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‘No need to be nasty’ Merkel wants clear-headed Brexit talks


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swiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

Exactly! And the UK is far better placed to plough it's own furrow than Swizerland or any other non-EU European country.

Only in your mind....

As well as not being able to read a simple graph, you can't even spell Switzerland!

I rest my case.

you made a very strong case ........................ right

I think I missed it

His case rests on me making a typo :D .

Oh, and his inability to interpret a graph of Sterling against Baht post-Brexit poll. But that's from a different thread so I'm not sure why he's brought the matter up here.

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attachicon.gifswiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

You forgot to mention that Switzerland has free movement of labour, pays a huge amount to the EU for the privilege of using the single market, has to adhere to all single market regulations. Is that what you voted for?

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attachicon.gifswiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

The EU hierarchy have already told use we will not get the same deal, if they will not play ball you can not make them.

and we are hearing that from mouth pieces like Tusk and Junker (couldn't be arsed looking for the correct spelling) and the other mouth piece is the German finance minister, I think you will find things might turn out somewhat different from what these bullies are spewing, they honestly need to shut the .........up, are they alone going to decide the outcome of UK EU negotiations ..............they seem to think so, even Merkel has told them to shut their big mouths

It is not Cameron and neither it is the British people that voted leave that are to blame for this debacle, it is these power hungry fascists who think they own the EU

I keep trying to explain to people that Germany lone have a net trade balance with us of $50+ Billion dollars in their favour.

You think Merkel is going to try and make life difficult?

Junker is talking out of his ar$e and can basically get stuffed.

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Merkel clearly wants a negotiation, not an exit.

Eagerly watching what she proposes…it's quite a tightrope for her….if she gives the UK what it wants and they stay on, then everyone will be voting LEAVE for a sweeter deal.

Either way, the genie is out of the bottle now.

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attachicon.gifswiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

The EU hierarchy have already told use we will not get the same deal, if they will not play ball you can not make them.

and we are hearing that from mouth pieces like Tusk and Junker (couldn't be arsed looking for the correct spelling) and the other mouth piece is the German finance minister, I think you will find things might turn out somewhat different from what these bullies are spewing, they honestly need to shut the .........up, are they alone going to decide the outcome of UK EU negotiations ..............they seem to think so, even Merkel has told them to shut their big mouths

It is not Cameron and neither it is the British people that voted leave that are to blame for this debacle, it is these power hungry fascists who think they own the EU

I keep trying to explain to people that Germany lone have a net trade balance with us of $50+ Billion dollars in their favour.

You think Merkel is going to try and make life difficult?

Junker is talking out of his ar$e and can basically get stuffed.

Strange who some people cannot comprehend this

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What about a vote to see if England wants to keep Scotland ,more money I spent on a Scottish person than an English

Don't be silly, we would have to find another perennial victim of the wicked English then!
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I posted this yesterday.

Merkel will tell the headless EU chickens exactly what is going to happen.

And that will NOT involve scuppering Germany's massive amount of exports to the EU.

Some people need to sit back and relax and have a:


Where did you get the 'Murphys' Sarge?

Sarge? Sarge? You mean Flight Sergeant!

Colour Boy...

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