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Cute pictures notwithstanding... I'm sorry to say that our Zoo has a laundry list of problems... and should be avoided... It's a huge blemish on our city

If there was any doubt as to why someone should not ever visit Sriracha Tiger Zoo, even once...

here is just a small sample:

Sri Racha Tiger Zoo: The tiger zoo PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT THIS CRUELTY

Written by vtanonymoustips on December 14, 2005.

PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT THIS "ATTRACTION" THAT ABUSES ANIMALS CONTINUALLY Please DO NOT financially support the cruelty of animals by visiting this supposed attraction. Personally i see no attraction of watching animals perform knowing they have been stolen from their natural habitat and beaten, starved, chained in positions that dont even allow the animal to sit in a natural way. All of these animals are mistreated in unimaginable ways and although there are people out their trying to prevent this abuse not all humans feel the same way and seem to find it acceptable to not only carry out this abuse but also to support it by financially supporting the institutes that iniciate the abuse.



The Born Free Foundation has long been publicly critical of the conditions Sri Racha Tiger Zoo in Thailand and the zoo is now receiving more bad press: A government official is facing serious disciplinary charges after authorising the export of 100 tigers from the zoo to a Chinese theme park (see below for links to that story).

Also, regarding the death of the zoo worker:

The Born Free Foundation is saddened but not surprised by this tragic accident. We have long felt there was an accident waiting to happen at Sri Racha Zoo. The conditions for the tigers in the zoo are grim. Reports from the Animals Asia Foundation, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and from distressed visitors to the zoo paint a picture of a tiger production line.



Tiger Torture

Review from michaelhudson

I was slightly disconcerted after taking my uncomfortable bench seat that it took fifteen minutes merely to get the crocodiles onto the central island. My initial amusement at the sight of the crocodiles being cajoled onto land only to slide straight off again as the 'entertainers' paused for applause, turned to boredom and then anger as the poor animals were dragged, kicked and repeatedly prodded with sticks.

Assured that the 'Tiger Show' was great entertainment, I took my seat next to a cage that resembled that surrounding a discus thrower in the Olympics. Suffice to say if your idea of fun is to watch a man sit on a tiger and repeatedly pull its ears, a monkey try to jump over the cage only to be pushed down with another of those ubiquitous sticks or unwilling animals being hit until they climb onto precarious tightropes then this is the show for you! As for myself, I took my leave well before the end of the sad exhibition.



Three former senior forestry officials, including permanent secretary for natural resources and environment Plodprasop Suraswadi, committed serious disciplinary violations in the case involving the export of 100 tigers to China by a private zoo, a panel says.

A committee investigating the case met on Wednesday and confirmed its earlier finding that former forestry chief Mr Plodprasop and two other former senior forestry officials broke a regulation under the Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act in approving a request by Sriracha Tigers Zoo company to export the tigers for commercial purposes and not for breeding and exhibition as the company had claimed.



One of the zoo's owners, Sommai Temsiripong, faces charges for breeding tigers without a permit.

Campaigners have already raised issues about Sriracha. Sarah Christie, of the Zoological Society of London, said: "The way in which tigers are kept and bred , with such unnaturally large social groupings, is completely alien and different to carnivore breeding management elsewhere." Each of the Bengal tigresses on display can produce a dozen cubs a year for around 15 years. In tropical climes, most are perpetually on heat and because some tiger mothers routinely eat or abandon their offspring, cubs often are separated and raised alongside pigs. The zookeepers claim this practice hastens the tigers' growth rate by up to 25 per cent.

But Victor Watkins of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), said: "Behind the scenes there are hundreds more tigers being bred in appalling conditions. The park states that there are no more than 200-400 tigers there. But they are breeding lots of new cubs every year, which prove impossible to trace. They say they are being bred for zoos but we can find no evidence of that."



there are many more I'm sad to report.... :o including these Thaivisa threads d_amning to the Zoo:



which includes the ominous:

"On May 1st, an untrained, teenage worker at the zoo tragically died after being mauled by six tigers in front of more than 100 shocked tourists."


I apologize for dampening the mood of the thread, but I feel it's important the truth gets out.

Edited by sriracha john
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Cute pictures notwithstanding... I'm sorry to say that our Zoo has a laundry list of problems... and should be avoided... It's a huge blemish on our city

If there was any doubt as to why someone should not ever visit Sriracha Tiger Zoo, even once...

here is just a small sample:

Sri Racha Tiger Zoo: The tiger zoo PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT THIS CRUELTY

Written by vtanonymoustips on December 14, 2005.

PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT THIS "ATTRACTION" THAT ABUSES ANIMALS CONTINUALLY Please DO NOT financially support the cruelty of animals by visiting this supposed attraction. Personally i see no attraction of watching animals perform knowing they have been stolen from their natural habitat and beaten, starved, chained in positions that dont even allow the animal to sit in a natural way. All of these animals are mistreated in unimaginable ways and although there are people out their trying to prevent this abuse not all humans feel the same way and seem to find it acceptable to not only carry out this abuse but also to support it by financially supporting the institutes that iniciate the abuse.



The Born Free Foundation has long been publicly critical of the conditions Sri Racha Tiger Zoo in Thailand and the zoo is now receiving more bad press: A government official is facing serious disciplinary charges after authorising the export of 100 tigers from the zoo to a Chinese theme park (see below for links to that story).

Also, regarding the death of the zoo worker:

The Born Free Foundation is saddened but not surprised by this tragic accident. We have long felt there was an accident waiting to happen at Sri Racha Zoo. The conditions for the tigers in the zoo are grim. Reports from the Animals Asia Foundation, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and from distressed visitors to the zoo paint a picture of a tiger production line.



Tiger Torture

Review from michaelhudson

I was slightly disconcerted after taking my uncomfortable bench seat that it took fifteen minutes merely to get the crocodiles onto the central island. My initial amusement at the sight of the crocodiles being cajoled onto land only to slide straight off again as the 'entertainers' paused for applause, turned to boredom and then anger as the poor animals were dragged, kicked and repeatedly prodded with sticks.

Assured that the 'Tiger Show' was great entertainment, I took my seat next to a cage that resembled that surrounding a discus thrower in the Olympics. Suffice to say if your idea of fun is to watch a man sit on a tiger and repeatedly pull its ears, a monkey try to jump over the cage only to be pushed down with another of those ubiquitous sticks or unwilling animals being hit until they climb onto precarious tightropes then this is the show for you! As for myself, I took my leave well before the end of the sad exhibition.



Three former senior forestry officials, including permanent secretary for natural resources and environment Plodprasop Suraswadi, committed serious disciplinary violations in the case involving the export of 100 tigers to China by a private zoo, a panel says.

A committee investigating the case met on Wednesday and confirmed its earlier finding that former forestry chief Mr Plodprasop and two other former senior forestry officials broke a regulation under the Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act in approving a request by Sriracha Tigers Zoo company to export the tigers for commercial purposes and not for breeding and exhibition as the company had claimed.



One of the zoo's owners, Sommai Temsiripong, faces charges for breeding tigers without a permit.

Campaigners have already raised issues about Sriracha. Sarah Christie, of the Zoological Society of London, said: "The way in which tigers are kept and bred , with such unnaturally large social groupings, is completely alien and different to carnivore breeding management elsewhere." Each of the Bengal tigresses on display can produce a dozen cubs a year for around 15 years. In tropical climes, most are perpetually on heat and because some tiger mothers routinely eat or abandon their offspring, cubs often are separated and raised alongside pigs. The zookeepers claim this practice hastens the tigers' growth rate by up to 25 per cent.

But Victor Watkins of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), said: "Behind the scenes there are hundreds more tigers being bred in appalling conditions. The park states that there are no more than 200-400 tigers there. But they are breeding lots of new cubs every year, which prove impossible to trace. They say they are being bred for zoos but we can find no evidence of that."



there are many more I'm sad to report.... :o including these Thaivisa threads d_amning to the Zoo:



which includes the ominous:

"On May 1st, an untrained, teenage worker at the zoo tragically died after being mauled by six tigers in front of more than 100 shocked tourists."


I apologize for dampening the mood of the thread, but I feel it's important the truth gets out.

Wow, I didnt know about all this!!!

I am not an animal expert, but when people like the Born Free Foundation, who have a good reputation, start stating animal cruelty and the like, then people should be made aware.

You did right to bring this to peoples attention John. I for one will not be going back!!

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Wow, I didnt know about all this!!!

I am not an animal expert, but when people like the Born Free Foundation, who have a good reputation, start stating animal cruelty and the like, then people should be made aware.

You did right to bring this to peoples attention John. I for one will not be going back!!

Unfortunately, most people don't know about it and are unwitting supporters of this establishment. I feel obligated to share what I know about it.

I'd like nothing more than to be able to boastfully and proudly proclaim how wonderful our local attraction is, but it's not... it's a blight and an embarassment to the city to be associated it with by name.

The death of the young worker there was particularly inexcusable, horrendously gruesome, and totally needless. May she R.I.P. :o

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:o I think that this zoo is one of the most depressing places I have ever visitted. We went a coupole of years ago on the way back from Pattaya. Astonishing was the only word I could use. The sow on show had a huge sore on her hip from the cage she was in, the tiger allegedly nursing the piglets appeared sedated and to cap it off there was a display of African people, truly astonishing. The only people who appeared to be enjoying it were the japanese. Horrid horrid horrid. I would certainly never go back
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:D I think that this zoo is one of the most depressing places I have ever visitted. We went a coupole of years ago on the way back from Pattaya. Astonishing was the only word I could use. The sow on show had a huge sore on her hip from the cage she was in, the tiger allegedly nursing the piglets appeared sedated and to cap it off there was a display of African people, truly astonishing. The only people who appeared to be enjoying it were the japanese. Horrid horrid horrid. I would certainly never go back


Thank you for posting...

Now, if we can just get the word out enough so that people don't even go there once, that'd be great...

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Mr John. I tell anyone who'll listen never to darken the overpriced temple of torture. Really, it became my hobby horse for some time. It truly is the foulest place in Thailand (excepting the crocodile farm :o in SP and Dusit zoo :D ). The only place that I have ever been that approaches western zoos - and I am not mad about those, is Khao Kheow. Probably because it is under the auspices of the King.

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Mr John. I tell anyone who'll listen never to darken the overpriced temple of torture. Really, it became my hobby horse for some time. It truly is the foulest place in Thailand (excepting the crocodile farm :D in SP and Dusit zoo :D ). The only place that I have ever been that approaches western zoos - and I am not mad about those, is Khao Kheow. Probably because it is under the auspices of the King.

Absolutely correct once again. Khao Kheow is highly recommended.


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