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Spike in Google searches from confused Brits suggest many had no idea why they Brexited


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Critical separation votes such as this should require a 10% majority margin to pass lest many in the 'win' camp wake up the next day similar to the morning after being rather reckless at a heady party and realise 'oh sh|t, what have I done'....

This was a referendum 'primarily' based on fear of immigrants if we're being honest.

The 'Farage/Trumpification' pied-piper tactics appealing to the base fears of a slight majority of reactionary simpletons and ageing xenophobes wins the day (but at a tremendous cost which is yet to be fully revealed and could well be a catalyst for a domino effect weakening western societies further).

Hasten to add, ironically the real 'winner' here in a weakened, divided and fearful western civilizations is ISIS and their ilk. Congrats Farage/Trump et al.

So it appears your a communist who doesnt believe in democracy and majority vote then ? Why 10%, why not 20% or 30%...you fit in well with the lot in Brussels

Sour grapes get over it....you lost in a democratic vote...the people have spoken

Are you calling Nigel Farage, the leader of the Brexit movement, a commie?

"ICYMI – last month he [Farage] announced that he would fight for a second referendum on Britain in Europe if the remain campaign won by a narrow margin.

Calling a small defeat for his leave camp ‘unfinished business’, he predicted a second referendum on Europe.

Back then, he told the Mirror: ‘In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.’


The referendum ...any referendum.

I have felt that it should be a clear mandate for change whether it be leaving the EU or or Scotland leaving the Union or any other issue that is put to a referendum, a simple majority only leaves bickering over the results.

Just look at Scotland, the SNP did not get their way, so lets keep having referendums until we get the right result, of course if Sturgeon holds another Referendum and they vote to leave the Union do you think she would agree when told many of those who voted to leave have changed their mind and want another referendum?

I voted Remain and accept the result even though it is likely to affect my income as a sole trader who will be of retiring age in the next 5 years at this time things do not look good with recession looming.

But I still think on such issues the vote for change should be 66.7% whatever we are voting for, even if it is a vote to rejoin the EU.

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This was a referendum 'primarily' based on fear of immigrants if we're being honest.

Differing Priorities

Prospective voters were asked, Which, if any, issues will be very important to you in helping to decide which way to vote?

The impact on Britain's economy:

Remain: 41%

Leave: 18%

The number of immigrants coming into Britain

Remain: 14%

Leave 52%


So it's all Merkel's fault.

Seems like they threw the baby out with the water.

Now everyone around the globe is paying for it. I thought it was normally the Americans that reaped world havoc with their rushed ad hoc decisions and whatnot!

Australia's been dealing with British immigration since the 1880's and you whining little buggers can't deal with 1 or 2 people lobbing up for 2 or 3 years. RAFLAO. Bloody soap Dodgers.

Best way to solve this issue is with a war, I'm suggesting Australia declares war on Great Britain immediately. It about time we taught you some lessons outside the crickey arena. :D

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This was a referendum 'primarily' based on fear of immigrants if we're being honest.

Differing Priorities

Prospective voters were asked, Which, if any, issues will be very important to you in helping to decide which way to vote?

The impact on Britain's economy:

Remain: 41%

Leave: 18%

The number of immigrants coming into Britain

Remain: 14%

Leave 52%


So it's all Merkel's fault.

Seems like they threw the baby out with the water.

Now everyone around the globe is paying for it. I thought it was normally the Americans that reaped world havoc with their rushed ad hoc decisions and whatnot!

Australia's been dealing with British immigration since the 1880's and you whining little buggers can't deal with 1 or 2 people lobbing up for 2 or 3 years. RAFLAO. Bloody soap Dodgers.

Best way to solve this issue is with a war, I'm suggesting Australia declares war on Great Britain immediately. It about time we taught you some lessons outside the crickey arena. biggrin.png

So how's our Ozzies cousins doing in the rugby? tongue.png

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errr... one important detail is missing in the article: did the search queries come from the UK?

Yes they did, google announced a massive increase. I saw it in FB link.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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For years now we've been letting you win sir because we feel sorry for you living in such a cold dark dingy space while we bask in tropical paradise.

Should have left the convicts in the mother country and sailed to oz urselves, I hear you say 555555

Plunging world stock markets and currencies onto turmoil right in the middle of a world financial 'depression' isn't really the brightest thing to do but ur Ozzie cousins understand you just need a beating as a collective group (Again). :D


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Folk these days seem generally stupid. If you don't know what you're voting for, perhaps either educate ones self or don't vote.

I'm sure it's got to do with being spoon fed technology all. The time and wandering the streets staring into bleeding iPhone es and the like, people seem to have lost their smarts.

The best thing to come out of Great Britian was Australians. biggrin.png

Who needs smarts when you have a smartphone thumbsup.gif

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Folk these days seem generally stupid. If you don't know what you're voting for, perhaps either educate ones self or don't vote.

I'm sure it's got to do with being spoon fed technology all. The time and wandering the streets staring into bleeding iPhone es and the like, people seem to have lost their smarts.

The best thing to come out of Great Britian was Australians. biggrin.png

Who needs smarts when you have a smartphone thumbsup.gif


I'm too stupid to work the damn things. I just want to make a telephone call but there's no flaming buttons to press.

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Petition is at 2.76 M for another vote.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

And its already been suggested (on another thread) that its those who voted brexit that are signing this petition rolleyes.gif !
I was sent a link, with 1 item saying they voted leave as a protest. We didn't expect to win. Or we felt lied to


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Petition is at 2.76 M for another vote.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

And its already been suggested (on another thread) that its those who voted brexit that are signing this petition rolleyes.gif !
I was sent a link, with 1 item saying they voted leave as a protest. We didn't expect to win. Or we felt lied to


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There may possibly be a few brexit voters that have signed the petition - but its ridiculous not to think that the VAST majority are those who lost the referendum!

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Articles like this and many others annoy me suggesting that adults can't make their own informed decision. Also because they voted differently from someone lese they are undedicated. rubbish those are say this are undedicated.

The people of the UK against the unions the main political party leaders voted leave because they have had enough of the EU plain and simple.

The mainstream media after the vote have been disgraceful and should be ashamed of themselves trying to cause panic. All the could, maybe, might, possibly, potential happen is here say.

I had friends and family who voted remain and the majority told me that they were scared what could happen from all the TV and news.

People are not stupid whichever way they vote They know what they want, so articles like this belong in one of two places the bin or toilet.

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Petition is at 2.76 M for another vote.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

A petition is hardly a credible way of voicing the way after a democratically referendum just two days later. Stop making me laughcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You can easily sign up multitude times, so this really is ridiculous. Those people should get on with live and prepare for getting out the shambles of the EU and start acting maturely and not like children who have had a toy taken away.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Petition is at 2.76 M for another vote.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

And its already been suggested (on another thread) that its those who voted brexit that are signing this petition rolleyes.gif !

They did not know what they they were voting for???

Sorry for stabbing Gibraltar and Eire in the back???

Just a protest vote, wanted remain to win, did not realise so many would vote the same way???

We were only joking...

P.S. I would gladly sign a petition if Europe were to negotiate reform of itself, "Back to Basics" disbanding the, the European Courts, The European Parliament, The uncontrolled free movement citizens, and were to revert back to a free trade organisation.

And start by sacking Junkers...

Edited by Basil B
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Those who voted out now want to know what they voted for... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

How gullible are you?

There is no way to know who was googling, and their votes in the referendum.

But some like to pretend that they know it was the brexiters rolleyes.gif .

I believe he's referring to the Huffington Post link.

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Petition is at 2.76 M for another vote.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

And its already been suggested (on another thread) that its those who voted brexit that are signing this petition rolleyes.gif !

They did not know what they they were voting for???

Sorry for stabbing Gibraltar and Eire in the back???

Just a protest vote, wanted remain to win, did not realise so many would vote the same way???

We were only joking...

P.S. I would gladly sign a petition if Europe were to negotiate reform of itself, "Back to Basics" disbanding the, the European Courts, The European Parliament, The uncontrolled free movement citizens, and were to revert back to a free trade organisation.

And start by sacking Junkers...

On Dateline London. The German London correspondent said that Junkers is a marked man. Quite a decent program this week.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Those who voted out now want to know what they voted for... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

How gullible are you?

There is no way to know who was googling, and their votes in the referendum.

But some like to pretend that they know it was the brexiters rolleyes.gif .

What is clear it was the young and the educated who voted for remain.

Still recall a woman who voted Brexit being interviewed for the local news, reminded me of Eddie Yates from "Keeping up Appearances", straight out of "Benefits Street, (surprised they got her out of bed for the interview), complaining that she could not get a job because of all the immigrants.

Edited by Basil B
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