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Gov’t rights body issues new propaganda video criticizing US, Italy, France

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The Cambodian Human Rights Committee’s latest propaganda video released yesterday appears to condone the harsh measures US police took against “Black Lives Matter” protesters.

The clip, produced by the government body and titled Civil Rights: Violation of Other People’s Rights, features photos of police cracking down on protesters in France, Italy and the US.

The video includes a picture of white cops – one smiling – manhandling a black man in Baltimore who was pepper-sprayed and dragged to the ground by his hair for protesting black deaths in police custody.

read more http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/govt-rights-body-issues-new-propaganda-video


First you say it is a video criticizing Western countries for their handling of mob violence...then you say the video appears to condone the forceful police action...which is it?

Most would find it disingenuous of Cambodia to point out another country's faults...considering the history of near genocide of Cambodians by their own leadership...

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