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Thai labor minister proposes 'sufficiency economy' and 'civil state mechanism' to end poverty


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Thai labor minister proposes "sufficiency economy" and "civil state mechanism" to end poverty at international labor conference

BANGKOK, 9 June 2016 (NNT) – Labor Minister Sirichai Ditthakul proposed the "sufficiency economy" and "civil state mechanism'' as a way to help end poverty at the International Labor Organization Conference (ILC).

The Thai labor minister attended the ILC from June 4-8, in Geneva, Switzerland. The conference was attended by representatives of 187 member countries and 3,091 other people.

He gave a speech at a conference on "the initiative to end poverty," which involves sustainable development by adopting His Majesty the King’s philosophy of sufficiency economy as a guideline and by implementing it with the "civil state mechanism."

All the attending member countries admired his speech delivered in accordance with the Thai government’s policy which is consistent with the 2030 sustainable development guideline of the International Labor Organization and can reduce inequality and poverty.

-- NNT 2016-06-09 footer_n.gif

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They just dont get it. Their "sufficiency economy" is the creator of poverty but what do they care, it provides an endless supply of cheap labour for the hiso's and military businesses and keeps the majority poor enough to never question authority.

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They just dont get it. Their "sufficiency economy" is the creator of poverty but what do they care, it provides an endless supply of cheap labour for the hiso's and military businesses and keeps the majority poor enough to never question authority.

You hit the nail right on the head. Notice how it's never the ones with their snouts well and truly in the trough who this inane philosophy is promoted to?

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Easy to bang on about "sufficiency" when you have an enormous bank balance.

Plus depending who you are you know that, for the time being anyway, the source of your amazing wealth is off limits.

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"All the attending member countries admired his speech......"

Of course they did.

Of course none of the Thai delegation would have needed to canvass the opinion of anyone from the attending countries because they would know already what their reaction to the speech would be.

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They just dont get it. Their "sufficiency economy" is the creator of poverty but what do they care, it provides an endless supply of cheap labour for the hiso's and military businesses and keeps the majority poor enough to never question authority.

Not to be pedantic, but it's not really ''their'' sufficiency economy that they're peddling :mellow:

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They just dont get it. Their "sufficiency economy" is the creator of poverty but what do they care, it provides an endless supply of cheap labour for the hiso's and military businesses and keeps the majority poor enough to never question authority.

Oh they get it all right, they have taken the concept and are (mis)using it to produce the very results you describe.

What they don't get is that the rest of the world has sussed them out, and either don't care, are laughing at them and/or are waiting for them to come seriously and entertainingly unstuck.

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"All the attending member countries admired his speech delivered in accordance with the Thai government’s policy which is consistent with the 2030 sustainable development guideline of the International Labor Organization and can reduce inequality and poverty."

Some news agency is copying the strategy North-Korea is employing back home.

Guess they forgot to first close the country down completely and remove all foreigners, because now they will only be the international laughing stock with news reports like this.

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It is possbile that your opinion is based on a blissful lack of knowledge about the sufficiency economy, and an enormous prejudice against everything Thai?

Can you define the SE in one sentence without Googling it?

Did you know that there are experiements in the US that practically duplicate the Thai SE model?

It's unfornutate that the knee-jerk cynicism you diplay begins to dominate the TV reader responses.

Easy to bang on about "sufficiency" when you have an enormous bank balance.

Edited by does
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Here's what it is.

Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct by the populace at all levels. This applies to conduct starting from the level of families to communities and to the nation in terms of development and administration, so as to modernize in line with the forces of globalization. 'Sufficiency' means moderation, reasonableness, and the need for self-immunity to protect from impacts arising from internal and external change. To achieve sufficiency, an application of knowledge with due consideration and prudence is essential. In particular, great care is needed in the utilization of theories and methodologies for planning and implementation in every step. At the same time, it is essential to strengthen the moral fiber of the nation, so that everyone, particularly public officials, academics, and business people at all levels, adhere first and foremost to the principles of honesty and integrity. In addition, a way of life based on patience, perseverance, diligence, wisdom and prudence is indispensable in creating balance and in coping appropriately with critical challenges arising from extensive and rapid socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural changes in the world

Can somebody explain what it means?

Reads like a load of nice positive sounding words randomly bolted together.

Maybe the Thai version is simpler? If it isn't, then no Thai I know will manage to get past the second word.

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"All the attending member countries admired his speech delivered in accordance with the Thai government’s policy which is consistent with the 2030 sustainable development guideline of the International Labor Organization and can reduce inequality and poverty."

An obligatory comment.

Delusional but obligatory. The conference made the fundamental mistake of politely applauding the speaker. Thais take this to mean agreement with what the speaker said.

Still, I think it's great that Thais push the 'sufficiency theory' and 'rainmaking technology' as much as possible. Ignore the laughter, choose to take that as agreement as well.


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Let me try... We have to distinguish between "self-sufficiency" and "sufficiency". The latter applies to the Thai model.

The basic (economic) idea is that a town or district provides for it own material needs for up to 70%, which 30% coming for "external" trade. This would insulate the village from the vagaries of global market swings. Even if the global market were to collapse, the village would be able to survice because it has "sufficient" local resource.

The concept actually corresponds with trends we see in other some other countries. Think of cooperatives, city gardening, decentralization, etc.

I hope this helps.

Here's what it is.

Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct by the populace at all levels. This applies to conduct starting from the level of families to communities and to the nation in terms of development and administration, so as to modernize in line with the forces of globalization. 'Sufficiency' means moderation, reasonableness, and the need for self-immunity to protect from impacts arising from internal and external change. To achieve sufficiency, an application of knowledge with due consideration and prudence is essential. In particular, great care is needed in the utilization of theories and methodologies for planning and implementation in every step. At the same time, it is essential to strengthen the moral fiber of the nation, so that everyone, particularly public officials, academics, and business people at all levels, adhere first and foremost to the principles of honesty and integrity. In addition, a way of life based on patience, perseverance, diligence, wisdom and prudence is indispensable in creating balance and in coping appropriately with critical challenges arising from extensive and rapid socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural changes in the world

Can somebody explain what it means?

Reads like a load of nice positive sounding words randomly bolted together.

Maybe the Thai version is simpler? If it isn't, then no Thai I know will manage to get past the second word.

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It is possbile that your opinion is based on a blissful lack of knowledge about the sufficiency economy, and an enormous prejudice against everything Thai?

Can you define the SE in one sentence without Googling it?

Did you know that there are experiements in the US that practically duplicate the Thai SE model?

It's unfornutate that the knee-jerk cynicism you diplay begins to dominate the TV reader responses.

Easy to bang on about "sufficiency" when you have an enormous bank balance.

Mister, we could discuss and argue all day about ins and outs, definitions and clauses, but any economic model with the word 'sufficiency' in the title imposed on a poor majority by a fabulously wealthy elite simply invites cynicism.
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Let me try... We have to distinguish between "self-sufficiency" and "sufficiency". The latter applies to the Thai model.

The basic (economic) idea is that a town or district provides for it own material needs for up to 70%, which 30% coming for "external" trade. This would insulate the village from the vagaries of global market swings. Even if the global market were to collapse, the village would be able to survice because it has "sufficient" local resource.

The concept actually corresponds with trends we see in other some other countries. Think of cooperatives, city gardening, decentralization, etc.

I hope this helps.

Here's what it is.

Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct by the populace at all levels. This applies to conduct starting from the level of families to communities and to the nation in terms of development and administration, so as to modernize in line with the forces of globalization. 'Sufficiency' means moderation, reasonableness, and the need for self-immunity to protect from impacts arising from internal and external change. To achieve sufficiency, an application of knowledge with due consideration and prudence is essential. In particular, great care is needed in the utilization of theories and methodologies for planning and implementation in every step. At the same time, it is essential to strengthen the moral fiber of the nation, so that everyone, particularly public officials, academics, and business people at all levels, adhere first and foremost to the principles of honesty and integrity. In addition, a way of life based on patience, perseverance, diligence, wisdom and prudence is indispensable in creating balance and in coping appropriately with critical challenges arising from extensive and rapid socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural changes in the world

Can somebody explain what it means?

Reads like a load of nice positive sounding words randomly bolted together.

Maybe the Thai version is simpler? If it isn't, then no Thai I know will manage to get past the second word.

It means produce your own stuff and save money on transportation of the goods bought.

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Here's what it is.

Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct by the populace at all levels. This applies to conduct starting from the level of families to communities and to the nation in terms of development and administration, so as to modernize in line with the forces of globalization. 'Sufficiency' means moderation, reasonableness, and the need for self-immunity to protect from impacts arising from internal and external change. To achieve sufficiency, an application of knowledge with due consideration and prudence is essential. In particular, great care is needed in the utilization of theories and methodologies for planning and implementation in every step. At the same time, it is essential to strengthen the moral fiber of the nation, so that everyone, particularly public officials, academics, and business people at all levels, adhere first and foremost to the principles of honesty and integrity. In addition, a way of life based on patience, perseverance, diligence, wisdom and prudence is indispensable in creating balance and in coping appropriately with critical challenges arising from extensive and rapid socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural changes in the world

Can somebody explain what it means?

Reads like a load of nice positive sounding words randomly bolted together.

Maybe the Thai version is simpler? If it isn't, then no Thai I know will manage to get past the second word.

"Be satisfied with what you've got".

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Who is imposing on who? It is a model that (rural) people can use to their advantage.

Are you waiting for the rich and the poor the reach equalty/equal status? Believe me, not in our lifetime. But why not give the grassroots tools and methods to determine their own destiny to the extend they can?

It is possbile that your opinion is based on a blissful lack of knowledge about the sufficiency economy, and an enormous prejudice against everything Thai?

Can you define the SE in one sentence without Googling it?

Did you know that there are experiements in the US that practically duplicate the Thai SE model?

It's unfornutate that the knee-jerk cynicism you diplay begins to dominate the TV reader responses.

Easy to bang on about "sufficiency" when you have an enormous bank balance.

Mister, we could discuss and argue all day about ins and outs, definitions and clauses, but any economic model with the word 'sufficiency' in the title imposed on a poor majority by a fabulously wealthy elite simply invites cynicism.
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anyone who knows the context of this comment knows the history, knows that it is one of a raft of impractical philosophies that get rolled out from time to time.

You mean the

"wouldn't it be nice to have lots of happy farmers growing their own stuff and sending 20% up to the feudal lord hierarchy model"?

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anyone who knows the context of this comment knows the history, knows that it is one of a raft of impractical philosophies that get rolled out from time to time.

You mean the

"wouldn't it be nice to have lots of happy farmers growing their own stuff and sending 20% up to the feudal lord hierarchy model"?

They're not bothered whether they're happy. ( which is going to bite them on the arse one day), and they reckon on rather more than a 20% cut!

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Let me try... We have to distinguish between "self-sufficiency" and "sufficiency". The latter applies to the Thai model.

The basic (economic) idea is that a town or district provides for it own material needs for up to 70%, which 30% coming for "external" trade. This would insulate the village from the vagaries of global market swings. Even if the global market were to collapse, the village would be able to survice because it has "sufficient" local resource.

The concept actually corresponds with trends we see in other some other countries. Think of cooperatives, city gardening, decentralization, etc.

I hope this helps.

But it doesn't correspond to global trends of mega-cities sucking rural populations in and creating huge amounts of wealth, productivity and employment, or the globalisation of manufacturing providing you with an endless choice of low priced goods.

And it won't result in being able to feed the world's population.

"cooperatives, city gardening", yeah, an utterly insignificant number of hobbiests living in a dreamworld fantasy. All of whom essentially living parasitically on the backs of the rest of the population who cannot afford to live off "city gardening".

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anyone who knows the context of this comment knows the history, knows that it is one of a raft of impractical philosophies that get rolled out from time to time.

You mean the

"wouldn't it be nice to have lots of happy farmers growing their own stuff and sending 20% up to the feudal lord hierarchy model"?

They're not bothered whether they're happy. ( which is going to bite them on the arse one day), and they reckon on rather more than a 20% cut!

They will all be happy and docile provided they have

- endless TV soap and football

- a smart phone

- internet access and Facebook

- extra for boys, cheap alcohol, a noisy motorcycle and enough cash to visit the local karaoke bar once a week.

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Here's what it is.

Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct by the populace at all levels. This applies to conduct starting from the level of families to communities and to the nation in terms of development and administration, so as to modernize in line with the forces of globalization. 'Sufficiency' means moderation, reasonableness, and the need for self-immunity to protect from impacts arising from internal and external change. To achieve sufficiency, an application of knowledge with due consideration and prudence is essential. In particular, great care is needed in the utilization of theories and methodologies for planning and implementation in every step. At the same time, it is essential to strengthen the moral fiber of the nation, so that everyone, particularly public officials, academics, and business people at all levels, adhere first and foremost to the principles of honesty and integrity. In addition, a way of life based on patience, perseverance, diligence, wisdom and prudence is indispensable in creating balance and in coping appropriately with critical challenges arising from extensive and rapid socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural changes in the world

Can somebody explain what it means?

Reads like a load of nice positive sounding words randomly bolted together.

Maybe the Thai version is simpler? If it isn't, then no Thai I know will manage to get past the second word.

"Be satisfied with what you've got".

It's just another con trick played on the Thai people. It relies upon Sakdina and superstition, both of which equate pretty well, Sakdina is a specific kind of superstition. Receptiveness to superstition has been brought about by exposure to unrelenting lies and propaganda for generations, accelerated thanks to the USA who wanted a population that would not rebel against the higher-ups who provided land for airbases. Not like the Vietnamese,,, There is plentiful evidence for USA involvement and consistent support.

Keep 'em poor, keep 'em compliant. Have 'em believe that if they're poor it's because they did something bad in the last life, and if you're rich and powerful it's because you're a good person then and now.

How to be a better person? Don't complain if you're poor, give lots of money to the temple to reinforce the control buddhism has over the superstitious and simple-minded. Worship some guy who says he's a God (even though he still has to urinate and defecate, just like regular people - that's not a great con, it's a great mystery - only good people can understand.

The cynicism and venality is breathtaking, it would be a crime anywhere but when combined with a policy to keep the people stupid (IQ around 80 but down to about 60 in some country areas), it becomes literally a crime against humanity.

It's a deliberately-created modern tragedy. Not the only one but a particularly pernicious and nefarious example.


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