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Rocky >>

Cheap Charlie>> not an assumption, just read your previous posts.

Fat Beer Bellied >>I said "and just hope you fall into that group"

And you know word has a spell checker, there is a difference between wont and want

Take a read through your previous posts and you will see what I mean.

Ok so I lied it was my last but one post. :o

Fourbaht are you looking for a new drinking-ogling partner and that is why you hope i fall into this group.

About it being your last post, it will only be your last post if you can get the last word. :D


Whilst in Cambodia (Ankhor Wat) a couiple of years ago, I noticed how few stray dogs there were in comparison to THailand. I mentioned it to my driver who said

"No, we eat dog in Cambodia"

A possible solution.

May I ask 4 baht what he is actually doing that will have an effect on the dog situation or is he happy with the way it is?

However I do take offense to people who do nothing but complain without contributing.

You're doing as much complaining as the complainers, only you're complaining ABOUT complainers and not the original problem.

The best solution is to destroy all stray animals (call it culling if you will) as they are dirty, ugly and a health hazard to this great city. Maybe they could run a dog meat processing plant and feed needy people...or sell it to Cambodians who love it...or Srirachi John who developed a taste for it in the Philippines.


Sadly the problem is going to take more than some of you blowing your own horn about how much you give back to this society and how everyone's idea is stupid.

Even if everyone was able/willing to take in a couple stray dogs nurse them back to health and find them good home there just are that many people willing to take in a mangy street dog.

What we really need is to form a group to actively carry out some of the ideas presented here in this forum.

The problem will only get exponentially bigger until it is dealt with.

The government is not going to do anything about it in the foreseeable future.

Those are 2 facts you can't argue with.

A few well meaning people taking in strays, bringing them to Tony's, or eating them with a nice wine isn't going to make a dent, sorry to say.

I think it is time to try to organize the ones who are willing to put in the time, money and leg work and make a difference instead of flaming everyone else. An initial cull is a must then sterilization and education to follow.

Sadly the problem is going to take more than some of you blowing your own horn about how much you give back to this society and how everyone's idea is stupid.

Even if everyone was able/willing to take in a couple stray dogs nurse them back to health and find them good home there just are that many people willing to take in a mangy street dog.

What we really need is to form a group to actively carry out some of the ideas presented here in this forum.

The problem will only get exponentially bigger until it is dealt with.

The government is not going to do anything about it in the foreseeable future.

Those are 2 facts you can't argue with.

A few well meaning people taking in strays, bringing them to Tony's, or eating them with a nice wine isn't going to make a dent, sorry to say.

I think it is time to try to organize the ones who are willing to put in the time, money and leg work and make a difference instead of flaming everyone else. An initial cull is a must then sterilization and education to follow.

I Cannot disagree to any of that


i would suggest that to steal a phrase

just do it

dont tell the authorities or the misses

otherwise you will get caught up in the nonsense

if you're getting bother by it all then just go underground throw the chop over the fence

just do it


  • 2 weeks later...

Oh God please give me strength

this is frm the Pattaya People rag

Dogs bite and neighbours fight

The Dongtan police were informed by a Thai lady on 9th December at 2.20 am that her foreign neighbour was threatening her with a knife at a village in Chaiyapruek Road and requested the police to come and investigate.

When the police arrived, Miss Thippawan, aged 33, stated that her dog and the dog belonging to her neighbour, Mr. Helmut Hilgers, aged 51, a German national, had a fight and bit each other so she separated them. However, seeing this, Mr. Hilgers got angry and began shouting at her. She told him that it was just a doggy problem and told him he was crazy for taking it personally before walking in to her house. She stated that shortly afterwards Mr. Hilger came to her house carrying a knife and threatened to stab her, which was why she informed the police. The police took both the German and the Thai lady back to the station for further questioning.

When questioned, Mr. Hilger stated that he brought the knife out but didn’t threaten anyone with it.

For this, the police charged him for possessing a weapon in public for no good reason and fined him 2,000 Baht together with a warning against him doing something like this again.


I live south of Pattaya in the Huay Yai district...lots of strays here also...we have a number of dogs all of which have been vacinnated for free...the local district office will give the shots there or will give the vaccine with needles to do it yourself...My wife's small boy has been bitten twice in the last two years by dogs that the owners are too busy smoking drugs to get the free shots...he has had to go through the anti rabies regimen twice.

My neighbors all love puppies but neglect the grown dogs...the local temple looks like a dog breeding center as dogs are dumped there.


...the local temple looks like a dog breeding center as dogs are dumped there.

Unless the dogs take a vow of chastity, it IS a dog breeding center!

  • 3 weeks later...

From the Pattaya People Newspaper

Do you feel safe when you are passing a dangerous looking stray dog?

The increase of stray dogs in Pattaya is a problem the authorities don’t seem to do anything about.

They roam out of control in the Sois and beaches in packs, barking at and even attacking people whilst walking along the beach; they chase cars and motor bikes and howl and bark all night at the slightest noise.

Children are at risk of attack from the stray dogs. A child might want to stroke one of these dogs and risk to be infected by a disease such as rabies. Almost every child in Thailand has been bitten by a stray dog at least once.

Many a road accident that occurs, especially with motorbikes, has been caused in many cases by a sudden attack from a pack of stray dogs. For example, recently, in Pattaya a foreigner was chased by a pack of dogs while driving his motor bike to go shopping at a well known supermarket, forcing him to crash at speed into on coming traffic. He sustained injuries including a broken shoulder blade and loss of his front teeth. He was bed ridden for 2 months and had to undergo expensive treatment with daily visits to the hospital during that period. As a victim of a stray dog attack, you cannot claim anything, as there is no responsible owner of the animal.

The owners could be liable for paying a fine if their pet animals are caught straying from their homes and/or caused an accident and injuries.

Owners could also pay double fines if their animals are not vaccinated.

How many motorbike accidents have been caused by stray dogs? How many children are attacked each year by stray dogs? Do we get the figures? Licensing and fines would also pay for policing the system and should also cover inspections to ensure that anyone that owns a dog looks after it well just like a member of the family.

Ministry of Health

and Animal Control might need to enforce the laws and clean up the street of unwanted pets and not just express sympathy for the animals.

In America and Europe there are very strict laws regarding dog ownership and many people think that it would be good to have similar enforced laws here in Thailand. Many people would not want to stop others having pets but they should be required to act responsibly.

How many motorbike accidents have been caused by stray dogs? How many children are attacked each year by stray dogs? Do we get the figures? Licensing and fines would also pay for policing the system and should also cover inspections to ensure that anyone that owns a dog looks after it well just like a member of the family.

In the United Kingdom they have the RSPCA to check if animals are being neglected or abused. Maybe Thailand needs an organisation like this with ‘teeth’ to force western style animal control laws nationwide.

Maybe it is about time the authorities did something about this problem?


I was very happy to see the report in the Pattaya People paper. Maybe something will get done about the poor, sick dogs. Did I hear correctly when I heard that one of the Chonburi guys is on the management board of Pattaya People?


I agree that they should be controlled. Apart from health hazards it says a lot about the quality of this society.

Stupid question though; what do soi dogs eat, food refuse? cats and rats? or do the Thai's feed them?

Ok theres a lot of food refuse, but I don't see many rats, I have seen Thai stall owners leave bones etc for the dogs.

The Thai's don't seem that bothered by them, maybe they see the dogs as a service to them, getting rid of refuse and waste and keeping the rat population down.

That is how mans' relationship with dogs started after all.


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