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Last week 2 friends were attacked by stray dogs

yesterday I was attacked

today from my balcony I saw several dogs attack anything that moved or went past on a bike

a dangerous situation has developed and its getting out of hand

So can anyone tell me who in the local government is in charge of getting rid of them

If you dont believe take a walk down Jomtien Beach road and if you dont count at least 200 stray dogs then I buy the beer


anyone can assist then email me


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Last week 2 friends were attacked by stray dogs

yesterday I was attacked

today from my balcony I saw several dogs attack anything that moved or went past on a bike

a dangerous situation has developed and its getting out of hand

So can anyone tell me who in the local government is in charge of getting rid of them

If you dont believe take a walk down Jomtien Beach road and if you dont count at least 200 stray dogs then I buy the beer


anyone can assist then email me


You must be terrified all the way up on your balcony!!

Why don't you try helping the situation by adopting one or sponsoring one at Tony's compound in Jomtien until it has been adopted rather than just looking to get the council to round them up and kill them.

I'd rather see some useless farrangs rounded up and shipped out myself


I'm with BJ on this one. The dogs themselves are having a miserable existence and need to be rounded up and neutered. Same dog chased my car every b-loo-dy time I went round the lake; poor thing ended up in bits by the side of the road. Quick death for him, but how many strays limp off into the bushes to die a long, slow painful death ?

Round them up for the good of us humans and often for the good of the animal.

I'm with BJ on this one. The dogs themselves are having a miserable existence and need to be rounded up and neutered. Same dog chased my car every b-loo-dy time I went round the lake; poor thing ended up in bits by the side of the road. Quick death for him, but how many strays limp off into the bushes to die a long, slow painful death ?

Round them up for the good of us humans and often for the good of the animal.

Take the easy route - pass the buck. Help rather than complain - whine whine whine but sit on your <deleted> doing bugger all


I'm with BJ on this one. The dogs themselves are having a miserable existence and need to be rounded up and neutered. Same dog chased my car every b-loo-dy time I went round the lake; poor thing ended up in bits by the side of the road. Quick death for him, but how many strays limp off into the bushes to die a long, slow painful death ?

Round them up for the good of us humans and often for the good of the animal.

Take the easy route - pass the buck. Help rather than complain - whine whine whine but sit on your <deleted> doing bugger all


Life long member of the RSPCA with two stray dogs family treasures in HK. Simple fact in every country people who care support rounding up strays to keep the population down. In Thailand it's ###### difficult to go for a family walk with the kids without being attacked by wild dogs. There are far too many to " house " and I am certainly not whining, just supporting the OP in the view that it is the local authorities responsibility to look after the health and welfare of it's citizens. If they take wide scale action all sides, dogs as well as humans, win.


When dogs are getting into packs and attacking people it's a serious situation. Children are often killed by dog packs. And, of couse, there is always the possibility of rabies. Many years ago I stayed in a small hotel on Dongtan Beach and the owner's pet dog was rabid! Some years ago I was told that tourists on Dongtan Beach complained about the dogs and the police came and shot them all - the dogs, not the tourists. But the tourists made a bigger hullaballoo about the shootings. A few weeks ago a beach dog was cavorting with a tourist (must have been a tourist, no sane resident would encourage a strange dog). Well, he got grazed and was very, very concerned.

I suppose that one should complain to the police and/or City Hall and allow them to handle the matter.


Last week 2 friends were attacked by stray dogs

yesterday I was attacked

today from my balcony I saw several dogs attack anything that moved or went past on a bike

a dangerous situation has developed and its getting out of hand

So can anyone tell me who in the local government is in charge of getting rid of them

If you dont believe take a walk down Jomtien Beach road and if you dont count at least 200 stray dogs then I buy the beer


anyone can assist then email me


You must be terrified all the way up on your balcony!!

Why don't you try helping the situation by adopting one or sponsoring one at Tony's compound in Jomtien until it has been adopted rather than just looking to get the council to round them up and kill them.

I'd rather see some useless farrangs rounded up and shipped out myself

i started a reply to you but then thought what the hel_l for

its pretty obvious that all this has gone over your head



Our village headman lead a team few months ago and they killed quite a few strays. Lenght of blue pipe with a syringe stuck on one end, dog pricked, dog puked dog died.

There are still a few dogs that chase but I rev up and charge at them with the m'cycle. They know me well by now and run away. :o


4baht, and I will say that your thoughts on this subject are not even worth that. The problem is a lot bigger than you think. The Thais don't care what happens to the dogs after they are not puppies anylonger and do you think that there are enough farang to adopt all these mangy bloody things? Education of and laws of animal ownership should be installed. The Thais dump them on the wats or just on the street and you expect all the farangs to take care of the problem. Grow a brain and say things like, spayed and neutered or put the buggers to sleep. Wasn't it just last year that a kid was killed at a wat by the strays there? I agree with Blackjack on this and say that there needs to be some kind of animal control. If you can't grasp that attitude, then you are just St__id.

4baht, and I will say that your thoughts on this subject are not even worth that. The problem is a lot bigger than you think. The Thais don't care what happens to the dogs after they are not puppies anylonger and do you think that there are enough farang to adopt all these mangy bloody things? Education of and laws of animal ownership should be installed. The Thais dump them on the wats or just on the street and you expect all the farangs to take care of the problem. Grow a brain and say things like, spayed and neutered or put the buggers to sleep. Wasn't it just last year that a kid was killed at a wat by the strays there? I agree with Blackjack on this and say that there needs to be some kind of animal control. If you can't grasp that attitude, then you are just St__id.

I will second that


It says on a big sign on Jomtien Beach that Pattaya is a rabies-free city. Is it? How many of you have been innoculated against rabies?

Stray dogs are a problem in Pattaya, I think I am right in saying that every once in a while, usually before peak-season ie. now, a volunteer force round up stray dogs.

Children are more at risk than adults, it will only take one bad attack on a child and it will be action stations. The trouble is, no action before incident. Pattaya City's motto.


Well how many of you have been bitten bye a dog.. as a kid of 11 I had 53 stitches in my face from a dog bite, dogs fault? no the owners, badly trained, under fed and abused.

I did not say that farrangs could cure the problem, I think in fact Tony is THAI and he is a leader in helping re-house stray dogs here.

To say all Thai's don't care is ridiculous, I know dozens of caring Thai people who are constantly picking up strays and care passionately for animals who are unable to care for themselves.

But if we all chipped in then the problem would be reduced.

What I am opposed to is all the weak feeble people who pass the buck and take the easy route rather than getting involved in fixing the problem personally.

Tony Clifton, well what a big tough guy you are, scaring starving animals on your bike.. what a total <deleted>, you probably go around stealing little kids sweets as well.

Neutering and re-housing is the answer, with the first being the priority to prevent future problems.

Karma.. lets hope all of you advocating slaughter come back as stray dogs and get chased up and down the soi by big bad tony clifton :o while you are trying to find something to eat.


I believe in fair play.

As a child I, too, was bitten by a dog.

While living in the Philippines, I ate dog meat many times, partly out of retribution, but also because it tasted good. Under the controlled conditions, it's quite acceptable to me.

Obviously, here consumption is not an option with soi dogs due to their many medical maladies... I did notice while travelling throughout Sakon Nakhon province, there were no soi dogs.

As dog meat there is readily available for consumption, perhaps they are on to something.

Regulated control of dog meat is the solution.

As for Tony, perhaps he was just looking to tenderize the meat a bit before having one as a steak.

If he wishes, I have several recipes I'd be willing to share.


Mr sriracha john you are a bad man, a very bad man. Not for eating dog as i am sure its quite palatable but for winding up poor ole 4baht :o Down boy down.

Vietnam don't have a dog prob either.


My last dog attack was a few years ago whilst walking from Pattaya, around the coast line towards Jomptien.

As I approached the Royal Cliff Hotel, a pack of five barking dogs ran out of the hills towards me.

They surrounded me before one of the mongrels went for my legs. Its bite took in all of my shin and resulted in punctures to both sides of my calf muscle.

The female owner ( a fishermans wife) came running out of the hills behind the pack. She was shouting, either at the dogs or trying to warn me to get the hel_l outa there. She obviously knew that the dogs were about to attack me but the animals had only one thing on their mind.

She couldn't stop me being bitten. She then repeatedly belted the attacking dog with a lump of bamboo.

She took me to her beach shanty where she tried unsuccessfully to stop the flow of blood from my wounds.

I asked her in my faltering Thai whether the dogs had rabies. She said, "No."

I then had to walk all the way back to Pattaya with blood running down my leg.

That little episode cost me thousands of baht at the local clinic. Many days of cleaning and re-dressing the wounds, plus all the necessary injections and mandatory multi-coloured pills.

The dog owner did offer me what folding money she had in her pocket...perhaps five hundred baht, I declined her offer. It wasn't really her fault and I suppose the dogs were only trying to protect their territory from the intrusion of a strolling farang.

I have never attempted that walk again, and now get quite nervous when walking past any pack of dogs.

Pet dogs should be collared and TRAINED. Stray, mange dogs should be rounded up and destroyed.

Well how many of you have been bitten bye a dog.. as a kid of 11 I had 53 stitches in my face from a dog bite, dogs fault? no the owners, badly trained, under fed and abused.

I did not say that farrangs could cure the problem, I think in fact Tony is THAI and he is a leader in helping re-house stray dogs here.

To say all Thai's don't care is ridiculous, I know dozens of caring Thai people who are constantly picking up strays and care passionately for animals who are unable to care for themselves.

But if we all chipped in then the problem would be reduced.

What I am opposed to is all the weak feeble people who pass the buck and take the easy route rather than getting involved in fixing the problem personally.

Tony Clifton, well what a big tough guy you are, scaring starving animals on your bike.. what a total <deleted>, you probably go around stealing little kids sweets as well.

Neutering and re-housing is the answer, with the first being the priority to prevent future problems.

Karma.. lets hope all of you advocating slaughter come back as stray dogs and get chased up and down the soi by big bad tony clifton :D while you are trying to find something to eat.

Good on you Fourbaht, you're a saint ... Iv'e got one picked out for you already, you'll love im. Not sure of the breed, but he looks a bit like 'Benji'. Needs a bit of an overhaul, but he'll come up smelling like roses.

Can deliver right away, just need your address. :o


Mr sriracha john you are a bad man, a very bad man. Not for eating dog as i am sure its quite palatable but for winding up poor ole 4baht :o Down boy down.

Vietnam don't have a dog prob either.

Vietnamese migrants could well be the solution. In the late eighties thousands upon thousands of them flooded into Hong Kong in the belief that a free ticket to the States was for the asking. They were all " housed " on an Island some way out and fed by the HK Govt and the UNHCR.

Before they got there the Island was full of snakes, dogs, all manner of beasties and an old boy and his cow. The old boy survived ( Just ) and was relocated. Anything else under the sun.............gone

Bring them in on visas, hey presto, strays a thing of the past. :D


4baht, your whinging is just that. You know "dozens" of Thai people doing something about this very bad problem when the majority are the ones dumping the dogs and cats all over Thailand. I hope you never experience the attack by dogs again but in Thailand you can't always explain it off as owners being the bad guy.

There are thousands of these soi dogs all over Thailand and the problem is real. How many of these mangy mutts do you think are going to be adopted? It is way past time to get these animals off the streets. They should round them up at all sois and all wats and give the buggers a chance to be adopted and if not, put them to sleep. How many dogs have you seen hobleing around with broken bones or sores and mange? The majority of them are nothing but health hazards to not only other dogs but to the people that do have to walk down the street to get something to eat, go to work or whatever.

Get off your high horse. The really sad part is that nothing will be done until a child or older person is mamned or killed.



5 in the Garden at any one time.. when one gets a good home then another one get pulled off the street and overhauled. If you want one ill happily PM you my address.

Not a saint just not someone who thinks that easy route is the best route.

Suiging So I guess all the injured dogs you have seen you have picked up and had treated?

Fact is some people take the time to care, others don't.

Like I said the ones who think mass slaughter is an good option, look out for Big Tony Clifton and his scooter in your next life.

Round up all the Farrangs on 3 or more 30 days visa's and i'll be there giving a helping hand.


5 in the Garden at any one time.. when one gets a good home then another one get pulled off the street and overhauled. If you want one ill happily PM you my address.

Not a saint just not someone who thinks that easy route is the best route.

Suiging So I guess all the injured dogs you have seen you have picked up and had treated?

Fact is some people take the time to care, others don't.

Like I said the ones who think mass slaughter is an good option, look out for Big Tony Clifton and his scooter in your next life.

Round up all the Farrangs on 3 or more 30 days visa's and i'll be there giving a helping hand.

Now I have had a bit of a joke on here, but I do apologise to 4B as this is obviosly a topic close to his heart. To answer you, no I haven't stopped and picked them up, but I would, without wishing to flame, suggest if you have only five in your garden nor have you. The problem out in the lovely Pong is horrific with packs of wild dogs in almost every bush. We are not all heartless far from it, and you are most probably doing more than your fair share; but no matter how many we farang keep in our garden's, there is not enough of us to make a difference, well at least a difference which would stop the ever escalating number of attacks. Not going back over old ground time and time again, but for the sake of children, the elderly and the animals themselves, a large scale kull is necessary.

Tokyo: 28 milion people and not 1 stray dog.

What a shame stray dogs are for the society that tolerates them.

Yes ... Both Asian, but I guess very different mindsets.



When i lived in Patters many moons ago, every so often you would see a caged pickup come down the sois and stray dogs were stunned, thrown in the back and sold to the crocodile farm for 50 baht each=another solution :o

sriracha john,

Does it taste like chicken? :D

Actually, I found it more akin to a cross between beef and pork when it’s gently sautéed with the aforementioned stir-fry… quite tasty when properly seasoned. If cooked precisely, it almost melts in your mouth. Mmmmmmm… :o


It's a very diverse meat and so when it's dried and processed like beef jerky, it's very chewy and so you really have to put a "bite" into it. This form is heartily recommended for anyone who's ever been a victim of dogs.


If there's too many dangerous stray dogs in your immediate area just buy a sling-shot and a packet of marbles and fire a few marbles at them and this should get rid of the strays for a while.

If there's too many dangerous stray dogs in your immediate area just buy a sling-shot and a packet of marbles and fire a few marbles at them and this should get rid of the strays for a while.

This like yourself (and anyone else with small children for that matter) is a concern for me, reading this thread detailing dog attacks on children puts the fear of god into me :D the slingshot is a good idea and maybe also a big stick if you have to walk around with a buggy. :o


sriracha john,

Does it taste like chicken? :D

Actually, I found it more akin to a cross between beef and pork when it’s gently sautéed with the aforementioned stir-fry… quite tasty when properly seasoned. If cooked precisely, it almost melts in your mouth. Mmmmmmm… :o


It's a very diverse meat and so when it's dried and processed like beef jerky, it's very chewy and so you really have to put a "bite" into it. This form is heartily recommended for anyone who's ever been a victim of dogs.

Jeeez....you`ll be cookin Foxes next.....I`m outta here..post-15964-1163160390.jpg

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