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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns


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There's heaps I don't understand NeverSure. The difference between my good self and some other folks on this forum is that I constantly want to learn and understand, and it's a continual ongoing process. And for your info I am not American. There's a hint in my icon as to where I'm from.


Planet Numbnuts?

No not planet numbnuts - nothing so exotic just an ordinary Aussie -- the kind that lined up and gave their guns away ... because the government said so...

Lol ordinary Aussie? Ah JDGRUEN you win a biccy! Get it INTA YAAAAA son! gigglem.gif

About the only thing you got right. I am an ordinary Aussie and I'm proud of it. Next!


An ordinary Aussie who knows next to nothing about politics and constitutional rights in the United States of America...

Lol so you're an extraordinary 'Murican I take it? Lol! How's the view from your Ivory Tower there champ?

But once again, you're right JDGRUEN, I am a card-carrying ordinary Aussie and proud of it. Your powers of deduction amaze me! Why aren't you running the country JDGRUEN, the place is going to the dogs!

Got a question for you though, you extraordinary 'Murican. Since when has it been a requirement for anyone on TV to know what they're talking about? This forum would grind to a halt overnight if that was the case!

So suck it up champ, I'm going to be throwing in my two cents worth every now and then, just for your intellectual amusement so you can giggle about how 'ordinary' some of us TV folk are.

You win another biccy JDGRUEN (don't eat them all at once) clap2.gifgiggle.gif

Seems the reality that you know nothing about a subject you go on and on about is sinking in ... your embarrassment is showing...

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Lol ordinary Aussie? Ah JDGRUEN you win a biccy! Get it INTA YAAAAA son! gigglem.gif

About the only thing you got right. I am an ordinary Aussie and I'm proud of it. Next!


An ordinary Aussie who knows next to nothing about politics and constitutional rights in the United States of America...

Lol so you're an extraordinary 'Murican I take it? Lol! How's the view from your Ivory Tower there champ?

But once again, you're right JDGRUEN, I am a card-carrying ordinary Aussie and proud of it. Your powers of deduction amaze me! Why aren't you running the country JDGRUEN, the place is going to the dogs!

Got a question for you though, you extraordinary 'Murican. Since when has it been a requirement for anyone on TV to know what they're talking about? This forum would grind to a halt overnight if that was the case!

So suck it up champ, I'm going to be throwing in my two cents worth every now and then, just for your intellectual amusement so you can giggle about how 'ordinary' some of us TV folk are.

You win another biccy JDGRUEN (don't eat them all at once) clap2.gifgiggle.gif

Seems the reality that you know nothing about a subject you go on and on about is sinking in ... your embarrassment is showing...

Lol! Okay JDGRUEN I'm going to get my crayons out and draw you a picture. I'm not talking about your constitution, I've not mentioned it once. That was introduced to our little chat by folks trying to deflect from the original post I made in this thread.

I'm talking about day to day interactions you may have with your fellow American citizens that you consider do not belong in your social group, however you may define it. Someone you may consider to be an 'outlier'. Okay?

Your fellow travellers and yourself can carry on the conversation regarding your constitution as much as you want, knock yourselves out, none of my business, as you correctly say not my country. It's just a shame when I see individuals maligned for no good argument, purely down to who they prey to or who they want to share their lives with, or their political beliefs. Again, is that so hard to understand?

I merely pointed out the fact that PC has some positives and lo and behold, some TV keyboard warriors are up me for the rent. You blokes are insecure!

If anyone should be feeling embarrassed it's yourself and your fellow travellers. Knee-jerk much?

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This is just who he is. When he opens his mouth he reveals his deficiencies as a human being. He cannot help it. He is a super rich kid who never had the opportunity to mature and become a decent man. He is a pig. A sub standard human being. A criminal. A man child who believes the art of the deal is to steal and maim his "opponent" (whoever he is doing business with at the time). It worked in Genghis Khans time. It is necessary now? He thinks it is. I don't. My level of disrespect for him could not be any higher. I don't respect pigs and charlatans.

Edited by spidermike007
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The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such.

So some students were unhappy with a university course and Trump presumed there was conflict of interest with the judge on the case because of his ethnicity and there would be bias since Curiel was aware of Trump's intention to build the wall.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.” “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.


Sotomayor's ethnicity statements prove Trump was right and that minority groups can play the race card with impunity....


Nothing in the quote or in anything Justice Sotomayor said supports the post or any such claim.

The post is a leap into rightwhingenuttia and its world of fringe fantasy.

Nothing in the Senate vote to confirm Justice Sotomayor as a judge -- then as a justice of Scotus -- supports the claim or any such assertion.

Nothing in President Obama's nomination of Sonya Sotomayor supports the wild assertions from over on the extreme far right.

It is not reasonable to take the quote of Justice Sotomayor to support the racism and the wild lunacy of Donald Trump the show biz guy who is full throttle through all red lights. The Trump Train is waaay behind in its time.

The Great 2016 Republican Train Wreck.

Coming soon to the right wing and its fellow travellers.

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The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such.

So some students were unhappy with a university course and Trump presumed there was conflict of interest with the judge on the case because of his ethnicity and there would be bias since Curiel was aware of Trump's intention to build the wall.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.” “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.


Sotomayor's ethnicity statements prove Trump was right and that minority groups can play the race card with impunity....


Nothing in the quote or in anything Justice Sotomayor said supports the post or any such claim.

The post is a leap into rightwhingenuttia and its world of fringe fantasy.

Nothing in the Senate vote to confirm Justice Sotomayor as a judge -- then as a justice of Scotus -- supports the claim or any such assertion.

Nothing in President Obama's nomination of Sonya Sotomayor supports the wild assertions from over on the extreme far right.

It is not reasonable to take the quote of Justice Sotomayor to support the racism and the wild lunacy of Donald Trump the show biz guy who is full throttle through all red lights. The Trump Train is waaay behind in its time.

The Great 2016 Republican Train Wreck.

Coming soon to the right wing and its fellow travellers.

Let us pray, and thank the Lord that he has brought us another warrior, fighting the good fight to take back 'Merca from them dam coloreds, Mescans, and them Asians too.


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The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such.

So some students were unhappy with a university course and Trump presumed there was conflict of interest with the judge on the case because of his ethnicity and there would be bias since Curiel was aware of Trump's intention to build the wall.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.” “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.


Sotomayor's ethnicity statements prove Trump was right and that minority groups can play the race card with impunity....


Nothing in the quote or in anything Justice Sotomayor said supports the post or any such claim.

The post is a leap into rightwhingenuttia and its world of fringe fantasy.

Nothing in the Senate vote to confirm Justice Sotomayor as a judge -- then as a justice of Scotus -- supports the claim or any such assertion.

Nothing in President Obama's nomination of Sonya Sotomayor supports the wild assertions from over on the extreme far right.

It is not reasonable to take the quote of Justice Sotomayor to support the racism and the wild lunacy of Donald Trump the show biz guy who is full throttle through all red lights. The Trump Train is waaay behind in its time.

The Great 2016 Republican Train Wreck.

Coming soon to the right wing and its fellow travellers.

Then some are blind.

The info came from NY times projection, albeit 2009, reference supplied

Nothing in the rebuttal that refutes anything in my post unless the poster wishes to take it up with the NY Times

Nothing in the post except emotional and picturesque lambasting of opinion and name calling that is not on side with left leaning progressive opinion, but of course... I've come to expect nothing more. The higher the self righteousness, the thicker the sneers. It has become part of the campaign from the left now from moralistic statements from the so-called high information educated, to hate speech and recommendations of violence from thugs because ...wait.. because it's Trump's fault.

I guess the left doesn't even need to supply substance anymore because in their own eyes being on the right side of superior morality, put downs rhetoric and simplistic dismissal is enough justified dross to carry their day.

Just another brick in the wall

Too bad but it's a sickness that has no cure

Too bad for America too if the fraud continues

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The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such.

So some students were unhappy with a university course and Trump presumed there was conflict of interest with the judge on the case because of his ethnicity and there would be bias since Curiel was aware of Trump's intention to build the wall.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.” “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.


Sotomayor's ethnicity statements prove Trump was right and that minority groups can play the race card with impunity....


Nothing in the quote or in anything Justice Sotomayor said supports the post or any such claim.

The post is a leap into rightwhingenuttia and its world of fringe fantasy.

Nothing in the Senate vote to confirm Justice Sotomayor as a judge -- then as a justice of Scotus -- supports the claim or any such assertion.

Nothing in President Obama's nomination of Sonya Sotomayor supports the wild assertions from over on the extreme far right.

It is not reasonable to take the quote of Justice Sotomayor to support the racism and the wild lunacy of Donald Trump the show biz guy who is full throttle through all red lights. The Trump Train is waaay behind in its time.

The Great 2016 Republican Train Wreck.

Coming soon to the right wing and its fellow travellers.

Then some are blind.

The info came from NY times projection, albeit 2009, reference supplied

Nothing in the rebuttal that refutes anything in my post unless the poster wishes to take it up with the NY Times

Nothing in the post except emotional and picturesque lambasting of opinion and name calling that is not on side with left leaning progressive opinion, but of course... I've come to expect nothing more. The higher the self righteousness, the thicker the sneers. It has become part of the campaign from the left now from moralistic statements from the so-called high information educated, to hate speech and recommendations of violence from thugs because ...wait.. because it's Trump's fault.

I guess the left doesn't even need to supply substance anymore because in their own eyes being on the right side of superior morality, put downs rhetoric and simplistic dismissal is enough justified dross to carry their day.

Just another brick in the wall

Too bad but it's a sickness that has no cure

Too bad for America too if the fraud continues

A pity you don't understand Sotomayor's words, and are now using them out of context.

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The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such.

So some students were unhappy with a university course and Trump presumed there was conflict of interest with the judge on the case because of his ethnicity and there would be bias since Curiel was aware of Trump's intention to build the wall.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.” “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.


Sotomayor's ethnicity statements prove Trump was right and that minority groups can play the race card with impunity....


Nothing in the quote or in anything Justice Sotomayor said supports the post or any such claim.

The post is a leap into rightwhingenuttia and its world of fringe fantasy.

Nothing in the Senate vote to confirm Justice Sotomayor as a judge -- then as a justice of Scotus -- supports the claim or any such assertion.

Nothing in President Obama's nomination of Sonya Sotomayor supports the wild assertions from over on the extreme far right.

It is not reasonable to take the quote of Justice Sotomayor to support the racism and the wild lunacy of Donald Trump the show biz guy who is full throttle through all red lights. The Trump Train is waaay behind in its time.

The Great 2016 Republican Train Wreck.

Coming soon to the right wing and its fellow travellers.

Then some are blind.

The info came from NY times projection, albeit 2009, reference supplied

Nothing in the rebuttal that refutes anything in my post unless the poster wishes to take it up with the NY Times

Nothing in the post except emotional and picturesque lambasting of opinion and name calling that is not on side with left leaning progressive opinion, but of course... I've come to expect nothing more. The higher the self righteousness, the thicker the sneers. It has become part of the campaign from the left now from moralistic statements from the so-called high information educated, to hate speech and recommendations of violence from thugs because ...wait.. because it's Trump's fault.

I guess the left doesn't even need to supply substance anymore because in their own eyes being on the right side of superior morality, put downs rhetoric and simplistic dismissal is enough justified dross to carry their day.

Just another brick in the wall

Too bad but it's a sickness that has no cure

Too bad for America too if the fraud continues

It could seem from the post that it is this single poster versus the NYT, or one writer at the NYT (who wrote the linked piece in 2009). Either way, the writer in the NYT didn't seem to get red in the face in his piece nor did he seem red in the neck either.

My post is in reply to another poster in the right here and now -- you -- saying Trump is right to attack the judiciary. I don't care about the guy at the NYT nine years ago writing about Justice Sotomayor, nor am I speaking to him (prior to her Scotus nomination).

This attack means the chief job the far out right has is to produce a quote from the US District Court Judge Curiel that says he is a racist. Short of that, the right would need to produce statements by lawyers who've practiced before Judge Curiel that say he's a racist. Short of that and that, the fringe would need to produce statements by the judge or anyone that say or indicates he bases his decisions on anything less than the law. Anything.

The long and the short of it is that no one can prove what the Unique American Mussolini says about Judge Curiel. (None on the fringe note Gonzalo P. Curiel was appointed to his first judgeship, in California by the then Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous Republican non-racist and anti-racist pro-rainbow guy.)

Vice President Biden said today Benito's Trump statements against the independence of the judge are "racist." Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts said today Mussolini's statements against the judge and his ethnicity are "racist."

Hard to say either VP Biden or Sen Warren get red in the neck about these things.

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The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such.

So some students were unhappy with a university course and Trump presumed there was conflict of interest with the judge on the case because of his ethnicity and there would be bias since Curiel was aware of Trump's intention to build the wall.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.” “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.


Sotomayor's ethnicity statements prove Trump was right and that minority groups can play the race card with impunity....


Nothing in the quote or in anything Justice Sotomayor said supports the post or any such claim.

The post is a leap into rightwhingenuttia and its world of fringe fantasy.

Nothing in the Senate vote to confirm Justice Sotomayor as a judge -- then as a justice of Scotus -- supports the claim or any such assertion.

Nothing in President Obama's nomination of Sonya Sotomayor supports the wild assertions from over on the extreme far right.

It is not reasonable to take the quote of Justice Sotomayor to support the racism and the wild lunacy of Donald Trump the show biz guy who is full throttle through all red lights. The Trump Train is waaay behind in its time.

The Great 2016 Republican Train Wreck.

Coming soon to the right wing and its fellow travellers.

Then some are blind.

The info came from NY times projection, albeit 2009, reference supplied

Nothing in the rebuttal that refutes anything in my post unless the poster wishes to take it up with the NY Times

Nothing in the post except emotional and picturesque lambasting of opinion and name calling that is not on side with left leaning progressive opinion, but of course... I've come to expect nothing more. The higher the self righteousness, the thicker the sneers. It has become part of the campaign from the left now from moralistic statements from the so-called high information educated, to hate speech and recommendations of violence from thugs because ...wait.. because it's Trump's fault.

I guess the left doesn't even need to supply substance anymore because in their own eyes being on the right side of superior morality, put downs rhetoric and simplistic dismissal is enough justified dross to carry their day.

Just another brick in the wall

Too bad but it's a sickness that has no cure

Too bad for America too if the fraud continues

It could seem from the post that it is this single poster versus the NYT, or one writer at the NYT (who wrote the linked piece in 2009). Either way, the writer in the NYT didn't seem to get red in the face in his piece nor did he seem red in the neck either.

My post is in reply to another poster in the right here and now -- you -- saying Trump is right to attack the judiciary. I don't care about the guy at the NYT nine years ago writing about Justice Sotomayor, nor am I speaking to him (prior to her Scotus nomination).

This attack means the chief job the far out right has is to produce a quote from the US District Court Judge Curiel that says he is a racist. Short of that, the right would need to produce statements by lawyers who've practiced before Judge Curiel that say he's a racist. Short of that and that, the fringe would need to produce statements by the judge or anyone that say or indicates he bases his decisions on anything less than the law. Anything.

The long and the short of it is that no one can prove what the Unique American Mussolini says about Judge Curiel. (None on the fringe note Gonzalo P. Curiel was appointed to his first judgeship, in California by the then Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous Republican non-racist and anti-racist pro-rainbow guy.)

Vice President Biden said today Benito's Trump statements against the independence of the judge are "racist." Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts said today Mussolini's statements against the judge and his ethnicity are "racist."

Hard to say either VP Biden or Sen Warren get red in the neck about these things.

Thank you for at least attempting to have a discourse with out banging off the walls with your usual rhetoric, except for your usual Benito cleverness which is getting boring now.

You ask for anything.

Curiel as a judge is obliged under law to avoid conflicts of interest and not give the appearance of impropriety.

Curiel was a member of San Diego La Raza Lawyers Scholarships Selection Committee 2014 which awarded scholarships to immigrants including undocumented immigrants. Is there not an appearance of impropriety in this alone notwithstanding therefore a conflict of interest with his lawsuit against Trump who wants to deport illegals? The judge should stand down.

The Hispanic National Bar Association's mission statement is committed to 54+ million people of hispanic heritage living in the USA. that figure includes 11 million illegal immigrants. So they are advocating for illegal immigrants.Can the judge be objective in ruling on Trump when Trump wants to build a wall and deport illegals? The judge should stand down.

The Hispanic National Bar Association has made statements about "Trump's bias that all American's should reject" "recommend a stand against bigotry and racist rhetoric" "boycott of Trump's business ventures" So this is the group of which the judge is a lifetime member, calling for a boycott of Trump's businesses. Is this not an appearance of impropriety and therefore a conflict of interest? The judge should stand down.


Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd law firm

(sponsor of the scholarship program of the Hispanic National Bar Association)

http://sdlrla.com/scholarship/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/La-Raza-Dinnner-Program-2014-FINAL.pdf (both Curiel and the law firm are mentioned on this program)

Curiel appointed Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd to represent plaintiffs in a class action law suit against Trump in 2013. This law firm paid $675,000 to the Clinton Foundation for speeches made since 2009. Hillary Clinton gave a $225,000 speech in 2014. the law firm has pushed for the trial before the election, the hearing to be on the same day as the Republican Convention. How is there not a conflict of interest or appearance of impropriety? The judge should stand down.


Curiel was born in 1953, his mother was not a US citizen until 1969. Vague on his father. Curiel himself therefore was an anchor baby. Not his fault of course but would this not prejudice his mind against Trump who wants to eject all illegals?

Too many issues that are within the bounds of conflict of interest.The judge should stand down.

End of.

Edited by Linzz
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Excellent summation, counselor. Sotomayer's comments must remain front and center. Her words are the feathers on this tarred judge. Really. Spot on!

It's pretty clear that the long leftist compromise of America's judicial branch is finally outed. The left has absolutely infected the US justice system.

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Archie Bunker is at it again. He just can't keep a lid on it no matter how much he tries. Every time he opens his mouth, Republicans cringe. The only ones who love this are his Archie Bunker fan club. And, chillingly, there are a lot of them; surprisingly, even here on this forum in Thailand, the land of tolerance and acceptance of lifestyles. I am always bemused to see such dinosaurs abroad in a place like Thailand.

Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ attack leaves fellow Republicans squirming (again)


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Yellow Journalism...wink.png

Really? I thought all Trump supporters thought Injuns was brown.

Injun? So in an effort to smear someone else with racism, you use a racist term.

Just trying to identify with Trumpsters to gain greater solidarity in our white supremacy struggle.

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Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship


Gonzalo Curiel, anchor baby turned federal judge!

The death certificate for the father of the controversial Mexican judge confirms that Curiel’s parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born.

Death records from Indiana records confirm that Salvador Curiel died a Mexican citizen in 1964… not as the New York Times’s Alan Rappeport reported in an anti-Donald Trump article.


Just more smears that won't hurt but help Trump! smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship


Gonzalo Curiel, anchor baby turned federal judge!

The death certificate for the father of the controversial Mexican judge confirms that Curiel’s parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born.

Death records from Indiana records confirm that Salvador Curiel died a Mexican citizen in 1964… not as the New York Times’s Alan Rappeport reported in an anti-Donald Trump article.


Just more smears that won't hurt but help Trump! smile.png

Before I saw your post, I thought that the case against Judge Curiel was a lot of nonsense. But now that I find out his parents only had green cards and were here in perfect conformity with the law, this changes everything!!! Trump was right. Judge Curiel is clearly and unequivocally Mexican!!!

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Archie Bunker is at it again. He just can't keep a lid on it no matter how much he tries. Every time he opens his mouth, Republicans cringe. The only ones who love this are his Archie Bunker fan club. And, chillingly, there are a lot of them; surprisingly, even here on this forum in Thailand, the land of tolerance and acceptance of lifestyles. I am always bemused to see such dinosaurs abroad in a place like Thailand.

Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ attack leaves fellow Republicans squirming (again)


In Trump's defense, he thinks he's being witty. Remember, as much as anything else, he's a TV entertainer. He think's he's as witty as Billy Crystal. The proof is: he gets laughs from his fans.

Trump is like old uncle Ernie at the Thanksgiving table. As the meal ends, Ernie smiles and unzips his zipper to let the lower part of his pot belly extend out. Everyone at the table is grossed out, but Ernie is sauced, full of food, and thinks it's funny. He may even think it's a compliment to the chef.

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Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship


Gonzalo Curiel, anchor baby turned federal judge!

The death certificate for the father of the controversial Mexican judge confirms that Curiel’s parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born.

Death records from Indiana records confirm that Salvador Curiel died a Mexican citizen in 1964… not as the New York Times’s Alan Rappeport reported in an anti-Donald Trump article.


Just more smears that won't hurt but help Trump! smile.png

And clearly the Times was lying about this. It wasn't just a mistake. It's clear they were hiding this. After all, Curiel's parents were here legally and in full conformity with the law. Just shocking. I'm just not sure about this comment of yours: Just more smears that won't hurt but help Trump!How exactly is this a smear? But great work, nonetheless. That website has clearly blown up any case against Trump. Wow!!!

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"When asked why he persists in calling Warren “Pocahontas” and what he makes of the alarm it has caused among some Republicans, Trump responded bluntly in a statement Friday: “Because she is a nasty person, a terrible U.S. Senator, and it drives her crazy.” source

Boomer responds: So the name Pocahontas is symbolic, in Trump's mind, of someone who is nasty, and terrible at their job.

Pocahonatas lived 400 years ago. She was an East Coast Indian chief's daughter who was so darn attractive that the chief white colonist (John Smith) chose her to be his wife. She doesn't exemplify a nasty and terrible person to me.

Keep talking and tweeting Trump. You're doing a great job. Too bad you're relying on teleprompters now (text probably written by your handlers) .....because we liked you even more when you spoke from the cuff. Please let go of teleprompters and go back to speaking your mind, unscripted. It's the most entertaining show in the world, right now.

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"When asked why he persists in calling Warren “Pocahontas” and what he makes of the alarm it has caused among some Republicans, Trump responded bluntly in a statement Friday: “Because she is a nasty person, a terrible U.S. Senator, and it drives her crazy.” source

Boomer responds: So the name Pocahontas is symbolic, in Trump's mind, of someone who is nasty, and terrible at their job.

Pocahonatas lived 400 years ago. She was an East Coast Indian chief's daughter who was so darn attractive that the chief white colonist (John Smith) chose her to be his wife. She doesn't exemplify a nasty and terrible person to me.

Keep talking and tweeting Trump. You're doing a great job. Too bad you're relying on teleprompters now (text probably written by your handlers) .....because we liked you even more when you spoke from the cuff. Please let go of teleprompters and go back to speaking your mind, unscripted. It's the most entertaining show in the world, right now.

He calls Warren Pocahontas because Warren falsely claimed to be American Indian in order to benefit herself.

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It could seem from the post that it is this single poster versus the NYT, or one writer at the NYT (who wrote the linked piece in 2009). Either way, the writer in the NYT didn't seem to get red in the face in his piece nor did he seem red in the neck either.

My post is in reply to another poster in the right here and now -- you -- saying Trump is right to attack the judiciary. I don't care about the guy at the NYT nine years ago writing about Justice Sotomayor, nor am I speaking to him (prior to her Scotus nomination).

This attack means the chief job the far out right has is to produce a quote from the US District Court Judge Curiel that says he is a racist. Short of that, the right would need to produce statements by lawyers who've practiced before Judge Curiel that say he's a racist. Short of that and that, the fringe would need to produce statements by the judge or anyone that say or indicates he bases his decisions on anything less than the law. Anything.

The long and the short of it is that no one can prove what the Unique American Mussolini says about Judge Curiel. (None on the fringe note Gonzalo P. Curiel was appointed to his first judgeship, in California by the then Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous Republican non-racist and anti-racist pro-rainbow guy.)

Vice President Biden said today Benito's Trump statements against the independence of the judge are "racist." Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts said today Mussolini's statements against the judge and his ethnicity are "racist."

Hard to say either VP Biden or Sen Warren get red in the neck about these things.

Thank you for at least attempting to have a discourse with out banging off the walls with your usual rhetoric, except for your usual Benito cleverness which is getting boring now.

You ask for anything.

Curiel as a judge is obliged under law to avoid conflicts of interest and not give the appearance of impropriety.

Curiel was a member of San Diego La Raza Lawyers Scholarships Selection Committee 2014 which awarded scholarships to immigrants including undocumented immigrants. Is there not an appearance of impropriety in this alone notwithstanding therefore a conflict of interest with his lawsuit against Trump who wants to deport illegals? The judge should stand down.

The Hispanic National Bar Association's mission statement is committed to 54+ million people of hispanic heritage living in the USA. that figure includes 11 million illegal immigrants. So they are advocating for illegal immigrants.Can the judge be objective in ruling on Trump when Trump wants to build a wall and deport illegals? The judge should stand down.

The Hispanic National Bar Association has made statements about "Trump's bias that all American's should reject" "recommend a stand against bigotry and racist rhetoric" "boycott of Trump's business ventures" So this is the group of which the judge is a lifetime member, calling for a boycott of Trump's businesses. Is this not an appearance of impropriety and therefore a conflict of interest? The judge should stand down.


Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd law firm

(sponsor of the scholarship program of the Hispanic National Bar Association)

http://sdlrla.com/scholarship/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/La-Raza-Dinnner-Program-2014-FINAL.pdf (both Curiel and the law firm are mentioned on this program)

Curiel appointed Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd to represent plaintiffs in a class action law suit against Trump in 2013. This law firm paid $675,000 to the Clinton Foundation for speeches made since 2009. Hillary Clinton gave a $225,000 speech in 2014. the law firm has pushed for the trial before the election, the hearing to be on the same day as the Republican Convention. How is there not a conflict of interest or appearance of impropriety? The judge should stand down.


Curiel was born in 1953, his mother was not a US citizen until 1969. Vague on his father. Curiel himself therefore was an anchor baby. Not his fault of course but would this not prejudice his mind against Trump who wants to eject all illegals?

Too many issues that are within the bounds of conflict of interest.The judge should stand down.

End of.

Tuff to carry on a discourse when "End of" appears during the course of the discussion...the presumed closure being a signature of the rightwing.

Here is why Trump's lawyers have not filed a motion for Judge Curiel to recuse....

As many, many legal experts have opined in the past few days, a federal judge’s ethnicity or national origin cannot serve as the basis for a claim of judicial bias.

“Courts have repeatedly held that matters such as race or ethnicity are improper bases for challenging a judge’s impartiality,” the 2nd Circuit said.

Added Alexandra Lahav, who specializes in legal ethics at the University of Connecticut: “There is no basis in the law or our legal history. It’s antithetical to the rule of law.”


We already know from history a Strongman makes his own laws and of the consequences.

Trump's lawyers have not filed nor will they file for Judge Curiel to recuse due to his ethnicity. If they did make such a filing they'd get smoked by the Courts, the Bar and the Law and they know it. It would be Trump and his lawyers against the Constitution, which are not good odds.

If Trump's lawyers believe they have some valid or viable grounds to make a motion to recuse let 'em go at it because they have not done any such filings.

Everything about this Mussolini Trump created commotion is politics. It is the politics of fascism.

Edited by Publicus
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n effort to smear someone else with racism, you use a racist term.

Just trying to identify with Trumpsters to gain greater solidarity in our white supremacy struggle.

Sorry, but this argument that it is only racist when the other side does it, just doesn't stand up. Effectively, your use of a racist, derogatory term for American Indians invalidates every comment you have made concerning Trump's alleged racism.

I didn't realize I was invalidating myself. Have to work on that. wink.pngWhy don't we just call a spade a spade: Trump is a racist. He is so typically racist he refers to the ethnicity of Curiel as "Spanish" when referring to Latino, Hispanic, or whatever. It doesn't matter because he doesn't know or care about the distinctions among those terms. He just knows it engenders anger among his base and he uses it. That kind of loose racist talk is exactly what everybody else understands about Trump when they hear it.

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Mitt Romney, whom I would be willing to bet that every Trump supporter on this thread and forum supported whole-heartedly in the last election, says that Trump will change America with his racism, and that he may vote libertarian. Decent Republicans everywhere are disgusted at the racism displayed by this neanderthal. What is surprising is that other folks lack the decency to call him what he is.

"I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America."


Senior party figures, especially those facing close races in November, appear to be distancing themselves formally from the Trump campaign. Romney has already made it clear that he will be skipping the GOP convention in Cleveland in July, joining other former Republican presidents and presidential candidates, including senator John McCain, and former presidents George W and George HW Bush, staying away from Trump’s inauguration as the GOP’s standard-bearer.


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"When asked why he persists in calling Warren “Pocahontas” and what he makes of the alarm it has caused among some Republicans, Trump responded bluntly in a statement Friday: “Because she is a nasty person, a terrible U.S. Senator, and it drives her crazy.” source

Boomer responds: So the name Pocahontas is symbolic, in Trump's mind, of someone who is nasty, and terrible at their job.

Pocahonatas lived 400 years ago. She was an East Coast Indian chief's daughter who was so darn attractive that the chief white colonist (John Smith) chose her to be his wife. She doesn't exemplify a nasty and terrible person to me.

Keep talking and tweeting Trump. You're doing a great job. Too bad you're relying on teleprompters now (text probably written by your handlers) .....because we liked you even more when you spoke from the cuff. Please let go of teleprompters and go back to speaking your mind, unscripted. It's the most entertaining show in the world, right now.

He calls Warren Pocahontas because Warren falsely claimed to be American Indian in order to benefit herself.

What's lower than petty? Whatever it is, it's Trump. How does Trump know the intricate details of Warren's heritage? Did he sic his birther dogs on her geneology? What's lower than scraping the barrel? I don't know, but it characterizes Trump. What a low class specimen he is.

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