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Best Resume Resources

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It's been years since I've made a resume, and thought I'd brush up how to make a great resume.

Goggle had millions of ideas, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any great sites from personal experience.

The company is based out of london, has an office here, and has an open position in a different country. If I were to land the position, it could open up so many doors for me, so I really want to do this right.

Greatly appreciate any assistance

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You could try monster.com There are generally good resources there. You can post your resume in the resume forum, minus identifying info and people will help critique it as well.

Wow, I'm on monster, but didn't realize they had a forum.

Thank you for the info

By the way, I'm originally from Door County :o

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Having a professional resume writing agency is another possible route. I had mine done by a professional, but I think I could have done it myself. I ended up doing most of the critiquing myself because they just could not get it. It was pretty frustrating. I spent over $250 for mine, which would have been money better spent elsewhere.

Door County eh? Not too far from me. Be glad you are in Thailand. Cold and snow here.

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It's been years since I've made a resume, and thought I'd brush up how to make a great resume.

Goggle had millions of ideas, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any great sites from personal experience.

The company is based out of london, has an office here, and has an open position in a different country. If I were to land the position, it could open up so many doors for me, so I really want to do this right.

Greatly appreciate any assistance

There is a great book called Guerrilla Job Hunting, they have some great tips and ideas for creating a memorable resume and job search. Definitely different than the normal. A lot depends on your career stage and positions but it can't hurt to look at that book. I bought a copy at Asia Books. I wasn't looking for a job, more for some marketing ideas for consulting and selling but I felt it was a great read.


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Correction: Name of the book is: "Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters" by Jay Conrad Stevenson and David E. Perry.


It's been years since I've made a resume, and thought I'd brush up how to make a great resume.

Goggle had millions of ideas, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any great sites from personal experience.

The company is based out of london, has an office here, and has an open position in a different country. If I were to land the position, it could open up so many doors for me, so I really want to do this right.

Greatly appreciate any assistance

There is a great book called Guerrilla Job Hunting, they have some great tips and ideas for creating a memorable resume and job search. Definitely different than the normal. A lot depends on your career stage and positions but it can't hurt to look at that book. I bought a copy at Asia Books. I wasn't looking for a job, more for some marketing ideas for consulting and selling but I felt it was a great read.


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Ill charge less than 250$ to look at/polish that resume. depends on the job you are after and what you have done and how much you have done...theres different things to consider when writing your resume. perhaps take the advice of many here who suggested some good books, and some websites? if you need further finetuning, then let me know :o

....yet another pretend expert

but ok seriously...not an expert, but have helped a few friends with theirs, so am happy to give some pointers. you wont need to reveal any of your personal details to me, be assured :D

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From experience (past and very recent) :

First does the resume is for any job you see on the news paper (general resume) or for a special job (the one you dream to have in the company to dream to work for)?

For the first, a professional can help a lot.

For the second he/she can help also, but as the goal here is to get that ###### interview , you have to make it different :

1) What the firm targeted do exactly? For exemple eletrical firm is a general wording, but you do not wish to stress out your experience in industrial electricity if you apply for a society specialised in construction of house ... exemple.

2) where the job will be based? A job up country in thailand can be landed if you are able to speak thai issan (easy to understand why)

3) For a job as UN security member (As it was proposed 2 years ago) it would be great to explain you were a member of the special force (green beret, french legion ...) while stressing out the numerous missions of protection/soft extraction of civilian or simply protection of military planes in some remote country. On the other hand it would be totally bad to give one word about it if you apply for a senior position in Thai Nam Thip (exemple from real life, I simply scred them I would run the IT department as a French Legion unit).

4) Being in Thailand, it's almost a necessity to show you are integrate culturaly (donation to some temple for exemple, it must be precised), stress out also you are totally un interrested by NEP and Soi Cowboy, because your thai gf/wife is simply perfect and make you zen all the time.

5) Remenber you are not looking for a job to pay your bills, you are a farang and by so wealthy. Precise you will eventually leave your early retirement, or will eventually accept a reduction of your suposed earnings because the challenge proposed or because you will were looking since ages to work for a firm with the world reputation of this one (any BS of that type), will also help. REmenber Khao San Road is full of people ready to kill just to get a job of teacher, so you have to show you are not from here, not like them. Firms (international and local) are affraid to get one o those persons looking simply to finance the booze and the girls.

What I say can make people laught, anyway with my broken english, my foolish face and my weird ideas (different of the usual anglo saxons culture), I just landed last week a senior position with that very kind of CV (US company where I will be the only one not US or Thai) So I suppose even weird the ideas can be used (but with a better english than mine, anyway the key is the ideas not the wording).

Hope it help and good luck

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