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German woman falls to her death from Bangkok condo


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Here we go again, another 100 posts on why it happened.

Here we go again, another one with NOTHING to post, but likes to see their name.

What I find interesting is the pool water is so calm, did no one think to drag her out and apply resuscitation, her husband new she "jumped" and "didn't" raise the alarm until some time later, and a "fall" from their condo didn't make any sound to raise any suspicion from other dwellers.

maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later, or maybe he wanted it to look that way ?

Maybe you should read the whole story, "The argument ended when Mrs Beger leapt to her death from the condominium balcony,"

You would make a great detective,, you instantly believe what the guy tells you !! UH ? if that was the case he would have instantly tried to get help just incase she had survived the fall, yes ? Not report it some time later.. Oh my wife just jumped to her death, so I think I'll have another beer first, watch a bit of TV, then call the cops !!!

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Maybe you should read the whole story, "The argument ended when Mrs Beger leapt to her death from the condominium balcony,"

maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later, or maybe he wanted it to look that way ?

What I find interesting is the pool water is so calm, did no one think to drag her out and apply resuscitation, her husband new she "jumped" and "didn't" raise the alarm until some time later, and a "fall" from their condo didn't make any sound to raise any suspicion from other dwellers.

You would make a great detective,, you instantly believe what the guy tells you !! UH ? if that was the case he would have instantly tried to get help just incase she had survived the fall, yes ? Not report it some time later.. Oh my wife just jumped to her death, so I think I'll have another beer first, watch a bit of TV, then call the cops !!!

Excuse me, but you made up a story that "maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later," now you accuse me of believing what is posted, you really should read my OTHER posts. Geez, some people on here really do make me scratch me head in disbelief.

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Here we go again, another 100 posts on why it happened.

"A wise man posts in an online forum because he has something to say; a fool posts in a forum because he has to say something."

(Old chinese proverb)

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Maybe you should read the whole story, "The argument ended when Mrs Beger leapt to her death from the condominium balcony,"

maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later, or maybe he wanted it to look that way ?

What I find interesting is the pool water is so calm, did no one think to drag her out and apply resuscitation, her husband new she "jumped" and "didn't" raise the alarm until some time later, and a "fall" from their condo didn't make any sound to raise any suspicion from other dwellers.

You would make a great detective,, you instantly believe what the guy tells you !! UH ? if that was the case he would have instantly tried to get help just incase she had survived the fall, yes ? Not report it some time later.. Oh my wife just jumped to her death, so I think I'll have another beer first, watch a bit of TV, then call the cops !!!

Excuse me, but you made up a story that "maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later," now you accuse me of believing what is posted, you really should read my OTHER posts. Geez, some people on here really do make me scratch me head in disbelief.

It's called theory,, thinking outside of what you read,, as everyone knows you can only believe about half of what you read ,,

except you of course, that believes it all !! I don't read who posts what, I just read the posts..

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Here we go again, another 100 posts on why it happened.

Here we go again, another one with NOTHING to post, but likes to see their name.

What I find interesting is the pool water is so calm, did no one think to drag her out and apply resuscitation, her husband new she "jumped" and "didn't" raise the alarm until some time later, and a "fall" from their condo didn't make any sound to raise any suspicion from other dwellers.

maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later, or maybe he wanted it to look that way ?

As previously mentioned, they are good friends of mine.

I have been to their apartment many time.

It is actually 2 duplex apartments made into one large unit. Being 2 apartments and both duplexes they have 2 separate areas with two sets of stairs to the 2 upstairs areas.

If Doris stormed downstairs to the lounge where their balcony is, and her husband remained in the upper part of the apartment then he would not have seen or heard her go over the balcony.

They are 24 floors up so doubtful he'd have heard her hit the water either, even if he'd been standing there.

RIP lovely lady.

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Here we go again, another 100 posts on why it happened.

Here we go again, another one with NOTHING to post, but likes to see their name.

What I find interesting is the pool water is so calm, did no one think to drag her out and apply resuscitation, her husband new she "jumped" and "didn't" raise the alarm until some time later, and a "fall" from their condo didn't make any sound to raise any suspicion from other dwellers.

"What I find interesting is the pool water is so calm, did no one think to drag her out and apply resuscitation......."

I believe there is a possible translation mix up on this report. Another report on the internet (BP) would indicate that the pool in which she was found was a pool of her own blood. ,

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I lived on Soi Mahatlek just off Radjadamri for about 2 1/2 years in what is now Marriott Courtyard, nice quiet area.........RIP Mrs Berger for whatever reason you decided to leap is known only to you & the good Mr Berger.


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Maybe you should read the whole story, "The argument ended when Mrs Beger leapt to her death from the condominium balcony,"

maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later, or maybe he wanted it to look that way ?

What I find interesting is the pool water is so calm, did no one think to drag her out and apply resuscitation, her husband new she "jumped" and "didn't" raise the alarm until some time later, and a "fall" from their condo didn't make any sound to raise any suspicion from other dwellers.

You would make a great detective,, you instantly believe what the guy tells you !! UH ? if that was the case he would have instantly tried to get help just incase she had survived the fall, yes ? Not report it some time later.. Oh my wife just jumped to her death, so I think I'll have another beer first, watch a bit of TV, then call the cops !!!

Excuse me, but you made up a story that "maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later," now you accuse me of believing what is posted, you really should read my OTHER posts. Geez, some people on here really do make me scratch me head in disbelief.

It's called theory,, thinking outside of what you read,, as everyone knows you can only believe about half of what you read ,,

except you of course, that believes it all !! I don't read who posts what, I just read the posts..

or in the case of TV you only belive what you belive to be the facts. Sod the real facts they don'tmatter

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A new twist on an old story. Obviously needs a full, detailed, investigation. By the way, heated arguments are not unusual between devoted couple. Known many couples who've been together 10/20 years, and argue like cat and dog.

Yeah sure, but they don't jump off a balcony after the argument, so was she pushed off ? it was one or the other, so what's your money on ???

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Good friends of mine.

RIP Doris.

And no chance the husband did it. He was devoted to her.

Devoted I guess must have many different meanings.

First they go out to have drinks and dinner. One type devotion.

Second they are having a heated argument after coming home (presumably what better place than on the balcony were one can threaten the other to take the plunge) Second type devotion.

No I'm not going to list all the other type devotions I have come across on TVN over the years.

I would like to say that foreign governments whose citizen take up skydiving without a parachute should do some serious in-depth investigation what is wrong with their citizens behavior in Thailand. But then again, it probably all fits in with the overpopulation reduction from the involved governments' point of view. So , just keep trucking in what you are involved in. LOL in LOS.

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Good friends of mine.

RIP Doris.

And no chance the husband did it. He was devoted to her.

Devoted I guess must have many different meanings.

First they go out to have drinks and dinner. One type devotion.

Second they are having a heated argument after coming home (presumably what better place than on the balcony were one can threaten the other to take the plunge) Second type devotion.

No I'm not going to list all the other type devotions I have come across on TVN over the years.

I would like to say that foreign governments whose citizen take up skydiving without a parachute should do some serious in-depth investigation what is wrong with their citizens behavior in Thailand. But then again, it probably all fits in with the overpopulation reduction from the involved governments' point of view. So , just keep trucking in what you are involved in. LOL in LOS.

I guessing that a few people do the same, living in Germany too...

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RIP. Wonder if the lawyer husband found a quicker cheaper way than divorce.

Well, being a lawyer he would sure know what a divorce could cost him,,, moved into a 24 story apartment 2/3 years ago, could have been planning this for a long time, as I can't see why a woman with a so called (from one post) devoted husband would want to jump off all by her little old self ?

And being a lawyer he would have all the right answers for the police, of course he may be completely innocent,, but I can't see it.

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Here we go again, another 100 posts on why it happened.

Here we go again, another one with NOTHING to post, but likes to see their name.

What I find interesting is the pool water is so calm, did no one think to drag her out and apply resuscitation, her husband new she "jumped" and "didn't" raise the alarm until some time later, and a "fall" from their condo didn't make any sound to raise any suspicion from other dwellers.

You don't do irony, do you? wink.png

One of us doesn't

  1. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
    "‘Don't go overboard with the gratitude,’ he rejoined with heavy irony"
    synonyms: sarcasm, sardonicism, dryness, causticity, sharpness, acerbity, acid, bitterness,trenchancy, mordancy, cynicism; More
    • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result.
      plural noun: ironies
      "the irony is that I thought he could help me"
      synonyms: paradox, paradoxical nature, incongruity, incongruousness, peculiarity
      "the irony of the situation hit her"
    • a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions is clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
      noun: dramatic irony; plural noun: tragic irony


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I would really like to follow the in depth Police investigation of this tragic incident. I am sure it would be fascinating ?

It appears there is only witness alive, to what happened , and he is a lawyer, so will be a pretty smart guy, and will either bullshit or be honest with the police, depending on what actually happened, or what he wants police to believe happened ..

some ideas, she jumped, he pushed, or maybe she went to sleep and he just picked her up and dropped or over, so there would be no sigh of a fight or struggle.

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Good friends of mine.

RIP Doris.

And no chance the husband did it. He was devoted to her.

Many thanks for an invaluable first hand point of view... Poop happens, but the nay Sayers will be out in force, regardless.

Sympathies to the husband.... Sorry you've lost a friend... And RIP Doris.

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From the reflection of the ceiling lights in the pool methinks the pool is located under cover says Inspector Somchai.......

The building is a square with the pool in the middle but not under cover.

Each floor is effectively a huge balcony

Edited by Dagnabbit
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Think Mr. Beger will have some serious explaining to do... I very much doubt that she jumped voluntarily.

Let Mr. Beger jump during the reenactment, please! Just to make it more "realistic"...

RIP Doris Erika - hope you are in a better place right now.

Better place?

Lying on a slab in the morgue as opposed to living in a high rise apartment I know there are some hellish apartments in Thailand, but was hers really that bad?

a nice apt with a bad husband or a khrap apt with no bad husband.....you make the call!

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Good friends of mine.

RIP Doris.

And no chance the husband did it. He was devoted to her.

Many thanks for an invaluable first hand point of view... Poop happens, but the nay Sayers will be out in force, regardless.

Sympathies to the husband.... Sorry you've lost a friend... And RIP Doris.

Thank you. It means a lot to have a genuine comment.

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After heated arguments with my (former) husband, I thought many times of stripping him of all his assets.

I never once thought of giving him everything.

That always amuses me that sort of mentality.

" Strip him of all HIS assets "

5555555 priceless.

What occurs to some women to think that this sort of behaviour is so acceptable?

RIP & also my thoughts are to the husband, who, if the story actually went the way described must be devastated.

Terrible way to end things.

Edited by neverdie
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Maybe you should read the whole story, "The argument ended when Mrs Beger leapt to her death from the condominium balcony,"

maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later, or maybe he wanted it to look that way ?

What I find interesting is the pool water is so calm, did no one think to drag her out and apply resuscitation, her husband new she "jumped" and "didn't" raise the alarm until some time later, and a "fall" from their condo didn't make any sound to raise any suspicion from other dwellers.

You would make a great detective,, you instantly believe what the guy tells you !! UH ? if that was the case he would have instantly tried to get help just incase she had survived the fall, yes ? Not report it some time later.. Oh my wife just jumped to her death, so I think I'll have another beer first, watch a bit of TV, then call the cops !!!

Excuse me, but you made up a story that "maybe after a 'heated argument, he went to bed and didn't know she jumped until some time later," now you accuse me of believing what is posted, you really should read my OTHER posts. Geez, some people on here really do make me scratch me head in disbelief.

It's called theory,, thinking outside of what you read,, as everyone knows you can only believe about half of what you read ,,

except you of course, that believes it all !! I don't read who posts what, I just read the posts..

A "theory", wow, based on what... nothing but your wild imagination.. I have a "theory" some posters on here are complete and utter idiots, thank God Einstein had a far superior mind, at least his theories were based on some intelligent thought.

Even if we can only believe "half", of what we read ,that is far better than a "theory," based on NOTHING.

We, as humans, are suppose to be more intelligent than apes, but some of us seem to go against evolution.

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Why assume he pushed her? Even a man in a rage would know that would be implicating.

To me, it's more likely she jumped while depressed. Lots of reasons could be speculated upon.

The human brain is the strangest hunk of cytoplasm in the natural world. Look what people do, which no other species even consider doing.

RIP lady. I hope you had a good life.

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