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Little England and not-so-Great-Britain


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That is exactly what I am not saying.

Comodities with an "Iflexible demand curve" are those that we buy regardless of price, usually the absolute essentials we need to live.

The UK must buy food and energy from overseas and is now doing so with a weakend currency, the result will be inflation in the essential food people need and anything that requires energy to produce or transport.

Guess who will be hardest hit by inflation ?!

And what I am saying is that we are paying a king's ransom 'over the odds' for these goods because of our membership of the EU. Once we are free of the EU burden, we will be free to negotiate much better deals, particularly on foodstuffs from the world market, and thus prices will tumble.

my brothers company situated in London sends two articulated lorries per day to France to buy French vegetables, since the pound has fallen he is paying over the top for the produce as he has to pay in Euro's, he passes this increase on to his customers.

That's a nice anecdote reflecting today's currency situation, but what does it have to do with prices negotiated through future EU-free trade agreements?

... more interestingly - what has it got to do with the prices that will be negotiated by an independent UK with other supplying countries.?

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We can buy foodstuffs from anywhere in the world under any trade agreements we can negotiate post-brexit.

you can but if the pound is weak world wide (which it doesn't have to be) then you are still getting an expensive deal plus energy costs due to greater distances traveled. Trade agreements wont affect food as i would have thought that importers would bargain privately with suppliers. The UK used to get a lot of its food from Australia and New Zealand,traditional markets for lamb and wool, whether they can be revived i don't know, i presume they also have found other outlets for their produce. Whatever, when one reads about the amount of food wasted it's obvious that food is too cheap.

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We can buy foodstuffs from anywhere in the world under any trade agreements we can negotiate post-brexit.

you can but if the pound is weak world wide (which it doesn't have to be) then you are still getting an expensive deal plus energy costs due to greater distances traveled. Trade agreements wont affect food as i would have thought that importers would bargain privately with suppliers. The UK used to get a lot of its food from Australia and New Zealand,traditional markets for lamb and wool, whether they can be revived i don't know, i presume they also have found other outlets for their produce. Whatever, when one reads about the amount of food wasted it's obvious that food is too cheap.

A lot of truth in what you say about wastage and over-production. NZ will probably get more from UK for it's meat than the current deals they have with China.

The weak pound is temporary and caused by the vacillations of the useless politicians. Here's hoping TM will invoke article 50 tomorrow and let's get this show on the road......

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We can buy foodstuffs from anywhere in the world under any trade agreements we can negotiate post-brexit.

you can but if the pound is weak world wide (which it doesn't have to be) then you are still getting an expensive deal plus energy costs due to greater distances traveled. Trade agreements wont affect food as i would have thought that importers would bargain privately with suppliers. The UK used to get a lot of its food from Australia and New Zealand,traditional markets for lamb and wool, whether they can be revived i don't know, i presume they also have found other outlets for their produce. Whatever, when one reads about the amount of food wasted it's obvious that food is too cheap.

Transport is cheaper from China to the UK than it is from Germany to the UK.

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since the EU isn't communist i assume that the EU farmers will charge a rate for their produce that gives them a profit,it wont be affected by trade agreements.If the pound remains weak then obviously the produce will be more expensive in pounds.

Alternatively, if they want too much for their produce, we won't buy it and they can sit and watch it rot.

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the food argument is silly -- look in the supermarket and you'll see food from UK, EU, Chile, even Thailand -- there is no reason to think that losing the EU element will hurt

The food argument is not about supply, its about inflation caused by the drop in the value of Sterling that has come about due to Brexit.

The inflation will cause hardship for people on low incomes (who comprise most of the Brexit vote).

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the food argument is silly -- look in the supermarket and you'll see food from UK, EU, Chile, even Thailand -- there is no reason to think that losing the EU element will hurt

I used to love a Sunday roast with Argentine beef. It was the cheapest meat you could buy at the time. Argentine beef used to be for poor people, those that couldn't afford to buy chicken. I'd actually forgotten the EU put a stop to it, I would vote out just for them doing that.

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I can see from your grammar that you're not British. What's your birth country?

I see the ugliness of your nationalism is breaking out.

You tell me what you think my birth country is and then enlighten me on why you think that matter?!

Rather (unintentionally ) ironic wouldn't you say?

Accusing someone ( a Briton) of displaying ugly nationalism in a thread whose title is itself a sneering play on the United Kingdoms geographical name!

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I can see from your grammar that you're not British. What's your birth country?

I see the ugliness of your nationalism is breaking out.

You tell me what you think my birth country is and then enlighten me on why you think that matter?!

Actually, it's my concern about your eagerness to denigrate the UK and for it to remain a vassal of the EU that had me wondering about your own nationality.

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I can see from your grammar that you're not British. What's your birth country?

I see the ugliness of your nationalism is breaking out.

You tell me what you think my birth country is and then enlighten me on why you think that matter?!

Actually, it's my concern about your eagerness to denigrate the UK and for it to remain a vassal of the EU that had me wondering about your own nationality.

German, clearly German.

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I can see from your grammar that you're not British. What's your birth country?

I see the ugliness of your nationalism is breaking out.

You tell me what you think my birth country is and then enlighten me on why you think that matter?!

Rather (unintentionally ) ironic wouldn't you say?

Accusing someone ( a Briton) of displaying ugly nationalism in a thread whose title is itself a sneering play on the United Kingdoms geographical name!

It's used all the time against us by assorted EU nationalists: 'You Brits.....<fill in desired insult and follow with accusation of nationalism/zenophobia>' :D

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the food argument is silly -- look in the supermarket and you'll see food from UK, EU, Chile, even Thailand -- there is no reason to think that losing the EU element will hurt

The food argument is not about supply, its about inflation caused by the drop in the value of Sterling that has come about due to Brexit.

The inflation will cause hardship for people on low incomes (who comprise most of the Brexit vote).

The UK food price index can be compared to the world index here....



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The inflation will cause hardship for people on low incomes (who comprise most of the Brexit vote).

According to you and a few lefty media reports. Is anyone in the UK actually hungry? I've not seen it.

All the people on low incomes I've seen, still seem to afford a full Sky package with sports. Not to mention being able to smoke and drink down the pub every day. I wasn't ever 'low income' but strangely I couldn't spend like that every day.

I sometimes wonder if I wouldn't have been happier in the UK as low income, but with no housing responsibilities, no schooling fees and no university fees to worry about. Not having to push the kids all the time or help with homework or get them to school on time.

Edited by MissAndry
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I can see from your grammar that you're not British. What's your birth country?

I see the ugliness of your nationalism is breaking out.

You tell me what you think my birth country is and then enlighten me on why you think that matter?!

Rather (unintentionally ) ironic wouldn't you say?

Accusing someone ( a Briton) of displaying ugly nationalism in a thread whose title is itself a sneering play on the United Kingdoms geographical name!

I did not start the thread so cannot answer for the choice of title.

I certainly can see no excuse for ugly nationalism on the basis of the title of the topic it appears under.

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I can see from your grammar that you're not British. What's your birth country?

I see the ugliness of your nationalism is breaking out.

You tell me what you think my birth country is and then enlighten me on why you think that matter?!

Actually, it's my concern about your eagerness to denigrate the UK and for it to remain a vassal of the EU that had me wondering about your own nationality.

Another of your nationalist arguments.

That I disagree with you on what I regard as the best future for the UK does not constitute denigration of the UK.

Your side arguments around guessing my nationality do however tesemble the trolling you ate so concerned about.

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The inflation will cause hardship for people on low incomes (who comprise most of the Brexit vote).

According to you and a few lefty media reports. Is anyone in the UK actually hungry? I've not seen it.

All the people on low incomes I've seen, still seem to afford a full Sky package with sports. Not to mention being able to smoke and drink down the pub every day. I wasn't ever 'low income' but strangely I couldn't spend like that every day.

I sometimes wonder if I wouldn't have been happier in the UK as low income, but with no housing responsibilities, no schooling fees and no university fees to worry about. Not having to push the kids all the time or help with homework or get them to school on time.

The Daily Mail and the Telegraph are not 'lefty media'



Even if the agree with the BBC, Oxfam and the Independant




That you personally have not seen hunger in the UK does not mean it does not exist.

The sand bucket is in the corner if you wish to bury your head.

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Take the focus off the UK - now that we have a PM who might actually *do* something -- but look at the EU. The IMF are forecasting a reduction in growth, the Italian banking system is in need of serious cash, Greece still owes more than it can ever hope to repay, and Deutsche Bank have been asking for cash. French Farmers continue to cause major disruption every time there's something from brussels that they don't like. The Euro has been down against the USdollar for 2 years now. The only countries joining the EU now are takers - not contributors. Why on earth does *any* country stay in there ?? ---- It's because the politicians want their fat salaries and pensions, and most of all - they want POWER

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the food argument is silly -- look in the supermarket and you'll see food from UK, EU, Chile, even Thailand -- there is no reason to think that losing the EU element will hurt

The food argument is not about supply, its about inflation caused by the drop in the value of Sterling that has come about due to Brexit.

The inflation will cause hardship for people on low incomes (who comprise most of the Brexit vote).

The UK food price index can be compared to the world index here....



Historical data is not much use in guessing the future when by the admition of the Brexit leaders (just before they fled the scene) there is no plan.

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The inflation will cause hardship for people on low incomes (who comprise most of the Brexit vote).

According to you and a few lefty media reports. Is anyone in the UK actually hungry? I've not seen it.

All the people on low incomes I've seen, still seem to afford a full Sky package with sports. Not to mention being able to smoke and drink down the pub every day. I wasn't ever 'low income' but strangely I couldn't spend like that every day.

I sometimes wonder if I wouldn't have been happier in the UK as low income, but with no housing responsibilities, no schooling fees and no university fees to worry about. Not having to push the kids all the time or help with homework or get them to school on time.

The Daily Mail and the Telegraph are not 'lefty media'



Even if the agree with the BBC, Oxfam and the Independant




That you personally have not seen hunger in the UK does not mean it does not exist.

The sand bucket is in the corner if you wish to bury your head.

It is so boring to see people basing their opinions on the spoutings of journalists - a life-form vying for the bottom of the pond with politicians.

Telegraph is canadian, Mail is Mr Murdoch -- they only report what is good for their respective businesses.....

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That you personally have not seen hunger in the UK does not mean it does not exist.

Until May, I was living in England. When did you last live there? If ever?

I've reported all these personal attacks. Hopefully they will be removed.

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the food argument is silly -- look in the supermarket and you'll see food from UK, EU, Chile, even Thailand -- there is no reason to think that losing the EU element will hurt

The food argument is not about supply, its about inflation caused by the drop in the value of Sterling that has come about due to Brexit.

The inflation will cause hardship for people on low incomes (who comprise most of the Brexit vote).

The UK food price index can be compared to the world index here....



Historical data is not much use in guessing the future when by the admition of the Brexit leaders (just before they fled the scene) there is no plan.

Does anybody in this debate have access to data from the future in order to help GuestHouse out???

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The inflation will cause hardship for people on low incomes (who comprise most of the Brexit vote).

According to you and a few lefty media reports. Is anyone in the UK actually hungry? I've not seen it.

All the people on low incomes I've seen, still seem to afford a full Sky package with sports. Not to mention being able to smoke and drink down the pub every day. I wasn't ever 'low income' but strangely I couldn't spend like that every day.

I sometimes wonder if I wouldn't have been happier in the UK as low income, but with no housing responsibilities, no schooling fees and no university fees to worry about. Not having to push the kids all the time or help with homework or get them to school on time.

The Daily Mail and the Telegraph are not 'lefty media'



Even if the agree with the BBC, Oxfam and the Independant




That you personally have not seen hunger in the UK does not mean it does not exist.

The sand bucket is in the corner if you wish to bury your head.

It is so boring to see people basing their opinions on the spoutings of journalists - a life-form vying for the bottom of the pond with politicians.

Telegraph is canadian, Mail is Mr Murdoch -- they only report what is good for their respective businesses.....

Mainstream media is usually subject to some sort of fact checking and often called out on it when wrong so is a valid source to get information on from which to form an opinion. Your post on the other hand only has two facts stated both of which look to be incorrect.

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According to you and a few lefty media reports. Is anyone in the UK actually hungry? I've not seen it.

All the people on low incomes I've seen, still seem to afford a full Sky package with sports. Not to mention being able to smoke and drink down the pub every day. I wasn't ever 'low income' but strangely I couldn't spend like that every day.

I sometimes wonder if I wouldn't have been happier in the UK as low income, but with no housing responsibilities, no schooling fees and no university fees to worry about. Not having to push the kids all the time or help with homework or get them to school on time.

The Daily Mail and the Telegraph are not 'lefty media'



Even if the agree with the BBC, Oxfam and the Independant




That you personally have not seen hunger in the UK does not mean it does not exist.

The sand bucket is in the corner if you wish to bury your head.

It is so boring to see people basing their opinions on the spoutings of journalists - a life-form vying for the bottom of the pond with politicians.

Telegraph is canadian, Mail is Mr Murdoch -- they only report what is good for their respective businesses.....

Mainstream media is usually subject to some sort of fact checking and often called out on it when wrong so is a valid source to get information on from which to form an opinion. Your post on the other hand only has two facts stated both of which look to be incorrect.

I got it from Wikipedia -- sorry to say. If you can refute it, please do so and I will own up to being hoisted by my own petard smile.png

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According to you and a few lefty media reports. Is anyone in the UK actually hungry? I've not seen it.
All the people on low incomes I've seen, still seem to afford a full Sky package with sports. Not to mention being able to smoke and drink down the pub every day. I wasn't ever 'low income' but strangely I couldn't spend like that every day.
I sometimes wonder if I wouldn't have been happier in the UK as low income, but with no housing responsibilities, no schooling fees and no university fees to worry about. Not having to push the kids all the time or help with homework or get them to school on time.
The Daily Mail and the Telegraph are not 'lefty media'



Even if the agree with the BBC, Oxfam and the Independant




That you personally have not seen hunger in the UK does not mean it does not exist.

The sand bucket is in the corner if you wish to bury your head.

It is so boring to see people basing their opinions on the spoutings of journalists - a life-form vying for the bottom of the pond with politicians.

Telegraph is canadian, Mail is Mr Murdoch -- they only report what is good for their respective businesses.....

Mainstream media is usually subject to some sort of fact checking and often called out on it when wrong so is a valid source to get information on from which to form an opinion. Your post on the other hand only has two facts stated both of which look to be incorrect.

I got it from Wikipedia -- sorry to say. If you can refute it, please do so and I will own up to being hoisted by my own petard smile.png

No problem. Telegraph is controlled by the Barclay brothers - born London but resident in Jersey for 'tax' reasons. Mail is controlled by Viscount Rothermere.
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That you personally have not seen hunger in the UK does not mean it does not exist.

Until May, I was living in England. When did you last live there? If ever?

Two years ago, I've since been out in the world earning money for Britain, and my family who live permanantly in the UK.

This included a spell of research at one of Europe's leading universities in collaboration with the UK's leading university in the field of engineering I work in.Brexiteers may wish to claim this was made difficult by the UK's membership of the EU ;-)

Keep plugging at the guessing GH's nationality, it is both amusing and informative of your own mindset.

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Does anybody in this debate have access to data from the future in order to help GuestHouse out???

It's not me using historical data to predict outcomes for a Brexit that has no plan.

Your attempt to blame the problems of Brexit on people who are critical of Brexit is duly noted.

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