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Critics round on Boris Johnson after Gove wields Brexit knife


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Critics round on Boris Johnson after Gove wields Brexit knife
By Alasdair Sandford


"I've realised, in the last few days, that Boris isn't capable of building that team and providing that unity"

LONDON: -- “Take back control”: the slogan was repeated over over again by Michael Gove and Boris Johnson during Britain’s EU referendum campaign and arguably helped tip the balance in many voters’ minds, persuading them to back the UK’s withdrawal.

But with Europe now waiting to hear what the UK’s negotiating position will be in seeking Brexit terms, the united front collapsed as Gove not Johnson said he would run for prime minister – and set out in no uncertain terms why he had turned on his former ally.

Britain’s justice secretary had been expected to back Boris Johnson. “He has character, I don’t,” he said during the campaign.

Gove also said several times that he did not think himself suitable for the country’s top job. “Count me out,” he said in a TV interview.

On Thursday, suddenly, Michael Gove announced that he had changed his mind.

“Boris is an amazing and an impressive person, but, I’ve realised, in the last few days, that Boris isn’t capable of building that team and providing that unity and so I came reluctantly, but firmly, to the conclusion that as someone who argued from the beginning that we should leave the European Union, that I had to stand for the leadership of the Conservative Party,” he told another TV interviewer.

Earlier on Thursday, Boris Johnson’s supporters had gathered anticipating a triumphant announcement that he was to stand for Tory leader.

Instead the man who championed the Brexit cause, and was expected to carry the fight to Brussels, said almost apologetically that he was out of the race.

“My role will be to give every possible support to the next Conservative administration, to make sure were properly fulfill the mandate of the people that was delivered at the referendum, and to champion the agenda I believe in,” Johnson said.

Critics of the former London mayor say he only believed in Brexit to further his own ambition, some portraying him as a reckless opportunist.

At one time seen as pro-immigration and in favour of British membership of the EU, he only came out for the Brexit camp earlier this year and had reportedly written two alternative speeches while he decided which side to back.

By playing such a decisive role in a campaign featuring claims that were hotly contested, Johnson’s opponents accuse him of creating the UK’s biggest crisis in decades, only to abandon ship.

Tory grandee Michael Heseltine launched a scathing attack on Johnson, saying he should answer for the consequences of the campaign to take the UK out of the EU.

“He has ripped the Tory party apart, he has created the biggest constitutional crisis in peacetime in my life,” the former minister under Margaret Thatcher said in an interview with the BBC, adding that he was “like a general who marches his army to the sound of the guns and the moment he sees the battlefield he abandons it.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-01

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Johnson is a fool, no doubt about it.

Save your ire for the real culprit.


Offered a referendum because he:

1. Wanted to head off UKIP

2. Wanted to appease his own backbenchers.

3. Thought he was going to lose the GE or at the very least form another coalition which would have been all that was needed to withdraw the referendum.

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Johnson is a fool, no doubt about it.

Save your ire for the real culprit.


Offered a referendum because he:

1. Wanted to head off UKIP

2. Wanted to appease his own backbenchers.

3. Thought he was going to lose the GE or at the very least form another coalition which would have been all that was needed to withdraw the referendum.

100% agree. History will show that it is all Cameron's fault. His job is to make big decisions. What a w*%^@r.

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Boris Johnson the "lion of Brexit" has popped out as candidate leader of the Conservatives. I could not image how as a later PM he could make a deal with the European Commission which he compared to Hitler building a superstate. Also... I guess he did not know what Napoleon said :" A man can be a coward under only one circumstance ...when he has to run away from a woman"

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Not being a Brit, I find it all a bit amusing. But I did hear one Brit commentator note that Johnson and Cameron have been at each other's throats since they were very young teens at Eton and this is all literally about a 40 year old pissing contest between two egomaniacs (AKA politicians).

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Johnson is a fool, no doubt about it.

Save your ire for the real culprit.


Offered a referendum because he:

1. Wanted to head off UKIP

2. Wanted to appease his own backbenchers.

3. Thought he was going to lose the GE or at the very least form another coalition which would have been all that was needed to withdraw the referendum.

Spot on! And now Boris sees the job ahead too difficult for him so, pull out. Watch out in the future though when things are "easier" ie others have done the hard work. he will surface again.

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Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

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Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

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Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

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Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

95% of UK politicians are clowns, unfair to single any of them out. It might be better to focus on the 5% and find some names and try and get them into positions of relative power.

I am led to believe that Johnson has given up Politics and will become the editor of a fairly large newspaper in November.

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Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

95% of UK politicians are clowns, unfair to single any of them out. It might be better to focus on the 5% and find some names and try and get them into positions of relative power.

I am led to believe that Johnson has given up Politics and will become the editor of a fairly large newspaper in November.

He already does a column for the Telegraph which reportedly pays 250,000 Pounds p.a. so is he moving up the ranks there ?

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Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

95% of UK politicians are clowns, unfair to single any of them out. It might be better to focus on the 5% and find some names and try and get them into positions of relative power.

I am led to believe that Johnson has given up Politics and will become the editor of a fairly large newspaper in November.

Every nation gets the government it deserves, Joseph de Maistre Does't say much for us then does it?

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On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

95% of UK politicians are clowns, unfair to single any of them out. It might be better to focus on the 5% and find some names and try and get them into positions of relative power.

I am led to believe that Johnson has given up Politics and will become the editor of a fairly large newspaper in November.

Every nation gets the government it deserves, Joseph de Maistre Does't say much for us then does it?

No it does not. I do not know how many times I have to say this.

Front runner in the race for PM is Theresa May. Google Theresa May and G4S and make draw your own conclusions.

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I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

95% of UK politicians are clowns, unfair to single any of them out. It might be better to focus on the 5% and find some names and try and get them into positions of relative power.

I am led to believe that Johnson has given up Politics and will become the editor of a fairly large newspaper in November.

He already does a column for the Telegraph which reportedly pays 250,000 Pounds p.a. so is he moving up the ranks there ?

I believe that is the one.

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The more I think of it the more I se Gove as a plant for the Remain and was a Chameleon waiting to strike if needed and did he! Supporting Johnson all the way, right to the end and 5 minutes before 'pulling the plug' is not only suspicious but spineless. As Education minister he was the worst minister ever. He has always been a friend of Cameron and will continue to be. Even though he won't be prime minister I expect him to get a top post from Theresa may who I believe will win nor Johnson is out of the race. These political parties and the ruling establishment do not just back one side. They always have a plan B and Michael Gove was just that. Another sad turn display for politics.

As one positive for me, is that I hope the people of the UK, can see through this charade. The rise of UKIP could happen because of this blatant 'Benny Hill show'.

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I don't think even the Tory Party are stupid enough to elect Gove as their leader. So now we will have a situation where the two clowns who led the Brexit campaign are shunted aside and the next PM will be someone who was in favour of staying in the EU. Hopefully the gutless Johnson will observe a long period of silence but that would be wishful thinking.

95% of UK politicians are clowns, unfair to single any of them out. It might be better to focus on the 5% and find some names and try and get them into positions of relative power.

I am led to believe that Johnson has given up Politics and will become the editor of a fairly large newspaper in November.

Every nation gets the government it deserves, Joseph de Maistre Does't say much for us then does it?

No it does not. I do not know how many times I have to say this.

Front runner in the race for PM is Theresa May. Google Theresa May and G4S and make draw your own conclusions.

You claim that 95% of UK politicians are clowns begs the question, just who it is you think elects them?

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The more I think of it the more I se Gove as a plant for the Remain and was a Chameleon waiting to strike if needed and did he! Supporting Johnson all the way, right to the end and 5 minutes before 'pulling the plug' is not only suspicious but spineless. As Education minister he was the worst minister ever. He has always been a friend of Cameron and will continue to be. Even though he won't be prime minister I expect him to get a top post from Theresa may who I believe will win nor Johnson is out of the race. These political parties and the ruling establishment do not just back one side. They always have a plan B and Michael Gove was just that. Another sad turn display for politics.

As one positive for me, is that I hope the people of the UK, can see through this charade. The rise of UKIP could happen because of this blatant 'Benny Hill show'.

Not going to happen.

People in the main are either apolitical or they are too deeply entrenched in their favoured party to see past the end of their noses.

Party Politics is a method of dividing the masses. Works perfectly, especially in the UK.

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95% of UK politicians are clowns, unfair to single any of them out. It might be better to focus on the 5% and find some names and try and get them into positions of relative power.

I am led to believe that Johnson has given up Politics and will become the editor of a fairly large newspaper in November.

Every nation gets the government it deserves, Joseph de Maistre Does't say much for us then does it?

No it does not. I do not know how many times I have to say this.

Front runner in the race for PM is Theresa May. Google Theresa May and G4S and make draw your own conclusions.

You claim that 95% of UK politicians are clowns begs the question, just who it is you think elects them?

Have you ever seen '' None of the above '' on a ballot paper ?

Who elects them does not refute my assertion that 95% of them are clowns.

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No it does not. I do not know how many times I have to say this.

Front runner in the race for PM is Theresa May. Google Theresa May and G4S and make draw your own conclusions.

You claim that 95% of UK politicians are clowns begs the question, just who it is you think elects them?

Have you ever seen '' None of the above '' on a ballot paper ?

Who elects them does not refute my assertion that 95% of them are clowns.

So apparently none of the above elects the 95% of politicians who are clowns, good one.

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Like many others I'm convinced Boris tried to use Brexit as a vehicle for his own ambitions especially getting into No.10 without having to wait for Cameron's term in office to end years down the track. I'm delighted it backfired big time but as others have pointed out he's an opportunist politician who will simply wait for the next appropriate time and carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

As for Gove wouldn't it be nice, and most appropriate, if his constituency party withdrew their support, told him he wasn't wanted and should resign immediately.

I'm no fan of politicians at the best of times and certainly couldn't accept a turd like him standing up in parliament and claiming he represented me.

On a live feed yesterday ( Not digging out the link, but it was the Guardian ) it was reported that only 5 MP's turned up at Gove's leadership bid speech. I have a feeling that he will not garner much support in his leadership bid.

Two things have become very apparent over the course of the last week.

1. All the Tory leadership candidates ( 5 ) have either had to step down from a cabinet role or been involved in financial scandals. In the case of Liam Fox, both apply. Although this is shocking it comes as no surprise, it is nothing more than an indicator of how low Politics has sunk in the UK.

2. During the mass resignation's from the Labour Party, most of the job titles were utterly ridiculous and shows that vast amounts of taxpayers money is being spent on non - jobs within the political system.

The whole political system in the UK, including the party system should be abolished. It is clear that it is not working and should be replaced by something else.

Yeah its called democracy, Winston Churchill acknowledged that it was a terrible system just happened to be a lot better than the alternatives.

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No it does not. I do not know how many times I have to say this.

Front runner in the race for PM is Theresa May. Google Theresa May and G4S and make draw your own conclusions.

You claim that 95% of UK politicians are clowns begs the question, just who it is you think elects them?

Have you ever seen '' None of the above '' on a ballot paper ?

Who elects them does not refute my assertion that 95% of them are clowns.

So apparently none of the above elects the 95% of politicians who are clowns, good one.

Are you still drunk ?

Try that one again in English. Try getting the quotes correct so that I can understand what point it is you are trying to make.

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No it does not. I do not know how many times I have to say this.

Front runner in the race for PM is Theresa May. Google Theresa May and G4S and make draw your own conclusions.

You claim that 95% of UK politicians are clowns begs the question, just who it is you think elects them?

Have you ever seen '' None of the above '' on a ballot paper ?

Who elects them does not refute my assertion that 95% of them are clowns.

So apparently none of the above elects the 95% of politicians who are clowns, good one.

Are you still drunk ?

Try that one again in English. Try getting the quotes correct so that I can understand what point it is you are trying to make.

You are trying to justify your ludicrous statement that 95% of all politicians are clowns when they were elected into office by the voters. So all all you can do is go around in circles trying to justify that stupid statement. If 95% of politicians are clowns. In fact it would be interesting to see a list of those you don't consider clowns.

Edited by pitrevie
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There are always political nonentities having a go at politicians from some Olympian platform they have put themselves on as if they are above the fray, but they are nothing of the sort of course.

I am not 100% sure in this post-Brexit vote period why Boris seemingly folded his tent so easily. Didn't he fancy his chances campaigning against the others? There are months to go for the candidates to do their thing.

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So apparently none of the above elects the 95% of politicians who are clowns, good one.

Are you still drunk ?

Try that one again in English. Try getting the quotes correct so that I can understand what point it is you are trying to make.

You are trying to justify your ludicrous statement that 95% of all politicians are clowns when they were elected into office by the voters. So all all you can do is go around in circles trying to justify that stupid statement. If 95% of politicians are clowns.

I am not trying to justify anything. I made a statement that I believe 95% of UK politicians are clowns.

If you wish to refute that, go right ahead and refute it providing examples of why you refute it.

I am not disputing that they are elected by the voters. The voters can only vote for who is put on the ballot paper, they do not get a '' None of the above '' option.

Further proof, if any were needed that the complete political system in the UK needs shredding and started again.

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So apparently none of the above elects the 95% of politicians who are clowns, good one.

Are you still drunk ?

Try that one again in English. Try getting the quotes correct so that I can understand what point it is you are trying to make.

You are trying to justify your ludicrous statement that 95% of all politicians are clowns when they were elected into office by the voters. So all all you can do is go around in circles trying to justify that stupid statement. If 95% of politicians are clowns.

I am not trying to justify anything. I made a statement that I believe 95% of UK politicians are clowns.

If you wish to refute that, go right ahead and refute it providing examples of why you refute it.

I am not disputing that they are elected by the voters. The voters can only vote for who is put on the ballot paper, they do not get a '' None of the above '' option.

Further proof, if any were needed that the complete political system in the UK needs shredding and started again.

There was a referendum in 2011 to change the UK voting system and it 'er lost.

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So apparently none of the above elects the 95% of politicians who are clowns, good one.

Are you still drunk ?

Try that one again in English. Try getting the quotes correct so that I can understand what point it is you are trying to make.

You are trying to justify your ludicrous statement that 95% of all politicians are clowns when they were elected into office by the voters. So all all you can do is go around in circles trying to justify that stupid statement. If 95% of politicians are clowns.

I am not trying to justify anything. I made a statement that I believe 95% of UK politicians are clowns.

If you wish to refute that, go right ahead and refute it providing examples of why you refute it.

I am not disputing that they are elected by the voters. The voters can only vote for who is put on the ballot paper, they do not get a '' None of the above '' option.

Further proof, if any were needed that the complete political system in the UK needs shredding and started again.

Another ludicrous statement from you. You are not forced to make a choice in any election in fact there is nothing stopping anyone standing themselves as an independent. It is the usual practice that anyone making a positive assertion needs to back it up with some facts. You made the assertion that 95% of politicians are clowns with absolutely nothing to back up that statement. However like many on here fond of making nonsensical statements long lists of unsubstantiated claims etc you then ask others do that for you.

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Are you still drunk ?

Try that one again in English. Try getting the quotes correct so that I can understand what point it is you are trying to make.

You are trying to justify your ludicrous statement that 95% of all politicians are clowns when they were elected into office by the voters. So all all you can do is go around in circles trying to justify that stupid statement. If 95% of politicians are clowns.

I am not trying to justify anything. I made a statement that I believe 95% of UK politicians are clowns.

If you wish to refute that, go right ahead and refute it providing examples of why you refute it.

I am not disputing that they are elected by the voters. The voters can only vote for who is put on the ballot paper, they do not get a '' None of the above '' option.

Further proof, if any were needed that the complete political system in the UK needs shredding and started again.

Another ludicrous statement from you. You are not forced to make a choice in any election in fact there is nothing stopping anyone standing themselves as an independent. It is the usual practice that anyone making a positive assertion needs to back it up with some facts. You made the assertion that 95% of politicians are clowns with absolutely nothing to back up that statement. However like many on here fond of making nonsensical statements long lists of unsubstantiated claims etc you then ask others do that for you.

I already backed it up in my previous post.

The 5 candidates vying for the Tory Leader position and the keys to number 10 are ALL party to scandals that should mean that they should be nowhere near politics.

I hardly need to provide a comprehensive list of all politicians that come into that bracket.

I neither have the time or inclination to do so. The list would be very long.

You will have to excuse me for having principles and believing that politicians should be beyond reproach.

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The more I think of it the more I se Gove as a plant for the Remain and was a Chameleon waiting to strike if needed and did he! Supporting Johnson all the way, right to the end and 5 minutes before 'pulling the plug' is not only suspicious but spineless. As Education minister he was the worst minister ever. He has always been a friend of Cameron and will continue to be. Even though he won't be prime minister I expect him to get a top post from Theresa may who I believe will win nor Johnson is out of the race. These political parties and the ruling establishment do not just back one side. They always have a plan B and Michael Gove was just that. Another sad turn display for politics.

As one positive for me, is that I hope the people of the UK, can see through this charade. The rise of UKIP could happen because of this blatant 'Benny Hill show'.

Not going to happen.

People in the main are either apolitical or they are too deeply entrenched in their favoured party to see past the end of their noses.

Party Politics is a method of dividing the masses. Works perfectly, especially in the UK.

As I mention Sgt, I am Hoping, but not expecting. you have a point about dividing the masses and new labour is really old conservatives. There is a small but progressive political shift and 4 million people voted for that, at the last general election.

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