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All the people saying I've never been there I've walked in a couple of times,been handed the menu card,took one look and walked out again to the plethora of other better value,busier bars in that area.Had all the whingers coming out of the woodwork on here actually supported this dive it wouldn't be closing down now,would it?

How many bars that are fantastically priced,packed to the rafters with cheery expat folk as we're being led to believe,all smiling at each other and getting on,insisting on paying each other's bills while swapping Special Forces stories of incursions into enemy territory close down?

That's right the answer is a big,fat ZERO! coffee1.gif

Where are the plethora of other better value, busier bars between soi 5 and 7? I don't recall too many.

Checkinn99 is great value...no bar girls hanging around and a good place to take the g/f and/or wife. Polly the gay waiter is good fun as is Jinny, one of the waitresses . Chris, the owner, is a nice bloke too. The four girls and two men in the band are very nice and friendly people.

I make a point of going there every time I am in Bangkok. Sad to see it close.

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Maybe the troll prefers eating and drinking in Foodland round the corner? smile.png Checkinn's 99 baht jacket spuds are unbeatable.


No surprise whatsoever,always empty,ridiculously overpriced for a beer it's not rocket science is it?Probably run on the expert marketing strategy so prevalent in Thailand that the emptier you are the more you charge for a beer,just to make up the shortfall TiT! rolleyes.gif

100 baht for lao dark before 8.30 overpriced?, you sound like my mrs moaning about the price of water when 'it's only 10 baht in the shops' It's always been full when i have been

Haha, I like your missus! Like her style


I thought the manager of Check Inn actually posted on here?

I don't think that's happened on this thread, anyhow. I know those guys. Actually it's a pretty amazing story there. You can read about it in a recent book called Bangkok Beat (by Kevin Cummings), I think it's available at Asia Books. A whole chapter, detailed and colorful history. Trolls will never get it, but there's more to the expat scene in this town than geezers and girlie bars. I mean, nothing against geezers and girlie bars (except the trolls that run with them), but Checkinn is a whole nother thing.


There's more to the expat scene than ancient history, too. Bangkok is a fast moving city; cling to the past and it'll leave you behind.


There's more to the expat scene than ancient history, too. Bangkok is a fast moving city; cling to the past and it'll leave you behind.

What a preposterous, banal and ludicrous statement.

There is always time for the past and links to it should be preserved and treasured, even if it doesn't fit in with your assumed 'youthful dynamism'.....coffee1.gif

I suppose all the temples, buildings and monuments dating back to the Rattanakosin era should give way for the modern city too I suppose? Why not take a sledgehammer to the Jim Thompson House? I'm sure you could squeeze in a 7-11 there....or a trendy eaterie for you and your youthful pals to infest......

While places like this aren't that old nor particularly historically important, to many they are a (sadly) rapidly vanishing part of an interesting period of Modern Bangkok's evolution, and to some of the older set, a link to a passed Bangkok to which they had a firm affiliation and connection be it spiritually or emotionally.

If you fail to see that you should seek out MyFreinU (see elsewhere in this thread) to soullessly discourse on and laud the glories of Modern Bangkok and her shiny new shopping malls every one hundred yards or so....


I love it when people try and claim a dingy old farang bar as some sort of heritage landmark. It's almost as funny as when people claim removing the dildo stalls from the pavement is taking away some precious part of local culture.


I love it when people try and claim a dingy old farang bar as some sort of heritage landmark. It's almost as funny as when people claim removing the dildo stalls from the pavement is taking away some precious part of local culture.

You're starting to rival MyFrienU in your ignorance of these things.

Would you say such places, and the other places mentioned in this thread are a visible sign of Bangkok's (and Modern Thailand's) period of development and modernisation from the 1950s onwards?

I'm glad people with your staggering levels of ignorance weren't around in the early post-colonial period as some of the stunning architecture to be found around the globe would have been rubble to make way for 'a youthful modern city' a long time ago and not treasured as heritage sites....

Who mentioned dildo stalls?


It is also a place which has survived for more than 60 years no matter how 'cheesy' or full of uncool, aging 'sexpats' it is in it's present incarnation. Sorry it cramps your youthful Tampon Ad lifestyle.....


Dude, it's a bar full of aging sexpats with a cheesy Philippina band. Hardly some precious piece of Thai culture.

What is this, biker dude? We're supposed to take you as some kind of cultural authority? If you'd ever paid attention to that band you call cheesy - that is, if you knew how to pay attention - you'd have seen more showmanship than in 95%+ of the acts that are in or come through Bangkok. Yeah, they do pop & oldies, but they are serious pros. I made my living as a musician/entertainer for decades, and those guys impress me. In Dec. 2014 I played 5 days in Checkinn 99 with a Blues Brothers tribute horn band from Holland. Good charts, fun playing. The Filipinas joined us for almost a whole show. Our first rehearsal they nailed every tune on the first take, close harmonies, too, that's how much they'd rehearsed before we got there. And they can dance, too. I mean, really dance.

Man this forum is full of cynics. Know-nothings that pretend to know it all. "Sexpats," sheesh. How original. Maybe that term can be legitimately applied to the clientele of some of the bars around, but not this one. Why don't the trolls here just butt out? Ah, maybe badmouthing is an uncontrollable addiction. I expect nothing will change, we're gonna probably hear more belches and farts from SoiBiker and friends, they can't help it. Probably the best entertainment they have all day, listening to their own self-righteous squawks and yammering.

Anyhow they are looking around to open somewere else nearby, and there are many, many very cool people, young and old, who are hoping this happens, and soon. You ignorant naysayers, just be aware that the Checkinn plays a unique and valuable role for a good number of us who call Thailand home. Ah, but you're the ones who knows what good taste is, right? Sorry, I forgot myself for a minute.


Well I'm sad to hear this place is closing....we have plenty of trendy bars selling craft beers, expensive crappy food or chasing the latest tunes.

Check Inn I liked to visit occasionally simply due to it being DIFFERENT to anywhere else...and certainly in that area of Bangkok I would normally refer to as the swamp it was an oasis of calm and fun.


The Nana plaza shutdown thread will be interesting when it gets demolished..only a matter of time really. Bangkok is evolving and will be very interesting to see it in 10 years time


Yeah, I thought the band were pretty slick at what they do. But what they do is bland, cruise ship entertainment.

Cool, a positive take! Yet why the "but?" Their shows aren't spozed to be opera. Just good fun. And nothin wrong with that. I worked cruise ships, too, and while there's a lot of silly stuff there, we also had world-class stuff, Victor Borge, Gary Burton, etc. And CheckInn has world-class people come through all the time. Lots of best-selling authors, probably some you've read, if you read, hang out regularly there. Not just a few, lots.The place is no palace, but what's wrong with that? A little run-down, too funky in some ways, the air conditioning isn't top of the line, but it's real, and there's a real community around it. The jazz jams are uneven, but have really musical moments, the regular rhythm section (all Thai) is very solid, and sometimes some truly stellar players, even big names, drop in and blow me away. The place is happening, that's all I can say. If you don't see it, just don't put down people who do.


The Nana plaza shutdown thread will be interesting when it gets demolished..only a matter of time really. Bangkok is evolving and will be very interesting to see it in 10 years time

Wishful thinking.....

Bangkok 'Commentators' including Stickman and Trink have been predicting the 'Great Nana Plaza Shutdown' for more than two decades already, seemingly unable to understand that the basic economics generated therein Plaza (on a local and national scale) nor that the stacks of money the place generates for it's elite owners ensures it's survival much to the eternal chagrin of the anti nightlife brigade.....

Won't be happening any time soon.....


Yeah, I thought the band were pretty slick at what they do. But what they do is bland, cruise ship entertainment.

Cool, a positive take! Yet why the "but?" Their shows aren't spozed to be opera. Just good fun. And nothin wrong with that. I worked cruise ships, too, and while there's a lot of silly stuff there, we also had world-class stuff, Victor Borge, Gary Burton, etc. And CheckInn has world-class people come through all the time. Lots of best-selling authors, probably some you've read, if you read, hang out regularly there. Not just a few, lots.The place is no palace, but what's wrong with that? A little run-down, too funky in some ways, the air conditioning isn't top of the line, but it's real, and there's a real community around it. The jazz jams are uneven, but have really musical moments, the regular rhythm section (all Thai) is very solid, and sometimes some truly stellar players, even big names, drop in and blow me away. The place is happening, that's all I can say. If you don't see it, just don't put down people who do.

The 'but' is because it's a shame to see such obviously talented people performing generic, by the numbers rubbish. Those girls can sing. It would be nice to see what they can do beyond bland karaoke.


The Nana plaza shutdown thread will be interesting when it gets demolished..only a matter of time really. Bangkok is evolving and will be very interesting to see it in 10 years time

Yeah that whole part of town is on borrowed time for sure. No doubt somebody will make the case for it as a unique cultural icon.


Yeah, I thought the band were pretty slick at what they do. But what they do is bland, cruise ship entertainment.

Cool, a positive take! Yet why the "but?" Their shows aren't spozed to be opera. Just good fun. And nothin wrong with that. I worked cruise ships, too, and while there's a lot of silly stuff there, we also had world-class stuff, Victor Borge, Gary Burton, etc. And CheckInn has world-class people come through all the time. Lots of best-selling authors, probably some you've read, if you read, hang out regularly there. Not just a few, lots.The place is no palace, but what's wrong with that? A little run-down, too funky in some ways, the air conditioning isn't top of the line, but it's real, and there's a real community around it. The jazz jams are uneven, but have really musical moments, the regular rhythm section (all Thai) is very solid, and sometimes some truly stellar players, even big names, drop in and blow me away. The place is happening, that's all I can say. If you don't see it, just don't put down people who do.

The 'but' is because it's a shame to see such obviously talented people performing generic, by the numbers rubbish. Those girls can sing. It would be nice to see what they can do beyond bland karaoke.

It just comes too easily to you to call something "rubbish," or "bland." To say it's not to your taste, ok. Don't go back, then. But they do a lot of really classic material, good songs that people like, in different ways than the usual. Entertaining, ya know? And they like doing it. I don't think they'd call it rubbish, in fact they like it. I've enjoyed watching the shows I've seen, and they do seem to draw. They may do more serious stuff on the side, sing arias with Somtow and the Bkk Opera, I dunno, but I get the impression they're having fun. That may be the level of talent they have, just doing fun stuff. They choreograph, they work out harmonies, etc. etc., and aren't really copying anyone. When rock'n'roll came in, a lot of people called that simplistic rubbish, too. "Three great guys, three great chords," etc. . . . but it got something universal. Changed the world, in fact. You wanna see highbrow, go highbrow. You wanna have fun, easy entertainment, go see Music of the Heart. And I think Dylan got it right with "don't put down what you don't understand." Of course, if you think you understand everything, I suppose that doesn't apply, right? But you know you don't. Just don't be so quick on the draw, try to see what others see in this. Or don't. But it's not cool to be snobbish. If you met the folks in that band and knew them as real people you'd have a clearer picture, methinks.


You're quoting Dylan in support of a derivative cabaret act?


I give up. You ain't gonna see it, you ain't gonna see it. But I don't think Dylan would think that was putting it to bad use. Anyhow that's it for me on this.


The Nana plaza shutdown thread will be interesting when it gets demolished..only a matter of time really. Bangkok is evolving and will be very interesting to see it in 10 years time

Yeah that whole part of town is on borrowed time for sure. No doubt somebody will make the case for it as a unique cultural icon.

Somebody might, and it won't be me, but I hope they don't immediately get overwhelmed with sarcastic putdowns (which of course is a vain wish - seems to be the way some folks like to spend their days). But there was a time before Nana, and there will be a time after Nana, and I don't think the last is too far off. What the heck, they'll just build a fancier one somewhere else whether you like it or not.

What I don't like (and this has been said before by many) is the attempted Singaporization of Bangkok. It's mostly ugly, tasteless, and completely ignores old neighborhoods. There's no zoning and virtually no planning, a huge amount of developer greed, and . . . well . . . there goes the neighborhood! Of course, here I am in a condo such as you might find in Miami, so no position to whine. Observe, take the bad with the good.


You're quoting Dylan in support of a derivative cabaret act?


I give up. You ain't gonna see it, you ain't gonna see it. But I don't think Dylan would think that was putting it to bad use. Anyhow that's it for me on this.

Unfortunately there is a 'faction' of the membership here who exist merely to swipe at anything which may be enjoyed by anyone over 40 Years Old (especially with a Thai wife in tow - hence all the hackneyed 'sexpat' swipes) which doesn't fit in with their fantasy, imaginary lifestyles (they try endlessly to portray themselves as leading here) of constantly doing the rounds of the hippest venues in town, shooting the breezes from HiSo rooftop bar to HiSo rooftop bar, listening to ambient house music, cool jazz while slurping on a 500B cocktails, munching on 1000B entrees.....Odd they seem such in-depth 'experts' on these 'lesser' venues though.....

Next time one of their blinkered, tired, poorly written posts pops up, ask yourself why they always read like those gawdawful 'restaurant blogs' which the 'digital nomad' community seem to insist of flooding the internet with these days........


What I always remember is the dwarf that used to stand at the entrance.

I remember the Dwarvish Warrior as well Never went in there. He disappeared from his post a few years ago was worried about his Health.


You're quoting Dylan in support of a derivative cabaret act?


I give up. You ain't gonna see it, you ain't gonna see it. But I don't think Dylan would think that was putting it to bad use. Anyhow that's it for me on this.

Unfortunately there is a 'faction' of the membership here who exist merely to swipe at anything which may be enjoyed by anyone over 40 Years Old (especially with a Thai wife in tow - hence all the hackneyed 'sexpat' swipes) which doesn't fit in with their fantasy, imaginary lifestyles (they try endlessly to portray themselves as leading here) of constantly doing the rounds of the hippest venues in town, shooting the breezes from HiSo rooftop bar to HiSo rooftop bar, listening to ambient house music, cool jazz while slurping on a 500B cocktails, munching on 1000B entrees.....Odd they seem such in-depth 'experts' on these 'lesser' venues though.....

Next time one of their blinkered, tired, poorly written posts pops up, ask yourself why they always read like those gawdawful 'restaurant blogs' which the 'digital nomad' community seem to insist of flooding the internet with these days........

Bless you. I think the highlight of the post (among many) was the mention of 'ambient house music' - a genre that had it's heyday some 25 years ago now. How adorable that you think that's what the young folk are into nowadays.

By the way, I'm over 40, and my lifestyle is not imaginary.


The Nana plaza shutdown thread will be interesting when it gets demolished..only a matter of time really. Bangkok is evolving and will be very interesting to see it in 10 years time

Yeah that whole part of town is on borrowed time for sure. No doubt somebody will make the case for it as a unique cultural icon.

Yeah perhaps one day somebody will realise that all the parts of Bangkok that made it interesting have gone, to be replaced by hotels that nobody stays in because there's nothing interesting there anymore. It is unique, if only you had the wit to see it.

How is that Dinosaur place doing by the way ?? Can't say I've noticed people queueing round the block.

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