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Raw till 4 CM bike and fruit fest.


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They're here, an amusing and controversial cult like assembly of vegans headed by a wacky Aussie couple that advocate veganism to the point where they are on record (youtube) saying non vegans do not have the right to live or procreate.

They advocate a raw fruit diet until 4pm then you can eat cooked carbs as long as no oils are present.

They are an economic blessing to fruit vendors as they consume massive quantities of fruit.... and as we know CM has wonderful fruit.

Was talking to a non vegetarian resto owner that had served a large group of them the night before, she said they were quite demanding and not polite, but she tried to accomodate them. Her resto serves meat and uses oil so it truned into a shaming and attempted converting session. Anyway, if you see them cycling around ,give a wave. You can look for them on youtube, they go by freely and durianrider as nics. Amusing and cringy if you are into that sort of thing.

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Vegetarians I can sort of understand but Vegans..... they are a bit like exclusive bretheren (Religious mob). Down right pushy/forthright/opinionated/demanding pack of idiots.

Sure each to there own and all that, but dont try and push your beliefs/outlook on life/eating habits onto me cause Im not a meek and mild type that will sit there and take it.

In summary I'll just say they are a strange/weird lot whom I dont have much (any) time for.

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I visited Chaitawat bike shop yesterday and as per every year when this festival is on there were three or four vegans buying hi end bikes (30k and upwards). Chaitawat didn't have what I wanted so I visited the bike shop on the N E corner of the inner moat. Another two attendees were in there being fitted with hi end road bikes. This is just a 15 minute snapshot on Saturday afternoon. This festival must be a massive boost for all the bike shops that sell quality stuff.

Same with the vegan restaurants 500 vegans need feeding every night and they believe in eating unlimited calories. They do and have eaten the restaurants out of rice. The two organisers have created another niche for CM which is now considered a vegan Mecca globally. TAT should give them a medal but I doubt the TAT even know what's going on.

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I know someone who works at a hotel near the main fruit markets, booked out for june and july last year with the same mob, owners obviously made bank and did a massive upgrade

As long as i can still ride my bike up doi sutheo and not be associated with this freak show cult ill be happy. Wonder what the locals think about it all, in particular the meat vendors next to the fruit stalls, they must get a few bad looks

Edited by Jdiddy
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We're doomed.

Not enough Glamour? Go back to South Yarra for proper pavements free of vermin.

Only thing better than Vegans beating each other up perhaps the recent the ISIS purge.biggrin.png

Edited by arunsakda
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That video; what a pair of clowns but if it stops Chiang Mai from becoming infested with vegan cyclists - who am I to stand in their way? (Though one suspects if you did stand in their way, they'd try and edge carefully past you and hope that you didn't pull a cockroach out on them).

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i think they see themselves as something like the slavery abolitionists, and with the benefit of hindsight i think that abolitionists had Every right to push their beliefs onto people

and considering that farm animals are slaves and treated worse than human slaves and then killed then maybe fair enough.

(I'm not a vegan by the way, and i think these militant vegans are counterproductive tactics mostly)

i do meatless mondays, and stopped eating pork and hardly any beef. Now eating chicken, fish, and some kangaroo and crocodile meat only, keeps me full and enough protein and variety in a diet

do what you want, im not preaching, but just think about what your consuming and cut down on a few things, easy i reckon

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  • 1 month later...

Saw one of these guys get arrested (or what looked like it) by Thai cops halfway up the mountain today, there was also a road block down the bottom checking cyclists.

Never thought id see that

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Cycling laws? Never heard of any, except 'in every possible encounter with a motor vehicle, you lose'.

Just found the reason why they wanted him, general lack of respect and riding like a <deleted>, this vid went viral on Thai social media as you can see by the comments

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Bunch of idiots. Now confirmed.

I hope they fined him for littering as I see even though he's a vegan and supposedly all eco friendly he had no problem throwing his plastic water bottle on the side of the road on the way up.

Well done "Sam the vegan" I'm ashamed to notice your an Australian. A country founded on individuals freedoms.

I hope anyone who sees these people causing public disturbances will call the police, hopefully they will get themselves in enough trouble to be blacklisted.

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Cycling laws? Never heard of any, except 'in every possible encounter with a motor vehicle, you lose'.

Just found the reason why they wanted him, general lack of respect and riding like a <deleted>, this vid went viral on Thai social media as you can see by the comments

08:25- see him throw his pink plastic water bottle to the side of the road. Shameful.

The police should of arrested him for public indecency wearing a top like that and dancing like a prat at the beginning. Obviously fancies himself....

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this joker said he went back and got the water bottle. I DO BELIEVE THIS, since they aren't free and might even be 150 baht. vegans on extended holiday are generally concerned about money.

but riding BLIND corners on the wrong side of the road is the dumbest of the dumb.....i'm sure he doesn't do this back home, and his "record" was flagged and taken down because of his carelessness.

his ego was obvious in the video of him riding, and he's typically going to change once caught. he is a good rider, and he is only 25. i'll give him a pass for now. athletes in their mid-20's get all excited and act dumb all the time...but in this case it was really dumb. but this is common; people do drugs in college and do dumb stuff as well.

i've seen cars and motorcycles do dumb stuff as well. no excuse, all idiots.

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