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Tiger Temple closure raises job concern for staff and employees


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These workers no doubt knew exactly what was going on at this dispicable place so all i will say is i'm happy to see you all loose your jobs. You lost your dignity a very long time ago.

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Lock the bastards up ..... in a cage full of hungry tigers. If that's not possible send them to the Philippines to work as drug dealers ... bang bang ... job done.

Also level the tiger temple. It is not really a temple anyway.

Edited by Sunderland
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Why would you blame the guy who sweeps the floors or the lady who makes the fruitshakes or whatever. They are being a bit whiny though, im sure they can find other jobs. But tiger cub murderers they are not.

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How can a temple be also a business?? That goes against all it should stand for.............blows the mind

Or run one? This so called temple is in the process of building a multi million dollar zoo! I'm guessing from the proceeds of their animal trafficking. Will they be granted a licence? And if so, why? This cannot be allowed to go ahead, Prayuth.

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Why would you blame the guy who sweeps the floors or the lady who makes the fruitshakes or whatever. They are being a bit whiny though, im sure they can find other jobs. But tiger cub murderers they are not.

So who killed the three (at least) tigers inside the temple as cited in the linked report?

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I have no idea but considering thai businesses knack for hiring 20 people to do the job of 2 i am guessing there are a bunch of employees of the tiger temple who didn't have anything to do with the bad stuff. I could be wrong though.

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I imagine it is hard to find another job clubbing baby tigers to death?

KANCHANABURI At least 40 dead tiger cubs were discovered this morning inside the controversial Tiger Temple.

Rows of cubs bodies that look freshly killed are lined up in photos, as reports of other disturbing discoveries of other parts of animals, including some protected species, are made.


ImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1464761136.480796.jpgIn addition to money from suckering-in the tourists, evidently a handsome income from exporting bodies of endangered species for Chinese "medicinal" purposes.

Despite all my Thai and foreign friends who pressured me over the years to visit this tragic circus with them, glad I held my ground. But disappointed many ignored my advice. Freak shows such as these drugged/abused animals are irresistible magnets.

Me too! GF from Kanchanaburi and wanted to take me a couple years ago. I steadfastly refused and tried unsuccessfully to explain that the tigers were drugged and mistreated. She's beginning to believe me now...SLOWLY
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Thai culture seems to be largely a money first, third world living, replete with corruption and cronyism.

And not unlike "christianity", Buddhism has been hijacked by those who want to profit monetarily from their religion. Sure there are many decent followers of Buddhism but they are being blindly led by the crooks and seem to have no power (or will) to expose the crooked practices.

And somewhere in this mix are corrupt Government officials turning a blind eye to criminal activities in order to satisfy their (or their masters) greed.

A sad indictment indeed.

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