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Israeli media reports police recommend indicting PM’s wife


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Israeli media reports police recommend indicting PM’s wife


JERUSALEM: -- Israeli police have reportedly recommended bringing criminal charges against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife on suspicion of misusing state funds.

Sara Netanyahu is alleged to have used public money to care for her late father and over-billed for meals.

The Netanyahus have long faced scrutiny over their spending but have dismissed accusations that their lifestyles are out of touch with ordinary Israelis.

The Israeli first lady has also come under fire for her alleged abusive behaviour toward staff.

The Netanyahus say they are the victims of a media witch-hunt and have denied any wrongdoing.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-30

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Mods might as well shut this down here as all will follow is more anti-semitic snarks and rubbish, as if politicians are not corrupt the world over.

The allegations are based on fact and it is true the Netanyayu clan (and their ilk) are completely out of touch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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She will face the Israeli justice system which in the past has not spared even Israeli presidents from prison.

Of course, this topic will attract the usual disgusting hateful over the top Israel demonization agenda comments.

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Mods might as well shut this down here as all will follow is more anti-semitic snarks and rubbish, as if politicians are not corrupt the world over.

The allegations are based on fact and it is true the Netanyayu clan (and their ilk) are completely out of touch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please cut and paste any anti-semitic remark so far. Hilary Clinton does wrong and everyone slags her off, this woman does wrong and to criticise is anti-semitic! Pathetic!

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I think in most nations there is NO CHANCE that a PM, a PM's wife, a president, etc. is ever going to prison or even face criminal charges except if they go out in the streets and start shooting up citizens (as Trump has suggested he could do and not lose his support base and he's probably right). So I think Israel is admirable in this way ... not perfect, but better than most. Oh no! He said something positive about the Israeli government and justice system. Big trouble now.

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I think in most nations there is NO CHANCE that a PM, a PM's wife, a president, etc. is ever going to prison or even face criminal charges except if they go out in the streets and start shooting up citizens (as Trump has suggested he could do and not lose his support base and he's probably right). So I think Israel is admirable in this way ... not perfect, but better than most. Oh no! He said something positive about the Israeli government and justice system. Big trouble now.

Loose the chip mate. No one is suggesting she's accused of fiddled things because of her ethnic background or religion.

Fact is there are a number of senior politicians and former high office holders facing charges in a few countries. And so they should if the police have investigated and found evidence which the public prosecutors decided warrants progressing in court.

Israel is one of the countries where there is a justice system, free speech, freedom of the press and where the public will demand action against corruption. The countries that have state controlled justice systems and repress freedoms of speech and the media are the ones that should be condemned, whatever their race, religion or political hue.

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I think in most nations there is NO CHANCE that a PM, a PM's wife, a president, etc. is ever going to prison or even face criminal charges except if they go out in the streets and start shooting up citizens (as Trump has suggested he could do and not lose his support base and he's probably right). So I think Israel is admirable in this way ... not perfect, but better than most. Oh no! He said something positive about the Israeli government and justice system. Big trouble now.

Loose the chip mate. No one is suggesting she's accused of fiddled things because of her ethnic background or religion.

Fact is there are a number of senior politicians and former high office holders facing charges in a few countries. And so they should if the police have investigated and found evidence which the public prosecutors decided warrants progressing in court.

Israel is one of the countries where there is a justice system, free speech, freedom of the press and where the public will demand action against corruption. The countries that have state controlled justice systems and repress freedoms of speech and the media are the ones that should be condemned, whatever their race, religion or political hue.

What are you on about? I never suggested the accusations in Israel were made because she's a Jew. That is INSANE.

But you'd have to be blind not to notice every topic about Israel attracts HATEFUL posts.

Did you see the one about dropping her by copter? Come on now. No chip. Just eyes.

She's not even the PM. She doesn't make policies.

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She will face the Israeli justice system which in the past has not spared even Israeli presidents from prison.

Of course, this topic will attract the usual disgusting hateful over the top Israel demonization agenda comments.

Demonization agenda?

For goodness sake, in the State of Israel there is no real vocal opposition except for - - - wait for it! - - - the military and Mossad! Yes, former Mossad director, former and current generals and even the Minister of Defense was trying to argue against calls for certain actions that in any other context would be described as hate speech. Netanyahu replaced the Minister with someone who a) lives in a location where no one can vote (a settlement in the occupied territories B) believes yet again redrawing the borders so that the Palestinians have even less land to live on.

Imagine a scenario whereby those who ran away from violence from a land they had lived on since time immemorial and since then are forever denied a vote or a say in how they are governed but are kept separate from the voting population who are in that position because of their genes. This has all the hallmarks of South Africa under Apartheid.

To argue against Apartheid was and is not to argue against people of Dutch decent, to deny white people of anything or whatever. To argue against the current setup in and around the current State of Israel is not to be anti-semitic or to deny the horrific history of the Jews. It is simply to say that if you treat people the way the Palestinians have been treated to date, you must expect some fightback, some attempt at retaliation. Look at the history of African Americans in the USA, for instance - there is a reason why segregation in education, housing and all other aspects of life was abolished in the USA. Until then, we had unrest in the Southern states, the Black Panther movement etc.

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Oh boy, another rant.

Please learn the difference, and there is a big difference, between normal criticism of Israeli government policies and obsessive toxic Israel demonization which is indeed very often is mixed with hatred of Jews.

Anyone that can't freely admit that demonization of Israel isn't often mixed with Jew hatred is not being honest, and in my view it's a total waste of time even talking to such people.

Jews in France today report that antisemitism there hasn't been this bad since WW2, and Israel is usually used as an excuse. So grow up and face the reality.

The comment about tossing the PM's wife out of a copter ... sick, sick, sick.

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I think in most nations there is NO CHANCE that a PM, a PM's wife, a president, etc. is ever going to prison or even face criminal charges except if they go out in the streets and start shooting up citizens (as Trump has suggested he could do and not lose his support base and he's probably right). So I think Israel is admirable in this way ... not perfect, but better than most. Oh no! He said something positive about the Israeli government and justice system. Big trouble now.

Loose the chip mate. No one is suggesting she's accused of fiddled things because of her ethnic background or religion.

Fact is there are a number of senior politicians and former high office holders facing charges in a few countries. And so they should if the police have investigated and found evidence which the public prosecutors decided warrants progressing in court.

Israel is one of the countries where there is a justice system, free speech, freedom of the press and where the public will demand action against corruption. The countries that have state controlled justice systems and repress freedoms of speech and the media are the ones that should be condemned, whatever their race, religion or political hue.

What are you on about? I never suggested the accusations in Israel were made because she's a Jew. That is INSANE.

But you'd have to be blind not to notice every topic about Israel attracts HATEFUL posts.

Did you see the one about dropping her by copter? Come on now. No chip. Just eyes.

She's not even the PM. She doesn't make policies.

I said that not because of a hatred of jews.........just a total disgust of the way Israel treats the Palestinians.........buying/stealing THEIR land!!!

I'm not going to debate this one either......i have my views and read enough of the going's on....

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I think in most nations there is NO CHANCE that a PM, a PM's wife, a president, etc. is ever going to prison or even face criminal charges except if they go out in the streets and start shooting up citizens (as Trump has suggested he could do and not lose his support base and he's probably right). So I think Israel is admirable in this way ... not perfect, but better than most. Oh no! He said something positive about the Israeli government and justice system. Big trouble now.

Loose the chip mate. No one is suggesting she's accused of fiddled things because of her ethnic background or religion.

Fact is there are a number of senior politicians and former high office holders facing charges in a few countries. And so they should if the police have investigated and found evidence which the public prosecutors decided warrants progressing in court.

Israel is one of the countries where there is a justice system, free speech, freedom of the press and where the public will demand action against corruption. The countries that have state controlled justice systems and repress freedoms of speech and the media are the ones that should be condemned, whatever their race, religion or political hue.

What are you on about? I never suggested the accusations in Israel were made because she's a Jew. That is INSANE.

But you'd have to be blind not to notice every topic about Israel attracts HATEFUL posts.

Did you see the one about dropping her by copter? Come on now. No chip. Just eyes.

She's not even the PM. She doesn't make policies.

I said that not because of a hatred of jews.........just a total disgust of the way Israel treats the Palestinians.........buying/stealing THEIR land!!!

I'm not going to debate this one either......i have my views and read enough of the going's on....

It matters not why you made that comment. It revealed a SICKNESS. A desire to murder a lady who isn't even a member of the government of the nation you obviously hate so much. If you read that I accused you personally of Jew hating, read closer. I did no such thing. But again, the comment was SICK and indeed very hateful.

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As a man of Jewish descent, I don't like jokes about us Jews.
I think they often cement prejudices and misinterpretations of the Jewish people and culture.
But, every now and then, even I enjoy a good laugh and feel that I shouldn't be so serious about everything.
So I have a very good joke about us Jews here, ..................if anyone wants to buy it PM me......................coffee1.gif

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She will face the Israeli justice system which in the past has not spared even Israeli presidents from prison.

Of course, this topic will attract the usual disgusting hateful over the top Israel demonization agenda comments.

Demonization agenda?

For goodness sake, in the State of Israel there is no real vocal opposition except for - - - wait for it! - - - the military and Mossad! Yes, former Mossad director, former and current generals and even the Minister of Defense was trying to argue against calls for certain actions that in any other context would be described as hate speech. Netanyahu replaced the Minister with someone who a) lives in a location where no one can vote (a settlement in the occupied territories cool.png believes yet again redrawing the borders so that the Palestinians have even less land to live on.

Imagine a scenario whereby those who ran away from violence from a land they had lived on since time immemorial and since then are forever denied a vote or a say in how they are governed but are kept separate from the voting population who are in that position because of their genes. This has all the hallmarks of South Africa under Apartheid.

To argue against Apartheid was and is not to argue against people of Dutch decent, to deny white people of anything or whatever. To argue against the current setup in and around the current State of Israel is not to be anti-semitic or to deny the horrific history of the Jews. It is simply to say that if you treat people the way the Palestinians have been treated to date, you must expect some fightback, some attempt at retaliation. Look at the history of African Americans in the USA, for instance - there is a reason why segregation in education, housing and all other aspects of life was abolished in the USA. Until then, we had unrest in the Southern states, the Black Panther movement etc.


You wrote what i'm tired of explaining to people who think i'm anti-semetic when expressing strong views on Israel

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Not that the jews would ever slaugher murder women and children in the name of home land protection!

Do you think she supports netanyahu's views on the palestinians?......I suspect so!

So murder every Israeli with right wing views, men, women, and children? Is that it? SICKNESS.

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Not that the jews would ever slaugher murder women and children in the name of home land protection!

Do you think she supports netanyahu's views on the palestinians?......I suspect so!

So murder every Israeli with right wing views, men, women, and children? Is that it? SICKNESS.

payback is a bitch.........No love in war........what goes around comes around............of course Israel could offer an attractive deal if they wanted to!

But no no......lets push the palestinians to the far corners of the gaza strip.........maybe one day they will leave

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OK, I've heard enough. I routinely put members who are obviously pushing an extremist Israel demonization on ignore. Waste of time to talk. Reasonable people: there are TWO sides to this conflict.

A rather unusually toxic case here though. Seemingly advocating genocide.

No, doesn't hate Jews. Perish the thought.rolleyes.gif Just thinks it's justified to mass murder innocent Israeli civilians. Coincidentally all Jews, as of course the Israel Arabs are all innocent little ducklings.


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Minister of Public Security which covers Israeli police forces is Gilad Erdan. He's a Likud member like Netanyahu.

Case closed.

And yet the OP headline says "Israeli media reports police recommend indicting PM's wife".


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It's always possible she'll be spared legal problems. It happens in all nations that powerful people sometimes have ways of being treated differently. I guess Hillary Clinton comes to mind. whistling.gif

In Israel the PM has the most power. Presidents there more like for ceremony I think.

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It's always possible she'll be spared legal problems. It happens in all nations that powerful people sometimes have ways of being treated differently. I guess Hillary Clinton comes to mind. whistling.gif

In Israel the PM has the most power. Presidents there more like for ceremony I think.

And even they can serve time:

Israeli ex-PM Ehud Olmert begins 19-month prison sentence


Netanyahu got his own legal issues:

Israeli watchdog report slams Netanyahu over travel expenses


Benjamin Netanyahu's Shady French Connection


But kinda like Trump, this sometimes works in his favor.

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I think in most nations there is NO CHANCE that a PM, a PM's wife, a president, etc. is ever going to prison or even face criminal charges except if they go out in the streets and start shooting up citizens (as Trump has suggested he could do and not lose his support base and he's probably right). So I think Israel is admirable in this way ... not perfect, but better than most. Oh no! He said something positive about the Israeli government and justice system. Big trouble now.

Loose the chip mate. No one is suggesting she's accused of fiddled things because of her ethnic background or religion.

Fact is there are a number of senior politicians and former high office holders facing charges in a few countries. And so they should if the police have investigated and found evidence which the public prosecutors decided warrants progressing in court.

Israel is one of the countries where there is a justice system, free speech, freedom of the press and where the public will demand action against corruption. The countries that have state controlled justice systems and repress freedoms of speech and the media are the ones that should be condemned, whatever their race, religion or political hue.

What are you on about? I never suggested the accusations in Israel were made because she's a Jew. That is INSANE.

But you'd have to be blind not to notice every topic about Israel attracts HATEFUL posts.

Did you see the one about dropping her by copter? Come on now. No chip. Just eyes.

She's not even the PM. She doesn't make policies.

I don't see you coming to the defense of Trump when he attracts "HATEFULL" posts in all the threads about him. Why is that ?

You're right though. She aint the PM. But just picture the bad press Obama would get if Michelle did the same thing ?

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It does seem apparent now however, that slowly but surely there is a internal movement against Bibi. Everyday Israelis are awakening to the fact they have a madman at the wheel. The time for him to fall on his political swords is getting closer. clap2.gif

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