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We will get you one way or another - DSI warns fugitive jet setting monk


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This and the other monk are insults to Buddhism and to the Sangha. They should be disrobed, removed from the positions they currently hold and charged with corruption. Of course we hear a lot of words to the effect they will face justice but nothing ever happens. Let us see them charged and convicted with a very stiff sentence, they have after all brought monks into disrespect, then we will clap and say well done.

Edited by gandalf12
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I have never understood exactly what Thai monks actually do. They seem to take rather than give. People have to wait for monks to eat first at ceremonies like weddings, they can be seen collecting alms every morning, but what do they actually contribute to society? What do they bring to the table?


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If they can't even arrest a local hi-so monk how do they expect to bring this guy in? And what about the monk sitting behind him? All talk and no action.

Why has the monk (boy) at the back not had his head shaved . whistling.gif

Because they are not really Monks are they. They put on an orange robe and pretend to be Monks and everyone gives them the benefit of the doubt, despite the fact these guys are flying in a 10-20K per hour Jet. Some of Thailand's worst criminals go to ground by donning an orange robe.

Why don't the US authorities extradite him ? Every time they demand a fugitive from Thailand they seem to get their way.

It's the same for almost all countries. The US demands much stricter extradition terms than they will accept themselves. There are different burdens of proof required to extradite and somehow most countries accept a low burden of proof from the USA, whilst the USA itself demands a very high burden of proof. Not many people at all are extradited from the USA to other countries although hundreds do the opposite journey.

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The Government has been talking a lot of Bxll Shxt for the public to hear but this monk must have a deep file on the activities of a lot of people so he can just do as he pleases.All the Government has to do is "Cancel" his pass port (as they did Tahksin's) and his jet can only stop to refuel as he travels but would not be able to set foot in any country.Come on DSI grow some balls.

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You may be right, certainly Thailand has no friends, even China drives them away by not agreeing to preferential interest rates (they even refused to give Thailand the same rates they gave Laos, that must have been really humiliating for Prayuth), Putin's opinion of Prayuth is clear from his very eloquent body language, he appears to think that Prayuth is a clown - same as me really.

But the point is valid, no need for the army. Especially now ASEAN is a reality. Thailand would be better defended by putting the boy scouts on the border and abolishing the military budget and giving it to new educators - foreign ones. From Finland perhaps.


When did you meet Putin?

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I have never understood exactly what Thai monks actually do. They seem to take rather than give. People have to wait for monks to eat first at ceremonies like weddings, they can be seen collecting alms every morning, but what do they actually contribute to society? What do they bring to the table?

you can rent them to sing/chant at your new house or you can rent them to bless your new car and stuff like that. you can also ask them for lottery numbers if you pay them enough baht so they can topup their smartphones. you can also go to the wat when your husband beats the sh/t out of you. my neighbour used to do that. she then got a bed for free there but she always paid them...


Edited by Mook23
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I have never understood exactly what Thai monks actually do. They seem to take rather than give. People have to wait for monks to eat first at ceremonies like weddings, they can be seen collecting alms every morning, but what do they actually contribute to society? What do they bring to the table?

It is my understanding that they pray on behalf of others.

A Thai told me once that since he didnt have time to pray himself, you offer alms to the monks who then make amends for you.

Not much different in nature to other groups relgious practices, but i suppose that kind of thinking is another factor in why things are the way they are here

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All religions, including buddhism, are based on fear and illusion. no religion, god, spirit, monk can protect you against sickness or bad luck. if thai monks ever wanted to do good to Thai people they can start with:

1. ROAD SAFETY LESSONS. learn the little ignorant laymen that they must wear belts and drive safely.

2. ALCOHOL PREVENTION. learn the little ignorant laymen that alcohol destroys the liver/lives.

meditating before you go to bed while the next morning driving a minivan with 12 people at 160km/h is idiotic.

buying a flower/shrine for above minivan, driving at 160km/h with no belt is idiotic.

donating to the wat but getting pissed on 2 bottles of lao khao every night is idiotic.


in theory religions are ok. but they all get corrupted when mankind executes them............

Edited by Mook23
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Why don't the US authorities extradite him ? Every time they demand a fugitive from Thailand they seem to get their way.

There was a newspaper story last year which indicated he had claimed he had been designated as a political asylum seeker and had been granted a green card to live legally in the US.

Whether that is true or not is another matter.

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He must be quaking in his orange flip-flops, waiting for the Thai Mossad.

What's interesting here is the bald statement that there are no statute of limitations for "computer 'crimes', fraud, sex crimes, and money laundering", all of which could apply to any of us here. This certainly is not any int'l standard of justice.

what were the sex crimes?

I thought he had an affair with a adult woman

... just wonderin'

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He must be quaking in his orange flip-flops, waiting for the Thai Mossad.

What's interesting here is the bald statement that there are no statute of limitations for "computer 'crimes', fraud, sex crimes, and money laundering", all of which could apply to any of us here. This certainly is not any int'l standard of justice.

what were the sex crimes?

I thought he had an affair with a adult woman

... just wonderin'

As I understand it, it's a crime in Thailand for a monk to have sexual relations with a woman (it's not clear to me if it's a crime to have sex with a man).

Crazy I know, but true.


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I had an open mind 12 years ago when I arrived here but having lived in Issan and Bangkok my mind is against the Monks.

They take money from poor people who cannot afford it.

Many of their Temples are Filthy ( certainly in Issan )

They do not work.

They live free on donations of Food and Money and do nothing.

Get privileged seating on trains etc.

It is common knowledge that many are ex crooks or indeed still crooks as the current scandals show.

I was 'invited' to give alms to a monk a few weeks ago, but refused. I told my companion and the monk in Thai that I had seen Buddha Issara, and that any organisation that allowed him to be a member would have to find a way to do without my donations.


I was under the impression that Buddha Issara was a good monk fighting a corrupt government !!!

Edited by off road pat
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Why don't the US authorities extradite him ? Every time they demand a fugitive from Thailand they seem to get their way.

Very few know the other side of the thainess coin.

The other countries have bigger sticks.


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I never donate to monks or temples as I saw all kind of inappropriate behaviour by monks ...and I was comforted in this by seen a monk check the porn CD's in a computer shop !!!

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"We will get you one way or another - DSI warns fugitive jet setting monk"

Does that mean that since Prayuth's recent visit to Russia the flying monk must watch out for pollonium in his tea?

Edited by EricBerg
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It's very difficult to get a visa to the usa. He wouldn't get it if he had any pending charges in Thailand. So the assumption is that they really haven't filed any charges on him. All bluster , no action. Must have cost him plenty.

US Visa for a monk not available?

Don't make me laugh, there are several that is more than the fingers on one hand Thai monks in the US (Arizona for one with killings among themselves even US law leaves them alone because they are killings among Thai monks themselves) running from the Thai law. All they do and have for years thump their noses at the Thai Laws. Instead of the US calling them Political Exiles they are classified as Religious Exiles. Only ones not being political exiles are not all but, some Muslims. I.E. the Uighurs from Xinjiang, China are political exiles according to the Washington clique because the Washington fascist clique has a use for them making problems in China and using them by Turkey to fight for Turkey in Syria.

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There's some very relevant posts on this subject but for me it simply comes down to why any of us should be surprised that the DSI, being given the run around by a monk and being made to look utter fools, are trying to deflect attention away by grandiose claims about tracking a fugitive overseas.

A mere coincidence of course that both issues involve monks.

It shows the mentality, or lack of, by the people involved that they honestly think their BS will be believed and it will make them look determined and efficient.

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Why not use Interpol?

You ring we bring!

Is he guilty of any international crimes ? Thailand's neighbors are not overly enthusiastic about extraditing the Thai most wanted, nor would countries with an elected government be interested to send people back to face a military court. The monks alleged guilt notwithstanding, who really wants to go out of their way to help Thailand right now ?

The key words here are, go out of their way , I dare say foreign embassy's have got the message, and tossed it in the delete box.

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It's very difficult to get a visa to the usa. He wouldn't get it if he had any pending charges in Thailand. So the assumption is that they really haven't filed any charges on him. All bluster , no action. Must have cost him plenty.

To assume , makes an Ass out of U and ME

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Good question on his having a US visa. Every time I fly to the US, there's at least one monk on board, receiving VIP treatment, which continues when the plane lands. Hows that work? Who's money is he spending? By the way, most US wats are not modest hermitages.

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