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Wart Of The Ring

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I think this thread has long lost its cause

i dont think its even out of second gear yet, its got a long way to go yet.

its a great read and is piles of fun for all those involved.

Try to get to the bottom of it Tax. Knowing your tenacity I am sure you'll get there in the end. :o

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I think this thread has long lost its cause

i dont think its even out of second gear yet, its got a long way to go yet.

its a great read and is piles of fun for all those involved.

As you said Taxexile, this anal cluster has many more miles left yet, and makes amusing reading. Thwarted by stiff opposition in the quips though :o

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when you say wart ,

do you mean a wart like a bump or something like

theres actually a protrusion of the anus muscle itself ?

i know this sounds like a joke but a bg i know has a something like that and i am interested to know if its possible to have removed or is it just not possible ?

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arseuming they do shrivel up and drop off come wednesday, can some other member come up with an equally amusing complaint?

Sorry G.Scamp, but it's too good to loose. I hope the shrivelling process goes according to plan :o

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G.SCAMP;I'm white by the way and so is my wart. "

I was gonna ask how you knew,if you could look at it,,But it has since been explained that it is done with mirrors..


when you say wart ,

do you mean a wart like a bump or something like

theres actually a protrusion of the anus muscle itself ?

i know this sounds like a joke but a bg i know has a something like that and i am interested to know if its possible to have removed or is it just not possible ? "

First before we can give you any advise.

We need to know if it was damaged from rear entry,,does she have small narrow or large heavy wide skid marks in her skivvies?

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no ,really, there was no rear entry

i never was a tail gunner as my pop used to say

i seriously want to know as this little excess bit of skin is puttin me off

her rusty sherriff's badge is intact and...

no one has spread her cinnamon donut

so , is there an answer here ? :o

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no ,really, there was no rear entry

i never was a tail gunner as my pop used to say

i seriously want to know as this little excess bit of skin is puttin me off

her rusty sherriff's badge is intact and...

no one has spread her cinnamon donut

so , is there an answer here ? :D

her rusty sherriff's badge is intact and...


Spend 300 Baht mate and get her checked out

I would do it for free, I am not a doctor, but I could give it a really good long look


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when you say wart ,

do you mean a wart  like a bump or something like

theres actually a protrusion of the anus muscle itself ?

i know this sounds like a joke but a bg  i  know has a something like that and i am interested to know if its possible to have removed or is it just not possible ?

No, I'm sorry it's nothing more exciting but it is just a wart.

Initially I thought it may be haemerrhoids but it's been looked at by my GP, the GUM clinic nurse and even my curious landlady.

I still don't know how I could have got it sexually as I'm not a tail gunner and can spot a katoey a mile away as I have a very good friend who is one. One theory is that I could have got it from putting my fngers inside a lady's vagina and then touching my nipsy afterwarts, but I don't understand how if that be the case, my knob is ok.

Anyway, I don't understand it - IT'S BENEATH ME!! (sorry) -that's all I have to say on the matter until wednesday. The wart is curently still with me staying here on the Isle Of Wight for a couple of days.

The weather is dull and cloudy today with light showers expected later on.

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when you say wart ,

do you mean a wart  like a bump or something like

theres actually a protrusion of the anus muscle itself ?

i know this sounds like a joke but a bg  i  know has a something like that and i am interested to know if its possible to have removed or is it just not possible ?

No, I'm sorry it's nothing more exciting but it is just a wart.

Initially I thought it may be haemerrhoids but it's been looked at by my GP, the GUM clinic nurse and even my curious landlady.

I still don't know how I could have got it sexually as I'm not a tail gunner and can spot a katoey a mile away as I have a very good friend who is one. One theory is that I could have got it from putting my fngers inside a lady's vagina and then touching my nipsy afterwarts, but I don't understand how if that be the case, my knob is ok.

Anyway, I don't understand it - IT'S BENEATH ME!! (sorry) -that's all I have to say on the matter until wednesday. The wart is curently still with me staying here on the Isle Of Wight for a couple of days.

The weather is dull and cloudy today with light showers expected later on.


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when you say wart ,

do you mean a wart  like a bump or something like

theres actually a protrusion of the anus muscle itself ?

i know this sounds like a joke but a bg  i  know has a something like that and i am interested to know if its possible to have removed or is it just not possible ?

No, I'm sorry it's nothing more exciting but it is just a wart.

Initially I thought it may be haemerrhoids but it's been looked at by my GP, the GUM clinic nurse and even my curious landlady.

I still don't know how I could have got it sexually as I'm not a tail gunner and can spot a katoey a mile away as I have a very good friend who is one. One theory is that I could have got it from putting my fngers inside a lady's vagina and then touching my nipsy afterwarts, but I don't understand how if that be the case, my knob is ok.

Anyway, I don't understand it - IT'S BENEATH ME!! (sorry) -that's all I have to say on the matter until wednesday. The wart is curently still with me staying here on the Isle Of Wight for a couple of days.

The weather is dull and cloudy today with light showers expected later on.


Henceforth leave your ' Nipsy ' alone.

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I just tried the Colgate, it stings like buggery..... err well how I would imagine buggery to sting like, better ask the Gent about that...

Strangely I now have nice fresh breath and a whiter smile too



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