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Donald Trump: Migrants treated better than US military veterans


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Anybody that has ever fought in a war, and still has some scruples left would never want to have to go do it again if it can be avoided. More of the same traditional Republican/ Democrat stuff surely means more wars. Seeing as US politics is without an independent, Trump with his neutral Israeli policy and basically saying to Japan and S.Korea, here is what you need your on your own, seems to be the man for most vets with scruples.

And here here too. It is time to but out and let other people's fights and wars be fought by other said peoples.

Go the Trumpinator !!!

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There are many veterans of military service who are not rightwingnuts and whose honorable service to our country merit recognition and appreciation.

As do their views...

'The military are not his palace guards' a retired three-star general says of Donald Trump

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling says he had “a visceral response” to some of the rhetoric Donald Trump unleashed during the most recent Republican debate.

Hertling forcefully disagreed, calling the Republican front-runner’s management style “toxic leadership.”

“Somebody needs to remind Mr. Trump that the military is not his palace guards,” Hertling said. “They take an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. They also abide by the rules — not only of the uniform code of military justice, the UCMJ — but they also abide by the U.N. mandate against torture and the Geneva Convention protocols against torture.”

“We do not do this,” he added. “It is not within our purview.”


Yes, the retired general is a veteran. As legitimate a veteran as any other veteran. It is just that this particular veteran is not an admirer of the uniquely American Mussolini. Quite to the contrary in fact, the former commander of the US European Command is exactly the opposite of Trump and the Trump vets who are his fans.

Retired LTG Hertling is also formerly commander of the 1st Armored Division in Iraq. He is a 1975 graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point.

Edited by Publicus
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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


I can't speak with any authority on the US situation, but I have two vet friends in Australia who have fought long and hard for recognition of their medical conditions with little result.

So called 'migrants' have the red carpet rolled out for them, living in better conditions than many would have enjoyed back 'home.' Yet still they riot, demanding more.

Incidentally, 'illegal arrivals' are not 'migrants'. The political left try to give some respectability to people who won't respect borders by calling them 'migrants', but migrants they are not.

So called 'migrants' have the red carpet rolled out for them, living in better conditions than many would have enjoyed back 'home.'

You're talking about Cubans who arrive on our shores as heroes. And it is good for them that they escaped Castro and his regime (which is not ALL evil either).

Hispanics from Central America and South America don't get a hero's welcome however. Mexicans get Donald Trump and the American rightwhinge extreme xenophobes.

Cuban Americans are traditionally Republican, while continental Hispanics to the USA are traditionally Democrats. Now the two are coming together with the Democratic party thanks to Trump and his racial fans....

Will Donald Trump drive Miami Cuban Americans from GOP? New poll says yes

Likely Cuban-American voters dislike Trump

They also are increasingly accepting of President Obama’s Cuba policy

That combination could cost the GOP its longtime Cuban-American support


Keep up the great work wink.png

In Florida especially. thumbsup.gif

which is why Rubio did so well there? No political campaign has ever given such pleasure to the silent majority as DT. It is a never ending treat.
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You Bernie fans out there might be interested to learn how his actions have affected the VA. It is not pretty.


Bernie Sanders' Senate work at the heart of VA's latest woes
By Leo Shane III, Military Times
4:57 p.m. EST February 18, 2016
One major reason the Veterans Affairs Department can't fire troublesome employees: Bernie Sanders.
The Obama administration is moving to undo the Democratic presidential candidate’s past work as Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee chairman in an effort to clean up the department, considering a change in employment rules for VA executives that Sanders fought for vigorously just two years ago. .
In recent weeks, the VA has seen a host of job actions against senior employees overturned by the Merit Systems Protection Board, an independent, “quasi-judicial” agency that serves as arbiter on a number of federal worker cases. They include the demotion of two VA executives accused of gaming the department’s hiring system for personal benefit, and the dismissal of a New York VA director over patient safety concerns.
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I was interested to look at the evidence Trump's statement was based on. Of course I found there was actually none.

"Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion."

Trump is certainly not the 'thinking man's' candidate.

Nonsense, in U.K. an illegal immigrant fares better than some poor bloke who has paid his dues for 40+ years, and it,s all wrong, terribly wrong !

The immigrants are not the cause - take them away and we will still have a government that pisses all over the working class. Don't blame others for getting marginally more than the lowest, blame those who make it so for their own enrichment.

Yes - government is the cause and a change of government is the solution.

Hence Trump.

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Well, Trump speaks the inconvient truth again.

Anyone surprised? thumbsup.gif

He offers no evidence though, does he?

His followers don't care.

They're not seeking truth or anything even related to truth.

It's a RACIST movement.

Only the uninformed call Trumps movement a racist one.

As usual, liberals will provide no evidence that Trump is racist, yet they think Trump should provide evidence to his claims.

It's very simple. Trump is campaigning, not debating.

He's campaigning and winning.

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Honestly, I support the issue of getting vets much better health care.

Who wouldn't?

But I don't support the vile monster being a demagogue about this issue and drumming up racial hatred just to get more votes from his racist core base.

Vile Monster


Racial Hatred

Racist Core base

There are a lot of people debating the issues. Including the reasons for Trumps success.

Others seem to be resorting to hate speech whilst at the same time accusing others of hate speech.

This seems to be mostly those on the left right now.

Why is that? Why are people so polarized that they become irrational?

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This seems to be mostly those on the left right now.

Come on Dags, make your mind up, which one is it? Left or right? Right or left? Inside or outside? Upside, down?

Kinda hard to tell from your sentence there. Help me out here!

Edited by NumbNut
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This seems to be mostly those on the left right now.

Come on Dags, make your mind up, which one is it? Left or right? Right or left? Inside or outside? Upside, down?

Kinda hard to tell from your sentence there. Help me out here!

I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

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This seems to be mostly those on the left right now.

Come on Dags, make your mind up, which one is it? Left or right? Right or left? Inside or outside? Upside, down?

Kinda hard to tell from your sentence there. Help me out here!

I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

Most of them are simply trolling.

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Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

Most of them are simply trolling.

That tired old chestnut. Next it will be some cartoons.

So is there any evidence that supports Trump's assertions?

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This seems to be mostly those on the left right now.

Come on Dags, make your mind up, which one is it? Left or right? Right or left? Inside or outside? Upside, down?

Kinda hard to tell from your sentence there. Help me out here!

I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

Most of them are simply trolling.

I agree with - outsiders shouldn't get involved in the internal matters of a sovereign nation and all that. Gee I live by that and I will die by it. But when it comes to the United States of America I have to disagree. The USA is unique and pretty much the exclusive exclusion to this "rule" for mine and I will tell you why.

For the simple fact that when it comes to the United States, countries like Australia, Canada, the UK, some European countries and more do indeed have a "dog in the fight" when it comes to a US election. Because the fact of the matter is that the outcome will inevitably effect them also. The reason being is that these countries are continuously called upon, with increasing frequency, by the US to help fight its fights for her. In many cases they are indeed rail roaded into their support, spending their own money and sacrificing their own people for the good of the US and its foreign policy. The very least the people of the US can afford the citizen of the above mentioned countries is an opinion on US politics. They have earned it don't you think ? wai.gif

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This seems to be mostly those on the left right now.

Come on Dags, make your mind up, which one is it? Left or right? Right or left? Inside or outside? Upside, down?

Kinda hard to tell from your sentence there. Help me out here!

I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

Exactly right ! Trumps followers are a little different cuz he is different. That is the whole ball game. Different equal change. Change is what a lot of people want after decades of the same old same old.

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This seems to be mostly those on the left right now.

Come on Dags, make your mind up, which one is it? Left or right? Right or left? Inside or outside? Upside, down?

Kinda hard to tell from your sentence there. Help me out here!

I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

Exactly right ! Trumps followers are a little different cuz he is different. That is the whole ball game. Different equal change. Change is what a lot of people want after decades of the same old same old.

Change for the better, ok, even welcome. Change for the worse, not ok. That's Trump, change for the worse. Disaster for America. Real Americans don't want that.

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Real Americans don't want that.

Can you define a " real American" for me ? As opposed to an American that is not real. Just to help me with my demographics in the coming election. Thanks in advance.

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Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

Most of them are simply trolling.

That tired old chestnut. Next it will be some cartoons.

So is there any evidence that supports Trump's assertions?

I rest my case.

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Real Americans don't want that.

Can you define a " real American" for me ? As opposed to an American that is not real. Just to help me with my demographics in the coming election. Thanks in advance.

A real American wants his country to be better than it is, progress towards the future, be a place where his kids and grandkids can prosper. A real American would not try to make America like the 1950's again. He would have the basic intelligence to know that this is not possible.

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I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

Exactly right ! Trumps followers are a little different cuz he is different. That is the whole ball game. Different equal change. Change is what a lot of people want after decades of the same old same old.

There has always been a radical difference between 'change' and creative destruction.

Trump & Co are all about destruction however. Destroy the established order. Install a new odor.

The whole package comes with the promise by Donald that he'll make everything fine again. Actually, that he'll make everything great again....everything will be just great again....the best....the greatest....only the best...take his word for it.

The uniquely American Mussolini.

The trains loaded with immigrants will run on time.

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Come on Dags, make your mind up, which one is it? Left or right? Right or left? Inside or outside? Upside, down?

Kinda hard to tell from your sentence there. Help me out here!

I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

Most of them are simply trolling.

I agree with - outsiders shouldn't get involved in the internal matters of a sovereign nation and all that. Gee I live by that and I will die by it. But when it comes to the United States of America I have to disagree. The USA is unique and pretty much the exclusive exclusion to this "rule" for mine and I will tell you why.

For the simple fact that when it comes to the United States, countries like Australia, Canada, the UK, some European countries and more do indeed have a "dog in the fight" when it comes to a US election. Because the fact of the matter is that the outcome will inevitably effect them also. The reason being is that these countries are continuously called upon, with increasing frequency, by the US to help fight its fights for her. In many cases they are indeed rail roaded into their support, spending their own money and sacrificing their own people for the good of the US and its foreign policy. The very least the people of the US can afford the citizen of the above mentioned countries is an opinion on US politics. They have earned it don't you think ? wai.gif

"They have earned it don't you think ?"

Not really.

Each of those countries you mentioned have mutual defense pacts with the US. If they come under attack, the US will come to their defense.

If our politicians railroaded their politicians into these arrangements, they should take it up with their own politicians.

When these countries wage battle on behalf of an arranged political alliance, their politicians are the ones to put a signature on a treaty...and the guys that served like you have to pay the price.

Take their complaints to the top of their own governments rather than try to tell US citizens how they should vote.

PS: I notice the Bernie supporters have been awfully silent about Bernie's actions in the US Senate regarding the Veteran's Administration. See post #65.

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Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

Most of them are simply trolling.

That tired old chestnut. Next it will be some cartoons.

So is there any evidence that supports Trump's assertions?

I rest my case.

Maybe but your briefs aren't holding up.

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Real Americans don't want that.

Can you define a " real American" for me ? As opposed to an American that is not real. Just to help me with my demographics in the coming election. Thanks in advance.

Someone who's read the Bill of Rights for one thing.

Trump and his fanboyz only know there's something about the Second Amendment somewhere but that it has to do with protecting and preserving gun lunatics. Sort of like how Trump knows "Two" Liviticus to the evangelical wingnuts.

Wait till Trump finds out the Fourteenth Amendment protects all persons residing in the USA regardless of anything. The 14th just might therefore be the First Amendment To Go.

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This happens with most western governments that are so eager to please the PC fools in the UN,

More right wing blather. Do you know what group of people were most satisfied with their health care according to the gallup poll? If you guessed veterans, you'd be correct.


Hilarious, this has to be about the dumbest comment I have read since coming back to see what's brewing here.

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Real Americans don't want that.

Can you define a " real American" for me ? As opposed to an American that is not real. Just to help me with my demographics in the coming election. Thanks in advance.

A real American wants his country to be better than it is, progress towards the future, be a place where his kids and grandkids can prosper. A real American would not try to make America like the 1950's again. He would have the basic intelligence to know that this is not possible.

I do understand that .What you are saying. I truly do. But when was the last time America made progress ? Under Obama ? Bush ? Clinton ? Bush Sr ? Or will this progress finally come under Clinton ? Hillary that is. Democrats, Republicans, Democrats,Republicans... Bush,Clinton,Bush,Clinton.....? That doesn't seem like progress to me.

Like it or not, Trump will change the dynamics. That is for certain. Anxious yet ? Everybody knows the country, and the greater world community for that matter, needs that change. And Trump is the only player selling it. Desperate times mean for desperate measures. If there is somebody more PC than Trump,more likeable, more 'finger on the voter pulse' than Trump and offers real change than Trump does, then where is this person ?

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I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

Exactly right ! Trumps followers are a little different cuz he is different. That is the whole ball game. Different equal change. Change is what a lot of people want after decades of the same old same old.

There has always been a radical difference between 'change' and creative destruction.

Trump & Co are all about destruction however. Destroy the established order. Install a new odor.

The whole package comes with the promise by Donald that he'll make everything fine again. Actually, that he'll make everything great again....everything will be just great again....the best....the greatest....only the best...take his word for it.

The uniquely American Mussolini.

The trains loaded with immigrants will run on time.

Mmmm ! A bit Armageddonish to me.

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I agree with - outsiders shouldn't get involved in the internal matters of a sovereign nation and all that. Gee I live by that and I will die by it. But when it comes to the United States of America I have to disagree. The USA is unique and pretty much the exclusive exclusion to this "rule" for mine and I will tell you why.

Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

Most of them are simply trolling.

For the simple fact that when it comes to the United States, countries like Australia, Canada, the UK, some European countries and more do indeed have a "dog in the fight" when it comes to a US election. Because the fact of the matter is that the outcome will inevitably effect them also. The reason being is that these countries are continuously called upon, with increasing frequency, by the US to help fight its fights for her. In many cases they are indeed rail roaded into their support, spending their own money and sacrificing their own people for the good of the US and its foreign policy. The very least the people of the US can afford the citizen of the above mentioned countries is an opinion on US politics. They have earned it don't you think ? wai.gif

"They have earned it don't you think ?"

Not really.

Each of those countries you mentioned have mutual defense pacts with the US. If they come under attack, the US will come to their defense.

If our politicians railroaded their politicians into these arrangements, they should take it up with their own politicians.

When these countries wage battle on behalf of an arranged political alliance, their politicians are the ones to put a signature on a treaty...and the guys that served like you have to pay the price.

Take their complaints to the top of their own governments rather than try to tell US citizens how they should vote.

PS: I notice the Bernie supporters have been awfully silent about Bernie's actions in the US Senate regarding the Veteran's Administration. See post #65.

Nobody is telling anybody how they should vote. That is always a personal choice. All I am saying is the US and its foreign policy affects more than just US citizens. So if someone has an opinion on Us politics then that should be fine. From a personal POV I don't care who votes for who in any election anywhere. One doesn't become my friend or enemy by who they vote for.

Reference your comments on defense pacts. True. But let's just put it into perspective. When was the last time an American soldier died in battle in the defense of Australia, Canada, the U.K or their interest ? Doesn't weigh up much does it ?

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Real Americans don't want that.

Can you define a " real American" for me ? As opposed to an American that is not real. Just to help me with my demographics in the coming election. Thanks in advance.

Trump and his fanboyz only know there's something about the Second Amendment somewhere but that it has to do with protecting and preserving gun lunatics. Sort of like how Trump knows "Two" Liviticus to the evangelical wingnuts.

The gun lobby issue isn't a non event regardless of who is running for election. They won't have the power, even as president to do anything about it. Obama is the first to have has tried to change it but failed. Way too many American "gun lunatics" in the US to change their right to bear arms. Both Democrat and Republican gun nuts.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say all trump supporters are stupid. But they do tend to overvalue ENTERTAINMENT over reasonable political policies (and credible experience with those as well).

If that were actually the case or was exclusive to Trump supporters, then logic might say that the other side would be enlightened, intelligent and voting for Bernie. But no, the majority are supporting a known serial liar and corporate shill who probably engages in criminal activity to advance her own wealth and power. Why? Because the media tells them to.

Because the media tells them to? The TV wingnuts throw this nonsense out there in every post. The world is filled with conspiracies according to the low-info lemmings. Trump is their perfect candidate. Trump is the conspiracy king! From Birthers to California doesn't have a drought to the jews are out to control the world to Elvis killed JFK.

RationalWiki describes it as "an interlocking hierarchy of conspiracies", in which all the world's events are controlled by a single evil entity. Obama? HRC? Who's turn is it this week?

There is one person who controls Fox News who controls most of the the thought process for the wingnut media, Roger Ailes. On the other side of the aisle no one and I mean no one controls what the media spews. If there were a media conspiracy wouldn't they have to keep it a secret? With the millions of blogs and people looking to score the big story, wouldn't the big conspiracy soon come to light?

Ye gods, these wingnuts are numb.

How can you have an intelligent exchange of ideas with people who think conspiracies effect everything?

You can't.

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