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Sturgeon clashes with Johnson in bitter Brexit debate


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Sturgeon clashes with Johnson in bitter Brexit debate


Immigration, EU contributions, trade policy and NHS funding were the subjects which dominated the latest television debate in the Brexit campaign.

The big hitter for the “Remain” side was Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon which also featured Labour MP Angela Eagle and Conservative Energy Secretary Amber Rudd. The “Brexiters” led by former London mayor Boris Johnson included Labour’s Gisela Stuart and Conservative Andrea Leadsom.

Nicola Sturgeon spoke openly about the economy: “If we’re not in the single market, it is harder for companies to export because of their goods and services get more expensive, and imports coming here get more expensive, which puts prices up as well.”

But Johnson countered that a vote to leave would give Britain more power: “Think what we could do if we take back control. Not just of our money, of our immigration, but also of our trade policy.”

Members of both sides frequently interrupted each other, claiming what the other was saying was untrue.

Fear of the unknown also played a predictable part in the debate, a lot of which resembled an often repeated rehearsal with the now standard jibes and personal barbs.

Johnson was attacked by the “Remainers” over his alleged Conservative party leadership ambitions.

Unsurprisingly, both sides claimed victory in the contest which was held just hours before the extended deadline for voter registration – two weeks before polling day on June 23.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-11

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Disingenuous Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

I am not sure how you can call her disingenuous unless you don't understand what the word actually means.

She and the SNP have been clear for years that they want Scotland to be an independent country within the EU. Her position has not changed so she cannot be accused of being disingenuous.

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Schengen Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

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Schengen Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

She has confirmed her intention to keep the pound - it is, after all, Scottish as much as any of the other home nations. As for Schengen, that was never considered and will not be happening, much as with RoI.

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If the REMAINIANS are right in their doomsday exit impact on Sterling, at least the Pound will be weaker and make those exports cheaper!

Correct, but unfortunately.

UK trade with the EU is dominated by goods rather than services. Between 1999 and 2014, goods imported by the UK from the EU have risen by 4.9 per cent per year on average, compared to exports which have risen by 2.5 per cent per year, causing the UK’s trade in goods deficit with the EU to rise to £77.0 billion.

So a weaker £ will mean ?

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All fun & games , cheap TV , theater for the folks that think they have a vote.

Meanwhile the Bilderberg conference just now being held in Dresden (G) , reconfirmed there will be no Brexit .

Sorry folks , you'll just have to stay in the EU , 'till the end.

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All fun & games , cheap TV , theater for the folks that think they have a vote.

Meanwhile the Bilderberg conference just now being held in Dresden (G) , reconfirmed there will be no Brexit .

Sorry folks , you'll just have to stay in the EU , 'till the end.

To be honest, I am as distrustful of our government(s) as the next man, but if I was to put my money on anyone having a hand in shady global manipulations, it would be on Bojo. There are few more underhand and machiavellian in UK politics at the moment than he, so if the Bildebergs were going to fix the referendum he would not be hitching his cart to the wrong pony.

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If the REMAINIANS are right in their doomsday exit impact on Sterling, at least the Pound will be weaker and make those exports cheaper!

And if your from the UK it will cost you more to live here not that the UK leadership gives a flying ? Its a fact that big business will loose out if the leave vote wins topped off by extreme fear factor thoughts that will persuade the little guy with sweating palms to vote to stay. He is just a puppet and his vote will follow the fear factor that is being hard wired into him. Welcome to the depreciating currencies party. We are after all just collateral damage to benefit the rich and powerful. It has taken me years of working and retirement to realize this. I finally cut the puppet master's strings.

Edited by elgordo38
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“Think what we could do if ....."

Could but not will. Reminds me of the "Little Engine That Could - I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I know I can." - Wittey Pipe

I've not heard from the Brexiters on the details of how any such goals will be accomplished other than such will happen quickly and massively in UK's favor. It just smacks of too much "Pie in the Sky." In other words, pure political theater.

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Schengen Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

She has confirmed her intention to keep the pound - it is, after all, Scottish as much as any of the other home nations. As for Schengen, that was never considered and will not be happening, much as with RoI.

Try changing a bundle of Scottish pounds in a Thai Bank.

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Schengen Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

She has confirmed her intention to keep the pound - it is, after all, Scottish as much as any of the other home nations. As for Schengen, that was never considered and will not be happening, much as with RoI.

Try changing a bundle of Scottish pounds in a Thai Bank.

Thailand? It is hard enough trying to get them accepted in England.

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If the REMAINIANS are right in their doomsday exit impact on Sterling, at least the Pound will be weaker and make those exports cheaper!

My guess is that if a Brexit happens, the Sterling will take a moderate hit and then bounce back quite strongly in short order. The UK will be admired around the world for taking control of their country again.

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“Think what we could do if ....."

Could but not will. Reminds me of the "Little Engine That Could - I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I know I can." - Wittey Pipe

I've not heard from the Brexiters on the details of how any such goals will be accomplished other than such will happen quickly and massively in UK's favor. It just smacks of too much "Pie in the Sky." In other words, pure political theater.

The same argument apply to the 'remainers' - but the bias is obvious in the emboldened part of your comment.

Everybody agrees that the EU is wasteful and profligate with member countries' money - EU salaries are ridiculous - and a remain vote will only endorse this.

If the UK votes brexit - other countries will do the same, which will result in the collapse of the EU. Or possibly a reformed EU, but I suspect the reform will not advantage the poor or average in EU countries sad.png .

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All fun & games , cheap TV , theater for the folks that think they have a vote.

Meanwhile the Bilderberg conference just now being held in Dresden (G) , reconfirmed there will be no Brexit .

Sorry folks , you'll just have to stay in the EU , 'till the end.

And that's one of the things that worries me.

This vote is the last chance to exit - the UK will not be given the chance again, until the EU collapses. And then it will be too late to avoid the nightmare.

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... but I suspect the reform will not advantage the poor or average in EU countries sad.png .

Hence, Sturgeon wants the UK to remain in [but separately wants independence]. What's Scotland got to offer the EU? Nothing as an independent state, they will only be a burden.

Sturgeon wants her cake and eat it.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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... but I suspect the reform will not advantage the poor or average in EU countries sad.png .

Hence, Sturgeon wants the UK to remain in [but separately wants independence]. What's Scotland got to offer the EU? Nothing as an independent state, they will only be a burden.

Sturgeon wants her cake and eat it.

Such arrogance and lack of understanding are gifts to those of us who want to see an end to the UK. Please repost your uneducated crap far and wide. It all helps the cause.

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... but I suspect the reform will not advantage the poor or average in EU countries sad.png .

Hence, Sturgeon wants the UK to remain in [but separately wants independence]. What's Scotland got to offer the EU? Nothing as an independent state, they will only be a burden.

Sturgeon wants her cake and eat it.

Not sure what this has to do with my comment? And how did wooloomolloo get into this - has my computer started playing up again???

Edit - yes, my computer was playing up as I discovered after posting the comment....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Schengen Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

She has confirmed her intention to keep the pound - it is, after all, Scottish as much as any of the other home nations. As for Schengen, that was never considered and will not be happening, much as with RoI.

In the event of Scottish separation,am I correct in thinking as a prospective new member of the EU,Scotland would Have to adopt the EURO,probably the same as for the Schengen area.


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Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

She has confirmed her intention to keep the pound - it is, after all, Scottish as much as any of the other home nations. As for Schengen, that was never considered and will not be happening, much as with RoI.

In the event of Scottish separation,am I correct in thinking as a prospective new member of the EU,Scotland would Have to adopt the EURO,probably the same as for the Schengen area.

On this occasion, you are neither correct nor incorrect about the Euro, although I suspect you know that already. As with all countries joining the EU, Scotland would need to commit to joining the Euro at some unspecified time. However, as is the case with Sweden, they would not be obliged to submit a timetable for convergence. Therefore we would remain using the pound as long as we wish to do so, with only tacit agreement to adopting the Euro at some point in the future. As for borders, Schengen would not be imposed on Scotland due to its unique circumstances, much in the way that the Republic of Ireland is not party to the treaty.

I thought you had come to realise that Project Fear was exactly that - a smokescreen of lies and innuendos created by government strategists to befuddle the people. Do you only object to the untruths being spread about Brexit (and yes, as a pro-EU voter, I recognise the tactics of the Remain side)?

Edited by RuamRudy
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Disingenuous Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

I am not sure how you can call her disingenuous unless you don't understand what the word actually means.

She and the SNP have been clear for years that they want Scotland to be an independent country within the EU. Her position has not changed so she cannot be accused of being disingenuous.

Hypocrite and liar are much better adjectives for the "once in a generation" schemer that follows one agenda and that is what benefits her the most.

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Aye, just like Labor were going to win the last general election and the Scottish people were going to vote for independence,

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