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Horrible Discovery in Tiger Temple: Dozens of Dead Tiger Kittens


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Horrible Discovery in Tiger Temple: Dozens of Dead Tiger Kittens (Photos)
By Chayanit Itthipongmaetee
Staff Reporter

Dead tiger cubs, deer horns, a bull head are displayed Wednesday at the Tiger Temple.

KANCHANABURI — At least 40 dead tiger cubs were discovered this morning inside the controversial Tiger Temple.

Rows of cubs’ bodies that look freshly killed are lined up in photos, as reports of other disturbing discoveries of other parts of animals, including some protected species, are made.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1464757648

-- Khaosod English 2016-06-01

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Anyone out there still defending the scum who ran this cesspit?

Was there any?

Went there about four years ago. Clearly a commercial enterprise run by and for the monks.

I could not understand why there was a group of western "volunteers" helping to look after the tigers. If they had cared about the animals they should have been campaigning outside the entrance.

Cambodia wants some tigers to release into the wild. Send fifty or so over there.

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Anyone out there still defending the scum who ran this cesspit?

Was there any?

Went there about four years ago. Clearly a commercial enterprise run by and for the monks.

I could not understand why there was a group of western "volunteers" helping to look after the tigers. If they had cared about the animals they should have been campaigning outside the entrance.

Cambodia wants some tigers to release into the wild. Send fifty or so over there.

There have been one or two voices in the past about "good work". Not many I grant you...

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There are good monks, and I use the term loosely, bad monks and heinous monks. These monks fall into the last category. I hope there is a law whereby the courts can nail every one of them.

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"If the tiger cubs indeed turn out to have just been killed, it would support accusations it was knowingly engaged in illegal, for-profit breeding and trafficking of the animals."

I missed the part in Buddha's teachings where he stated that his followers should go forth and kill defenseless animals, not for food, but only for material gains. Or else, these monks are really good at reading between the lines.

They should all be sentenced to hard labor shoveling animal dung for 16 hours a day. No days off. Not even for holidays.

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If the tiger cubs indeed turn out to have just been killed, it would support accusations it was knowingly engaged in illegal, for-profit breeding and trafficking of the animals.

Tigers usually produce litters of 3-4 cubs.

To find 40 dead cubs suggests a large scale breeding program was being operated.

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Monks!! no way disgusting twisted SCUM, that is the only way to describe these wretched people.

Religion no, just money making, animal cruelty.

Jail them, oh no these are monks, we should respect them, like they respect nothing only MONEY.

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There are good monks, and I use the term loosely, bad monks and heinous monks. These monks fall into the last category. I hope there is a law whereby the courts can nail every one of them.

They should be prosecuted for 'bringing Buddhism into disrepute'. This heinous activity above and beyond wearing a 'stupa shaped' dress or Buddha images on bloody T shirts. How on earth could this have been allowed to go on for so long?

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Now that the truth appears to be finally coming out about that cess pool known as the tiger temple, will the DSI/police/military get off the backsides and DO SOMETHING about the flying saucer temple and the scum running it?

Why all the pussyfooting around? It is obvious these so called 'monks' are abusing everybody. Time to start treating them like the criminals they are.

Disgusting Thailand (new TAT motto?).

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It takes years to become a Catholic Priest and we know that there Institution is not without there own problems....some centuries old....Well to be a Monk here all you need to do is show up.

Commit a crime....become a monk.

Its all a facade.

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One good question: why they had dead baby tigers and other animal parts?

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Frozen carcasses of 40 tiny tiger cubs found at Tiger Temple

KANCHANABURI: -- Carcasses of about 40 tiny tiger cubs were discovered in the freezing room at Tiger Temple.

The finding was made with the cooperation of the tiger keepers during the search today.

Frozen carcasses of other animals were also found.

The tiny tiger cubs aged from birth to one week old.

The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plants Conservation is now cooperating with veterinarians and other state agencies to find out the cause of their deaths, and the reason for keeping the frozen carcasses of so many tiny tiger cubs.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/165610

-- Thai PBS 2016-06-01

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BREAKING: At least 40 dead baby tigers uncovered at infamous Tiger Temple
By Coconuts Bangkok

Photo journalist Dario Pignatelli reported Thai DNP officers show 40 undeclared dead baby tigers and a bear. Photo: Dario Pignatelli/ Twitter

KANCHANABURI: -- In breaking news, more than 40 dead tiger cubs were found inside the scandal-ridden, and now-closed, Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi this morning. The temple is in the process of having their tigers removed amidst claims of mistreatment and illegal activity.

The rows of tiny bodies were lined up in pictures and look like they may have been killed recently.

This comes alongside reports that other animal parts have been found inside the temple as well.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2016/06/01/breaking-least-40-dead-baby-tigers-uncovered-infamous-tiger-temple

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2016-06-01

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If this utter disgrace, combined with the antics in trying to arrest the money launderer who is now protected by razor wire and other defences, or the one who had an apparently illegal German luxury car or the one who flies in private jets, does not prove the hierarchy of Thai Buddhism to be rotten to the core then what will! I asked a young highly educated Thai friend what he thought of all this he just shuffled nervously and asked me what I thought. When I said they were scum he smiled and nodded in agreement. All organised religions and faiths should be banned as they are run by the same egos that drive dictators, security services and the military in any country that one cares to think about.

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Buddhism's really taking it on the chin these days and does anyone care ?

Apparently not especially the leaders, where's the ruling council in all that's going on or is not having a Supreme Patriarch a convenient excuse ?

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Buddhism's really taking it on the chin these days and does anyone care ?

Apparently not especially the leaders, where's the ruling council in all that's going on or is not having a Supreme Patriarch a convenient excuse ?

Well to be fair, this isn't 'Buddhism' is it? If I were a Buddhist in any other country I would be deeply annoyed as to how it is being manipulated for profit in this country. In fact, whilst waiting at a bus stop a few days back, the monk who I'd studiously avoided eye contact with (Phuket, money mad), had obviously noticed and blurted out 'I from Cambodia!' laugh.png

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But it's not as if we hadn't suspected it all along, namely that this odious temple was not merely a place for tiger conservation as it consistently (and obviously falsely) claimed.

If our authorities had more balls, this all could've ended a couple of years ago. The ugly truth would've come to light and some of these unfortunate cubs might still be alive.

I don't even want to think about how many hundreds - if not thousands - of cubs were brutally killed over the years to be sold off as ingredients for dubious quack medicines, because it makes me sick to my stomach.

Twenty years in the slammer for each one of these <deleted>' monks - and their helpers, too! But we all know that this is not going to happen.

Am I angry? You bet I am!

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Disgusting so much for religion

There is nothing wrong with religion per se, it is the way it is abused that is disgusting

Take away religion and what do we have? world peace, less pedophiles in trusted positions, 40 more tigers , thousands of people still with heads...I could go on

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