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British court gives 22 life sentences to pedophile


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Who cares whether it reduces crime or not. It sure does make a lot of victims and/or victim's families feel better. Even I get a little kick when I read about child rapist/ murderers and a variety of other unsavoury animals, that have just been executed.

You get just a little kick when you read about them dying a' coma-----just a little tingle (somewhere) when think of them being injected & thrashing around on the table ---or the electrodes being connected up.

Just think of what a great buzz it would be for your body if you could actually see them being killed.....more then a little tingle then a mate.

Well I have great news for you coma----if you save up all your pennies you can get a ticket to Saudi Arabia--or Iran , or maybe some other enlighten place that knows how to treat their criminals, and you can watch them being choked to death in public, get there early get a good seat----as a bonus (I know your going appreciate this) you may even get to see one of the other animals----a women being stoned to death , for adultery.

I know---what a kick a.......you may enjoy it so much that you can make it a 1 way ticket.....get a little fix every week.......there so sick those people aren't they coma.........coffee1.gif

Have you ever been to Saudi? I dont think you have so dont make statements about places you have no idea of

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I think the real nasty individual is the convicted child rapist, that couldn't help himself but to inserts parts of his body into innocent children & in doing sodestroyed many children's lives, 50 cents worth of lead would sort the filthy grub.

There's nothing here anyone can do that's worse than that. He should be caged & left to the communities of people who he's so seriously effected. End of story.

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Ive stared murders in the eye, grubs that beat in women, people that prey on the elderly, armed hold up merchants and all sorts of criminals but nothing creeps me out more than a rock spider. They are the lowest form of human life, never met a decent one but I have met decent crooks from the killer category.

I bet most the people here trying to support rock spiders have never come close to seeing what type of damage these a.holes do. This guy got off lightly, let's just hope there's a special place in hell for him!

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Ive stared murders in the eye, grubs that beat in women, people that prey on the elderly, armed hold up merchants and all sorts of criminals but nothing creeps me out more than a rock spider. They are the lowest form of human life, never met a decent one but I have met decent crooks from the killer category.

I bet most the people here trying to support rock spiders have never come close to seeing what type of damage these a.holes do. This guy got off lightly, let's just hope there's a special place in hell for him!

Who was trying to support him? I don't recall any words of support for him being posted on this thread.

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Ive stared murders in the eye, grubs that beat in women, people that prey on the elderly, armed hold up merchants and all sorts of criminals but nothing creeps me out more than a rock spider. They are the lowest form of human life, never met a decent one but I have met decent crooks from the killer category.

I bet most the people here trying to support rock spiders have never come close to seeing what type of damage these a.holes do. This guy got off lightly, let's just hope there's a special place in hell for him!

Who was trying to support him? I don't recall any words of support for him being posted on this thread.

Correct. My bad.

What there is though is a group that are calling for much harsher sentencing and another opposed to it.

Many lives have been destroyed here, why not destroy the perps life?

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Ive stared murders in the eye, grubs that beat in women, people that prey on the elderly, armed hold up merchants and all sorts of criminals but nothing creeps me out more than a rock spider. They are the lowest form of human life, never met a decent one but I have met decent crooks from the killer category.

I bet most the people here trying to support rock spiders have never come close to seeing what type of damage these a.holes do. This guy got off lightly, let's just hope there's a special place in hell for him!

Who was trying to support him? I don't recall any words of support for him being posted on this thread.

Correct. My bad.

What there is though is a group that are calling for much harsher sentencing and another opposed to it.

Many lives have been destroyed here, why not destroy the perps life?

So there are those who would happily see him fed into a woodchipper, and there are those who think that the rule of law was correctly applied.

A minimum of 25 years in prison, with conditonal release, and probably on license until the day he dies - if you separate the demand for vengeance from the requirement to punish him, there is not a lot more that could be handed down to him. The vengeance aspect is, of course, one of personal conviction, but I like the fact that fewer than half the population of the UK support the death penalty so, to my thinking, the sentence was appropriate.

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Ive stared murders in the eye, grubs that beat in women, people that prey on the elderly, armed hold up merchants and all sorts of criminals but nothing creeps me out more than a rock spider. They are the lowest form of human life, never met a decent one but I have met decent crooks from the killer category.

I bet most the people here trying to support rock spiders have never come close to seeing what type of damage these a.holes do. This guy got off lightly, let's just hope there's a special place in hell for him!

Who was trying to support him? I don't recall any words of support for him being posted on this thread.

Correct. My bad.

What there is though is a group that are calling for much harsher sentencing and another opposed to it.

Many lives have been destroyed here, why not destroy the perps life?

I agree. Kill the bastard.

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These are countries that keep statistics anD share them with the outside world. I am sure there are countries where paedophiles are in much greater numbers than those on this list. You may be sitting in such a country right now.
There is a case in Germany now. A Syrian male 21 and his bride of 15. They were married in Syria last year. Judges apparently unsure what to do.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Send them back to Syria where that sort of thing is legal. Problem solved. thumbsup.gif

why Syria?

legal marriage age in Europe for female is 16 mostly with family consent. In Germany, it is set to 16 too so they just wait a year more and they can legally marry.

for example Spain just recently raised the marriage age to 14 from 13 years old! Maybe they have to send this couple to Spain instead of Syria so they can marry there officially:)

Why Syria? Because that is where they are from! And for your info:-

"Syria's personal status law sets the minimum age of marriage at 17 for boys and 16 for girls. However, religious leaders are allowed to make an exception and approve informal marriages at the age of 13 for girls and 16 for boys. These marriages are only registered with the authorities when both spouses turn 18."

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Ive stared murders in the eye, grubs that beat in women, people that prey on the elderly, armed hold up merchants and all sorts of criminals but nothing creeps me out more than a rock spider. They are the lowest form of human life, never met a decent one but I have met decent crooks from the killer category.

I bet most the people here trying to support rock spiders have never come close to seeing what type of damage these a.holes do. This guy got off lightly, let's just hope there's a special place in hell for him!

Who was trying to support him? I don't recall any words of support for him being posted on this thread.
Correct. My bad.

What there is though is a group that are calling for much harsher sentencing and another opposed to it.

Many lives have been destroyed here, why not destroy the perps life?

So there are those who would happily see him fed into a woodchipper, and there are those who think that the rule of law was correctly applied.

A minimum of 25 years in prison, with conditonal release, and probably on license until the day he dies - if you separate the demand for vengeance from the requirement to punish him, there is not a lot more that could be handed down to him. The vengeance aspect is, of course, one of personal conviction, but I like the fact that fewer than half the population of the UK support the death penalty so, to my thinking, the sentence was appropriate.

For what he did a consecutive mode of sentencing would have more suitable than one of concurrent. These were many seperate offenses, not just one or two ongoing or linked matters over a short period of time.

If the maximum was 25 years for one of these offences, by all means sentence him to the appropriate length of time for EACH offence and let him serve out the total time he's rewarded for his actions.

I can't get 25 full time jobs and work them all during the same 40 hours a week and then expect payment for them all, so I don't see why he gets to serve out these sorts of crimes in this fashion.

He's affected hundreds of lives and done so in a very significant way. Let the punishment fit the crime, that's all I'm asking. You might think that all these offences only warrants 25 years, I've dealt with victims of such crimes and this can and does have a significant affect on many people that have been through what they go through. There's a big difference between having your letterbox kicked over, your tyres slashed or your eye blackened in a fight as opposed to what these poor defenceless children went through.

Society really needs to toughen up on those that prey upon our vulnerable members of society. Causing harm to Children, the disable or the elderly is about as low as it goes. Sadly, many of societies judicial officers spend too much time sitting around court rooms and seem to lack a true understanding of what many victims actually endure.

Of course, you will know better than I, afterall I was only part of the system for two and a half decades. There is absolutely no doubt in this case, I say, let this convicted a.hole feel the full force of the law, show no mercy, he showed none to his young innocent victims. What a dead sheet, a dark dirty cold cell with very small amounts of nutrition is all that's needed, nature will sort the rest out.

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So there are those who would happily see him fed into a woodchipper, and there are those who think that the rule of law was correctly applied.

A minimum of 25 years in prison, with conditonal release, and probably on license until the day he dies - if you separate the demand for vengeance from the requirement to punish him, there is not a lot more that could be handed down to him. The vengeance aspect is, of course, one of personal conviction, but I like the fact that fewer than half the population of the UK support the death penalty so, to my thinking, the sentence was appropriate.

For what he did a consecutive mode of sentencing would have more suitable than one of concurrent. These were many seperate offenses, not just one or two ongoing or linked matters over a short period of time.

If the maximum was 25 years for one of these offences, by all means sentence him to the appropriate length of time for EACH offence and let him serve out the total time he's rewarded for his actions.

I can't get 25 full time jobs and work them all during the same 40 hours a week and then expect payment for them all, so I don't see why he gets to serve out these sorts of crimes in this fashion.

He's affected hundreds of lives and done so in a very significant way. Let the punishment fit the crime, that's all I'm asking. You might think that all these offences only warrants 25 years, I've dealt with victims of such crimes and this can and does have a significant affect on many people that have been through what they go through. There's a big difference between having your letterbox kicked over, your tyres slashed or your eye blackened in a fight as opposed to what these poor defenceless children went through.

Society really needs to toughen up on those that prey upon our vulnerable members of society. Causing harm to Children, the disable or the elderly is about as low as it goes. Sadly, many of societies judicial officers spend too much time sitting around court rooms and seem to lack a true understanding of what many victims actually endure.

Of course, you will know better than I, afterall I was only part of the system for two and a half decades. There is absolutely no doubt in this case, I say, let this convicted a.hole feel the full force of the law, show no mercy, he showed none to his young innocent victims. What a dead sheet, a dark dirty cold cell with very small amounts of nutrition is all that's needed, nature will sort the rest out.

Please get off your condescending high horse. You do yourself no favours by writing crap like 'Of course, you will know better than I, afterall I was only part of the system for two and a half decades'

At no point did I suggest that his crimes were anything other than repulsive, or that they were trivial so please do not try to tell me what I may or may not think.

As I wrote earlier, he is sentenced to a minimum of 25 years in prison. There is no countdown timer set to go off a quarter of a century from now, releasing him to the world. It is indeterminate and reliant on the parole board to assess his case AFTER the tarrif period has been served. Quite possibly the parole board will decide that he requires to stay in prison and that will be the end of the matter.

The CPS guidance states clearly, 'The only offence for which a "life sentence", as defined by section 277 Criminal Justice Act 2003, is "fixed by law" is murder.'. Read this if you want to try to understand.

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So there are those who would happily see him fed into a woodchipper, and there are those who think that the rule of law was correctly applied.

A minimum of 25 years in prison, with conditonal release, and probably on license until the day he dies - if you separate the demand for vengeance from the requirement to punish him, there is not a lot more that could be handed down to him. The vengeance aspect is, of course, one of personal conviction, but I like the fact that fewer than half the population of the UK support the death penalty so, to my thinking, the sentence was appropriate.

For what he did a consecutive mode of sentencing would have more suitable than one of concurrent. These were many seperate offenses, not just one or two ongoing or linked matters over a short period of time.

If the maximum was 25 years for one of these offences, by all means sentence him to the appropriate length of time for EACH offence and let him serve out the total time he's rewarded for his actions.

I can't get 25 full time jobs and work them all during the same 40 hours a week and then expect payment for them all, so I don't see why he gets to serve out these sorts of crimes in this fashion.

He's affected hundreds of lives and done so in a very significant way. Let the punishment fit the crime, that's all I'm asking. You might think that all these offences only warrants 25 years, I've dealt with victims of such crimes and this can and does have a significant affect on many people that have been through what they go through. There's a big difference between having your letterbox kicked over, your tyres slashed or your eye blackened in a fight as opposed to what these poor defenceless children went through.

Society really needs to toughen up on those that prey upon our vulnerable members of society. Causing harm to Children, the disable or the elderly is about as low as it goes. Sadly, many of societies judicial officers spend too much time sitting around court rooms and seem to lack a true understanding of what many victims actually endure.

Of course, you will know better than I, afterall I was only part of the system for two and a half decades. There is absolutely no doubt in this case, I say, let this convicted a.hole feel the full force of the law, show no mercy, he showed none to his young innocent victims. What a dead sheet, a dark dirty cold cell with very small amounts of nutrition is all that's needed, nature will sort the rest out.

Please get off your condescending high horse. You do yourself no favours by writing crap like 'Of course, you will know better than I, afterall I was only part of the system for two and a half decades'

At no point did I suggest that his crimes were anything other than repulsive, or that they were trivial so please do not try to tell me what I may or may not think.

As I wrote earlier, he is sentenced to a minimum of 25 years in prison. There is no countdown timer set to go off a quarter of a century from now, releasing him to the world. It is indeterminate and reliant on the parole board to assess his case AFTER the tarrif period has been served. Quite possibly the parole board will decide that he requires to stay in prison and that will be the end of the matter.

The CPS guidance states clearly, 'The only offence for which a "life sentence", as defined by section 277 Criminal Justice Act 2003, is "fixed by law" is murder.'. Read this if you want to try to understand.

I try to stay off the higher horses as at my age things break when you fall, so the lesser the distance the better.

I understand already and I also see you have greater faith in the system than I do. Unfortunately I won't be able to stick around until anywhere near the end of this guys sentence but I do really hope that he never sees the light of day again, for the sake of others, not me. I am for mandatory sentencing, taking some of the power out of judicial members hands. Child sex should equal, never to be released. End of story.

Anyway, I shall be off now, unless of course you'd like to provide me with any further educational reading material. :)

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