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Advice For Homeless Brit Guy

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I know Ken.

We employed him at our school 2-3 years ago and for 6 months he was a good teacher. He turned up one day, went into a class full of booze and the students left. That was the end of him. He claimed he used to be a pilot and a dentist - thats when we started to get worried. Hope things improve for him. A gentlemen with problems.

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I first met Ken about 2 years ago and he was really together then. Very smart (HE WAS IN FACT A PILOT AND A DENTIST in the UK), funny, witty and very caring. His love for thai lady (we have all heard a similar story), a mate that caused him to lose his apartment, and his new liking for chang just made him not find his way back to his former life and he went downhill from there.

I do not know if any of you have been down a track that you did not know how to get back from but I have so I understand the guy.

Ken just lost his way - thats what love and grog can do - especially here in Thailand. I have not visited him in jail this time and I am not sure if I will - we all have our life to live.

He did behave like an arshole at later times and did some shit that he would not be proud of himself but still I do wish he can clean up due to his stay in prison here and sincerely hope I meet the old Ken again one day.


Last time he was in Jail the uk representative that was handling his case told me that the UK does NOT REPATRIATE british citizens and will them leave to rott in immigration until they dies as Thai immigration will also not fund their return (talk about the british EMPIRE). Not sure he just wanted me to pay or if it is actually true.

If anyone is doing a collection for him for his trip back to the UK (Ken and me had talked at length about this previously) I will chip in a bit.

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I first met Ken about 2 years ago and he was really together then. Very smart (HE WAS IN FACT A PILOT AND A DENTIST in the UK), funny, witty and very caring. His love for thai lady (we have all heard a similar story), a mate that caused him to lose his apartment, and his new liking for chang just made him not find his way back to his former life and he went downhill from there.

I do not know if any of you have been down a track that you did not know how to get back from but I have so I understand the guy.

Ken just lost his way - thats what love and grog can do - especially here in Thailand. I have not visited him in jail this time and I am not sure if I will - we all have our life to live.

He did behave like an arshole at later times and did some shit that he would not be proud of himself but still I do wish he can clean up due to his stay in prison here and sincerely hope I meet the old Ken again one day.


Last time he was in Jail the uk representative that was handling his case told me that the UK does NOT REPATRIATE british citizens and will them leave to rott in immigration until they dies as Thai immigration will also not fund their return (talk about the british EMPIRE). Not sure he just wanted me to pay or if it is actually true.

If anyone is doing a collection for him for his trip back to the UK (Ken and me had talked at length about this previously) I will chip in a bit.

I'm just wondering if he's in Lumpini or other Thai jail this time (like last time) or if they actually shipped him to immi jail. If he's not in immi jail then perhaps after time served he can be free to walk the sukhumvit stoop once again. It seems obvious to me that Lumpini doesnt talk to immi so he might have another chance

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I'm just wondering if he's in Lumpini or other Thai jail this time (like last time) or if they actually shipped him to immi jail. If he's not in immi jail then perhaps after time served he can be free to walk the sukhumvit stoop once again. It seems obvious to me that Lumpini doesnt talk to immi so he might have another chance

I thginbk he may be in immigration by now as the lady that used to handle his emails in thai prison does not email me anymore with his messages so I presume he has left the general prison.

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Maybe you could send him to one of the small islands. Hey a beach to sleep on and the sea to wash in and he could find some work in a guest house.

Just an idea it would only cost you 3000baht.

No need to tell the thai police about his visa, they will send him off to England and then he will be in deep s##t.

Maybe he is a bum but he is still a person.

But he could save his money and not buy chang so be careful with my idea because he could go on the bender with the money :o

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You can only help those people who want to be helped.No power on earth can do it if the person is content with their lot in life and is wallowing in self pity.Sad story but that guy doesn't sound like he wants anyone to interfere in his self imposed lifestyle.Maybe dropping a hint with the newspapers in the UK/Thailand would get some results.

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Funny to read all these "helpful" posts you guys scribble here, without EveR realising, that whatever IS wrong with that particular chap, is a direct byproduct of Fcuked up immigration laws of the land .. and may i add some more may one day easily befall ANYone of you thai "residents", who did bothered to setup ' house' here .. You see i assume ! many years back thi guy was like most of us , legally employed here >probably jumped he hoops , had work permit etc. rented the place, over a period of time lost ay contacts with his land of origin.. he's 50++ for crying out loud , no parents by now,& if he never married or had siblings, nothing in the 'next of kin with helpful hand' department !!

So one fine day job lost/visa rules changed >> where would you expect him to go ?!? spend fortune to fly "back to nothing" in UK ?!? so my guess he liked this country :o .. stayed, and here he is ..

Now FYI ! homeless IS VERY EASILY EXPLAINED ! Try to reant Anything Without Passport & VALID TM6 !! Impossible , hence homeless .. drinkin problems , well lotsa folks do this to forget , if you'd round up & deport every foreigner who drinks here in LOS, you'll only have a couple of jihadis left at most !!

So how to help .. think & think again esp. you retired folks :D one day anyone may join him .. Noone can predict their futures/fortunes ...

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Funny to read all these "helpful" posts you guys scribble here, without EveR realising, that whatever IS wrong with that particular chap, is a direct byproduct of Fcuked up immigration laws of the land .. and may i add some more may one day easily befall ANYone of you thai "residents", who did bothered to setup ' house' here .. You see i assume ! many years back thi guy was like most of us , legally employed here >probably jumped he hoops , had work permit etc. rented the place, over a period of time lost ay contacts with his land of origin.. he's 50++ for crying out loud , no parents by now,& if he never married or had siblings, nothing in the 'next of kin with helpful hand' department !!

So one fine day job lost/visa rules changed >> where would you expect him to go ?!? spend fortune to fly "back to nothing" in UK ?!? so my guess he liked this country :o .. stayed, and here he is ..

Now FYI ! homeless IS VERY EASILY EXPLAINED ! Try to reant Anything Without Passport & VALID TM6 !! Impossible , hence homeless .. drinkin problems , well lotsa folks do this to forget , if you'd round up & deport every foreigner who drinks here in LOS, you'll only have a couple of jihadis left at most !!

So how to help .. think & think again esp. you retired folks :D one day anyone may join him .. Noone can predict their futures/fortunes ...

actually I gave him a room at one stage under the impression that he didnt have the bond to get his own room, he was no trouble at first but then he started drinking and it became obvious that he had no intention of contributing to the rent like he had said he would, he wouldnt even offer me one of the beers he always had in his bag, one day my camera disappeared and he was too drunk to remember what he had done that night, it was obvious he had been in my room that night but he couldnt remember why, so he said, he blamed it on me or on some thai ladies and got angry about the whole thing, I had no time for him after that

Edited by rafval
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It appears that you cannot give Mr. Ken Money. You must help him out in a different way. We need a person with money and a heart to go with him to Uk Embassy( Give the Embassy employee 50 Quid and a passport.), followed by a trip to immigration(20K Fine fee) and a ticket to the UKVI and a ride to the airport. You must be with the chap at all times. This is the only way we can solve this problem. What is the update with Mr. ken

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I have seen this British guy in the city who is down on his luck. He is homeless sleeping on chairs in all night city restaurants. I have spoken to this gent and he confided to me that he is on multi year overstay. He is a former teacher and is about 53. He has no cash to speak of except for enough to buy his daily cans of chang. He has been spotted scrounging in garbage cans for food. He had his brief case stolen and went to the police to get a police report. He has no fear of the police so he says. Police in fact have questioned him and thrown him out of his favorite sleeping chair a number of times but he keeps returning. I want to advise this guy on what to do but he won't do a border run as he does not have the 20K max fine. Can I suggest anything to this man?
id say leave him as he is, if he wants to be a tramp its nice and warm here. he will freeze his @ss off in the uk,
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It appears that you cannot give Mr. Ken Money. You must help him out in a different way. We need a person with money and a heart to go with him to Uk Embassy( Give the Embassy employee 50 Quid and a passport.), followed by a trip to immigration(20K Fine fee) and a ticket to the UKVI and a ride to the airport. You must be with the chap at all times. This is the only way we can solve this problem. What is the update with Mr. ken

I guess he will need to get a passport first, not sure what they cost, the overdue fine may be less i think if you go thru court, about 3000b according to a post I read here a while back, he may already have been fined and is being held till he pays it and comes up with a ticket, but the last I heard is that he thinks he has a job lined up here and is planning on returning immediately, so who knows

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It appears that you cannot give Mr. Ken Money. You must help him out in a different way. We need a person with money and a heart to go with him to Uk Embassy( Give the Embassy employee 50 Quid and a passport.), followed by a trip to immigration(20K Fine fee) and a ticket to the UKVI and a ride to the airport. You must be with the chap at all times. This is the only way we can solve this problem. What is the update with Mr. ken

I guess he will need to get a passport first, not sure what they cost, the overdue fine may be less if you go thru court, about 3000b according to a post I read here a while back, he may already have been fined and is being held till he pays it and comes up with a ticket out, but the last I heard is that he thinks he has a job lined up here and is planning on returning immediately, so who knows, he seemed to age about 20 years over the last year and seemed to be getting quite delusional, certainly some kind of health problem but could just be that he was only sleeping a couple of hours a day and drinking without eating

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The most important question to ask here is what the homeless brit guy himself wants? The old addage you can lead a horse to water etc!!! springs to mind. He would not be entitled to any benefits to be paid here, as one previous poster suggested, and any practical help given seems to be abused by him, so som nam na!!

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Intriguing though this thread is, it could drag on for a long time to come, and not really lead anywhere. Some of the posters seem to know this guy and to live in Bangkok, why doesn't one of them bribe him with a few bottles of Chang to read this thread and contribute his own thoughts? Simply take him to a place which has internet access and also sells beer.

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Intriguing though this thread is, it could drag on for a long time to come, and not really lead anywhere. Some of the posters seem to know this guy and to live in Bangkok, why doesn't one of them bribe him with a few bottles of Chang to read this thread and contribute his own thoughts? Simply take him to a place which has internet access and also sells beer.

Ken is a thaivisa reader and probably a member but I'm not sure if his jail has a net cafe that sells beer

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My Satang's worth for what it's worth is to comment on the state of mind of an alcohol addict.

I speak from personal experience.

When you regain conciousness in the morning and the first unbidden thought that comes into your mind is the location of the next drink and when every action is based on satiating that thirst throughout your concious hours, personal hygene, immediate environment, associations with others become completely irrelevant.

The grog is the be all and end all of every minute of your day. If you're not actually freezing to death there's no reason or need to do anything but nurture the need for more grog.

I've carefully read this entire series of posting and I've been impressed and depressed by the various attitudes expressed. I'd have to say, however that realistically there's no point in the guy being forced back to the UK, he'd be dead in a year, not that that would neccessarily bother him. Especially if he's read Camus or the like. (Les Syllphides "the only real question in life is as to wether you should or should not kill yourself")

A far better place would be the Northern Territory, Australia. Warm climate, lots of space and..... Oh sorry that's what the Brits did 200 years ago, maybe California then?

I conclude by suggesting, in agreement with a couple of others that apart fom donating food, clothing or possible medical help he's probably best left to conclude his story in his own way. Who knows, he might be happy.....

Edited by Jandajoy
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The guys a loser. Good riddance

Mr. Stevemiddle should know better to call somebody that. Anybody can go rock bottom either by vice or coincidence. Mr. Ken should be entitled to a Disability Living Allowance (DLA) due to his condition. He should live in the warm climate of the UK Virgin Islands (Which is a UK territory).

You can view information about this at http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople...ort/DG_10011731

Edited by britainmal
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