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Fighting With Other Farang?

Delray Tweed

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So it was you then!

Did you get paid...? :D

Not me, guy you violently assaulted was probably 70 years old and had a zimmer frame.

Tell me something, are you one of those Brits that will act all tough, then when you get pulled up and fear the consequences, you whimper " Sorry mate, I was only joking " :D:D

Violent men like you should stay in England were you can go out on a Friday night, get totally slaughtered, beat some poor guy up cos he's better looking than you and can actually get a girlfriend who's sober, then head off to the nearest Indian for a curry and 3 bottles of Blue Nun to eventually throw the whole lot up in the cab home.

The great English night out. :o

Just to put the record straight. Noel is not a violent person by any means. Nor is he a newbie. Please continue.

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Just to put the record straight. Noel is not a violent person by any means.

Quote from Noel;

Going back some ten years or more, I had a slight disagreement with a German who thought it funny to drench my girlfriend, having been warned in no uncertain terms not to.

I was carted off by the Police, whilst the other party had a nap.

The end result after several hours was that I had to pay for his hospital bill, the shattered Rambo water gun that his face accidentally came into contact with a few times, plus 'compensation'.

Noel is not a violent person by any means... :o:D:D Please continue.

Edited by Creeper
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On the internet im 6'9, 200 kilos of steriod abuse.

Only an austrailian could think that this was something to brag about! :o

Where does an austrailian come from?????

I might be mistaken but the op asked if anyone knows of anyones experiences (including your own) of farangs that had been in fights. What was the outcome. finacially or what did the MIB do etc Some people did answer this question. Maybe 1 or 2.

I must of missed the bit asking who was the toughest TV member or what martial art is the best.. who cares. The Op wasnt asking for a moral stance of whether you should or shouldnt fight.

7 pages in and there is still no answer to his question..

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On the internet im 6'9, 200 kilos of steriod abuse.

Only an austrailian could think that this was something to brag about! :D

look mate before you start sticking the knife into us aussie's could you please learn how to spell AUSTRALIAN or the DONZ will kick your skinny arse. :D

cheers mate :o

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The last time I had a fight with anyone, I was ten years old.

And I was only 3, you failed to mention that, you Bully!!!! :o

Did the racoon win?

As In ITR suggested "7 pages in and there is still no answer to his question."

Ok, here is a real life experience, it's in the boonies so it probably won't apply everywhere.

A couple of months back there was a little bit of a tussle at our watering hole. It started needlessly in the first place and I'll use their ages as names. One of the older chaps (58) put one of the younger guys (34) in a head lock, they were sat next to each other and it was only intended as a joke (58 has done this to most of us, but we know him very well) 34 didn't take it as a joke and punched 58 in the face. Another younger chap (33) tried to separate them with no luck, in wades a not so old chap (47) who was an ex Muay Thai instructor, and gives 34 a really good pummelling, and I mean a good one.

Result..... all dragged to the cop shop by the MIBs that arrived.... released after statements were given.

33,47, and 58 were ordered to pay for the hospital treatment of 34 and to also pay him 2,500 Baht each in compensation (of which the usual commission was deducted)

34 left the town a few weeks later.

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What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? At what point am I allowed to use physical force? What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks? Is a choke considered deadly force?

I am from the UK and even there with the multitude of laws and regulations there was, a year back, some considerable debate on what constituted "reasonable force" when defending yourself in your own home. Bottom line is there is no clear unambiguous guidelines to go by and I would expect it's the same in Thailand. Aggression is aggression and the aggressors go to the monkey house and pay the tab, particularly when the parties involved are farang and the tab can be padded.

How about some advice from the Thai's? What if someone approaches you agressively and demands money with threats of violence? Can you smack him over the head with a baseball bat and claim it was self defence?

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34 left the town a few weeks later.

Where did you go to? :o:D:D:D

Nope. not me (46) ..... I did feel quite sorry for him as it was all just a huge misunderstanding (obviously, quite a large amount of alcohol had been consumed by all of them) .... but he was made to feel unwelcome in the town by almost everybody.

I felt sorry for 33 too, as he was just trying to stop it in an non-combative manner. That's the lesson that you need to learn..... if a fight breaks out, let the police or the bar staff handle it, as anyone who should not be involved, win lose or draw, it doesn't matter, the police will punish everybody .... at least, that's what happens here.

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What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? At what point am I allowed to use physical force? What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks? Is a choke considered deadly force?

Possibly the strangest introductory post I have seen in a very long time.

Quick answer - you will be taken to the cop shop where you will either spend some time with a few tattooed quys called Somchai who like white boys or have to pay costs for the guy you, presumably, beat to a pulp with your honed fighting skills, and there are the police fees.

Possibly you will be allowed to notify your embassy and then be chucked out for breaking the law. (No-one gives a flying one if you do judo, suzuki or oregami)

With all the testosterone flying around here I am surprised that the Caucasian-Invasion has not succeeded in wiping out the Thai armed forces with one fell swoop of their deadly roundhouse kicks!!!

As for my legend of the day . . . it would have to go to Noel in regaling us with his battle-story in bludgeoning a marauding septuagenarian hun with his own water-gun . . . 2h4f961.gif


Edited by Sing_Sling
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Do share how you would have handled the situation if it was you and your Mrs.?

I wouldn't be stupid enough to go out in Pattaya over the Songkhran period and NOT expect to get wet. :o

As the general consensus thus far in this thread seem to suggest that in the given circumstances the protaganist was clearly well out of order. I will pose the question to you again hypothetically: How would you have handled the situation if it was you and your Mrs.?

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Do share how you would have handled the situation if it was you and your Mrs.?

I wouldn't be stupid enough to go out in Pattaya over the Songkhran period and NOT expect to get wet. :o

As the general consensus thus far in this thread seem to suggest that in the given circumstances the protaganist was clearly well out of order. I will pose the question to you again hypothetically: How would you have handled the situation if it was you and your Mrs.?

I would suggest that the consensus was divided between those who think it's a nice story of bravado and machismo and those who believe it is . . . well, those steroids Donz gave him talking. :D

Chill, chopper, this is virtual reality. Do you really believe half the stuff these Olympian martial arts experts go on about?

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What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? At what point am I allowed to use physical force? What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks? Is a choke considered deadly force?

Tough guy eh? Hardest game in the world, did it myself 30 years man and boy..... :o

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Ive done boxing, Karate, kickboxing and the rest for 30 years and overdosed on steriods 14321 times

Ive been world champ too and im only 26 years old.

Thats how tough I am.

the toughest, Donz. the toughest. bar none!


Thats me at 2 years old.

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Do share how you would have handled the situation if it was you and your Mrs.?

I wouldn't be stupid enough to go out in Pattaya over the Songkhran period and NOT expect to get wet. :o

As the general consensus thus far in this thread seem to suggest that in the given circumstances the protaganist was clearly well out of order. I will pose the question to you again hypothetically: How would you have handled the situation if it was you and your Mrs.?

Well if it was Songkran I would pull out my water cannon and blast the sucker, then have another beer

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Quote: What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? At what point am I allowed to use physical force? What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? I do not know.

At what point am I allowed to use physical force?

Maybe when somebody breaks into your house or attacks you, Again I am not sure?

What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

Both of you have to pay a fine.

So the question of the OP is a rather good one, It started me thinking.


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