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Stuck In Khonkaen,helpplease!


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Why not consider selling the bike? Would that not be easier? Since the bike is registered in your wife's name there will be problems if you take it away. You have already said that you are unable to ride it alone. Get the cash and get outta there.

You can always get another bike in Pattaya.

Good luck.

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Post in this KhonKaen .comforum and tell them whats going on. Someone may be able to assist you.

Most of the guys there actually have jobs where they work overseas and spend there rec time in KK and I know quite a few are out of country at the moment, but post anyway you may get some advice, but also it does sound like you could be buying into a s h i t fight and a lot of people may not want to get involved as they will still have to live there when you have gone.

having said that post and see.

good luck

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From what I can gather it's not his bike to sell.

So if you bought it you can with any luck share the same cell.

I know you can't walk but in my opinion leave the money and hobble away.

Put it down to experience, I have and I'm an expert at getting ripped of by Thai women, assisted by the local police here in Thailand and assisted by my government in the U.K.

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350T,, I don't see what is so strange about the body laying for 3 days,,they all do that everywhere I have been in Thailand, Just another excuse for them to make a lot of noise thru cheap speakers,set in the streets and obstruct traffic,get drunk and party.

Don't they do that where you live,or is it that you do not live in Thailand and have no idea of the customs here but just like to show your ass? :o

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My advice is quietly arange an exit, don't let your Mrs. know about it and just up and leave when she is not around.

Perhaps you can tell her you need to go to the doctors and leave from there.

I would then get out of the country for three or four months and when you come back do not go around the places you used to go.

It is obvious that you are being fleaced and it is obvious that things will not get better, they will get worse.

10% on a Thai house and a Honda Bike, plus a few things you have to leave behind are nothing when it comes to your safety.

Believe me, I have seen guys who are house bound being ripped off, manipulated and eventually thrown out when they are no use to the scum that are using them.

Get out now while you can and learn from the lesson.

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the guys who reacted to your mail really sound serious, sad and wiser thru own experience, but they live and can tell the tale.

Forget the thai woman and remenber the lesson.

Don't ever believe you can buy love.

the beste things in life are free or cost more than money only.

Turn around go away and start again somewhere else maybe alone or with someone else but take the time.

beste luck


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Guest chingy

you live in a different country with different culture, their land their rules, please take the advise leave everything and start walking the other way, its not worth it. better be save than sorry

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you live in a different country with different culture, their land their rules, please take the advise leave everything and start walking the other way, its not worth it. better be save than sorry

Quite right Chingy! There's a Swiss saying "Andere Länder - andere Titten" meaning "Other Lands - other t1ts" - so don't try to suck them all! :o

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Mr. Hopper,

Mouse reckons you're a agent of some type. Can you set the record straight? :o


Boon Mee

No,sorry to bust your bubble,I'm am just another stastic.I do appreciate all the honest advice from posters.I've managed to stay at the house up to this point.eventhough I sleep in the living room.I just got her to bring me to the internet cafe so I havn't been able to respond until now.I have one gentleman kind enough to try and help me.I appreciate his offer to help me. I'm waiting for the title or registration to come back to the dealer.I think the"sweetheart" will sign it over to me ,just to get me out permanently.She says she will,I will wait and see.I did hide all the knives and scissors.

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350T,, I don't see what is so strange about the body laying for 3 days,,they all do that everywhere I have been in Thailand, Just another excuse for them to make a lot of noise thru cheap speakers,set in the streets and obstruct traffic,get drunk and party.

Don't they do that where you live,or is it that you do not live in Thailand and have no idea of the customs here but just like to show your ass? :o

Well said Kevin N

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Mr. Hopper,

Mouse reckons you're a agent of some type.  Can you set the record straight? :o


Boon Mee

No,sorry to bust your bubble,I'm am just another stastic.I do appreciate all the honest advice from posters.I've managed to stay at the house up to this point.eventhough I sleep in the living room.I just got her to bring me to the internet cafe so I havn't been able to respond until now.I have one gentleman kind enough to try and help me.I appreciate his offer to help me. I'm waiting for the title or registration to come back to the dealer.I think the"sweetheart" will sign it over to me ,just to get me out permanently.She says she will,I will wait and see.I did hide all the knives and scissors.

Sorry about the misspelling guys.I intended for you to know I am a statistic.I am not thinking up to par these days.

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Yeah, I do live in Thailand . Do admit in the city not in the sticks so maybe i naive. But u should look up the word joke. And, yeah i do like to show my ass. I feed him carrots and hay everyday. Or do you mean arse??? :D

Seriously, sorry if making jokes about stiffs offended anyone :o

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