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Macbook pro getting extremely hot when plugged in


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Hi All,

I use my macbook for everything from music, video editing, work/ word-processing ect.

I've notice when It's plugged into the power (charging) it gets scorching hot, to the point I don't want to work on it as I'm worried about it cooking itself.

The issue occurs even when I'm doing something light such as typing up a simple document. However when it's working off the battery everything seems fine.

At the moment my only way around this is to work off the battery and then stop what I'm doing, close the laptop and charge it up again while it's in sleep mode, so I can continue working until the battery runs low again.

Has anyone else had similar issues with their laptop or other electronics overheating?


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When I first got my MacBook Pro ( early 2013 ), I too noticed it getting extremely hot. To the point where you couldn't touch a certain area for more than 2-3 seconds. The small area above the keyboard is the part that gets extremely hot. I also thought t wasn't normal, but from researching a bit online it seems to be a normal thing and the laptop can withstand the heat.

It's been a little over three years now and no issues at all.

I did notice that the fans kick on roughly 1 minute after watching videos in full screen mode.

Also, the fans kick in earlier if the room is hot ( when I have a fan running instead of air conditioner ).

One last thing: if the laptop fans are on and I shut the laptop lid / go into sleep mode, the fans will continue to run for another 30 seconds or so.

Where does your laptop heat up?

By the way, I use my laptop mostly connected to power...rarely run it on battery.

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I have the same issue. In my case it's the battery that need replacing. I just ordered one on eBay from China for $30... or you can buy one here for $100.

Hold the option key down and click on the battery icon. it will tell you if the battery needs servicing...

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I have the same issue. In my case it's the battery that need replacing. I just ordered one on eBay from China for $30... or you can buy one here for $100.

Hold the option key down and click on the battery icon. it will tell you if the battery needs servicing...

I got this very noisy fan running so fast that it was very loud and intrusive - thia was an indication of the machine running hot.

I got an expert to take a look - it turned out to be some bad software which was looping infinitely and using up all the resources of the machine and making it hot. Simply stopping the process was enough to get rid of it and it has never come back.

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if your mbp has a cooling fan inside it is possible the air outlet is obstructed. can be dirt-dust-etc. cleaning it can fix problem. others posted possible reasons also.

pantip plaza has shops that see the mac battery (non original) for about 1500 baht

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Do you have a UPS? Your power source may be running too much juice into the machine. Another possibility, if this only happens when you plug in, is that your power supply cord may be damaged.

However, this overeating seems to happen mostly when an app is running out of control. Check Activity Monitor and look at CPU and Mem.

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