddhism which seems to be propaganda put out by those (fascists?) who want to enshrine Buddhism as the country's state religion. There are a number of Muslim communities near where I live in Bangkok and they live in harmony with their Buddhist neighbours.

PS: Kudos to Bluespunk for tackling so much bigotry.

Yes an by your own admission "no one has come up with any researched figure on extremists in other countries" you also do not know ! therefore you cannot say its a lie

There is defo a problem tho

I have a much better idea than the liar in the video. You only need a working brain to know that 400m are not involved in extremist activities. I wonder if you believe her number?

Ive no idea if her numbers are correct but i do believe that it doesnt take those big numbers to cause so much death an start wars..... ie look at N ireland a very small population was bombed an 1000s killed an terrorised by only 100s of IRA and UVF terror gangs for 30 yrs ... how many countrys are at present fighting because of muslim shia -<deleted> again ?

You are correct in that it doesn't take big numbers to cause killing & wars. But you have lost the plot in mentioning 'muslim-shia-deleted'. AQ/Al-Nusra & IS are Sunni extremists, not Shia.

Both AQ & IS were created out of invasions of Muslim countries. Perhaps if western countries (& the USSR/Russia) didn't waltz into (& bomb) so many countries based on lies, we might not have so much war, mayhem, terrorists & refugees today.

Pity you didn't reflect on the accuracy of the video content before posting such bigoted crap.

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