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Forty drivers from the Peace of Taxi Network drove en-masse from Poipet to Siem Reap yesterday to protest against border officials, who they claim levy unofficial fines against them for the routine passage of goods between Thailand and Cambodia. A convoy of 29 taxis adorned with banners made its way along the drivers’ regular route into Siem Reap province and Peace of Taxi Network President Ung Thap Raing said the purpose of the protest was to demand a stop to official extortion and harassment, as well as the return of vehicles which were illegitimately seized earlier this year.

“We proceeded from Poipet to Siem Reap province. Our purpose was for a peaceful expression of our views on this road as a message to mobile customs officials because of the difficulty we have met on this road. The customs officials always suppress us by extorting money from us and we are only transporting domestic goods,” Mr. Thap Raing said. “The protest had three main purposes. First, we wanted two vehicles seized on April 24 and May 13 back. Second, we want the mobile officials to stop chasing our group on the public roads because it can be dangerous.

“And third, we want the officials to stop taking the unofficial fee of 20,000 riel ($5) per day or $150 per month,” he said, adding that the fees were being pocketed and now receipts were issued. The vehicle seized on May 13 is at the center of controversy surrounding the Poipet border checkpoint. It was impounded after its driver, Peace of Taxi Network member Pek Chanra, was allegedly physically assaulted by customs officer Rath Vireak.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/26582/drivers-protest-border-extortion/


So now they protest hey,,,what about the people protesting about Taxi Drivers for Years for Their Ripoffs ,,,,,Now the shoe is on the Other foot,,,,,

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