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Best Strategy for US marrying a Myanmar woman


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I live and work in Thailand along with my Myanmar gf. We eventually want to get married. I have read many different accounts but am always seeking out a path that has the best chance of working. She only has a temporary migrant worker passport and ID, so I know she will need a Myanmar passport before any of this happens. We will talk to the Myanmar embassy soon about the passport, which hopefully help in that area. As far as long term.. we are not sure. We want to travel and work in a few different places and have some flexibility. She wants to finish a BA degree at Ramkhamhaeng University, which is very reasonable...but again we need the passport. We'd also like to do a 3 month or so trip to the US, which brings me back to the marriage question. Get married in the US? Thailand? Myanmar? or I have even heard Singapore... Things apparently are changing in Myanmar, however, they still have a huge military influence which suggests many things will stay the same. suggestions?

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that seems hopeful. Would a passport help? She has her ID card. We want to get a passport so she can go to a University in Thailand. Once we did have the passport I wasn't sure if there were advantages or disadvantages in getting married in Myanmar or the US. Myanmar seems like a good option if it can be done with not too many hassles. Any idea of how long the process takes in Myanmar? thanks.

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A passport is needed if she is to study in Thailand, that can also be obtained at the capital, Yangon. As for where you should get married, I've seen most people do it in both countries, the wife's native country and the western one, if you plan to live in the west.

Not sure how long it takes but it shouldn't be as hard as Laos, a communist country which takes ages.

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Yeah I just heard bad things about getting married in Myanmar.. but I think that is dated information. I just didn't want to end up in a situation that someone gets the hooks in and makes life hell. thanks.

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