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Little England and not-so-Great-Britain


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My guess is the Brexit referendum will be dragged in to Parliament where it will be stalled, stymied, shoved off to the Lords. I doubt we'll leave based on this referendum. Even if a cogent, acceptable plan is put together, it will likely need to be placed before the people again.

Absolute nonsense.

That is what you may wish for but the PM in waiting has said "Brexit is Brexit" and she is the boss.

Nope. I was a reluctant 'remainer', but have since become a 'leaver with a brain'.

I tell you the first chance Parliament has this will be kicked in to the long grass, whereupon it will slowly be passed hither and thither. There's every justification too- simply no cogent plan. I'd say 50/50 whether Article 50 will even be enacted.

If a sensible strategy does arise, then it will undoubtedly need to be put to the people again to choose. The referendum was short on mandate.

I agree -- there will be attempts to kick this into the long grass and see what wriggling can be done. The majority in the house were remainers, including TM-the-PM, so let's see how she can carry forward the "Brexit is Brexit" mind-set, and how she deals with the house. Her new cabinet will probably be chosen to have a small majority of Brexiters, but the house is what it is and we can only hope that the increases in the FTSE and Sterling in the last few days will encourage some of the waverers to get on the Brexit wagon. Deferring Article 50 till the end of the year is a big mistake, unless there is a deliberate attempt to keep the markets worried and suppressed while remainers gather their forces. TM has to deal with AM sooner than later, and that will be interesting, given AM's stance on Article 50 needing to be enacted quickly so that the rest of the process can get started and not have to be rushed.

We live in interesting times - no matter what view is held, there is grist for the mill in all these forums. In fact it's over-shadowed many other worthy topics like Trump, the Chinese, etc,etc.

Yes, I agree we are now entering the grey mundanity of politics. There might be a few more market hysterics when someone decides there is an opportunity to short, but I reckon we really are back within the grid.

There are only two possible outcomes:

1. UK stays in EU

2. UK leaves with a sane workable plan.

Personally I would prefer the latter.

This is not going to be a barnstormer.

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