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Thai Justice Minister Paiboon: No legalization of narcotic drugs


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Im done arguing with people who say doing drugs "was fun".

Have you ever enjoyed consuming ethanol ("alcohol"), e.g. having a beer with friends? Or are you one of the few who say "no" to any form of ethanol, even in social situations in which everyone else chooses to consume the drug?

this question is not for me but I want to answer. I never drink alcohol, don't smoke, dont drink coffee, tea or any other mind-altering substances. because Lord Buddha taught us so.

I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs.

Or do you always pick and choose your

Holy teachings like a moral supermarket shopper.

Frankly your views are altogether abhorrent and inhuman.

I would love to put you in a 'rat experiment' feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once.

Your view of drugs is basically 'the earth is flat' I pity such ignorance.

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Your view of drugs is basically 'the earth is flat' I pity such ignorance.

It's also largely delusional when it comes to Singapore. The official figures are one thing, but anyone who has lived there will tell you they're less than accurate.

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Legalizing Speed is like legalizing ice. You will turn people into dangerous people. And any foreigner that disagrees does not understand the effects of these narcotics. Laziness by a government will only make crime grow making a drug easier to get is outrageous.

Correct. I think there is a clear line between Cannabis and methamphetamines, wherein the decriminalization of one results in less unnecessary legal costs but decriminalization of the other would result in more thefts/robberies and other potentially violent crimes.

If you haven't seen what methamphetamines can do to a person and how addictive they are, your opinion in this thread is unqualified no matter how many YouTube videos you reference.

When disciplinarians discuss drugs, they always paint the worst possible face on speed and pot. When alcohol is brought into the conversation, the same people treat it with kid gloves. Illegal drugs are for getting kicks, similar to what drinking alcohol is for. There are always going to be screw-ups with recreational drug use. Treat them as social issues. The alternative is to treat small timers as criminals, which is what is currently happening with the failed War on Drugs.

drug laws enable police to enter homes and harass people, thats why US governments did the war on drugs, its fascism in my book, the law serves no other purpose, but you can be sure the Thai military want to keep these laws as an extra weapon against the people

Yes, a big part of the failed War on Drugs is to shovel billions of $$'s to police and other law enforcement. But it benefits others: It makes big-time drug dealers very rich. It cuts down the competition for alcohol. If brings a lot of added money for hospitals/doctors/insurance. It's useful for scare-mongering by politicians (it helps them get votes). Note: in Trump's campaign, he preaches fear often and 'bigly'. Fear is a great motivator for stupid people.

The Thai justice minister was on the right path for decriminalizing drugs, but then he wilted from feedback from vested interests, and he's now backtracking. Vested interests = alcohol dealers / hospitals / insurance / police / politicians / Big Pharma .....they all make lots more money if all recreational drugs except alcohol are illegal.

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I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs.

Or do you always pick and choose your

Holy teachings like a moral supermarket shopper.

Frankly your views are altogether abhorrent and inhuman.

I would love to put you in a 'rat experiment' feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once.

Your view of drugs is basically 'the earth is flat' I pity such ignorance.

"I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs." at time of Buddha there were no such powerful artificial drugs. but now we know that those who sell them cause much harm. that's why there is no choice but kill them all. and I would be gladly pull the trigger myself.

"feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once." and what if I refuse to be fed by it? will you force me?

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I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs.

Or do you always pick and choose your

Holy teachings like a moral supermarket shopper.

Frankly your views are altogether abhorrent and inhuman.

I would love to put you in a 'rat experiment' feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once.

Your view of drugs is basically 'the earth is flat' I pity such ignorance.

"I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs." at time of Buddha there were no such powerful artificial drugs. but now we know that those who sell them cause much harm. that's why there is no choice but kill them all. and I would be gladly pull the trigger myself.

"feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once." and what if I refuse to be fed by it? will you force me?

No choice but to kill them n you would gladly pull the trigger yourself.

You always have a choice! And your choice is to kill! How can you ever say you have no choice? That is the most ignorant statement i ever seen.

If someone tries to harm my family with death in the next min n if i have a gun to protect my family? Would i shoot? Yes i would shoot to protect. That is a choice i choose. And i will live with the choices i make.

If the law makers decides death penalty then that is the choice n law they make with their reasoning n not no choice. Please...

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I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs.

Or do you always pick and choose your

Holy teachings like a moral supermarket shopper.

Frankly your views are altogether abhorrent and inhuman.

I would love to put you in a 'rat experiment' feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once.

Your view of drugs is basically 'the earth is flat' I pity such ignorance.

"I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs." at time of Buddha there were no such powerful artificial drugs. but now we know that those who sell them cause much harm. that's why there is no choice but kill them all. and I would be gladly pull the trigger myself.

"feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once." and what if I refuse to be fed by it? will you force me?

No choice but to kill them n you would gladly pull the trigger yourself.

You always have a choice! And your choice is to kill! How can you ever say you have no choice? That is the most ignorant statement i ever seen.

If someone tries to harm my family with death in the next min n if i have a gun to protect my family? Would i shoot? Yes i would shoot to protect. That is a choice i choose. And i will live with the choices i make.

If the law makers decides death penalty then that is the choice n law they make with their reasoning n not no choice. Please...

"You always have a choice! And your choice is to kill! How can you ever say you have no choice? That is the most ignorant statement i ever seen." because this is the only way to prevent drug dealers to sell drugs. and scare away wannabe's.

drug business is too lucrative to scare away people by jail terms.

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I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs.

Or do you always pick and choose your

Holy teachings like a moral supermarket shopper.

Frankly your views are altogether abhorrent and inhuman.

I would love to put you in a 'rat experiment' feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once.

Your view of drugs is basically 'the earth is flat' I pity such ignorance.

"I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs." at time of Buddha there were no such powerful artificial drugs. but now we know that those who sell them cause much harm. that's why there is no choice but kill them all. and I would be gladly pull the trigger myself.

"feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once." and what if I refuse to be fed by it? will you force me?

Nothing I would force you to do. All I ask is the same human dignity. But unlikely to get it from you.

Educate yourself. Your silly ranting is becoming tiresome.

Coca (cocaine plant) cannabis, opium, and peyote, magic mushrooms, etc etc. Not only used for centuries, but used for RELIGIOUS reasons by the shamans (priests) as well as to just have harmless (not a typo) fun.

Crystal meth was used by armies in Ww2 to keep soldiers alert and not need to eat.

It was revived in response to Cocaine prohibition. Proving that prohibition only made things very much worse for the authorities themselves.

As are all the 'designer drugs' that have unknowns harms. What if prohibition heralds the creation of a super drug that is passed by handling it unknowingly instantly addictive and makes every one jump off buildings or strip naked and chew off faces?

We've seen the beginnings of that already. And why? Because y'all had to get panicky about stuff that is natural and manageable. And has been for millenia. Why the big fake panic? To control people. Well screw that!

One form of control I do agree with: Sugar when removed from violent prisoner diets. Calm the prisoners into lambs. Google that. (Next you will claim Google is a drug pusher because the truth is on there).

Don't try to 'educate' us anymore.

The truth is, your arguments are so batshit crazy. They read like you are the one on drugs. Lol.

And BTW many many thai pharmacies will sell customers anything without prescriptions. More nonsense from you.

You know nothing and irrationally fear everything.

In closing, making your posts bold and colourful is basically what we call in the west 'polishing a turd'

Good night.

Edited by dhream
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Legalizing drugs paradoxically gives the government all the control and all the money.

Alcohol as has been proved over and over is horrendous when misused. Addictive potential is high. Cold turkey can be fatal.

We do not all rush to the shop or bar on a Friday and drink to oblivion.

And drugs are no more worse than that if used responsibly and in moderation.

Why is this common sense reality just ignored.

That government controlled sales of drugs ends the crime and hands control to consumers. Just like whisky.

There are alcoholics and there are also junkies. There always will be.

Put them in hospital.

The only reason junkies recruit junkies is because it's illegal.

When was the last time anyone tried to recruit anyone to become an alcoholic?

Addiction is the same. Post operative patients get drugs more powerful and 'addictive' than heroin. So why aren't they addicts after recovery?

Because all this one hit and you're hooked stuff is a total nonsense.

Just ask any nicotine addict. They had to work hard to get hooked, tobacco is vile to a newbie user.

It takes determination.

Let's have some enlightened debate.

Nobody is saying drugs are great here. The discussion is about accepting you can't force people to do or not do anything. And that the prohibition stance does more harm than good.

To families. To users and to governments who could do better things with the money than wage a war against substances that are no worse than alcohol.

Edited by dhream
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I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs.

Or do you always pick and choose your

Holy teachings like a moral supermarket shopper.

Frankly your views are altogether abhorrent and inhuman.

I would love to put you in a 'rat experiment' feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once.

Your view of drugs is basically 'the earth is flat' I pity such ignorance.

"I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs." at time of Buddha there were no such powerful artificial drugs. but now we know that those who sell them cause much harm. that's why there is no choice but kill them all. and I would be gladly pull the trigger myself.

"feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once." and what if I refuse to be fed by it? will you force me?

Nothing I would force you to do. All I ask is the same human dignity. But unlikely to get it from you.

Educate yourself. Your silly ranting is becoming tiresome.

Coca (cocaine plant) cannabis, opium, and peyote, magic mushrooms, etc etc. Not only used for centuries, but used for RELIGIOUS reasons by the shamans (priests) as well as to just have harmless (not a typo) fun.

Crystal meth was used by armies in Ww2 to keep soldiers alert and not need to eat.

It was revived in response to Cocaine prohibition. Proving that prohibition only made things very much worse for the authorities themselves.

As are all the 'designer drugs' that have unknowns harms. What if prohibition heralds the creation of a super drug that is passed by handling it unknowingly instantly addictive and makes every one jump off buildings or strip naked and chew off faces?

We've seen the beginnings of that already. And why? Because y'all had to get panicky about stuff that is natural and manageable. And has been for millenia. Why the big fake panic? To control people. Well screw that!

One form of control I do agree with: Sugar when removed from violent prisoner diets. Calm the prisoners into lambs. Google that. (Next you will claim Google is a drug pusher because the truth is on there).

Don't try to 'educate' us anymore.

The truth is, your arguments are so batshit crazy. They read like you are the one on drugs. Lol.

And BTW many many thai pharmacies will sell customers anything without prescriptions. More nonsense from you.

You know nothing and irrationally fear everything.

In closing, making your posts bold and colourful is basically what we call in the west 'polishing a turd'

Good night.

"coca (cocaine plant) cannabis, opium, and peyote, magic mushrooms, etc etc. Not only used for centuries," again -150 years ago people were able to sell and buy other poeple. this was called slavery and practiced for thousands of years. does it mean that slavery is good and we should come back to it?

"but used for RELIGIOUS reasons by the shamans (priests)" and did shamans inject heroin and smoked meth? lol

do you know who was the first famous person who used meth? Adolf Hitler. and do you remember how he ended up his life?

"It was revived in response to Cocaine prohibition. Proving that prohibition only made things very much worse for the authorities themselves." how did it prove that? Soviet Army, US army and British army without using meth won the fight with German fascist army which used meth.

"As are all the 'designer drugs' that have unknowns harms. What if prohibition heralds the creation of a super drug that is passed by handling it unknowingly instantly addictive and makes every one jump off buildings or strip naked and chew off faces?" if meth, cocaine, heroin etc have known harm it does not mean they don't cause harm at all. don't try to manipulate. it's not gonna work with me.

"We've seen the beginnings of that already. And why? Because y'all had to get panicky about stuff" why can't you accept the simplest solution? just eradicate all drugs. and execute those who produce them or sell them.

"that is natural and manageable" no drugs are "manageable". don't lie to yourself. the only way to manage them - prohibit them all.

"To control people. Well screw that!" oh yeah. one more conspiracy theory. tell us about Illuminati from the planet Nibiru who control the world by their secret agents. why junkies always tend to make up all these theories?

"Don't try to 'educate' us anymore." it means "don't try to break myths which we created to justify our drug addictions" haha

"And BTW many many thai pharmacies will sell customers anything without prescriptions. More nonsense from you." anything? vicodin, for example? what a blatant lie. if it's true - junkies from all over the world would come to Thailand. please give me the address of just one pharmacy like this. I will come and check.

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Legalizing drugs paradoxically gives the government all the control and all the money.

Alcohol as has been proved over and over is horrendous when misused. Addictive potential is high. Cold turkey can be fatal.

We do not all rush to the shop or bar on a Friday and drink to oblivion.

And drugs are no more worse than that if used responsibly and in moderation.

Why is this common sense reality just ignored.

That government controlled sales of drugs ends the crime and hands control to consumers. Just like whisky.

There are alcoholics and there are also junkies. There always will be.

Put them in hospital.

The only reason junkies recruit junkies is because it's illegal.

When was the last time anyone tried to recruit anyone to become an alcoholic?

Addiction is the same. Post operative patients get drugs more powerful and 'addictive' than heroin. So why aren't they addicts after recovery?

Because all this one hit and you're hooked stuff is a total nonsense.

Just ask any nicotine addict. They had to work hard to get hooked, tobacco is vile to a newbie user.

It takes determination.

Let's have some enlightened debate.

Nobody is saying drugs are great here. The discussion is about accepting you can't force people to do or not do anything. And that the prohibition stance does more harm than good.

To families. To users and to governments who could do better things with the money than wage a war against substances that are no worse than alcohol.

"Legalizing drugs paradoxically gives the government all the control." you are like a guy who was robbed - " i volunteerly gave my wallet to the robber. it means I am in control"

"and all the money" decent state does not need money on expense of citizen health. (and yes, governments do get taxes from tobacco or alcohol. they should be made illegal too)

"Alcohol as has been proved over and over is horrendous when misused. Addictive potential is high." what a blatant manipulation. to become addicted to alcohol average person need to drink for years. to become addicted to heroin - 1-5 injections. meth - one month of daily usage

"And drugs are no more worse than that if used responsibly and in moderation." and you lie to yourself again. no, you cant use, for example, meth "in moderation". you will always want to use it more often. and you will give up little by little and lie to yourself: " I can stop always. I just don't want now" until it's too late.

"That government controlled sales of drugs ends the crime and hands control to consumers. Just like whisky. There are alcoholics and there are also junkies. There always will be."

but sane government wants the amount of junkies in population as low as possible. that's why it prohibits drugs. alcohol should be prohibited also - to protect people from themselves. meth, heroin etc gives much stronger sense of pleasure than alcohol. that's why they are much harder to withstand. that's why if they are available - more people will be addicted. sane society does not want it. junkies want.

"The only reason junkies recruit junkies is because it's illegal." no. there is another reason - doing drugs alone they feel alienated. feel they do something wrong. and if all their friends do drugs with them - there is nothing wrong with that. this is the main reason why junkies do whatever it takes to make people they know to use drugs. because they need a proof that there is nothing wrong in doing drugs.

"when was the last time anyone tried to recruit anyone to become an alcoholic?" it happens every day! if you have a party with people who drink they always ask: why you don't drink at all? are you sick? you don't respect us? because seeing a person who does not drink makes drinkers feel guilty. very well-known psychological phenomena.

"So why aren't they addicts after recovery?" some get addicted. I know people who get addicted to painkillers. Vicodin, fro example. google how many internet sites sell vicodin illegally in the internet. but if a patient can't tolerate the pain - there is no other choice but give him addictive drugs.

"They had to work hard to get hooked, tobacco is vile to a newbie user." yes. because different drugs have different ability to make people addicted. that's why tobacco is still legal and heroin is not.

"against substances that are no worse than alcohol." blatant lie. heroin, meth, cocaine are much more addictive then alcohol. and you know it.

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"I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs."

at time of Buddha there were no such powerful artificial drugs. but now we know that those who sell them cause much harm. that's why there is no choice but kill them all. and I would be gladly pull the trigger myself.

Spoken like a true redneck reactionary. Trump would be proud.

Hey Matt, guess what, if you want to shoot everyone who's causing harm with drugs, you better have a lot of bullets. Indeed, your barrel is going to overheat and go limp. You'd have to kill everyone involved with alcohol. That's all manufacturers, middle men, store workers, imbibers. That's over half the population right there. Then you'd have to shoot everyone involved with harmful Pharma Drugs. That's also over half the population (yes, there's lots of overlap). Who's left standing after your shooting spree? You might have to shoot yourself and your family, if any of y'all are users or dealers of alcoholic drinks or pharma drugs. I guess that just leaves your dog and the weirdo down the street who doesn't do any drugs at all.

P.S. National Geographic declared sugar an addictive substance. We already know caffeine and nicotine are (more addictive than heroin), so put that in your pipe and smoke it, you macho man with a gun.

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"Humans are all animals. You might be in denial of such a scientific fact though." humans have intelligence. they can choose what is good for them instead of what gives pleasure.

Non-human animals have intelligence too, and they can choose what is good for them too. How do you think animals in the wild have survived for millions of years up to this day?

Actually, pleasure seeking activity is linked with survival of species. Just one example is sexual activity. Another is taste of food.

"Which drug culture are you talking about"

1)junkies run out of money very quickly. to bu drugs they start to sell it. to sell - they need more users

2) if more of their friends are taking the drug they feel less miserable. that's why they try to hook all people they know

Are you aware that not all consumers of illegal drugs are "junkies"?

animals choose not by intelligence, but by instincts. but humans made so complicated environment so instinct give them wrong answers. that's why people who do what instincts tell them - always lose.

nature made pleasure as a reward for useful activity (for DNA spreading) - sex, eating, defecating etc. but drug users hijack this system to get a stronger pleasure. but brain self-regulates - if it feels that the stimulation of pleasure receptors is too strong - it makes them less sensitive. that's why drug users soon lose an ability to get pleasure by natural way - and become hooked. like rats with electric brain stimulation.

real conscious humans can ignore the urge to feel pleasure - and do what is good for long perspective. drug users -those who hijacked their pleasure system - can't. that's why they are not humans anymore. and should be treated accordingly.

"Are you aware that not all consumers of illegal drugs are "junkies"?" all of them are on different steps on the way to addiction. strong type of psych can last longer. but the end is the same.

how can you say drug users are not human ?

every human on the planet has some form of addiction, and every human IS addicted to one drug or another.

just think about it as you sit there drinking your morning coffee as you read this.

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Just removed some of the off topic personal attacks. The topic is not about Singapore or any other country, or about your individual arguments with each other.

Also, if you want to post here and not have your posts winding up in the trash, post in a legible fashion. If you can't type entire words or use punctuation and capitalization then don't post here. This is a discussion forum not a text message. Have some respect for other members and make your posts readable.

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